Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 7

[Chapter 1](, [Chapter 2](, [Chapter 3](, [Chapter 4](, [Chapter 5](, [Chapter 6](

His reaction was not unnoticed by Kelsey, including his leaking cock which had caused her eyes to go wide for a moment. He was SO aroused by the bondage and she decided then and there that she would explore this much further. It was so fricken hot the way he was panting against her breast and how much control she had over him. She went for it.

“Josh…this might….this might cross a line as something that is a bit more sexual, but…would you like to let me….would you like it if I spanked you?” she asked, very careful this time not to phrase it as a command…

Josh let out a little whimper at the question feeling how deep he was in submissive mind space. If she had told him to get over her knee for a spanking, he probably would have done just that, unable to resist her dominance over him. He had willingly given her so much control over him already, step by step and he hadn’t regretted any of it. There was a small corner of his mind though that worried what all of this would mean for their friendship going forward and that jumped to the forefront of his mind now with her shocking offer to spank him. It was a big step into actual domination of a more intimate and sexual nature.

He took some time before he could speak. “Kelsey I…I am not sure what to say. I mean…I…. this is something that kind of pushes us to another level, isn’t it? When the weekend is done, would you ever be able to look at me the same way if you have spanked my bare bottom? It is kind of one thing to have to see it all weekend, but another to touch it intimately. I just…I really worry about losing your respect and then your friendship over all we have been doing, and I am afraid that if you spank me, you will…I will be too different in your eyes for us to continue our good friendship. I am afraid of not…not even be able to meet your eyes any longer when this is done. I….the experience of it in the moment right now would be….well, it would be amazing, I just….I am terrified of you thinking me pathetic and weak and losing you completely,” Josh said. He poured his heart out with all of his fears of what escalating things further might do, being completely honest with her.

She hugged him tightly, smoothing his hair and driven nearly to tears by hearing how afraid he was of losing her friendship and respect. Weak? There was nothing weak about this man, this dear friend of hers.

“Josh,” she said softly, “my dear Josh, there is nothing weak about you. Definitely not pathetic. A normal man doesn’t have the strength that you do to not only acknowledge his desires but be willing to be vulnerable in exposing them. I may not know a lot about domination and submission, but it seems to me that being a submissive man requires great strength in accepting what you are against societal norms and be willing to make yourself vulnerable to another. To place all of that trust in me as you have requires great strength of character and being very self-aware. No, I won’t lose an iota of respect for you for anything we’ve done or are going to do this weekend. On the contrary, I respect you more now than ever. Being willing to open up to me like this has made me really cherish our relationship. Sure, our friendship might feel different when the weekend is over, but to me, it will only be a stronger one. I don’t think I could have ever shared an experience like this with anyone else, and I will always be grateful to you for that. Please Josh, don’t worry about me thinking any less of you. The opposite is true even if we stop all of it right now,” she said and meant it.

Josh let out a heavy and relieved sigh, feeling how much Kelsey cared for him and telling him that even with the spanking, it wouldn’t make her think any less of him. There had always been no denying how attractive Kelsey was, he wasn’t blind. He would sometimes think if he could just find a girlfriend like her, he would be happy. But he never wanted to risk their friendship. He wouldn’t let himself even think about crossing that line before. But now those lines were getting very blurry. As part of his submissive feelings to her that had developed since she caged him, and only gotten stronger since, he had grown very attached to her and now would be completely crushed and devastated if something negative happened to their relationship.

“I…I am very much loving exploring this submission with you Kelsey. I truly am. It is beyond what I ever dreamed. And I know that if you spanked me right now, that I would fall even deeper into it and love it even more. That is if you want to do it, and not only because you are indulging me. I need to know that as my Domme, which you kind of temporarily are, that you desire it, that you want to do it. That….that it will please you…” Josh said in a broken voice, feeling more vulnerable than he ever had in his life.

Kelsey continued to soothe him with her hands and closeness and knew she had to tell him what he wanted to hear, and not just because he needed to hear it. It was the truth.

