Educating a Friend [MMFF] [18+] [Consensual] [Slow Burn] (Chapter 2)

**Chapter 2**

Moments later, they’d agreed to several things: more drinks were in order, and Kyle had called down for room service. Although Troy and Stephanie had eaten, their younger friends had not. Kyle once again scored points by asking Morgan for her preferences on the food and listening carefully to her replies.

To the surprise of the other three, Morgan was the one who came up with a way to get the evening started. She’d read some stories about strip poker and found the idea more than a little appealing, especially with two incredibly fit guys in the mix. She had even thought of some special rules to add some extra dimensions to the game: there was no betting as such and no folding—all players were in, every time; the low hand had to lose a piece of clothing, and the high hand got to ask a question or give a dare to any of the participants. The dares could be anything, so long as they only involved body parts that were exposed—that way, the more clothes that came off the more advanced the dares could be.

Morgan admitted she’d spent more than a little time fantasizing about this sort of game in order to have evolved the rules in her head. It was quickly becoming clear to Troy and Kyle that Stephanie had read this right: Morgan was extremely ready to explore intimacy, and they were counting their good fortune that they were going to get to be involved.

It turned out that Troy had a couple of decks of cards—he counted on solitaire as a standby for passing time when he travelled—so having refreshed their drinks they settled into seats around the coffee table as Troy shuffled and dealt.

The first few rounds were tame enough: shoes and socks were removed and the dares were lightweight. Stephanie’s first win allowed her to “dare” Troy to be honest with her—not that he wouldn’t have, anyway, and asked “I just want to be 100% sure you’re okay with this. I really value our relationship and look forward to your visits enormously. If we keep going here, I’m going to—”

It was Troy’s turn to cut her off. “You’re going to do erotic, intimate things with both Kyle and I.” Troy held Stephanie’s gaze steadily. “You’ll kiss him, and he’ll almost certainly go down on you, and if you want it you’ll suck his cock and even…fuck him. And I’ll watch, or help, or participate in any way that’s right for Morgan and for all of us. Yep, I get that. And yes, I want that.”

He paused to let that sink in, and Stephanie’s answer came in the form of a warm kiss and a lingering hug. She looked into his eyes, warming up to the exhibitionist aspect of baring not just her naked body to the others—that was still to come—but of baring her feelings and emotions, as well. It gave her a charge she didn’t expect, but was very much enjoying. “And I, lover, will be good to you throughout and really appreciate your openness about this. Besides, it’s up to Morgan: I might ‘have’ to watch you do some intimate things, as well.”

“I’m just glad we’re being open about this,” Morgan said. “I don’t want any of this to come between the two of you.”

Stephanie, slipping back into her playful mode said “All things considered there might be quite a bit of ‘coming’ between several of us, tonight…” and with a laugh and a lustful look at all three of her friends she took the cards and started dealing the next hand.


Room Service arrived before anyone lost too many clothes, and they took a break to pass around some food and another round of drinks. The wins and losses had been distributed more or less evenly, and the dares remained very tame—often just questions about their past or minor physical dares to loosen things up. Troy had on slacks, a belt, and a shirt. Stephanie had on her skirt, a light blouse over her favorite tight white cotton tank top, and no bra—all of her clothes were chosen carefully for tonight, although when she dressed earlier in the evening she didn’t know they’d be coming off in quite this fashion. Kyle was the only one in socks, plus jeans and a white button-down shirt. Morgan was slightly lower on the clothes-count at this point, wearing only jeans and a capri top with a built-in shelf bra. She was also conscious of her choices when she’d dressed for the evening and liked the less-constrained feeling of the capri top vs. a separate bra—she didn’t expect her strip poker fantasy to come into play and realized now that she’d put herself at a disadvantage. But the evening had been so fun to this point and with the help a few glasses of her favorite wine seeping warmly, wonderfully into her system she found her gratitude for how accommodating and considerate everyone had been trumping her nerves.

