EST: The Outlaw Chapter 2 Highway Men Part 1 of 2 (MF FF Violence)

Leaving Fort Mann Kansas in a dead run was risky at best butt the three of us had to make it to the Indians territory before the law caught up to us. After all three women just blew through town, Oh yes all puns intended, because Eva just had to taste a white man seamen. The ultimate reason might be because one man lost his life. Now if you look at the law that was a perfectly acceptable duel. Butt from a man’s perspective losing to a woman will no doubt bring the heat on our tail.

That night sitting around the campfire, still in Kansas…

“Was it good?” I asked Eva. The shocked look I got from her. The way just the question made her shift. I could tell that it was.
“Are you going to answer me?” Giving off this low growl, the kind of thing that will make any Eva drip with wetness. Watching as her pretty tanned face turned a few shades pinker. Watching as Eva’s hand was itching to play with herself.
“Mmm Mmmm” yes, using my full sexy voice. Making Eva so fidgety, so red this could only lead up to two things. The first which is highly unlikely, she will just go to bed and no doubt get a little finger action going. The second, which is happening right now. Observing the way Eva rose up. Taking to her feet before I could brace myself from what was to cum.
She cleared the campfire, closing the distance between us. I could also see in the background Marie was two steps ahead of Eva. Learning from her how deep Marie could bury two fingers in the fire between her legs.
Forcing my legs apart, threatening to topple me over if I resisted. Watching as her head was lowered. Feeling my own lips getting juicy. So damned wet that I.. I could not shift, I could not rub together my thighs just to sate my sexual desires!
I know this is strange and well weird even butt I could feel the way Eva inhaled the scent from my crotch. I could tell, feel the way that she was not done with me. As my stomach tightened up, presenting my trimmed bush just for her. My heart started to pound in my chest as I reached forward. Reaching for her chest, for her… “Ow!” I hollered recoiling from the slap across my knuckles as this vixen stared up at me.

“Mmm Umm, bad Blake. You do not get to touch” hissing my warning to the shocked tramp. Looking down at my goods. The feel of them being concealed in a cloth prison almost made this too much to handle. Tugging on the satin ribbon that laced along the top of my bosom. Slowly, painfully slow I pulled until the ribbon that held the bow together was taught in my fingers. Glancing at Blake, giving her the shameless eyes of a naughty girl.
Pulling Oh so slowly. Feeling the knot as it tightened up. Giving one more heavy tug the satin bow was now a ribbon. I could feel the way my chest expanded. Because in my own sick sense I wanted this just as bad as Blake did. Giving my sigh, a sex little thing that I picked up before leaving the jewel of the east, Paris.
Maybe not as far as you thought I would go butt the crown did show a reverence for the style of dress that my kind whore. Exposing his mistress breasts and doing it with a certain flare that seems to have been lost to our European neighbors. Okay, I am a seamstress not some quick drawl McGraw like I had sitting in front of me.
Pulling gently on my ribbon. Feeling the way that each eye hole that was free from the ribbon. Free from being imprisoned by this fabric made my breath leave my body a little faster. Kissing Blake’s thigh, touching my lips to the black jean material that separated her skin from my lips. Letting go of a small butt critical moan. The scent of fresh cum, my own ambitions to delve into its depths. Only not yet, not yet because this black apparition made me think of my own sexual desire. Made me blush over this white man’s cum!
“Yes” finally giving an answer. “Yes, it was so good that I could not stop sucking his cock.” Spreading my own legs on this hard ground, hiking up my dress so I can tease my clit. “I got so wet” moaning while remembering. Remembering the way his broad stubby cock felt as I took it in my mouth. The way I was able to run my tongue down its shaft. The way my own hand did something like what it was doing now. Teasing, stroking my clit. Putting me into the same predicament that always happens when I becum wet and horny.
My kiss landed along the seam. That thick layer of fabric that always folds over another. Wanting to unstitch every piece of fabric that I found to be thick over my lips. Biting the fabric that for some reason the people from the east always kept everything covered. My own clit pulsated against my fingers! Pushing down further! The feel of my lips, of my wetness had done me in!
Looking up at Blake, the crazed vision in my eyes. “Strip. Strip off everything” saying this and not doing the same was so wrong. Letting the ribbon that held my bosom in place fell to the ground as I started to slip out of this cloth cell. “Strip” saying this to myself as my underwear, the final thing that completed my under garments fluttered to the ground.
The feel of being naked in the great expanse of the plains. The wind nipping at my nipples. The coldness of the nights frost danced across the ends of my tits. Bit into my barely there buttocks. The one thing about this cold climate that I love is that no matter what the temperature is my opening still manages to steam up my fingers. Pinching my clit, pulling on it. Trying to expose my selfish tag to the elements while staring in wonder at the beauty that is exposing herself to me right now.