“Josh, I…I have been very much enjoying all of this and when you told me about being spanked…well, I wanted to grab you right that second and pull you over my knee. So yes, not only do I want to spank you, I think I will very much enjoy doing so..” she said a little breathlessly feeling her arousal build.

Josh trembled a little feeling her desire and submissive feelings washed over him. He desperately wanted to please her. “Just promise me one thing Kel? That we won’t let it hurt our relationship? I have never had a spanking before, but I think it is going to cause me to feel very exposed and vulnerable and…I am not sure I would be able to survive if I lost you after.”

She gave him an extra tight squeeze before replying, “I promise Josh. I won’t let it, and we won’t let it. I will only feel closer to you and I will always be here for you. I promise.”

Josh wanted to hug her back, but that brought his mind back to how he was bound with his hands behind his back and feeling that caused his cock to throb once again. He sat up, looked in her eyes, and only saw caring and compassion there. He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek quickly before awkwardly climbing over her lap so that his legs were on the cushion to her right, and his head was on the cushion to her left. He felt his cage rub against her thigh and come to rest between them and how his bare ass was now elevated over her leg. Her right hand touched him then, resting in the small of his back.

Kelsey had such emotions running through her looking down at Josh and him willingly being this vulnerable for her. The emotions started with his concern for her pleasure, his concern for their relationship, and then that kiss on the cheek. She felt an obligation to care for Josh more than she ever had, to protect him from being hurt, and no matter what happened the rest of this weekend, she vowed to herself she would do just that.

But beyond all of that emotion was the sight of him over her lap with his pale ass perfectly poised for her. She was aroused beyond belief and may need some alone time after the spanking or she would start whimpering with need herself. She had to stop her hand from running down over his buttocks in a caress.

“How hard should I spank? And how long?” she asked in a gentle voice.

“I….the submissive part of me wants to answer as hard and as long as you damn well please, but as a guideline I would say hard enough to be felt, but not hard enough to make your hand sting too much. Don’t use nearly all of your strength. The effects of a spanking are best caused by repetition rather than abundance of force. Its….its probably best to vary where you strike each time too, just avoid hitting close to the back,” Josh said feeling so vulnerable and nervous. “For how long, you are going to have to use discretion. I…I am not sure how I will react to it. It…I might struggle or sound like I am miserable and I think…I think you need to be willing to push through that. It….it is even possible I could cry,” he admitted.

“How will I know if it is actually too much for you if I am to ignore any struggling and the like?” she asked concerned. She didn’t want to make him take more than he could psychologically handle.

“A safe word,” he immediately said. “I like the stoplight system, and you can use it to, both for yourself and checking in with me. If you ask me what color, I will say green, yellow or red. If green, everything is good and you can continue on. Yellow means you can proceed, but with caution as I may be approaching a dangerous area. And red means stop everything at once. Full stop. And we talk.”

“I understand Josh,” Kelsey said and it made perfect sense and if ever she wasn’t sure, she could ask him what color. It was up to her how hard and how long and that gave her a thrill. Would it make him cry? And why did that thought arouse her more?

Unable to hold off any more, she slowly moved her hand down from the small of his back and over the roundness of his ass, feeling the smooth skin quiver under her touch. Josh let out a little gasp on feeling Kelsey touch him so. The feelings of submission and vulnerability were peaking so hard. “Are you ready Josh? Are you ready for me to spank you until I feel you’ve had enough?” Kelsey suddenly asked with her hand just resting on the center of his ass now.

Josh trembled but replied, “yes Kelsey,” in a throaty whisper.

Kelsey felt the thrill of power go through her as she lifted her hand and brought it down right where it had been resting, feeling the soft flesh give way under her hand and ripple with the impact. It wasn’t soft, but she felt like she could do it a little harder. Josh let out a surprised gasp at the connection and Kelsey was amazed to see the very faint outline of her handprint in the soft flesh. Her lips parted as she took in a sharp breath of arousal.

She raised her hand and brought it down again, lower this time and hitting a larger cushion of flesh and Josh gasped. Kelsey was fascinated by this and quickly brought her hand up and back down again and again, going to cheek to cheek and high to low, but always careful not to go too far in either direction.