Good thing, since Morgan had the low hand in the next round. Without only a little hesitation, she gamely stood, unzipped her jeans, and with a deep breath she carefully slipped them over her hips—making sure not to drag her panties along with them–and down to her knees. She managed to kick off her jeans with what she hoped was some measure of dignity . She was not blind to the fact that she was more than a little attractive and at the peak of physical shape: toned legs—heck, toned everything–flat stomach, and very perky b-cup breasts. Unlike most women she knew, she had no desire for a larger chest. She was more than happy with her own equipment and didn’t worry that they’d be wandering down to visit her navel when she was older, thank you very much. Plus, she’d carefully trimmed herself just today and was wearing a specially-purchased pair of boy-short style lace panties. Stephanie had assured her she looked good in them, so all in all she was ready to show herself off to the boys, at least to this degree.

In fact, all of her observers—Stephanie included—made no secret of their approval of her looks or her willingness to be the first to shed something significant. They didn’t say so outright but all of the non-verbal clues were there, including some serious checking-out by both of the guys. She even stood for an extra moment and half-turned back and forth before settling back into her seat with a giggle. So far, so good.

As Stephanie had won that round, she was in a position to give a dare. She’d been pondering several more adventurous options and given Morgan’s apparent comfort with things she jumped at the chance to step things up just a little.

“The dare for this round will involve all three of you,” she announced. “Now that Morgan’s stunning legs are on display, I’d like to hear our boys express how beautiful she is. So boys, if you’ll move the coffee table out from between us all…” with which the boys quickly complied, “Morgan, I need you to stand in front of us with your feet shoulder-width apart.” Morgan cautiously complied, and Stephanie directed her to stand with her hands on her hips. Stephanie wanted things to get more than a little heated, now, and had her stand this way so that there was no question of her legs hiding the full shape of her lower body. “Troy, let’s have you kneel on the floor in front of her with Kyle on the floor behind her. You are both to spend a minute or so admiring her body and telling us exactly what you think. Please, don’t hold back.”

The guys were only too happy with the chance to overtly admire Morgan’s body. Troy settled into place in front of her and slowly cast his gaze up and down Morgan’s stunning legs.

“You are simply beautiful,” he began. “Any guy is going to be incredibly lucky to be with you—your body, your legs, your whole appearance is…” he searched for the right word “…compelling…stunning.” Morgan smiled and not for the first time admired Steph’s choice in this man.

“Tell us how her body—so nearly naked, and so close to you—makes you feel,” prompted Stephanie.

“Well…attracted. Literally attracted. And turned on, more than a little. I want to lean closer,” and he did lean closer, staring openly now at the thin lace panties that were oh-so-barely covering her sex, just inches away. “I want to see you up close…sense, smell, feel the warmth coming from you…the way your skin disappears under the lace edges of your incredibly sexy panties. You may not have much experience, but you certainly know how to dress for the part! The shape of your flat, lean stomach—the way your short top is just barely long enough to keep you covered, ” at which point Morgan almost subconsciously leaned backwards and stretched her torso upwards slightly to actually expose a line of skin above her low-cut boy shorts and below her cami top. Troy sighed, inhaled deeply, and had to keep himself from reaching out to run his fingers over her smooth, alluring skin. “Incredibly attracted,” repeated Troy.

Kyle stepped in to do his part with “Given that I’m behind you, I don’t know how to say some of this without sounding crude, and a sight as beautiful as this ought not be described in crude language—but let me try.”

Morgan found his words coming from behind her to be especially enticing—she realized she loved knowing that he was staring at her but not knowing exactly what he was actually looking at, focused on.

“You have the best…shape…I’ve ever seen, ” he said, trying desperately to avoid referring to her incredibly hot ass as, well, an incredibly hot ass. “You are so toned, and so firm—I can’t take my eyes off of you, of the curve of your skin as it descends in and down from your hips, along the line of these incredibly…erotic…teasing…perfect panties. It’s impossible not to look…to really look…between your legs, giving me just a hint of the shape that Troy—lucky bastard!—is gifted with from the front… But I’m not complaining! You’re beautiful, Morgan, and I’m really lucky to have fallen into this chance to be so close to you.”

Stephanie laughed and clapped as Morgan’s face grew warm with excitement and arousal. “You guys are good–thank you! I agree that she’s beautiful, and you both did a great job of helping her feel that—didn’t they, Morgan?”

“God yes! I want to win a hand now so that I can have them do that to you!”

