
Hi. I recently had a story removed from a sub. I want to publish a bit of viewpoint.

I appreciate truly the opportunity to share and express. This particular sub stated when asked why removed, people reported it as incestuous, “ma” can possibly “pass”, but “Son” is too far. My kind of story doesn’t work for them, therefore, removed. The end.

I want it to be understood, no where in my stories describe such behavior, I would never. What kind of story do you think I’m writing? They explicitly explain the context of names. How they represent a very emotional meaning to the man, to the woman, even how uncomfortable she is to use the pet name that he insists upon. There are many stories that may be bothersome to someone, but it does not mean the story doesn’t work nor belong. That it doesn’t have a right to have presence. If following, of course, any rules. If respectful of environment.

My story does well, until…

My stories are not incestuous, I would never. “ma”, “Son” are not going too far as they’re pet names, albeit taboo. However, it is okay for a man to say, “Hey, little girl, make Daddy…” I see this often in non-incestuous relationships, storylines – they pass with no censorship, often. Pet names are not incestuous acts. It is amusing, my mind never would go there, however, the people accusing/reporting… Theirs did. In the world of Erotica, there should be more openness, not allowing others’ projections of ignorance to determine what is allowed, nor to turn a story into something it is not, simply based on a taboo word. One word. My thought is, these particular individuals did not read, only took liberties with a word. Why not ask me, respectfully? Are we not suppose to connect on social, respectfully.

Erotica is also a way to express other things. Metaphors, symbolism. It can be a way for someone to work through experiences, life, trauma.

Thank you for taking time to read, for your thoughtfulness. I will publish more of the collection, only one is published now. I hope it is considered to adjust filters/censorship from time to time, within reason. That bias is removed. I will adjust as well. Where I publish, who I allow to project beliefs and storylines into my stories.

Erotica can be deep, complex and meaningful, if you allow it to be. I implore to look deeper, not just the word, but all the meaning between the words.

