Anoymous Afternoon [Bondage]

I knew it was her. Not because I knew what she looked like but because she was doing what I had asked of her.

She stood in a light summer dress and heels, making her legs look luscious, with her hands crossed at the small of her back. She had been standing there for about 30 minutes while I sat in the coffee shop window watching, waiting to see if she would arrive.

Her train had been on time and from the throng of people I got my first look at her as she emerged from the station and moved out of the crowd to stand where I had told her to wait. She had to be nervous and because this was a British summer and it was raining she also had to be cold but she wasn’t fidgeting. Her feet together, her head held high, proudly, defiantly, daring the world to question her existence there. a couple of times young men had approached her, presumably to ask her if she was OK and on each occasion with a smile and a flick of her hair she sent them on their way.

I finished up my coffee and making sure that I was ready for the first part of the adventure I set off. Walking up behind her I quietly said, “hello Jess, close your eyes and don’t turn around.”

She flinched at the sound but stood still. I slipped a pair of sunglasses over her eyes that I had glued some foam pads to the inside of the lenses. To an observer she was just in a pair of stylish glasses but to her she was completely blind now.

I placed her hand onto my forearm as you would with a blind person, which I suppose she is now, and led her to the car park. I had parked at the very top well away from anywhere else and after a break in I had had a while ago I knew there were no cameras there.

We reached the foot of the stairs and I told her that we were now going up. Slowly she stepped up with me telling her about each step and when we would reach a landing. what would only take a minute to get up if she was allowed to see took almost 10. A couple of times we had to stand to one side to let people pass and she tensed wondering where she was and whether these people could see her helplessness.

We reach the top and emerge into the drizzle. I am pleased to see that my car is still the only one up here. I tell her that we now have to cover some uneven ground and I ask if she wants to keep her shoes on or not. She doesn’t even think about it as she steps from her heels. From the dirt on her soles I guess that she only wore her shoes for the time she had to stand. Just that glimpse made me want to take her right here but I had promised myself that I would wait.

We walk across the tarmac towards my car. I admit that I might have steered her towards a few puddles on the way. the little gasps coming from her as she feels the cold water close over her feet making me smile.

We reach the car and I take her hand from my arm. Telling her to kneel she neatly places her heels side by side on the ground before dropping to her knees, crossing her hands behind her back again. She has paid attention to what we have talked about. I pop the trunk and sort through the toys I had left there. I can only imagine what is going through her mind as she hears the clink of chains moving around.

I sit on the boot for a moment, savouring the sight of this gorgeous girl on her knees before me and still I resist doing anything about it. She jumps when I tell her to stand and turn around but does exactly as she is told.

Standing behind her I remove the glasses, again telling her to keep her eyes shut before pulling a blindfold over her eyes. to this I add a ball gag making sure it is pulled tight into her mouth. she Mmphs with the suddenness of it all but makes no move to resist.

Crouching behind her I fasten leather cuffs around her ankles and then her wrists, padlocking each cuff onto her limbs. She seems to relax as the bonds encircle her even without any level of restraint being applied.

And then I test her. Telling her to remove her dress. she has no idea where we are and she tenses. wondering if in all the time we had talked previously I had given her any clue that I would ever put her in danger. I let her have a moment to think about things, there is no point pushing the issue. Best to let it develop on its own.

A clink from the D ring on her wrists lets me know that a decision has been reached as her hand goes to the zip of her dress. Slowly she unzips and then shimmies her shoulders free. letting the dress puddle at her feet and stepping out of it. as she bends to pick it up I tell her to stand still. Walking around her I admire her naked body, glistening in the rain, her nipples erect and crinkled, goosebumps forming on her arms. From fear I wonder?

I pick up her dress and shoes and tell her to walk backwards three steps. Half way through the last step she touches the back bumper of my car and I help her to sit and roll into the trunk. I tell her to roll onto her front and put her hands behind her which she does. Using some more padlocks I hogtie her before closing the boot on her.

We drive. I don’t take a direct route, wanting to prolong her experience of being trapped

I had found our destination by accident, an old abandoned warehouse on the edge of town, and had been looking for an excuse to have some fun there. This seemed like the perfect opportunity. As I pulled into the lot the grey clouds were becoming more oppressive, leaden with their impending storm, and this only added to the ambiance of the place

I parked the car and went to get her from the trunk. releasing her ankles from the hogtie I helped her manoeuvre herself until her feet found the floor and she could stand. Taking her elbow I guided her into the building, around piles of rubble and dirt until we had made it into the middle of this cavernous space. Helping her to kneel I tell her not to move and I will be right back. I ran to the car to get my toys and then back inside just as the heavens opened. The sound of the rain hammering against the tin roof above us was deafening but there were no leaks near to us.

I unbuckle the gag and ease it out from behind her teeth. She works her jaw, easing the sore muscles and I ask if she needs a drink. She nods so I place a bottle of water to her lips, letting her sip her fill.

She flinches at the sound of a camera, the flash bright enough that its light must have got around the edges of the blindfold. She knew that this is what I had in mind for today but still the shock of the reality of the situation must be hard. What would I do with the pictures? Could she be recognised in any of them? We had talked at length about how there was no porn that really satisfied my particular requirements and how I wanted to create my own and she had seemed willing, even eager, to be the model in this but with no warning she had suddenly had her image captured.

I take more pictures, changing her position and bondage several times over the next hour. She is hogtied and bound spread eagle. She is hung from the rafters on her tiptoes and told to walk from one end of the building to the other with her hands bound behind her. Slowly she gets more and more filthy until I have had my fill.

I bring her back to the centre of the room and help her back to her knees. Sitting in a camping chair in front of her I lift her chin and place the water bottle back to her lips. She gulps greedily and I let her drink. Finally she stops and seems to be relaxed.

I watch her as she kneels, not self conscious about her nakedness or the fact that she is bound in a strange place. I ask if she is OK and she nods. I ask if she wants to continue and she looks quizzical.

We had discussed this shoot at length about how it would progress and as separate conversations we had discussed our sexual preferences but until now we had not put the two conversations together. However during the shoot I had noticed how wet she had become and her effect on me was undeniable. I broach the subject now, would she like to get off. She bites her bottom lip but nods before uttering a breathy yes.

I lay her on her back and spread her legs, returning to my chair. I watch her as she wonders what will come next. Slowly, quietly I drop to my knees between her legs and lower my mouth to her pussy. As my tongue connects with her clit She tenses, before relaxing, understanding what is happening. Slowly I bring her to orgasm, her moans and screams filling the emptiness around us, echoing back to her as she begins to coast down, all the while my hot breath and tongue playing with her pussy.

The glasses back on her face I walk her back to the station, her bare feet splashing through the puddles as we approach. I stop her in the position I had found her and tell her to cross her hands behind her. AS I bend to place her heels on the floor beside her feet I tell her to count slowly to 100 before removing the glasses and with that I slip off back to the coffee shop.

As my drink is being made I see her remove the glasses and blinking takes a look around. She sees her shoes and picks them up, not bothering to put them back on her feet before she drifts off back into the crowd to catch her train home.


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