“Oh don’t worry,” quipped Stephanie, “I have all sorts of things in mind that they’ll be doing to me soon.”

With a few head-clearing breaths everyone settled into their places again, and Morgan steadied herself enough to shuffle and deal.

Troy came up short on the next hand, and lost his belt. He then dealt the following hand and lost again, but as he started to pull his shirt up to remove it Stephanie asked him to wait, since her high hand let her state the dare. “The dare will involve you removing your shirt, so it’ll come off all the same.” Stephanie asked Troy to sit in the center of the love seat, with both she and Morgan on either side. It was more than crowded and the girls were more or less sitting in Troy’s lap, which by now included a growing hardness under his slacks.

“Here’s what I want,” Stephanie explained. “I’m going to slowly peel his shirt off, Morgan, and you are going to explore a little as we go. I want you to lightly trace your fingers over his body as the shirt comes off—anywhere that’s exposed, you need to touch. Feel the ripples of hard muscle under the soft skin, feel him squirm just a little as you trace your fingers over his chest.” And with that she slowly—very slowly—started pulling his shirt up from the bottom. He had not competed in swimming in years but out of a concern over growing soft he worked out extensively and could still hold his own in the weight room, or on the track, or the pool. There was not an ounce of fat on him, and there was an enticing array of muscles in his abdomen. That was one of the benefits of swimming: tone, tone, and more tone.

Morgan didn’t hold back on playing her hands over his skin as she was directed. After all she had no choice, right? She loved the feel of his body and the subtle undertone of his being “hers to play with” heightened the sense of excitement for her, and for Troy. Stephanie relished every bit of stripping the shirt off of her lover, exposing his flat abs that descended smoothly towards a clear v-cut (which Stephanie had seen up close many times, and the knowledge that she’d be seeing it again soon added to her already-substantial arousal) and casting the shirt aside she decided to raise the stakes a little higher. “One more part to the dare,” she ventured and charged on before anyone had room to challenge the validity of a two-part dare, “I want you to do exactly what I do.” With that she leaned in and gently kissed Troy’s chest on the left side, just below his neck. Morgan did the same on the right side. “Good, now follow me…” and with that she moved her kisses down across his pecs, watching Morgan do the same, and feeling Troy tense up—in a good way—under their combined ministrations. “Feel his skin with your mouth,” she directed as she went. “Kiss his chest—kiss his nipples, and feel how they harden against your lips. Lick them lightly…” and with Morgan echoing her every move she indulged herself in lingering there for a few minutes feeling the smooth skin of his chest against her face and the rough little nipple—now very hard—in her mouth, sucking gently.

For her part Morgan was happy to comply. She’d never seen a better chest and always wondered what it would be like to kiss a man in this way. She was not disappointed with the results: the ever-so-slightly salty taste of his skin, the rough, firm little nipple that was hers for the moment, and the way he twitched and jumped as she kissed and gently—very gently—nipped at him.

“Oh God, for someone new to all of this, you are…” …twitch…squirm….”exceptionally good at it…” managed Troy, who was now entirely hard and very ready to help this evening move along. He found he enjoyed the feeling of Stephanie taking charge and realized that with a little careful manipulation, he might be able to make that happen more often.

Stephanie ended the dare by having Morgan kiss Troy slowly and thoroughly on the lips and moved in to do the same, gently nuzzling Morgan out of the way and very briefly sharing Troy’s mouth with Morgan’s as the transition took place. Again, these small hints of intimacy between the girls was not lost on the men. Troy filed that away for later, trusting Kyle would do the same. If the girls had experimented in that vein and wanted to share the fact, they would in their own time. Neither of the guys wanted to do anything to divert the stream of eroticism and intimacy that they were all being swept up in, at this point.

Kyle lost the next two rounds in a row, which cost him his socks. Morgan had the high hand in both cases, and kept the dares tame and brief. Stephanie shuffled and dealt the next round, and lost one of her tops with the low hand, leaving her wearing only a tight white tank top that made several things clear: she was not wearing a bra, she didn’t need to wear a bra, and she was more than a little turned on. Her nipples showed through clearly and she made no move to hide behind crossed arms or any other ruse. When she lost her skirt in the next round she was actually glad—the exhibitionist in her was now entirely in control, and she was more than ready for her own nudity as well as that of the others. She unzipped her skirt and let it fall away, revealing tiny white bikini panties that left no doubt as to whether she shaved—in fact, she was completely bare and had recently waxed.

