Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 4

[Chapter 3](

“Of….of course Kel. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot to me,” he said softly and on impulse leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

Kelsey definitely needed to go now, he was rarely this sweet and showed such gratitude that she had to wonder how much the caging had to do with it. Was he feeling submissive to HER? She patted his knee and rushed off to bed, closing her door, and getting her vibrator…

Josh watched her go, absolutely stunned at what had happened tonight. He could feel the cage hugging his cock and felt the reality that he couldn’t remove it, even if he wanted to, which he didn’t. Kelsey had been so forward as she snapped the lock on him and it had pushed his mind further into the submissive space after being so off balance with the embarrassment of her watching the caging.

Even now, he could feel his cock trying to get hard. He let out a little noise and got up to clean up the food and drink from their little party. He could feel that he was still at least quite buzzed, but it was a very pleasant buzz. He had a sudden fear that the alcohol had prompted too much of what had happened tonight and that things with Kel would be really awkward in the morning. But there was nothing he could do about that fear right now. He finished cleaning and went off to bed, stripping. He liked to sleep nude.

Only tonight, he wasn’t quite nude was he? He felt the cage holding his cock, still throbbing and still trying to get hard and couldn’t help but think it was like Kel’s hand gripping him.

He tossed and turned and whimpered and it was several hours before he finally fell asleep.

Kelsey also stripped off eagerly, laying in bed, and immediately brought the vibrator to her sopping wet pussy. Fuck, this had aroused her so much! She knew it shouldn’t but she couldn’t help it. She kept thinking about that look in his eyes as she snapped the lock on. The desire for it, the submission, and even fear and it just got her so worked up.

He had a nice cock, and it was under her control right now. He could meet a girl tomorrow what wanted him to fuck her and he would have to ask Kelsey to be let out of the cage! And Kelsey could just say no, that his cock belonged to her until Sunday night. That was some powerful shit.

She felt her orgasm quickly building. This whole thing had caught her completely by surprise. She had been so wrong about what female domination was and what it entailed. The way Josh had done the cave man instinctual thing made it make so much sense, because a submissive man WANTED to be denied. He actually craved feeling that control. And the Domme could just keep making him more and more desperate to serve her desires. Fuck, she hoped Josh was desperate in the morning.

She imagined him getting on his knees and begging to be let out of the cage, and that image and how much power she would have in that moment, was enough to send her over. Her body trembled as one of the best orgasms she had ever had crashed through her. It took some time for it to finally subside.

Unlike Josh though, when she was done and had put the vibrator away, she was asleep nearly the moment her head hit the pillow, a small smile on her face.

Kelsey was up early and first the next morning, feeling wonderful despite all the drinking the night before. She was not hungover and was looking forward to a full day with a caged Josh and what else he might reveal about his desires and about female domination in general. She put on the coffee thinking about how to Josh, she was doing him a favor by holding the key. Her hand went for it and idly toyed with it hanging between her breasts. To him, it wasn’t because she wanted to dominate him, but it was because it was something she could do to help him experience some of his fantasies.

She stood there, waiting for the coffee to brew thinking about that. Somehow it added extra hotness to the entire thing. He was grateful to her, and yet at the same time, she had leaped at the opportunity. It didn’t change how he viewed it though. She was doing him a favor by controlling his cock in his eyes and that made it seem all the more powerful.

She was dressed in leggings that she knew showed off the shape of her ass and a tank top without a bra. It wasn’t unusual at all for her to dress like this on a lazy weekend morning, but she had to wonder if her body would add to Josh’s sexual frustration.

Josh had in fact awoken quite early as his daily morning wood tried to burst through the cage. It was very uncomfortable though not directly painful. He groaned with the discomfort and not getting nearly enough sleep. Every ten seconds or so his cock would throb hard trying to lengthen and meet the bars of the cage and cause him the discomfort. He tossed and turned, trying not to think about it and trying to think of anything that wouldn’t arouse him, not that this erection had been caused by arousal in the first place. But his cock would throb, he would groan, and be reminded that he couldn’t do a damn thing to relieve the pressure and that would arouse him, causing him to throb again…

He dozed in fits and starts for the next several hours and when he heard Kel was up he finally got out of bed, putting on sweats and a t-shirt. He was anxious to find out if she had any regrets about last night.

