The Lover

She lay back, flat upon the hard surface and let the tears fall wordlessly. She looked up to the ceiling, her vision blurring and clearing with each blink. The only light in the room was dim, hiding the room and hiding her anguish. His fingers pulled the ornately laced panties down and off of her.

“Oh god,” she moaned as he entered her. She bit her lip hard. The pain was there first, catching her breath. And then the waves of pleasures cascaded over her. He pushed again and she clutched the edge of the desk, not wanting to make a sound. She blew through her lips, waiting for the next push. But he was already in, forcing her body to accept his girth. Her body relaxed. She breathed. And he began.


Those eyes are trouble, she thought. It was by chance that she happened to look up from her lunch when he was walking past. Maybe the movement, maybe the unusual colour blue of his tie, caught her attention. Whatever it was, she looked up and continued up his body to meet his gaze.

Fuck, was her next thought. And then she was freed from him as he moved past her. She let her eyes follow him, noting the fine cut of his suit, the deep shine of his shoes, and the way that he walked. Confident. Assured. A leader.

Her co-worker waved her hand, breaking the spell.

“I was asking if you’re done so we can get the bill?”

The woman smiled, feeling unexpectedly embarrassed at having been caught staring at the man. She nodded to Lyra and picked up her drink as an excuse to look around. She found him, sitting at a table with the man and woman that he came in with. And he was looking at her.

She held as long as she could until she felt shy and she looked away. She smiled and looked back but her view was blocked by another group being seated. The waiter arrived and Lyra swiped her room card efficiently.

“Let’s go. The sessions are starting.” She got up and followed her friend through the restaurant. Nearing the exit she turned to look and saw him immediately. Again, he was looking at her, his dark eyes and handsome features visible from across the crowded room. She blushed and looked away.

The sessions were dull and the presenters equally uninteresting. She was happy to have the freedom afterwards to wander around the ballroom, looking at the vendor’s booths. Lyra had left after the sessions having booked her flights earlier. So she wandered around and found herself at an abandoned booth with a handful of colourful flyers left behind.

She tightened up feeling the hand on the small of her back. “Don’t waste your time with Artex. There’s a reason why they leave the conference early.” His voice was rich and deep. She felt it. And she already knew who it was. And when he asked her to dinner, she had already known she would say yes.


Her breasts wobbled with each stroke. And each stroke brought a sensation of fullness that she had never experienced before in her life. And every time that cock left her pussy, she felt a loss that threatened to make her cry.

A pitiful moan escaped her lips as he pulled all the way out. His strong hands took hold of her body and rolled her over. She moved like a rag doll but then she gripped the desk and prepared.

Her long elaborate dress was pushed up and with a stroke, she was full again. She was complete. Her body shaped around his cock, so thick, so full. She was wet beyond compare and ready to fulfill her purpose.


That first night changed her life. Prior to that no longer mattered. The dinner was lovely but his attention was what she was hungry for. They talked, he inquired, she answered. His voice soothed her and aroused her. She didn’t realize how much until she had excused herself to the restroom and had found a slick mess clinging to her pussy. A single exploratory touch brought a gasp and she clamped her hand over her mouth. She felt dizzy for a moment and closed her eyes to calm herself. After a moment she used the tissue to mop up what she could and then returned to the table.


She knew when he was close. He was always quiet but confident. Why wouldn’t he be? He had owned her from that first night. Another tear dropped away from her face.

She hated this.

She needed this.

He called and she found a way to go. Every time. Her shame at her inability to say no to him drove a new wave of pleasure and she came, biting her lip, holding on to the table, doing everything she could to conceal it. But her needy cunt won and told him everything. It spoke in that dark language.


By the end of dinner, she knew she wanted him. She wanted to see him out of that suit, his broad shoulders holding his body above her. She wanted his lips upon her nipples and between her thighs. So when he said… no, when he told her they were going to his room, she again, already knew her answer.


She remembered the first time she saw his cock. It took her breath away to look at it. Erect it was strong. Proud. It was as certain as he was.

She had worked it over with her mouth, getting it wet, so wet. She stroked it and looked up at him and he just looked back with a confident and knowing look. She felt her pussy ache for attention but she knew she needed more time before she would be ready for this.

That first night, when it was all over, she had been transformed. It had been an hour of the most intense, most exhausting sex of her life. She lay on the bed of the room he had booked just for them. And now she was alone, her legs still spread where he had left her, cum pooling on the bed sheets between her legs.

He hadn’t said a word when he dressed and left. There was nothing more to say. When he had entered her he had taken her breath away. She had never felt that before.

She now understood full.

She now understood complete.

She now understood taken.


The time passed in a blur. She was busy with school during the week. And every other weekend, she met with him. He would get a room at the hotel. She would get dressed, she would shave for him. They would have dinner and then go to the room. And he would fuck her.

She would spread her legs for him. She would drop to her knees for him. She was drunk on him. Drunk on his cock.

She risked failing a Monday morning test to be taken by him in the next city over. She took late-night Ubers after the powerful sessions midweek so she could sit uncomfortably in class the next day.

She took no boyfriend, no lover, and no one night stands. He called. She answered.


She wept that first missed weekend. Not for love but for the loss of him, of his attention. She realized how addicted she was to him and what he did to her.

The next weekend she cried an ugly cry.

And when she realized he was gone, she made a point of returning to the world, to focus on her school, to focus on living again.

She was able to forget him. She signed up on Tinder and found that she remembered how to flirt and tease. She was able to have sex with other men. She thought she would have been broken, unable to enjoy the touch of another man. Sex was still wonderful. But there was that place that only he had been able to take her.


The question was an easy one to answer. “Yes,” was her reply and the dates were set. Her finance was handsome, capable and kind. He showed her a love that her lover had never shown her. Her fiance kissed her and she remembered that her lover had never kissed her on the lips.

Her fiance would be gone on business trips, leaving her alone. When her work was done, she’d lay in bed and let her mind drift, and her fingers would play. And sometimes, she thought of her lover, and she would scream and cum hard and harder and harder still. Then she would shower, and wash that memory away.


It was the day. The church was full. It was perfect. They said, “I do,” and left their lives apart behind.


The reception was held at the Hilton. The food was excellent and the DJ had the guests dancing. She was circulating, greeting, meeting, talking, hugging, and shaking hands.

Her husband found her and brought her to meet his father who had just arrived having flown from Europe and been delayed.

Richard beamed with pride, “Amy, this is my father, Brandon. Dad, this is my wife, Amy.”

Brandon smiled, and hugged his daughter-in-law and congratulated his son. She smiled in return and said it was nice to have met him, too. Her eyes lingered on the unusual blue of her father-in-law’s tie.


His final thrust completed the act. Her pussy, controlled by his beck and call as it would always be, was full of him. And, as always, he dressed without speaking to her. He tied his blue tie, and left, leaving her spent, used and alone.

And utterly satisfied.

She lifted herself off the desk, replaced her panties which would soon be soaked, and before returning to the reception, she straightened out her wedding dress.



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