When the next hand was played and Morgan showed the low hand she hesitated for a moment and found herself blushing: wearing no bra and down to her cami and panties, she was going to be the first to show real nudity. As she started to steel herself to take this step, Kyle—who’d been silent in the last few minutes—said “Wait! I have a rules question: the low hand loses a piece of clothes, but nothing was said about anyone giving away clothes, right?” And without waiting for an answer, he quickly unbuttoned his shirt and with a shrug of his well-muscled shoulders he slipped out of his shirt and handed it to Morgan. “I’m giving you this, so now you can give it up and still be back where you started with two pieces of clothes.”

A huge smile of relief spread over Morgan’s face before her expression slid towards apprehension. “Are you sure?” she said. “That leaves you with only your jeans, and underwear.”

“Actually…it’s just jeans,” he said, and paused while that sank in. “But that’s okay—you ought not be the first to be genuinely undressed, after all.”

“Wow!,” offered Stephanie, “That’s…huge…or I bet it is, and this way we’re one step closer to finding out!” Secretly—although she suspected that Troy sensed how she felt—she was genuinely touched by his consideration for her friend, and she could tell that Morgan was as well.

Morgan stood and bent forward to hug Kyle fiercely whisper “Thank you” in his ear, and then before taking her seat again said “But I think it would be more fair if I did it like this…” as she pulled Kyle’s shirt around her shoulders and buttoned it and then pulled her arms in from the sleeves. For a moment she was a tiny bundle of movement inside of Kyle’s shirt (which was massive on her) until her arms popped back through the sleeves with her cami in one hand. “Now I’m still wearing two things, but I like it better this way.” Handing her cami to Kyle she took her seat again and proceeded to roll up the sleeves on his white shirt about six times for each arm to keep from being completely swallowed in it.

Inside the shirt, she relished the feel of her bare skin and her hard nipples against the fabric of his shirt. She realized it was still warm from his skin, and his scent—a clean wonderful scent—lingered on it. At that moment she was very glad she’d asked him to stay, and found herself wondering if there were any boundaries at all for her tonight. She didn’t think so anymore.

It was Morgan’s turn to deal, but Troy shuffled for her and volunteered to deal if the girls would make one more round of drinks. They obliged, which gave everyone a welcome opportunity to see more of Stephanie in her thin cotton top and tiny bikini panties. Kyle’s shirt was so big on Morgan that she was completely covered up again, much to the boy’s chagrin. The drink-break turned into a bathroom break and a snack break, but very quickly everyone reconvened.


Troy had dealt during the break, and when the hand played out he was on the low end. With only his slacks left to lose he stood in front of Stephanie and said “Would you like to do the honor?” She gladly complied, stripping his slacks off and revealing tight black sport-style underwear that did nothing to conceal the fact that he was rock hard. Before letting him sit down, she turned him around so that Morgan had a full frontal view and Stephanie took her time roaming her hands over his torso from behind, intentionally nudging and touching his cock through the thin fabric of his shorts every time her hands came near him.

Both girls were down to two pieces of clothes, and both the guys down to one. As Troy slowly shuffled the cards he said to Morgan “In a hand or two, this is going to get serious…are you sure you want things to go this far?”

She held his gaze and said sincerely “Thank you for asking, and yes—I want them to go this far, and more. The suspense is killing me now…I want to see and do so much tonight. You’ve all been great to me, and I really, really appreciate it.” She stood and moved to Stephanie, hugging her tightly. She moved to Troy and kissed him, and then to Kyle and embraced him warmly “Thank you so much for the shirt—that was incredibly thoughtful of you.” She held his face and kissed him firmly before settling back in her seat.

“Okay then,” Troy said as he continued to shuffle. “I have a proposal.”

“I think this should be the last hand. Look, we’re clearly all going to be nude soon enough—or as nude as we choose—so we don’t need to play this out. It gets awkward at some point. Instead, I think this should be a winner-takes-all hand: the high hand should get to direct the rest of us, at least for a while. If that person turns out to be a tyrant or unimaginative”—at which point Stephanie playfully slapped him and said “There are no tyrants here, and if anyone is unimaginative I have enough ideas to keep us all busy for a long time. Deal them, lover.”

