The Babysitter [Mf] [Age Gap] [Cheating]

I should have closed the door.

I knew it from the moment it swung open and I was immediately ensnared with a vice-like grip by the beauty on the other side. I knew for the sake of my marriage, my family and my reputation that I should have shut that damn door.

But I didn’t.

And you know, it’s true that my marriage was failing. It’s true that I was lonely and craving a woman’s touch. It’s true that I was almost forty and wanted little more than to feel ten years younger. But none of that really mattered because even if none of it was true, I just really wanted to take a bite of the forbidden fruit.

Her name was Ava and she was exceptionally beautiful.

She had gorgeous, vibrant, fiery hair that flowed like lava from her scalp to her waist. The bright sea of orange waves and the sparkle of green in her eyes stood out against the backdrop of the creamy, whiteness of her porcelain skin.

I was enamored with her from the second I saw her smiling back at me. Her soft, pink lips stretched across her face forming dimples in her freckled cheeks.

She was just twenty years old; a local college student inquiring about the babysitter job I had recently advertised. I invited her in to talk and she brushed past me, wafting her heavenly scent of flowers and berries over my nose.

My eyes trailed down to her legs and lingered over her pale thighs. When I looked back up we locked eyes and she flashed me a devious grin.

And right then, I knew, the girl was trouble.

Trouble, I really wanted to get into.

**The Babysitter | SaturnWrites**

Unsurprisingly, Ava got the job.

But don’t judge me yet. She was genuinely great with the kids. We needed someone like her – young, fun and full of zest – to be able to handle our two little munchkins who operated on a near endless supply of energy.

The kids loved her. I loved her. Even Maria seemed to love her.

Maria, my wife. I was surprised with how much she took to Ava considering how opposed she was to hiring a babysitter in the first place. But that’s because she was opposed to the date night idea as a whole.

Like I said before, my marriage *was* failing. Maria and I were rapidly losing our love and intimacy. We just grew apart more and more each day which is why I suggested a weekly date night to change that. It was a last ditch attempt to salvage what I could of our relationship. She was reluctant, but agreed. It seemed like she may have been content with letting what we had fade away.

I wasn’t. But then I risked it all anyway.

Unfortunately date night didn’t help like I had hoped. It didn’t help at all, actually. I was starting to think Maria only agreed to it to give the kids a break from the tension between us.

That’s not to say there were zero positives of course. Ava’s weekly appearance was a welcome break from the cold, even hostile atmosphere that had developed in the house. I began to look forward to my interactions with her more than the date itself.

Before she came, I had been entirely starved of love and affection for some time. Which is why every little gesture of hers, no matter how seemingly small. was a much welcome act of intimacy in my life. Some times it was as simple as her straightening my tie or playfully nudging my arm. But I held onto each moment until the next.

Every week without fail, she even complimented my appearance. And I needed to hear it more and more each time.

Soon enough, date night transitioned from the hopeful attempt to save my marriage to the chore I had to endure to see Ava.

* * * * *

I tapped my fingers on the kitchen counter, making a conscious effort to keep my eyes focused on anything that couldn’t tell time.

Date night was getting more disastrous by the week and yet I was more determined than ever to keep it up. Not for the greatest reason, mind you but then I thought back to the first one and how it gave me hope that things would improve. Maria actually seemed to enjoy it. But maybe we just didn’t love each other any more. It happens, I guess.

Suddenly my little man screeched across the floor. “Daddy!” He bellowed. “Have you seen Ava?”

I shrugged. “Can’t say I have, champ. Did you check upstai-”

Before I had even finished my sentence, I watched with a warm smile as he bolted for the steps.

Ava stood up from behind me. “Isn’t it cheating to ask someone else?”

“I’m not getting involved in the politics of a hide and seek game.” I chuckled.

“Hide and seek tag.” She corrected me. “Once they find me, I have to make a run for it.”

I could see she had already been doing plenty of that. Her milky cheeks were glowing as red as the strands of hair that were clinging to her warm face. She brushed them aside and took a gulp from her water bottle.

My eyes followed a bead of sweat run down her neck and I longed to lap it up from her. It continued down her chest until it ran between her cleavage and disappeared behind the soft fabric of her white tank top. My eyes rested there. I wanted to feel the treasure buried beneath, maybe even suck on them a little.