The things I do for my town, tribe.. what ever they are going by. The town of Bahia de Humedad as told by the locals. A small little clit of a town located at the pinnacle of the bay or as it is to be known as the Bay of Wetness. My people’s last holdout against these growing numbers of trespassers. And it looks like I will have to deal with one more.
As I stand, the wind is holding steady just like the breath of a desperate lover. It’s cool touch turns my nipples into hard peaks. The chill of my exposed flesh causing goose flesh to form over me. I can feel the warmth of another’s body. I can feel the urge to becum one with her. To ravish every little morsel of flesh that my lips touch.
Sending my black jeans crashing into the earth. My gun already drawn as I laid it down on the log that served as my couch. Stepping out of those black jean, the chill of the night caused a flash back to my first intimate relationship.

Trembling as I stood tall again the blackness of the countryside. My chest heaving at this temptation standing in front of me. Not knowing what to say butt at this time with the snow falling and the rocky mountains rising up like her boobs. I could see the way her horniness and mine drove us together. Pushing my hair back over my left ear. The feel of our nipples colliding should have sent me recoiling in panic.
“I” taking a tentative breath. “I do not know…” swallowing as her lips closed on mine! I could feel my body, the cold had not yet froze my soul as it had my senses.
Feeling the way her movements brought my hands up to cup her shapely ass. The way she had automatically submitted to my temptations made me wet. The rub of my thighs together, the shock as her hand touched my newly grown patch of hair. The way she made me feel invincible at that moment.

“Lay back love and let me show you how I feel about you” Layla said caressing my cheek.

“We” freezing right there. How could I say that was not our mission. The whole reason why we were so far from home stuck in the mountains was to watch this new tribe of men, a white man barter with the Crow for the use of their lands. Tonight’s air seemed to grow colder the more I resisted. Feeling the warmth of her body, feeling the need in her hands. My next move. One that she definitely was not expecting. When I took her in my arms. Dragging my hands up her tail. Spreading her butt cheeks. The feel of her lip as it rolled off of my own. The gasp of air that caught in her throat. I could not help myself, I had to follow through with my plan. Be damned if I was old enough for this encounter cause I took it.
Pressing our bodies closer and closer together. Feeling Layla’s heart beating faster and faster. My lips took her by the throat! My suction, though I did not know exactly what I was doing, carved a dark spot on the side of her neck! The one time I had actually pressed, the first time I had ever done such a thing. And I liked it. I liked it so much that as I shifted positions. As my hands continued to roam over her tanned body pressing our naughty parts together for the first time.
I shuttered. I fucking shuttered! For no reason. Yeah, my heart rate was up. Butt what do you want when you have this hot creature centered in my arms. Opening my mouth to speak. To say something profound, something memorable. Butt what came out.. what I said is… “Ooo Ooooh” wanting to shut my mouth despite the fact that I was not done yet. As my moaning, as my speech went, I could not help myself. “Oh shit! I think, I… OooohOooohOooohOoooh” bumping together. Grinding our pussies together in such a way that it felt so good that I had to repeat. I, now have the taste for pleasure, mashed our cunts together!
For the longest time our hearts beat in the same rapid rhythm. As our thoughts became one and, and I could feel the next moan cuming! Hugging even tighter while my hips joined the hard smooch that my cunt was doing. “I can… Oh Ohh” this time I held it in for fear that my moans would alert the neighboring Crow or worse yet the white man! Butt that did not stop the rapid grind. The whimpers that still emanated from my throat!
Feeling faint on my feet my own legs felt like they were made of lead and yet she was sinking. She was collapsing to her knees! In a panic I tried to move. Tried to pull her up! Tried to.. tried tOoo! The feel of her mouth over my right breast. Sucking on my nipple. Sending all sorts of terrible naughty thoughts rushing my brain.