Kyle and Morgan concurred, and Troy carefully dealt the last hand.

When cards were drawn, Troy had a pair of fives, Morgan had three Jacks, and Kyle had only a busted flush. But Stephanie beamed as she laid down four Aces. “A sign from the Gods of Cards, I think!” she said with a good natured-laugh. “All of you are hereby my playthings!”

Troy grinned and said “I’ve been there, and it’s not a bad place to be…”

“I don’t think you’re going to mind very much,” said Stephanie, “but I think we first have to finish off the last bit of the game. Kyle…your pants, please?”

Grinning wryly, Kyle stood and without hesitation unbuttoned his fly and slid his jeans to the ground. His very full erection leaped out, but rather than sitting awkwardly he stood straight and still in a way that managed to be dignified. It helped that he was practically a perfect specimen of a man: well muscled, tan, and with a classic washboard stomach.

“Troy—you chose really, really well,” said Stephanie, “and I thank you for it, for this whole evening. This really is a fantasy of mine, and it’s time we let this play all the way out.”

“Morgan, are you okay?” she asked, and Morgan giggled in response.

“Okay? Yes, I’m…wonderful. Kyle—oh my god, I don’t know what to say.”

Stephanie said “Morgan, I think you shouldn’t have to say anything for a while. You should just watch, and enjoy yourself. Troy, I’m going to need you to strip out of those shorts—I want both of you guys naked please.” Troy complied and revealed a substantial erection of his own, as well as full confirmation that his v-cut was everything Stephanie remembered it to be.

“All sorts of things are going to happen now,” said Stephanie, “and I know almost exactly what I want first. Morgan, when we spoke about this night you showed a great interest in the male orgasm—what it’s like when it happens, how a man sounds, how he moves. We are going to get that taken care of, right now—that is, I am going to take care of that, with one of these two…the only question is which one it will be.

“I want all three of you to draw one card, please.”

Troy leaned forward, gathered the cards, and with a brief shuffle offered the deck to Morgan, who drew a seven. Kyle followed with a two, and after a moment’s hesitation Troy slowly drew a card from the deck—a nine.

“Since Troy and Morgan were closer together, we’ll pair them up at first,” Stephanie explained. “But only as observers,” she quickly added. “Which means Kyle…You. Are. Mine.”


Directing Kyle to stand in front of the other two Stephanie settled on her knees in front of him, ran her hands up the outside of Kyle’s legs and with no hesitation trailed her fingers across his flat stomach, through his thin blonde pubic hair and ever so lightly over his rock-hard erection.

In a soft, sultry tone she almost purred “One last chance to back out, if you need.”

Kyle shook his head, to no one’s surprise. The substantial drop of precum that glistened at the tip of his cock left no doubt how he felt about this.

Stephanie leaned back for a moment and let her long auburn hair cascade down her back, savoring what she was about to do. Knowing her every move was being watched—and admired—by her audience was every bit as thrilling and arousing as she’d hoped it would be. She took her time with every move and savored the anticipation of the events to come.

She let her gaze wander over Kyle’s long frame and drank in the sight of his naked body: swimmer’s build, firm muscles from toes to head, topped off by an unruly swath of blonde hair above deep blue eyes.

Her gaze drifted to his erection—it was beautiful! And so hard. The precum at the tip had turned into a shiny wet trail down the frenulum. Stephanie raised her eyes to Kyle’s and when she caught his gaze she held steadily it as she leaned in and used the tip of her tongue to carefully lick the glistening liquid from the underside of his erection back to the tip. Kyle shuddered with pleasure and anticipation, and Stephanie recognized Morgan’s sharp intake of breath. Still holding Kyle’s gaze with her own, she heard Troy whispering to Morgan. Listening closely she could only make out fragments, “….the most sensitive part of his cock… showed him that she wants to taste him…so erotic…” Knowing that Troy was helping Morgan through this not only warmed her heart, but further stoked her already overwhelming lust for what was happening. Still holding Kyle’s gaze, Stephanie breathed in his clean scent as she inched forward steadily as Kyle’s throbbing cock met her lips and slid smoothly into her willing mouth. They moaned in unison as she lightly gripped his hips and lost herself in the feeling of his hard body in her touch and his stiff manhood filling her mouth.

