Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 6

[Chapter 5](

“I do. A bunch of things really, but the best are probably these fur-lined leather cuffs that I have. I have two pair for wrists and ankles. The have clips on them to attach together for just like a quick hands behind the back thing, or you can use rope to attach them to anything you can tie it to, effectively able to bind me in any position,” he answered and it was obvious how much he craved their use.

“Can you go get them to show me? I’d like to see what they look like,” she said, and Josh didn’t hesitate though he was a bit embarrassed but he immediately got up.

But Kelsey smiled for she knew this was another thing she could do. And wanted to very much. When Josh came back, she would restrain him…

Maybe not right away, but again, there was nothing inherently sexual about being tied up. Just like the chastity cage or the enforced nudity, it would arouse him true, but wasn’t that kind of the purpose of this? That it aroused her too was just kind of a byproduct. Kelsey couldn’t help but wonder though if he would have different feelings about all of this if Josh knew just how much it was arousing her as well.

She had to be a little careful. He was placing so much trust in her and it seemed the more they did, the more suggestible he was. She didn’t want to push things so far that it irrevocably ruined their friendship. She bit her lower lip though thinking about the control she had over him and how much it aroused her. She wanted very much to keep exploring this with him. He was so adorable in his submission to her, that she might have some trouble holding herself back. When those issues arose, she would have to force herself to slow down and really make sure it was what he wanted.

Josh went to his toy box, buried in his closet, and retrieved two sets of leather cuffs. One for the wrists and one for the ankles. He was almost trembling as he picked them up for he realized that Kelsey might offer to tie him up with the way things had been going. He wasn’t stupid and he saw how she had reasonably offered to help him out with the cage and the CFNM. She was obviously having fun with this and honestly, that was turning him on more than the physical presence of the cage. After all, being the submissive he was, his primary motivation was his Domme’s pleasure. Kelsey wasn’t his Domme but….she was standing in place of one. She was so beautiful and such a natural at this, but he was concerned maybe if things went too far, it would hurt their friendship. Still, he trusted no one more in the world than Kel. He felt like his cock was never going to stop trying to get hard and let out a little whimper as he came back to the living room.

She was right where she had been, on the couch and smiling up at him as he came in. Again he saw her eyes go to his cage and it turned him on knowing that she had caged him and controlled it, and that it was no on display for her at all times.

He sat next to her on the couch, his breathing a little elevated and handed one to her while putting the other three on the sofa between them. Had he needed to bring all four? If she was just curious about seeing what they looked like, one would have sufficed, but…it seemed natural for him to bring them all.

Kelsey took the one offered and examined it, her eyes a little wide. It was thick quality leather that seemed like it would be extremely strong. She ran her finger along the inside of it where it was lined with faux fur, presumably to cushion against the leather and be more comfortable, but in no way reducing their effectiveness. On the outside was a buckle and strap, that would work much like a belt would, where there were multiple holes in the strap to tighten it as much as needed around the limb.

And then along the outside were several metal rings. “These look amazing Josh, very well made. What are these for?” she asked, asking about the rings.

“Those….those are called ‘D’ rings because their shape resembles that of a capital D. So the idea with those is the submissive can wear these cuffs at wrists and ankles and using rope, you can just tie it to one of those rings and then tie the other end to whatever you would tie me to. So the positions are really kind of endless with some simple knots, while not having to worry about safely tying someone with the rope directly on the skin. Doing that you have to be careful about cutting off nerves and blood flow. That risk is almost eliminated with this. And you’ll see the one of the rings on each of them has a simple little clip. You can use that to quickly and easily attach them to each other for simple things like ankles together or hands behind the back. I….um….they could be worn safely pretty much all the time and then it is even more convenient for the Domme to just restrain him quickly whenever she wants to…” he ended a little awkwardly. He didn’t really realize how he kept switching back and forth between talking of a hypothetical Domme and sub to instead saying ‘you’ and referring to himself.