Suddenly I felt a twang of guilt. I was still married after all, and the girl I was fantasizing about cheating with was half my age. This shame happened every time I overly indulged in my fantasies and yet I couldn’t bring myself to stop. My attraction only grew each week.

I let my eyes wander back up to the sultry flesh of her collarbone and imagined my tongue racing over her warm skin. Her sweat making it taste the perfect blend of sweet and salty. I could have kissed it all day long whilst my hands explored her tight, young body.

Ava placed her bottle down on the counter and I snapped out of my trance.

“Don’t you guys have reservations soon?” She asked.

Finally, I checked my watch. “In seventeen minutes.”

We exchanged a knowing look then I glanced down. There was a pause, then she cleared her throat which caused me to look up again.

“Well, you’re looking extra dashing tonight. If I may say so.” She said, beaming that impossibly beautiful grin back at me.

I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face if I wanted to. No matter how much she’d say that, I’d never get tired of hearing it.

“Although,” she started, before I could respond.

She licked the tip of her thumb and gently rubbed the corner of my mouth.

“Toothpaste.” She cooed.

I felt myself getting warm. I was transfixed again, locked in her gaze. There was another pause, until she feigned a concerned expression.

“At least I hope it was toothpaste.” She added.

I looked down and laughed.

Maria suddenly emerged from the stairway and I felt guilty again, like I had just been caught in the act of doing something I really shouldn’t have. Before I could say a word, both of our kids leapt out from behind her and chased Ava out of the kitchen.

I yelled a goodbye to the three of them and picked up my jacket.

“Finally.” I huffed. “I was starting to think you weren’t coming.”

“Don’t give me any ideas.”

* * * * *

I was never good at letting things go but that comment stung extra hard that night. Perhaps because I knew that when date night failed, it was the end of it all. The end of my marriage, the end of my family, the end of my life as I knew it.

I had been so caught up in those little moments with Ava that I had all but forgotten a divorce was on the horizon. I ruminated the whole date and started stressing to myself about how my life would be different as a single man. Maria’s words echoed inside my head. The weight of them pushed down on me and brought a cold ache to my shoulders. It was an ache I had grown familiar with.

The only release from my worries was when I turned back to my taboo fantasies of Ava. A few weeks prior she had worn these tiny, cutoff denim shorts that showed off her perky ass. I was drooling over the sight of it bouncing as she chased the kids around the house. Ever since then I couldn’t stop picturing Ava wearing them and thinking about how I wanted to spank her ass.

I gripped the steering wheel tight as I imagined squeezing her cheeks then sliding in to her tight, little pussy. My fantasies were consuming me more vividly each time and I only snapped out from it when we pulled up into our drive way.

Maria slammed her door shot and marched on inside.

That cold ache was worse than ever.

I sat still for a moment. I felt like I was in a cartoon with a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. One was telling me to fight for my marriage, the other, to give in to temptation and live out my wildest dreams.

I didn’t know what to do anymore, which side to pick. All I knew was that both sides were equally heavy and my shoulders were killing me.

I sighed and moseyed on in.

The house was silent and spotless like it always was when we returned. The kids would be asleep and Maria was already on her way to bed, leaving me to pay Ava for the night like usual.

“Welcome back, Mr Smith.” She said politely, waiting by the kitchen counter with her jacket on.

I took mine off and strung it over a stool as I fetched my favorite glass and filled it with my favorite whiskey. I fished my wallet out of my pants with one hand as I gulped my drink, then I took the money out and slid it across the counter.

My evening whiskey before bed had become a habit for the past month. It seemed to help with the pain and guilt.

I thanked Ava for doing an amazing job then poured myself another glass. Drinking it again with one hand as I rubbed my shoulder.

She chewed her lip softly. “Everything okay?” She asked.

I gently placed my glass down. I felt a little embarrassed.

“Just join pain. I’m getting old.” I forced a chuckle.

“Old? Could have fooled me.” She said. “Here, let me see.”

Ignoring my protests, Ava approached me from behind, reached up and worked her soft hands into my shoulders. It was like magic. The pain vanished away in moments. I rested both my hands on the counter and let the tension drain from my entire body and soul. Soon, all that remained was pleasure.

“Wow.” I sighed. “You’re really good at that.”

“I’m actually practicing to be a massage therapist.” She replied. I could tell she was smiling.

“Well you can practice on me anytime.”