She slowly, wetly, slid her mouth up and down his shaft, feeling the rough head slide over her tongue as she languished in the erotic feeling of power this gave her. She loved the sensations, and the wonderful contrast of his smooth wet skin over his amazingly hard member.

Pulling back slowly she paused just long enough to shoot a glance towards Morgan, and felt a warm rush of affection for Troy when she noted that he’d managed to carefully cradle Morgan in his arms without pressing his naked cock against her. They were both intently watching the show that Stephanie and Kyle were providing. Stephanie let herself focus on Kyle again and slid his huge erection wetly in and out of her mouth several times.

“Morgan, is this what you wanted to see?” she paused to ask, and immediately resumed sucking Kyle while she waited for the answer.

“Yes. Yes, thank you!” Morgan said, her voice husky, filled with lust and tinged with a nervous edge.

“Where do you want me to make him cum?” Stephanie offered, as she licked and stroked Kyle steadily, making sure to squeeze just enough as her hand slipped over the rough ridge of his cockhead. “I am going to make him come,” she says, “We’ve established that. But where? In my mouth? Or on my face? I’ll do it any way you want.”

Morgan’s head spun with the realization that she really was about to watch a man cum, for the first time in her life. She was so turned on by the idea that she was literally a little dizzy and took a slow, steadying breath while she formed her words. “I want to see him cum,” she managed to say, “but I also want to see you take some in your mouth—you told me you usually like that. Can you do some of both? Can it work that way?” She blushed, thrilled to be able to ask these questions, and watch all of this happen.

“No problem, baby–I know just what you mean.” She interrupted herself to slide Kyle’s cock back in her mouth, sucking and pulling with her lips as Kyle moaned in pleasure. “I’m pretty sure there’ll be plenty to go around when we get him there.”

Kyle managed to grin through his ecstasy and gasped out “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem!”

“Good,” says Stephanie evenly, “then here’s how it’s going to be.”

“Kyle,” she explained, “I’m going to suck you…in…and out…of my mouth,” she said, interrupting her words with the corresponding actions. “And when I am not sucking your hard cock, I’ll be stroking it, pulling on you, making it good for you. Your job is to explain to Morgan how it feels, tell us what you are feeling, and what it makes you want. Just like earlier, I’m counting on you to not hold back.”

Kyle’s cock was glistening with the wetness from Stephanie’s mouth by now, and her own cheeks glistened wetly as she pressed his throbbing erection against her face, constantly stroking and caressing him with her hands, her cheeks, her lips…every way she could touch him.

Kyle, doing his best to keep his composure, gasped out “Mmmmm—the first thing this feels is incredibly good—great—almost indescribable.”

Popping his cockhead in and out of her mouth, Stephanie looked up at him. “Try,” she urged, “try to describe it.”

“Your touch is incredible—the slickness on my shaft is amazing, and you could touch me there forever and I’d probably be able to keep it under control. It’s great, and less intense…oh, god….but when you take the tip into your mouth…uhhhh…” and words were lost to him, as she did as he described, sucking gently but firmly, running her tongue along the underside of the head.

Troy held Morgan, feeling her tremble with excitement, and tried to control his own desire. Watching Steph give in to this and totally lose herself in what she was doing was without doubt the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. Morgan had taken both of Troy’s hands and pulled his arms more tightly around her. He couldn’t avoid his erection pressing against the small of her back now, but she clearly wasn’t avoiding it. Whether she was welcoming the feeling of his hard cock against her—and probably leaking precum of his own—or if she was just too focused on the intense action in front of them was hard to tell.

Looking back to Stephanie, Troy saw that she’d paused her oral ministrations temporarily, and was tracing her fingers down to his now-dripping sack with one hand as she continued to stroke him with the other. She was saying “Kyle, the only other conditions are: I’m not going to stop, do you understand? You are going to cum for me…I will know when—you’ll tell me, in all sorts of ways—and when the time comes you have to try to hold still, still enough that I can guide you.” And she was guiding him, in and out of her wet mouth, against her face, between her hands. “The first cum will be in my mouth—I want that, I want you that way. The second, though, will be on my face—we want Morgan to see it happen, and the third…there’ll be at least three gushes of cum, won’t there?” she asked as she hungrily sucked him as far into her mouth as she could take.