By the time I had taken position on my knees. Taking time to suckle on her right breast, to pull the nipple out till Blake could no longer hold anything back. The stretch my lips pulled on her tit. The strain of my pull, the pop of her skin as the perfect kiss left that glistening jewel behind.
This made me blush. Although I am a well practiced priestess, a master of the female body. This hold she had over me I could not break. Kissing down her blossoming bosom. The sensation, of my own needs calling me for more attention. Calling for more… My kisses ran down Blake’s body. From her heaving tit down to her belly button.
Striking my tongue in. Making out like this was her face. Tempting my body to spend more of my pleasure zone time by climaxing one more time before I make the final descent. Kissing the bellybutton was not a simple slip of the tongue. This had Blake right on the verge of her own orgasm.
Running my tongue around her innie. Hooking the skin as my lips began to kiss the flesh around it, around her bellybutton. My final act before torturing this poor soul.

“Oh goddess, what, what are you doing to me” trying to keep myself from drooling. Trying to keep myself standing tall and proud! Standing.. “Oh fuck” the whisper was louder, had more weight to it than I even expected. “Fuckkk!” My hand raced down to press that pretty little mouth harder against my stomach.
Leaning how to breath without taking a single breath. In all my fifteen winters I have never felt anything so complete then me losing the ability to breath and enjoying it. Nothing. Nothing in this whole world ever felt…
Her lips.. Her tongue… Oh my fuck! I think I have forgotten how to do that thing where you have to inhale a certain substance to, tOoo.. live. I could be dead and not know who waited on the other side. I could be tormented to enjoy this instance of pure pleasure forever! I must, yes, I must take in all the… “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk Mmmmmmmmm! Fuck my brains out! Right, right, rig.. OooOoooOoooo!” My hips decided to join in the celebration of woman hood!
Resting my hands on Layla’s shoulders. For the first time in my short life I actually needed help standing. The longer we stayed in this unusual position, the longer Layla’s tongue slipped in between my lips! My concentration began to shake. Taking one tentative deep breath. Inhaling even as the winter wonder filled my lungs. As every breath felt like the end of the world and the beginning of paradise.
I shuttered, my lungs burned from the cold. And still my hips were undulating, driving Layla’s tongue deeper in my pussy with each sway. Undulating with the passion that must cum when two people made a baby. “I.. I…” I wanted to say I am much too young for motherhood! “Please, Oh please” even when these last three words were recited. I could hear them as each one fell from my mouth. My mind is spinning, feeling like I am in unknown territory. With everything I touched, everything I felt seemed new to me almost like a new sensation. Reminding myself to breathe. My lungs shuttered at my request. Taking in only enough air to keep me alive. To keep my young body ready to thrust my hips forward once again! “Yesss! Keep, keep licking Mmm” Oh shit my first full trembles struck out like a snake!
Slamming my hips forward without a second thought. For some reason I just could not pull my hips back as even my lungs were froze on that sensation! Squinting through my closed eyes. Looking past that nearly debilitating experience. Weaving my way over the Oh’s, gilding on the Ooooh’s. I could actually see the sounds I, ah, we were growing together.
Taking a step back from myself, tearing my eyes off of Layla’s back. As I processed everything that was happening to me at this moment. Finally it all came crashing down as reality hit me.
This is not just a scouting mission. Something that can be done by anybody. This is a test, a hard decision left for me to make. Would I be the one to bow to the cock. To grovel to the whims of some coward or should I return with Layla. Entering the world that has made me the person that rides from my town to retrieve, no, to escort my own townsfolk back to the safety of the goddesses embrace.

Waking, feeling the soft sounds of Layla sleeping at my back. “Something? Did I just?” Prancing naked through the woods. Letting my darkly tanned body stand like bold sign against the white snow. My eyes adjusted to the sight of burning tipis. That sight burned into my brain while the white folk stood over this peaceful band of Indians. I could see the way the forest cried for the fallen. And yet there I lay naked in the snow watching as the fall of axes, the twang of bows pierce the air. Staring in horror as the last hope of talking to the both tribes vanished with the final scream that seemed to be directed right at me.
Looking at the forest, watching as the trees banned together in flaming unison. Spreading the word of warning to flee this area. With each crack, with each moan, pop and flash everything told me to run. Run and never look back!
Heading this advice to almost a fault. The one thing that was left. The one person who shown me the opening to the goddesses palace. Made my trip back to camp, one of flight. Running at full speed, not caring who saw my naked body bounding through the snow packed woods. Seeing the warm blankets that still held the sleeping princess.
One hand to touch her arm. My panicked look. The way the steam fell and rose from my mouth told Layla everything that I had seen. Everything that the woods to my back seemed to reinforce with a loud pop.
Not having time to pack up. Not even the time to put the scantily clad clothes that we had worn back on. Our flight from this, our flight from the Rocky mountains . Pushing the horses to their limits and feeling the heat becuming less and less noticeable.

