Don’t fall asleep

The sun beat down upon her as she walked through the forest. Even in daisy dukes and a t-shirt she was hot and glad she brought plenty of water with her. She took another swig from the bottle before swinging her pack back onto her shoulder.

Walking along the edge of the woodland path, trying to keep to the shade as much as possible she enjoyed the relaxing afternoon. She had been walking for hours, enjoying the time with herself, and had got so deep in the forest that she had not seen signs of any other humans for ages. In fact the path she walked along looked like it had probably only been travelled by deer before now.

As she walked she heard the distinct sound of running water up ahead and before long came across a small stream and pool running alongside the path. She unslung her pack before sitting on a rock at the side of the pool. Slipping off her trainers she allowed her bare feet to slip into the cold water, soothing away the stresses of walking, cooling her body as the cold water drew the heat away.

Her eyes drifted closed as she listened to the sounds of the forest around her. The burble of the stream as it passed over rocks, the cooing of the birds in the trees, the chirp of squirrels as they played amongst the branches.

As the sun beat down upon her, soothing her, relaxing her, she felt drowsiness overtake her. Allowing herself to lie back, her feet still dangling in the water, her thoughts drifted off into a dream world and slowly sleep took her.

The sharp sound of a twig breaking woke her with a start. Instantly she saw a man watching her and he didn’t look friendly. Leaping up, forgetting her shoes and pack she set off running into the woods.

As she ran she could hear him bearing down upon her. Her bare feet constantly finding the stones in the path, the roots to trip her and this caused her to slow enough to keep an eye on where she was stepping. All the while she could hear him and knew he would catch her.

Within seconds he had, she never stood a chance in reality. Roughly he tackled her to the ground and within moments sat on her with her arms pinned behind her back. She felt rope cruelly pulled tight around her wrists, biting into the soft flesh there.

Then his hand was in her hair, pulling her head back viciously. As her mouth opened to cry out she felt a huge ring being forced between her teeth, wedging her mouth wide open. Straps to secure it were fastened, pulling the ring deeper between her teeth.

Grabbing her arms he pulled her to her feet. Looping a rope around her neck, he grabbed the other end and used it as a leash, pulling her back the way she had come.

She stumbled along behind him, not being given time to pick her footing and without the use of her hands, repeatedly losing her balance. His only help was to keep pulling so she had to keep stumbling along behind. They got back to the pool and he picked up her shoes and pack before leading her off in a new direction, even deeper into the forest.

They walked for miles it seemed. She started to get exhausted. Not once did his pace slow, or did he offer her a drink from his canteen. Slowly she lost focus on where they were and could only concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.

Eventually they stopped and she was pushed to her knees. He busied himself with his pack before coming back over to her. “Thirsty?” he asked, she nodded. Unzipping his fly he pulled out his cock. “How thirsty?” She shook her head no, moaning into the gag. “Suit yourself” he said as he pissed against a tree. “Soon you’ll beg me” he called over.

Finally he finished. And from his pack came more rope. This he used to bind her ankles together. And a blindfold took her sight. She could hear him moving around her and then suddenly she was lifted onto his shoulder. Slowly she felt him start to walk again.

deeper they trudged, as she bounced on his shoulder, his hand holding her firmly which in a way she was grateful for, bound and blindfolded as she was she prayed that he wouldn’t drop her.

Despite the load he carried, he moved quietly. The twig he snapped to wake her must have been deliberate as he made no noise moving now. Obviously at home in the woods she worried that she would never find her way out should she get the chance to escape.

As they walked she could feel the drool dripping from her mouth, unable to do anything about it, she could feel it starting to coat her face as it seeped around the gag and she dearly wished she could wipe herself clean. Never had she felt so humiliated, so scared. Little did she know what else was to come.

After what seemed forever he came to a stop. Lowering her to her feet she felt sharp rock beneath them. “Don’t move,” he told her. “You are on top of a cliff and one wrong step will see you fall”

She stood stock still, not knowing whether to believe him but knowing it wasn’t worth the risk.

She heard sounds of metal behind her, chains clinking against each other.

She gasped as she felt his hands upon her body. Holding a knife to her throat he told her to keep still and she wouldn’t be hurt. The knife sliced through her clothes, cutting them to shreds as they fell from her body and then the ropes around her ankles were sliced free. Taking hold of her arms he led her off the rock she was standing upon, her feet squishing into the soft soil. When they stopped she felt something being attached to her ankles, leather cuffs that he tightened beyond comfortable. The sound of a lock clicking told her that her feet were now immobile again.

Her hands were then released and cuffed, being raised above her head. Once secured she felt herself slowly being lowered forward, her feet shuffling until she felt her toes cross over an edge. Just as she passed the point of balance, where her body started to fall she was brought to a halt by the chains at her limbs.

As the blindfold was ripped off and she saw the view before her, the sheer drop to rocks below, the miles of open countryside with no signs of humans, and how far over the edge she hung she screamed.

As he slowly walked away, the screaming dying in his ears he smirked, wondering how receptive she would be when he returned.