I was glad she giggled at that. I was concerned it sounded too inappropriate. Though if she knew what was going on in my head, she would have known it was.

I was so engulfed by Ava’s touch that I was oblivious to the sound of an engine pulling up outside my drive.

She waited a few moments, then whispered. “My cab’s here.”

She didn’t stop rubbing my shoulders until I turned around.

“Right.” I said.

I think she saw the disappointment in my eyes. I think she knew I wasn’t just having joint pains.

She held my arm, stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

“It’s going to be okay, Mr S.” She told me soothingly.

I watched her walk out the door. An empty pit opened in my stomach the moment she was gone.

I sat down at the counter and ran my hands through my hair. I was a mess.

* * * * *

***1 week later***

* * * * *

“You couldn’t have told me this sooner?” I yelled.

“I only just made my decision.” Maria snapped back.

“And what about the kids?”

“My parents agreed to take them for the weekend.”

There was a pause.

“And what about me?”

“What about you?”


That was the comment that sparked it all and made me lose my shit.

I was already dressed up for date night. Hell, I was even wearing my best suit. After our worst date yet the week prior, I knew the end was closing in on us. And I thought long and hard about what that meant and I really didn’t want it. So despite my growing infatuation with our babysitter, I got my head on straight and made a plan.

I made reservations for her favorite restaurant where we would enjoy a great meal and some live jazz. Then we’d take a stroll down the the beach where I’d propose to renew our vows and save our sinking ship.

So when, she told me at the last minute possible that she was taking the kids to her parents for the entire weekend and going for a girl’s night with her friends in the next town over, I was pretty fucking upset.

And then she said what she said and I snapped.

And I said things I didn’t mean. And she said things I hoped she didn’t mean. And then neither of us said anything at all and she left.

So I cracked open a beer, slumped down on the couch and started pondering life after the divorce.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

“Hi Mr Smith!” Ava beamed up at me with a wide smile.

Her gorgeous lips looked extra glossy.

The blue, floral print summer dress she wore was cut low enough that my eyes could feast with ease on the delicious sight of her firm, tits peaking out at me. I followed her luscious arms down to her hands where she clutched her bag in front of her. The hem of her dress swayed idly against those creamy thighs that I wanted to crush my head.

Ava waited for me to talk, as if she was patiently allowing me to finish my lewd thoughts.

“I forgot to let you know we had to cancel tonight.” I slapped my forehead. “I’m really sorry. Let me get my wallet, I won’t have you travel all this way for nothing.”

She waved me off. “It’s no big deal.”

“I insist. It’s probably going to be the last time we need a babysitter anyway.”

She narrowed those beautiful eyes with concern. It almost didn’t seem right to see Ava without a smile.

“What happened?” She asked. “Do you wanna talk about it?”

“Honestly, not even a little.” I said.

We walked into the living room. My shoulders were killing me again. I had been rubbing them so much lately that I didn’t even realize when I was doing it. It was only when Ava piped up about it that I stopped.

“You should let me help with your shoulders again.” She said. “If you insist on paying me, it’s the least I can do.”

I stopped in my tracks and thought about it.

“If-if you want.” She added quickly.

“Really?” I asked.

“If you want.” She said more casually the second time.

I did want.

“You don’t have to.” I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

“I need the practice.”

She really didn’t. But I wasn’t going to argue.

We approached the couch and as I started to peel off my suit jacket, she held it and allowed me to slip out with ease. I felt an oddly erotic sense of satisfaction from that.

It may have just been a jacket and for a perfectly innocent reason, but the feeling of being undressed seemed more arousing than ever.

She placed it gently on the couch beside us and faced me.

“If you want to take your shirt off, it’ll help.” She said.

I gulped. “Really?”

“If you want.”

I did want.

“Okay.” I breathed.

The house fell eerily silent, like this whole tension had fallen upon us. The only thing I could hear was our heavy breathing.

Before I could say or do anything else, Ava grabbed my shirt and untucked it from my pants. She unbuttoned it from the bottom and worked her way up.

“Try to relax.” She whispered.

She undid another button.

“I’m going to take care off you.”

She undid the last and looked up at me.

I met her gaze. Neither of us said anything.

She traced both of her hands up my shirt and gently pulled it over my shoulders, once again helping slide it over and off my arms.

She tossed it carelessly over the jacket.

“You can sit down now.” Her voice shook a little as she spoke.

