Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 3

[Chapter 2](

“Have you ever worn it?” she asked a little breathless. She was highly aroused and trying to not show it.

“Yes, but only for a little while…its…its more of a psychological tool than a physical one. It…it didn’t really do much for me when I had the key and could just take it off at any time,” Josh admitted, only a little embarrassed at the admission.

Perhaps it was her sudden aroused state that she didn’t fully understand, perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps it was because they were always able to talk so freely to each other, or maybe it was a combination of all of the above, but she immediately blurted out, “I could hold the keys…”

Josh went wide eyed indeed at the extremely unexpected offer. His face immediately turned bright red in shock and embarrassment. It was the last thing he had been expecting. He had almost taken on the role of like a teacher as he had talked to her of femdom, getting deeply engrossed in finally being able to not only talk about this thing that he had so much knowledge and passion about, but that it had been Kelsey that he was telling it to. His best friend and the one person he could always trust.

But suddenly things became very, very real with the shocking offer. He started to stammer, not having any idea what to even say.

Kelsey saw his reaction and it caused her two very different emotions. The first was empathy for blind siding him like that with something that was extremely inappropriate for her to offer. They had never crossed any sexual lines and in a way this did. She felt shame at that and wished she hadn’t made the offer. But the second emotion was almost opposite. How embarrassed he was and almost squirming with awkwardness served to arouse her more. She knew she shouldn’t be aroused because of Josh, but she chose to ignore that for now. Still, she should apologize for the inappropriate offer. She didn’t want him mad at her for it.

“I’m….I’m sorry Josh, I really shouldn’t have offered that, it is a bit inappropriate. I was just thinking that it is obviously something you have desired, but haven’t had anyone you could trust to tell, never mind hold the key. I wasn’t offering to be your Domme or anything, just…just offering to help you really feel what it might be like. Please forgive me?” she said, looking up at him with her pretty face and eyes full of hope that he wasn’t upset with her.

Josh looked back at her as she spoke, saving him from trying to figure out what to say and giving him a few moments to actually think about the offer. He did trust her implicitly and she just confirmed she wasn’t offering to be his Domme, merely offering to hold the key so that he could feel what it was like to have his cock locked up and have another be in control of when he got out.

“You don’t need to apologize,” he finally said, “I…I was just caught completely off guard. It….it is a very sweet offer and something I never would have thought of myself to ask. I…I have kept this stuff to myself for so long that it is hard to face it with another, even you. But…there is no one in the world I trust more than you Kel. Um…the offer is actually very….appealing…” he stammered and got embarrassed all over again.

Kelsey tried to hide her own inexplicable excitement at him saying that. She didn’t want to scare him away from the decision. He genuinely wanted to know what it felt like to be locked up and lose that control. And the thought of having that kind of control over a cock greatly aroused her. She could even feel her wetness increasing, but again, decided to ignore how inappropriate that was. She was also quite relieved that he wasn’t upset, but tempted.

“If you decide to take me up on the offer,” she said, “How long should I leave you locked? I mean, it seems part of the thrill might be not knowing when it is going to come off, but should there be a maximum amount of time maybe? And I could decide to let you take it off sooner? If I choose?” she asked, toying with the little metal device in her hand, hoping that it would be holding and restricting his cock very soon.

Josh looked to be contemplating it more. The truth was he was very aroused and was trying not to get too erect at the moment. Even without the rest of the sexual content of a typical femdom relationship, this was an incredibly arousing thought to him, to finally feel like someone else had complete control over his cock. “I….um….it is fairly comfortable as long as I don’t…don’t try to get an erection. I um…..I want to make it long enough to really feel that….I am helpless to do anything about it. I…I was originally thinking just…maybe just overnight and then give me the key in the morning, just to give you an idea, since I have never done that and never worn it that long. But that feels a little too definitive and predictable. You are right, part of the thrill is feeling and truly knowing someone else has control. It would even be….be thrilling to ask to be let out and be denied. That really would make me feel the loss of control. So…sorry, I am really nervous about this, but…maybe the whole weekend? We can set the maximum to Sunday night before bed? You don’t have to hold the key that long of course, but that should give us both plenty of time to….to have it be effective and unpredictable?” he said, face still quite red.