“Uhhhh-god, oh god—yes! Yes, there’ll be that many—god, yes….”

“Good, because after a couple of shots where she can see it, I get the rest…” and now she wrapped her hand around his shaft and firmly guided his head into her mouth, increasing her pace as she sucked him steadily in and out of her lips.

Now she could give herself over to her own lust, and could lose herself in the wonderful act of making a man climax. She loved the whole process, and the inclusion of an audience was everything she’d always imagined it would be. Her body was burning with desire, and she gave herself over to it.

Pulling him into her mouth, she held him gently and wetly as she placed her fingertips on his naked hips. With gentle rhythmic pressure in her fingers and beseeching him with her eyes she encouraged him to thrust in her mouth, to fuck her in the mouth. Riding a wave of incredible tension between the desire to keep from hurting her with a primal urge to fuck her wet mouth, he gave in carefully and let his hips thrust forward and back in her warm wet mouth. Her moans of pleasure rivaled his and reassured him that his pace and range were fine, as Stephanie’s hands slid slowly down her own smooth abdomen and under the edge of her bikini panties. Her fingers lingered on the brink her own pussy, dripping with wetness that rivaled the saliva that was now running from her mouth onto Kyle’s shaft as he continued to piston into Stephanie’s mouth. Teasing herself with her fingers she pushed aside the moist fabric of her panties to expose the open folds of her glistening labia to the cool air, writhing with pleasure at the feeling of Kyle in her mouth and her own arousal.

Slipping two fingers into the silky wetness of her own body she thrust in and out in time with Kyle’s erection in her mouth, lost in the feeling and knowing this was only the beginning. Continuing to fuck herself with one hand, she wrapped the other around the base of Kyle’s shaft and firmly stroked him as she increased the pressure and suction on the sizeable amount of cock that still protruded from her grip. Carefully sucking the flesh of her mouth against every inch of his cock head she squeezed and pulled steadily, firmly, and with an ever-increasing pace. She wanted him, wanted him to cum, and encouraged him to push and thrust harder and more quickly in her mouth. Totally enthralled by her touch and her willingness, Kyle moaned in ecstasy and rapidly pistoned his throbbing member in her willing mouth and hand as he rushed towards the point of no return.

Feeling him shaking, feeling him tense, she knew before he gasped out “Stephanie…yes, now!” and with a groan she felt the first hot gush of cum burst into her mouth. Moving quickly she guided him out of her mouth and leaned her face back just in time to feel the second spurt splash hotly onto her cheek. Stroking him hard and fast, she felt his whole body convulse as a third gush poured more of his hot, thick ejaculate across the bridge of her nose. Dimly, she was aware of Morgan gasping as she guided his head back to her mouth in time to savor the last couple of surges—diminishing, but still substantial—on her tongue. Letting his massive load of warm cum run from her mouth, his wetness splashed down her chin and onto her neck, wonderfully drenching her thin cotton top all the way to her aching nipples. Finally withdrawing her fingers from he own body, she reached up and pulled Kyle to her and held him as his spasms subsided.

Kyle’s legs finally gave out and he slowly lowered himself to the floor, gathering Stephanie in his arms as he went. Indifferent to the slickness that covered her face, mouth, and her now-soaked top, he pulled her close to him as they settled onto the floor together.

Morgan and Troy held each other tightly, with Troy gently rocking Morgan. She was shaking, herself, overwhelmed by what she’d just witnessed.

“That was…incredible,” she breathed. “I had no idea how intense that was going to be. Oh my god—is that, is it always like that?”

“For me, it’s never been like that,” explained Kyle, “Troy, explain to me again why you’re not begging this goddess to be yours forever?”

Stephanie found herself more than a little moved by that suggestion, and quickly chose to steer the experience to more raw and immediate topics. She quickly said “I’ll take that as a compliment, and while I deny the ‘goddess’ part I admit to enjoying a certain amount of power. And I am still in charge here, right?”

She knew just where she wanted this to go…