He stumbled out to the kitchen groggy eyed and she was there with a big smile beaming up at him. The first thing he noticed after her smile was was the thin tank top she was wearing without a bra and the way the nipples on her perky breasts pushed against the fabric. There was also a bit of side boob exposed. The next thing he noticed was the way she had looked down at his crotch and how her smile seemed to deepen if anything.

“Good morning Josh!” she said excitedly and he winced, “How did you sleep? How does the cage feel?” she fired off in rapid succession and Josh thought that really answered the question he had on if she had any regrets. She obviously did not.

“Not well…it….it was very broken sleep, but from what I have read, that is to be expected until you get used to wearing the cage. Tonight shouldn’t be as bad, unless you unlock me before then?” he asked and felt two ways about that possibility. There was hope in his tone though, because of the physical relief it would provide to be set free, and Kelsey heard that. Her eyes lit up and she came over and pulled him into a hug. Josh could feel her breasts pressed against his chest and his cock twitched.

She whispered into his ear, “Aww, you poor thing. I am sorry you didn’t sleep well. I haven’t decided yet on when to let you out, but it is most likely that you’ll just have to learn to live with it for another night…” Now his cock did fully throb. Fuck, she had worded that so perfectly, like he had dreamed a Domme would. She showed empathy and sympathy while also being fully in control and not afraid of being merciless while also being sweet. Feeling her body pressed against him added to his arousal.

She broke off the hug and said, “Let’s get you some coffee and we can go sit and chat. I am so looking forward to spending the day with you and learning more…” she said, telling the truth and getting out a mug for him. He accepted it gratefully and made his coffee before they went to the living room. Between being able to have that first sip and how well this was all going, Josh wasn’t nearly as groggy as he was when he first entered the kitchen.

They sat for a few moments before she asked, “Besides not sleeping well, how do you feel knowing you can’t take the cage off?” she asked directly, her eyes locked on him intently.

“It…it is very arousing,” he said blushing, but pushed on. They’d come too far together for him to hold back anything. “I woke up at about 4am because of the natural morning erection trying to form. It absolutely pushed and throbbed against the cage causing some safe discomfort that kept me awake. I wasn’t even having sexual thoughts, but it would throb and remind me that I couldn’t do anything about it, which aroused me.”

Kelsey wanted to say, ‘that’s so fucking hot!’ but controlled herself. This was better than she even imagined last night. And was it her imagination, or had Josh’s eyes lingered on her chest? Also, he seemed to talk differently to her. A bit more soft spoken. Even without the alcohol now, she felt emboldened.

“Do you look at me differently? I mean, not as your Domme of course, but knowing that I hold the key to your cage between my breasts and have this power over you? That effectively I own your cock for the weekend?” she asked boldly and his eyes traveled to her chest again when she mentioned where the key was. Was it because of the key? Or was it because of her breasts? Either way, she didn’t mind at all. Usually men’s stares were unwelcome and creepy, but if he was looking at her breasts and getting additional arousal from it, it made her feel even more powerful.

Josh considered the questions, blushing deeper, remembering his reaction in the kitchen. “I do,” he said softly. “You have this power over me when we had always previously been equals before. It’s impossible to not be aware of that all the time. Aware that you own my cock and it is entirely up to you when it comes off.” He paused for a moment, feeling really embarrassed, but that he should share what happened to him in the kitchen. “When….when you hugged me and were all sympathetic while also being firm that I probably wouldn’t be released today…it…it throbbed hard Kel. I can’t tell you the effect that had on me. It was strong. That combination you naturally used of sweetness and mercilessness was…well….it almost physically hurt me it aroused me so much…” His voice was low and raspy by the end.

