Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 8

[Chapter 1](, [Chapter 2](, [Chapter 3](, [Chapter 4](, [Chapter 5](, [Chapter 6](, [Chapter 7](

“Does my hand bother you?” she asked as she had resumed lightly rubbing his ass and it was only now that she noticed in his struggles that his legs were spread further apart and she could see his scrotum. Josh was quick to reply that not only did it not bother him, but it felt good.

Kelsey grabbed the remote and put on ‘The Two Towers’ and continued to lightly rub his ass as they relaxed and watched. But she couldn’t help wonder what his reaction would be were her hand to ‘accidentally’ brush over his testicles…

The relaxed just like that for quite some time with the movie playing, Josh still draped over Kelsey’s lap while her soft hand gently caressed his bottom. Occasionally her hand would seem to go a little lower, it didn’t seem like it was anything more than just idle caressing.

Josh had never felt so like himself as now. He needed this, he knew that for certain now. They were not even in a romantic relationship, but the control that Kelsey had over him since she caged his cock less than 24 hours ago was enough for him to be absolutely certain that this is what he was to his core. It wasn’t just a collection of kinks, he needed to serve a strong, worthy woman. And Kelsey was certainly that. For the first time, he had crossed some lines with her and though he had been afraid to do so and ruin things between them, he was now more than happy with those decisions. For the first time, he allowed himself to think about having more with Kelsey. More than friendship, and more than playing at being dominant and submissive. She was so perfect in just about every way. Not only did his body ache for her, his heart did now as well. His submissive nature had guided him this far with the person he trusted most in the world, and now his heart was fully on board with whatever may come.

Kelsey too was thinking about them and their relationship and for the first time was thinking about more than friendship seriously. Josh had opened himself up completely to her and that was such a precious gift. It wasn’t just his submission to her, though she absolutely loved that so far, but also how happy it seemed to make him. She had become so close with him and learned so much about him that she found she wanted more. She knew how afraid he was though of ruining their friendship so her desire was tempered a bit by respecting that. She didn’t want to take advantage of him, but she felt so much more for him now with how vulnerable he was willing to be for her. This felt like it could be a far deeper relationship than any she had ever had, and as she explored these surprising dominant desires, she started to feel like she was discovering the piece that had been missing in all of her previous relationships. She decided that she was open to more, far more, with Josh, but would still proceed with caution.

The other side of that caution coin though was her unsatiated arousal. That spanking had done things to her that even now, she wanted to squirm and go and get some relief. Her burgeoning dominant desires wanted to flip Josh onto his back and mount his face. She had to stifle a gasp at that thought, where on Earth had it come from? Still, the desire remained. Spanking Josh had really solidified for her how much she wanted to dominate him. The way they had set up the safe word had been brilliant because once of the hottest things for her during that spanking had been hearing him beg for her to stop, and being free to ignore his pleas, making her feel in absolute control. She knew it was exactly what he wanted as well because he never wavered from answering green for his color. Her arousal had stayed peaked as well as she continued to caress his freshly red ass. So open and vulnerable to her. She could still see his testicles there between his legs and occasionally would bring her hand closer.

She concentrated on that now, on Josh, to see how he might feel about it as she pushed the envelope a bit and got closer and closer to his full balls. The difference now was that her hand didn’t go elsewhere over his ass but stayed close. Josh let out a little noise that might have been an attempt to quiet a moan and she continued. She started to feel the cage against her thigh throb and she smiled. She continued like this for awhile, letting his arousal build. She knew that it was between the muted moans and feeling his cage against her leg. And when she felt it was time, in what had seemed a random movement, her fingertips lightly brushed over his scrotum as part of her movements, but her hand didn’t pause, just continuing on his ass like before as if she hadn’t even known she had touched them.

Josh gasped and this time could not repress the moan. He didn’t know he did it, but his legs spread wider for her of their own accord. It had seemed an accidental touch, but it had sent electricity through him and he desperately wanted it to happen again. The touch had been so light and delicate but it was like being touched for the very first time. He almost whimpered with his need.

Kelsey was more than satisfied with his reaction, hearing the moan turning into a near whimper, feeling his cage throb, and seeing him spread his legs wider. Oh yes, Josh was open to more and she was pretty sure he would get it tonight, but perhaps not as he imagined. A plan was forming for something tonight that would cross a line yes, but would also solidify their dynamic in a more real way, while at the same time, not yet cross into actual sex. If it went well though, it would be all Josh would be thinking about as he tried to sleep tonight. She smiled and her stomach growled. She looked at the time and realized it was about dinner time.

She had the cue she was looking for and would not ‘accidentally’ brush them again right now, despite wanting to just grab them. She took up her phone and asked Josh, “you hungry? I was thinking of ordering a pizza delivered.”