I noticed the breathing in the room had gotten heavier. Not just mine.

I planted myself and our eyes stayed fixed on one another’s until she moved behind the sofa where I sat.

She worked those soft fingers into my shoulders again and the tension released from within them in moments. Though the tension in the room was thicker than ever and I was sure it wasn’t all in my head.

Ava worked her magic, and assured me that everything was going to be okay.

Whatever happened, I believed her.

Eventually, her hands moved up from my shoulders and onto my neck and the feeling was incredible. My whole body was relaxing – except for the bulge that was going to tent my pants if any more blood was sent to my cock.

But I wasn’t even thinking about that. I hadn’t felt so good in years. I just wanted to enjoy the moment. It was hard to believe someone could make you feel like that just by rubbing your neck. The things that girl could do with just her fingers were divine and I was completely under her control.

Then she ran her fingers up my neck and over my head. They tickled my ear lobes as they swept through my hair and found my temple, rubbing it sensually until her hands drifted down and held my face.

It was only then did I realize that I was no longer sitting upright, but was instead leaning backwards with my head looking straight up as if I had melted into the couch.

I opened my eyes and she was staring down at me.

Her face slowly drifted towards mine as if it was being pulled by a magnet. Her wonderful scent, which was like a bed of strawberries washed over me.

Our noses brushed together and her lips touched mine and it was electric. I opened my mouth and let her tongue slip inside. I couldn’t get enough of her taste. I reached up and placed my hand on the back of her head as we continued exchanging saliva.

And it still wasn’t enough.

So I stood up from the sofa. My dick already throbbing, aching as it pressed against my pants.

Ava bit the corner of her lower lip, flashing me a devilish grin as I moved towards her. She reached out and put her arms around my neck and our tongues intertwined. I held her hips and we moved backwards until we bashed into the wall.

I didn’t know someone could taste so good. I didn’t ever want to pull away from those lips.

My hands fell from her waist to her legs, slowly running up and around them until I felt her ass. I gripped her cheeks and she hopped up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I squeezed her beautiful bottom some more.

She held me tightly but pulled her face from mine.

“Take me upstairs.” She whispered in my ear. “Tonight’s going to be the best night of your life.”

She nibbled on my earlobe and lust completely overtook me.

If there was any chance of me changing my mind before, it had dissipated now.

I flew us upstairs, backed into my bedroom, spun around and planted Ava on my bed. She shimmied backwards towards the headrest. I knelt in front of her and as I leaned in, she stopped me by gently pushing me backwards with her foot until her whole leg was extended and resting against my shoulder.

She smiled as she chewed her lip, looked at me then looked at her shoe.

I unlaced her white sneaker and tossed it down beside the bed. She lowered that leg as I picked up the other, quickly pulling the sneaker off and discarding it carelessly. But that time, I held her foot and pressed it to my lips. I kissed her ankle and sensually kissed up her leg. She soon had both of them draped over me and I was neck-deep in her thighs.

I moved her dress back to expose the soft fabric of her pink, cotton, panties. I kissed the wet spot on them and she let out a soft moan. I gently slid my fingers inside the waistband and pulled them down, moving back so I could yank them from her legs. I threw them to the side and resumed my position.

The sweet, musky scent of her young cunt washed over me. Engulfing me like a love potion. I marveled at the sight of the tight, pink slit before me. It leaked and glistened. There was a neat tuft of pubic hair above it.

I held underneath Ava’s thighs and moved in, putting my mouth over her juicy pussy and working my tongue up and down it. She threw her head back and laid down, letting me do all the work. I had never known such sweet juices before and I was instantly hooked on her tasty nectar. They were as intoxicating as the musical sounds of her sexy moans.

I moved one of my hands from her thighs and hooked it further around her leg, granting my hand access to her clit. I pressed my thumb against it, applying pressure but not being rough, and started to swirl it around rhythmically.

She begged me to not stop and as I continued my efforts, I felt her thighs press together harder and sandwich my face like I had always dreamed. She reached down and grabbed my head, gripping it hard as she pushed my face into her little twat.

“Keep going! Keep going!” She cried.

And I did, until her repeated, breathy moans became a continuous, loud groan of delight that almost shook the room. Her legs shuddered.

“Fuck, yeah.” She gasped.

When her breathing slowed, I moved my head back.