“Blake” I whispered. Biting on the flesh of her upper thigh. My tongue leveling the playing field with a gentle lick. “Blake” inhaling a deep breath that was centered only a cunts hair away from Blake’s moistened pussy.
Before I could pray, before I could ask the goddess to bless this union my tongue struck out again. Hear the whimpers cuming from Blake’s throat. I pressed my tongue further in. Hooking the end of it, Ah the marvel of this body part. To taste, to show appreciation, to talk, moan and best yet to make someone else moan… Knowing the end of my tongues trip was at the very end of Blake’s clit. With a flick it returned back to the base.

“Eva, Eva.. Mmm Mmmm” with each passing second. With each heartbeat I could feel Eva’s tongue! Every inch of that muscle. From the way she licks my clit. To the way she hesitates right at the end. Right before I collapse in utter delight.
Looking over the campfire. Staring blankly while Marie finger fucks her juicy kitty. Watching as one finger became two. As two became three. Shutting my eyes, struggling to keep them open. Fighting a battle that I could not win!

Cupping my hands under Blake’s ass. Pulling her closer as my tongue dances with her clit, my suction pulling it out. Totally content on serving Blake this way. Even though I was horny. Trying my best not to touch myself. Moving my hand as I picked it up. Pausing for just a second when I felt it.

Looking at that asshole, seeing her cute cunt waving back and fourth in the fire light. Staring back at Blake and the way she was unsteady on her feet. My eyes kept falling back down. Back to that sweet sandwich of juices and cum. Pressing forward, resting my head right in the crack of Eva’s ass. Yes, my next action would stop what Eva was doing to our friend Blake. Or at least for just a minute.
Placing my hands on Eva’s ass. Pushing forward as my lips touch her pussy. Not at all phased by this cruel trick or lips on a surface. No, pushing further still till I could taste her juices. Till my tongue was already making her roll through one more orgasm. “Yes Yesss Mmmmmmmmm” my tongue diving deep in her creamy slot.
Pushing my tongue two, three, ten times into her creamy hole. Torturing my own clean lips with my fingers. Driving myself closer to the divine enlightenment of an orgasm! My hips bucked as I whispered, “Eat her out slut”. This phrase “slut” maybe at one time a degrading term butt in this culture, in this moment… Digging my teeth into Eva’s rump as the sound of my own orgasm played like a fine fiddle!

Even though my full attention was on Blake. On eating out her blonde muff I could not help butt to hear what Marie said. Even using that word slut just made my pussy roar to life. With each lick. With each tease my tongue and pussy were working as one.
Gripping Blake’s lip, seizing on were they connected together. Pulling with my lips closed around them! Pulling back my head, pulling so far I could feel Blake’s hands move from my shoulders to my head. Pulling my back, back till I swear I was going to lose her pussy lips.

“Ooo OooOoooOoooo yesss!” No longer silent. Eva pressed and I answered by a thunderous orgasm! No, not just one butt, butt… “Ooooh fuck Mmm” erupted from my mouth as my hips lunged back. Lunging back without the special mouth of Eva. The look on my face, the fear I felt brought me right back to that bright night in the Rocky mountains.