“That sounds great Kel,” Josh replied and was still highly aroused by that touch and whether it had been accidental. His mind felt so cloudy.

Kelsey ordered a large pepperoni pizza with extra cheese, what they usually got when they shared pizza and put her phone down on top of Josh’s back with the ordering app open so she could see the updates. She resumed caressing him and let herself get close again, but did not brush them. If she guessed correctly, not touching them would be driving him crazy right about now.

She was right, he kept hoping she would every time she got close. He even spread his legs wider again. About a half hour later, Kelsey saw on the ordering app that ‘Megan’ had just pulled into the parking lot with their pizza. A sudden particularly evil thought occurred to her as a way to tease Josh and exercise her control and she said in a voice that was a little breathy, “Megan is here with the pizza Josh, would you go open the door for her?”

Josh’s body went stiff and in a nearly panicked voice he said, “I am naked! That might be sexy in porn when it is a woman answering the door naked, but it is likely to get me arrested on indecent exposure charges. Please Kelsey, don’t make me do that. Please….” Josh begged.

Kelsey smiled and almost laughed. She hadn’t really planned on making or letting him do that because he was of course right. Megan might not appreciate having their dynamic thrown in her face like that, but perhaps there was a slightly more subtle way to do this. She loved though that he didn’t even think to refuse, just begged her not to make him do it, acknowledging that it was in her power to do so.

The doorbell rang and Josh squeaked with panic. The pizza was already paid for through the app, so it was just a matter of opening the door and taking possession of it. And then tipping in the app.

“I tell you what Josh,” she said like she was arriving at a compromise, “I won’t make you go answer the door if you kneel on the floor here in front of the couch, with your back to the door, and your hands behind your back. If she sees you, she won’t see your face or cage,” she said in a reasonable tone getting up. Josh’s eyes were wide with panic, but he immediately chose this option and knelt with his hands behind his back, feeling scared of being exposed.

Power rushed through Kelsey as she went to the door and opened it wide, greeting Megan the delivery driver, with a big smile and accepting the pizza. Megan was a cute little redhead with freckles. It had been normal at first, but then Megan glanced into the apartment and saw Josh. Nude, kneeling on the floor, his back to the door, and the cuffs on his wrists and ankles clearly visible, along with his freshly spanked ass. The girl’s eyes widened for a moment but then she burst out in a giggle. “Looks like you have a fun night planned,” she said to Kelsey.

Kelsey glanced back at Josh as if she had forgotten and turning back to Megan, she smiled warmly and said, “oh yes. And he has no idea what I have planned.” Megan giggled again, and her green eyes were sparkling with amusement. She paused for a moment, but then pulled out a pen and with Kelsey holding the pizza box, Megan quickly wrote her phone number on the top.

“I have to work tonight, but if you ever want some help with him, give me a text. Thank you for making my night!” Megan said and was then leaving down the hall, still giggling.

Kelsey closed the door, very pleased with how that had gone, though Megan’s phone number was a unexpected offer. It was far too early for that, but new ideas for the future popped into her head.

Josh had not been able to make out the entire conversation as he knelt there, mortified when he heard that first loud giggle, followed by several more. It seemed to take far longer than it should have to receive a pizza, and the subsequent laughter from both of them caused Josh to feel like his entire body was blushing as red as his ass must me. The only words he had been able to make out were the last thing the delivery girl had said, ‘making her night’ followed by more laughter. She must have seen him.

Kelsey brought the pizza in and put it on the coffee table, immediately opening the box and hiding the phone number. She told Josh he could get up and join her on the couch while they shared the pizza right out of the box. He was still blushing furiously as he came to sit, a little awkwardly with how sore his ass was. They ate in silence, watching the rest of the movie, Kelsey giving Josh some time to adjust to how embarrassing that was for him, but also ramping up Kelsey’s arousal. Before she forgot, she grabbed her phone and gave Megan a big tip.

As the credits started to roll, Kelsey reached for the pizza box on the coffee table and closed the top over the leftovers, and asked Josh to go put it in the fridge. He got up immediately and carried it to the kitchen to put it in but saw the writing on the box as he did so. “Megan” followed by a phone number. He turned red all over again and as he came back to Kelsey he asked, “is that…is that Megan’s phone number on the pizza box?”

Kelsey looked up as if she had forgotten about it. “Oh that? Yes. In case I ever need any help with you. But not tonight. I have other plans. Come on, I want to tie you to the bed…” she said getting up…



  1. Omg yes, you are a fantastic writer and I’m loving every second of this. I just love how there relationship is progressing and the whole dynamic. Absolutely fantastic 🥰

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