I gazed down in awe at the sweaty, panting girl before me. I couldn’t believe she had gotten more beautiful.

She smiled and met my gaze with lust-filled eyes. Then she sat forward and got up on both knees before grabbing the sides of her dress, lifting it up and over her head and finally exposing the beautiful, firm peaches that perked out from her chest.

But I only got to enjoy the sight for as long as it took for her to discard her dress, as she then flipped herself over on all fours.

“I’ve waited too long for this.” She sighed.

“Oh fuck.” I groaned.

I reached out with both hands and squeezed her magnificent cheeks. I wanted to bury my face back in there.

“Are you gonna make me beg?” She asked.

I hadn’t been planning to, but I did like the idea.


She looked back at me and bit her lip, this time no smile, just a pleading look in her eyes.

“Please Mr S. I want you to fuck my little pussy.”

And just like that my belt had found itself strewn across the bedroom floor and my pants and boxers were at my ankles. I slid out of them as I knelt on the bed behind my new love affair.

I guided my aching cock to the opening of her wet pussy and groaned out as I felt her tiny hole stretch around and swallow it. I gripped her hips and sank my meat deeper into her welcoming cunt. She arched her back for a moment and then rested her head on the mattress. Joy rippled through my body as the tight, velvety-soft walls of her pink canal milked my cock for all its worth.

“Fuuuuuck.” I grunted.

“I know.” She moaned breathlessly. “Could you go a little deeper?”

I had to smile.

“If you beg.”

“Please Mr Smith. Please can you- OOOH FUCK YES, LIKE THAT!”

I happily obliged her request, driving my dick deep whilst finding a steady rhythm we both enjoyed. The way she moaned was outrageously sexy.

The smell of her musk and sweet perfume had mixed to create a fragrance more potent than before. Everything was just bliss. What I could smell, see, feel.

And not just the feelings around my cock either. I was finally able to squeeze and grope her ass like I had fantasized many times. And it was better than I had thought it’d be.

“You know, I’ve longed to smack this pretty butt.” I confessed.

“Do it.” She groaned.

I was hoping she’d say that.

I swatted her cheek.

“OW!” She squealed. “Harder.”

I reigned my hand down on her ass and watch with perverse joy as its milky flesh rippled under my touch.

“OW FUCK!” She cried. “Now…fuck me harder.”

“Beg me.”

She whined. “Please Mr S. Please fuck me harder!”

I grabbed her tight body and began pounding into her wet cunt. There was no way I was going to keep that up for long. I could feel my balls already burbling.

“OH MY … FUCK!” She yelled. “Pull my hair! PLEASE pull my hair!”

I reached over, balled up that perfect hair of hers and yanked on it as I tapped harder into her divine, little pussy.

“OH — MY — GOD!” I grunted with each thrust. “I had no idea you were such a little slut.”

I looked down at her face and saw that her eyes had glazed over.

“Yes I am.” She moaned. “I’m your little slut.”

I picked up my pace and felt that tingle that originated from my balls run up my shaft and to the head of my dick.

I quickly pulled out and grasped my cock as pleasure swept through my soul. I came harder and longer than I ever had done before, spraying an unholy amount of cum over Ava’s ass.

The final drop of jizz finally oozed out and I collapsed on the bed beside her. We both laid there, gasping for air.

“I’ll uh…” I panted. “I’ll go get you a towel. Just give me…gimme a minute.”

Ava shimmied up next to me and placed a kiss on my lips.

“Nuh uh.” She cooed. “Just lay here with me for now.”

I wrapped my arm around her and she rested her head on my chest.

“Well you were right.” I told her. “Best. Night. Ever.”

“No kidding.” She giggled. “I needed that.”

“You have no idea.”

I closed my eyes and it seemed that as quickly as I had fallen asleep, I had woken up again. Except it was already morning. The sunlight spilled through my window and on to the bed, shining off the nude body that lied peacefully beside me.

I smiled as I listened to the birds outside singing.

If this was what life as a divorced guy had in store for me then everything was going to be just fine.

I stumbled over to my pants and patted them down for my phone. I took it out to check the time when something else caught my eye.

*1 missed call – Maria*

*1 new text – Maria*

I opened the text.

I know things have been difficult and I haven’t made them easier but I did some thinking and I don’t want us to be apart. I know we can make this work. I WANT to make this work. My parents have the kids. I’ll be home soon x


**the end**

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