Josh explained things so well that Kelsey could really see a lot of the opportunities these presented. Just holding the thick supple leather was turning her on. She wanted to see them on him and considered asking him if he wanted to wear them, but she was pretty sure he did with the way he spoke and telling her they could be worn all the time. She really should ask him if he wanted to, but would that be what a Domme did? No…she would tell him to put them on. She wasn’t his Domme, but was acting as one. She bit her lower lip and decided to split the difference.

“Would you put them on your ankles for me?” she asked. It was a question so he could refuse, but at the same time it let him know it was what she desired.

Josh blushed, though he knew this might happen. His cock throbbed but he didn’t hesitate as he took one and assuming she wanted a demonstration of how they went on, brought his foot up onto the couch cushion next to her. Unable to meet her eyes at the moment, he took the cuff, wrapped it around his ankle, and then pulled it just tight enough that there was no slack, but not too tight that it would be restrictive just wearing it. He explained to her how tight it was and Kelsey reached out and ran her finger along the edge seeing their was very little gap between the leather and his skin, not enough to stick her finger between them, but how it wouldn’t be corseting his ankle either.

He repeated it on his other ankle and she loved seeing the way he had to contort and display his nude body for her in order to buckle them on where she could see. She also loved the way they looked.

“These are amazing Josh,” she said softly still holding on to one of them. “Hold out a wrist for me?” she asked, again phrasing it as both a command and a question, but he immediately did so and he was trembling a bit. She wrapped the cuff around the proffered wrist, her nimble fingers inserting the strap into the loop. When she pulled it tight, he let out a little moan and her smile deepened. She buckled it in place and then asked, “how does that feel?”

Josh’s cock was throbbing so much, it almost hurt. “It’s…it’s perfect,” he breathed, eyes downcast, and without another word, offered his other wrist to her. She let out a low pleased laugh and immediately picked up the last cuff and put it on in the same way, again eliciting a reaction when she pulled it tight.

“Would you wear them the rest of the weekend for me?” she asked, and he agreed quickly so it was time to see if he would mind if she used them too. He looked so submissive to her with his downcast eyes and his trembling. She reached out and ran a comforting hand along his arm, caressing him. She decided now to use a little more caution though and not take too much advantage of her power over him.

“Josh, I want you to know that you can refuse this and I won’t be disappointed or upset, okay? But would you like to let me use those cuffs and restrain you?” she asked gently. Josh trembled but immediately replied in a hoarse whisper, “y-yes. Very much.” They both knew and accepted that this was no more sexual than the cage or the nudity.

“Are you sure? What I’d like to propose is…well, I guess it is another exchange of power, where you agree that I can restrain you at any time for the rest of the weekend, and in any position I want at my sole discretion,” she said biting her lip with her arousal. “Again, don’t hesitate to say no if you are unsure or uncomfortable. I want to be sure we aren’t pushing things further than you are comfortable with.”

Josh was now very visibly trembling, not just at the prospect but feeling Kelsey’s hand trying to sooth him. He had never known this level of arousal and it would get worse when she did restrain him, but he wanted nothing more than to experience it, especially for her.

“I agree Kel,” he answered hoarsely. “I will wear them the rest of the weekend and you can restrain me however and wherever you desire. Thank you so much…”

Kelsey just could not get over how adorable he was as she saw how much he wanted this with that odd combination of fear and excitement. He was shaking with it, the poor thing. “Come here,” she said and pulled him to her in an embrace, his head on her chest. She held him there gently and said, “thank you for your trust Josh, it means a lot to me and I won’t betray it. Shh…its okay. I will take care of you…” she said as she smoothed his hair with a gentle hand. She wasn’t sure where that had come from but it seemed the right thing to say.

She just held him there and soothed him and eventually the trembling quieted. His head was on her breast and Josh was keenly aware of it, especially aware of it without a bra. That magical combination of firmness and softness acting as a pillow. Her hands on him and her gentle words were soothing and he had never felt so content as he did in this moment. He felt a surge of feelings for her and wanted to stay like this forever.