Kelsey was absolutely thrilled at the admission and her pretty blue eyes sparkled with it. She saw how hard it was for him to admit that he felt her power over him, and how much it aroused him. His low raspy voice and his lowered eyes made her feel even more confident. She couldn’t help but tease him a little. “That’s right Josh,” she said in a bedroom voice, “that cock belongs to me now and I wouldn’t let you out of that cage even if you got on your knees and begged.” It amused her to reference the fantasy she had masturbating last night.

Josh groaned and bent at the waist before saying, “please Kel, no more. Fuck that made it try to burst free,” he half groaned and half laughed.

She giggled before her smile deepened and she replied, “I want to see it. I want to see my property.” It wasn’t a command, but it wasn’t a question either. It was just a statement of her desires and she wondered what he would do.

Josh felt like he would never be able to stop blushing. Again when she referenced his cock as her property, he throbbed. He felt compelled to show her. She had already seen him put the cage on, had locked it herself, and as she said, it currently belonged to her. He put his coffee on the table and stood up. He couldn’t meet her eyes as he pulled the waistband of his sweats down to reveal his caged cock. The skin was poking through the bars of the cage in his arousal, and even as he pulled the waistband down, it throbbed making the whole cage bob.

Kelsey looked at it without any shyness on her part. She was fascinated by the way it pressed against the bars of the cage and fully filled it and couldn’t go any further. It was so arousing to have this power over him. “Oh my goodness Josh, that looks absolutely lovely. I am not sure I should ever let you out of it,” she teased and then giggled as it throbbed right it front of her and he moaned with the discomfort.

“Fuck Kel, please stop teasing me,” Josh complained. Kelsey slyly said, “was it is a tease?” making him throb again and she nearly doubled over in laughter. He pulled the waistband back up and resumed sitting with his coffee.

Josh couldn’t believe how good she was at this. They weren’t even in a sexual relationship and she somehow how knew the exact way to act and exactly what to say to arouse him the most. She was a natural Domme and it hadn’t even been a full day yet.

Kelsey decided to let up with the teasing for now and changed the subject, in a way. “So I feel like we have only kind of just scratched the surface of what a femdom relationship could be like.” Josh nodded in agreement. “Tell me, when you imagine the perfect femdom relationship, a Domme you love and that you live with, what does it look like day to day? As enjoyable as the sex might be, there is so much more to the day than sex, right?”

“Indeed,” he replied, “and I guess it depends on the type of femdom relationship it is, but since we are kind of talking about a hypothetical and fantasy, I sometimes think about something called a TPE or Total Power Exchange. It is basically 24/7 submission in all things. Sure, the sexual things are there but it can also be called an FLR or Female Led Relationship. She makes all the decisions basically and he gladly does what he is told to do. Doesn’t really matter what it is. Could be sexual, domestic, financial. Anything involved in day to day life.”

Kelsey listened intently. Control of Everything? That was kind of astounding in light of her new understanding of female domination, because he actually desired to NOT have any of that control and with his orgasm denial, he was motivated to do anything to please her. She was more than intrigued.

After a short pause, Josh went on, “one thing I have fantasied about that is often used in this type of arrangement is called CFNM, or Enforced Nudity of the submissive. And it is not entirely sexual. Basically he needs her permission to be dressed. So when they are home and alone and private, he is to remain undressed at all times. It is not directly sexual, but something that kind of just enforces their dynamic. It is hard to forget what you are when you are naked and on your hands and knees cleaning the kitchen floor. And for her, she might feel some extra power by choosing when and what to clothe herself in while he carries out his day to day nude simply because she wishes it.”

Kelsey instantly grasped this concept. When you were kept naked, you would feel more vulnerable at all times, even if you were just sitting and watching TV. And she found it very appealing. She suddenly had an idea that yesterday she never would have dreamed of saying, but now? She looked at Josh, her eyes almost boring into him.

“You just said this is another one of your fantasies right?” she asked to confirm and he nodded, embarrassed, which only made her more bold.

“Well, you said it is not intrinsically sexual and I have already seen you in the cage. What if you gave me that power for the rest of the weekend too? And you just stayed naked. Well, naked except for the cage…” she said in a husky voice.

Josh nearly choked on his coffee…



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