Holding Layla at an arms length. Tightening my grip on her tit, around her neck as my tongue dashed in her snatch. Totally bypassing her sensitive clit. The look in her eyes. The look that said “you should know how to start” plagued her face as my tongue lifted her up as it drug its way out. “What? Cannot a woman have a little fun” know what my target was long before I had ever made that dive. Butt even as I returned to her opening. Back to where her lips were swollen with juices. One touch either way would send Layla off on an orgasmic trip. When my mouth moved, taking what was mine. Squeezing my lips around her little clit. Pulling it up with my suction. Holding it there, listening to her take a tentative breath! Then deciding to cancel everything she was holding back. No not with my lips or tongue butt my teeth.
Grabbing ahold of her clit with my teeth. Pressing just a little bit as my head retreated a little more. Feeling the snow being pounded by Layla’s side. This was it, I found Layla’s weakness. And now pulling back a little more. Feeling the stretch of her skin pulled taught.
Using my tongue to flick the bean. Using my suction, my teeth to make sure that she was suspended in an orgasmic rage! Pressing further, moving my mouth quicker than before once her butt was clear of the buffalo hide. Slipping my tongue into no man’s land, turning dirty tricks that had made me one of the sluts of camp. Plunging so deep into that asshole. Pushing myself so I could see what if anything would happen when I did this.

“OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh yOoou fuckkking slut!” Echoed from the woods as I moaned so fucking loud over Blake’s chosen path! Standing tall on my toes. My shoulders are planted squarely on the ground and my feet are standing on my tippy toes while this little vixen makes use of all of my holes!
Now I could be just a little greedy. Totally ignoring her and her immune attitude butt that would not be me. Learning from a young age that if you want something, something special like an orgasm then there is only one way, sharing. Picking up Blake’s waist. Moving it just like my own sex toy. Bringing her box to my face and pressing it down were things that only the perfect slut could perform. I wear my title with pride.
Kissing Blake’s clit. Not even bothering with any other part of this body. My kiss the immediate O that flushed from her system. The deeper she went into my asshole making me lose my grip. Extending my legs one more time. As my newest orgasm hit me like a ton of cum! I orgasmed, I fucking exploded as my body screamed out so loud that I was actually surprised that any tribe of men did not hear and cum running.
As I collapsed, totally spent as my legs still twitched from time to time. Pulling Blake up and kissing her face. Sucking on her tongue. “Ooooh that tongue” I praise its worth as my eyes grew heavy. Too heavy to hold open…

Pushing Eva’s head away. Bending down to smother her in kisses. To suck on that tongue as it has already brought me many, I mean many O’s. Even as my pussy recoils from all the attention it has had the carnal lust is still there.
Reaching back and grabbing Marie hair. Pulling the raven beauty up from her feast of fresh pussy. “I..” but it was too late as my tongue lashed forward. Springing her mouth open as my tongue swam in Eva’s cum.
This was not right. On my part I mean. How could I leave such a banging beauty to watch my and Marie get it on. Throwing kisses and tongues around like it was only the pair of us and not a trio. Sucking on Marie bottom lip. Latching onto Eva without even looking. Pulling her down to this bison skin that we use for warmth and to hide our naked bodies while we sleep. Petting Marie’s hair. Petting it in such a way that would force her to try my incredibly wet lips. The smile she gave, the sudden I felt my next O cuming on so strong.
Pulling Eva down. Moving her hips so that I could thank her properly. Starting where she had finished. Holding my tongue back. My lips closing as my kisses roamed her wet crack. Following the stream up from the pool. Teasing the labia up, up… Retracting my tongue before it ever came in contact with the clit. This was too late for Eva. I had already started the orgasm, started the trigger that I would finish simply by mashing her two lips together and pulling.
The tremors that quaked from her body. The solid howl as my teeth pinched her clit. Gnashing against her flesh. Finally, since Eva gouged herself into Marie’s cunt. My final payment for giving me every one of those wet juicy orgasms is my tongue. The flick of the bean, the tightening of the guards, a howl at the moon. All this saying go back to one culture, one group of people. Known in the ancient world, before the Spanish and the Mexicana empire, long before the male run tribes had dominated the peninsula of Mexico. These lands were once enlightened by the wonders of the puss-puss tribe. An empire of women that was run, ruled and lived by the feminine.
One more tug on Eva’s lips sending her over the edge! Striking down what ever defenses she had left as a major orgasm exploded from her tiny cunt. Exploded all over my mouth as I sucked it down my throat. This feeling. This sensation is why I live for the Bay of Wetness. Is why I ride into the men’s world so I can rescue others of my like.
Kissing Eva’s thighs, holding one up as it quivered in my hand. Still shaking from the powerful orgasm that struck. “Oh Eva, you don’t want me to” kissing her pussy. The way it recoiled with new tremors erupting from its towering peaks down to its damp fjords. The push, the struggle to