His ass was starting to turn pink and Josh was now whimpering a little. “Color?” she asked breathlessly and Josh immediately replied, “green,” and she resumed enthusiastically. At first, the spanking had not hurt very much at all, but as she continued, Josh could feel the sting and mild pain steadily rising. He started to whimper more, but could feel his cage bumping into Kelsey’s thigh with its throbbing.

She continued and Josh started to squirm a little. Without much thought, Kelsey placed her left hand on his upper back to help hold him still and then asked for a color. Josh replied “green” in a strained higher pitched voice. Kelsey knew that was encouraging, it was almost like he wanted to be made to take it in spite of the discomfort. She kept going, fascinated and incredibly aroused by watching her hand turn his ass from pale, to pink, to approaching red.

But turning her on more were the sounds Josh was making. What had started as small gasps was now full whimpers with a pleading tone. She didn’t let up and he started to cry out with the pain, sounding absolutely miserable, but he once again answered green on a color check. And then it happened as his ass was now in the red spectrum. Josh started to cry and struggle harder. She almost stopped entirely, despite her huge arousal, when he cried out begging her to stop. She immediately asked for a color and he cried out “gr-green!” and resumed pleading with her to stop.

Fuck, this was hot. Her being able to effectively ignore his protests while still maintaining full consent and safety felt like she might cum just from the power.

He eventually stopped struggling and his louder cries turned to soft sobs that got marginally louder each time she struck his bottom.

Josh felt himself go through all of these phases. He had read about them, but didn’t know what they were really like until experiencing them. That last time he gave her the green had been the hardest to say, but he really wanted the full experience and to feel completely helpless to stop it. He felt the heat traveling through his ass in waves and when he realized that it wouldn’t stop, the tears had come. He fought them at first, ashamed of crying in front of Kelsey, but the spanking didn’t let him hide anything. He was pretty sure what really set him over to surrendering was when he begged her to stop, but she didn’t. It was exactly what he had needed.

He fully surrendered to it and to her and stopped fighting both mentally and physically. He accepted the pain and welcomed it and now that heat was only arousing him. He could feel himself throbbing between her thighs.

She finally slowed and then stopped, or at least paused, her hand resting on his bare ass and feeling the heat coming off of it. It might be over a line, but Kelsey didn’t care as she started to very lightly rub it as Josh softly sobbed. She wanted to feel bad, but she didn’t. This was what he had wanted and it had only aroused her. In a gentle voice she said, “there, there, let it out. It’s over and I’ve got you. You took it so well and I am proud of you. You don’t need to hide, just let it out. There you go…” as she rubbed his ass feeling the heat and the muscle beneath. She didn’t ask him any questions, just giving him the time he needed. She kept repeating things like she had just said, assuring him it was over and that he had made her happy.

This all helped Josh immensely. Her words and tone were so warm and caring and her hand rubbing felt soothing. His crying started to lesson and then stop with only the occasional sniffle as he lay there, his mind almost fully in submission, and feeling like who he was meant to be. Most of all he felt gratitude for Kelsey. “Thank you Kelsey, that was perfect…” he whispered.

Kelsey smiled and paused rubbing his red ass only long enough to unclip the cuffs so he could move his arms. “You don’t have to get up babe, but you can if you want to. I think maybe we should give you some time to process what happened before we resume talking, though I do have one question first. Would you like to transfer this control to me for the weekend as well so that I determine when you get spanked, if you do again?”

Josh was content not to move for now and when she asked the question, he answer was immediate. “Yes Kelsey and thank you.”

“Does my hand bother you?” she asked as she had resumed lightly rubbing his ass and it was only now that she noticed in his struggles that his legs were spread further apart and she could see his scrotum. Josh was quick to reply that not only did it not bother him, but it felt good.

Kelsey grabbed the remote and put on ‘The Two Towers’ and continued to lightly rub his ass as they relaxed and watched. But she couldn’t help wonder what his reaction would be were her hand to ‘accidentally’ brush over his testicles…



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