Kelsey too felt it too and didn’t want to let him go. A surge of warmth towards Josh at how much trust he had placed in her and how he had opened up to her. She held him and felt this almost protective instinct toward him. She decided to slow things down and just be like this for awhile and let them each just enjoy each other’s company for awhile before talking more about kinks or actually restraining him for the first time. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV and put on the first movie she found – ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ and they sat just like that for nearly four hours watching it, happy to be in each other’s arms and happy with how things were going. Josh relaxed during the movie and felt so happy to just be held by her.

Without any words exchanged, those four hours served to bring them much closer together emotionally.

It was mid-afternoon by the time the movie was over and Kelsey asked how Josh was feeling. He replied that he felt absolutely wonderful and again thanked her for all she was doing. He seemed much more calm now so thought they could resume their talk.

“So, you had said previously that bondage is your favorite kink, but it was also like a foundation for other kinks,” she said and they hadn’t moved, his head was still resting against her breast while her arm rubbed his bare back. “I know you said that the porn videos are nothing like what real femdom is like, but it appears there are at least some similarities in kinks and activities right?” Josh nodded, knowing she wasn’t done. Kelsey thought about the clip she had seen with a snarling bitch dressed in leather and a nude tied up man. The woman had a whip in that clip. “What do the letters in BDSM stand for?” she suddenly asked.

Josh answered, “several things at once actually. Bondage and Discipline for the B and D, Dominance and Submission for the D and S, and then Sadism and Masochism for the S and M. It is kind of a general all encompassing term, though some people seem to think that BDSM just means Sadomasochism , but it really includes it all, though no one aspect of it is required for any specific dynamic for it to still be BDSM.”

Kelsey nodded, greatly enjoying holding Josh like this while they resumed the discussion. So Sadomasochism and Discipline were a real part of it. “So when I see that porn with the Domme holding a whip, there is some truth to that? I turned it off, but there is actual whipping?”

“There can be,” Josh admitted, “but usually not as portrayed in those videos. People have varying levels of pain tolerances and desires. Some like to use full on whipping like that, raising welts and causing screaming, again all consensually, but I think far more common, especially in a domestic and loving dynamic, is simple erotic…um….spanking. It…it is often done just simply over the kn-knee with a bare hand.” Josh had gotten noticeably more nervous at the end of that, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Kelsey.

Spanking? Erotic spanking? At first it sounded kind of absurd. A grown man being taken over a woman’s knee and spanked like a child. But Kelsey thought about it and thought about how everything seemed to kind of fit into the concept of power exchange. Within the dynamic, and with her control, along with a little bondage, she could see how they both might desire it as further reinforcement of their dynamic. For him, it had to be very humbling to submit to a spanking like that and for her it would be a wonderful demonstration of her control.

Kelsey then thought of how nervous Josh had suddenly sounded while he was speaking about it and she suddenly thought about pulling him over her lap and giving him a spanking. She almost moaned with how much that aroused her. It was surprising. Before she thought about it too much, she gently took hold of his outside arm and brought it behind his back, while guiding him to sit up a little bit to free his other arm. She took that and gently brought it behind his back too. Calmly, she used the simple slip to secure his wrists together, before pulling him back to her breast.

Josh was now almost panting with his arousal. This was the first time anyone had ever restrained him and he felt Kelsey’s increased control over him and his own helplessness. He felt precum leaking from his cock now as those feelings of vulnerability and arousal consumed him. Kelsey now could do as she pleased with his body and he moaned, not able to hide it.

His reaction was not unnoticed by Kelsey, including his leaking cock which had caused her eyes to go wide for a moment. He was SO aroused by the bondage and she decided then and there that she would explore this much further. It was so fricken hot the way he was panting against her breast and how much control she had over him. She went for it.

“Josh…this might….this might cross a line as something that is a bit more sexual, but…would you like to let me….would you like it if I spanked you?” she asked, very careful this time not to phrase it as a command…


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