Kelsey thought about how cute he looked being all nervous about this and she loved it. It wasn’t often she had been able to rattle him like this. But as he spoke, she became even more aroused and reached for her drink. It appeared he had decided to accept the offer, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when he suggested the entire weekend. She hadn’t known what to expect really, but…feeling that kind of power had something very compelling about it. She was feeling a little bolder now too, again because of his reaction mixed with her inebriation. She thought back to what he had said before showing her the cage – ‘His cock effectively belongs to her now’ – and had to resist the urge to touch herself. It gave her an idea, though it was even more inappropriate.

“I can do that for you Josh. Really, I would be happy to. I want to talk throughout the weekend too and really learn about how it makes you feel if that is okay?” she asked, waiting for him to answer before springing her wholly inappropriate next question.

“Of…of course Kel. I am kind of curious myself. I have read all about the reactions men have, but I have no idea how I will. Okay….thank you very much for the offer Kel. Don’t worry about being inappropriate. Our friendship is too deep for any question to really be inappropriate. I want to do it.” Josh said.

Kelsey smiled warmly at him, so pleased. He had also given her the exact opening she needed for her next question, as ‘no question was inappropriate.’

“I am excited to help you with this Josh, and….well, I have a question that….well, you said we couldn’t be inappropriate right?” she asked and he nodded, “You had said previously that caging a cock is effectively handing over ownership of it, for the time it is caged anyway. And I imagine it might feel like that too, for you. So…if I am going to own it for the weekend, can…can I watch you put the cage on?” she asked, really wanting to see how it was done and seeing his cock go from complete freedom to being in a restrictive cage that she had full control of.

He dropped his eyes and opened his mouth several times before he could answer. His face remained quite flushed. It was so embarrassing for him to think about exposing himself to her while she watched him put on the cage. They weren’t prudish around each other. He had seen her in panties and she had seen him only wearing boxers, but this…the last time she had seen his junk was probably when they were like 3 and their parents bathed them together.

He understood the point she made though. She would have control over his cock and maybe she should be able to see it.

He couldn’t speak though, so he just nodded and held out his hand for the cage. Unable to meet her eyes, he unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped. He could feel that he was still partially hard, but he should be soft enough to get it stuffed in with some effort.

Kelsey handed over the cage, but held onto the little lock and the key, thrilled that he agreed and watched intently as he unbuttoned and unzipped. He pulled his cock out and Kelsey was pleased. Not that they would be having sex of course, but based on her experience, his cock was above average in size, but not absurdly so, and absolutely beautiful. It had the perfect head and it was just the kind of cock she loved the most when it belonged to a man she was intimate with. It wasn’t that black and white of course. She had enjoyed them all to varying degrees, and it wasn’t like men could do anything about their size and shape there. There was something to love about all of them. Honestly, the obsession with size was a bit ridiculous and bigger was definitely not better in her experience after a point. Josh’s was perfect.

He fiddled with the cage and it was fascinating to watch him stuff that beautiful cock into the tube part of it. It already looked like it wanted to burst through the bars and she almost moaned seeing it. This was so fucking hot. He held the pieces together and she could see the little hole that the lock would go through.

Still feeling absurdly bold, she said, “do you mind?” but didn’t wait for an answer as she leaned forward and stuck the lock through the little hole. He gasped as she started and she looked up at him. His eyes looked a bit glazed and were half lidded as she snapped the lock closed with a little ‘click.’ At that sound, his cock throbbed causing the cage to bump into her hand.

She smiled broadly as she pulled back with the key and reached behind her neck to unclasp her necklace. She saw his eyes widen as she threaded the key onto her necklace. She had adored every second of this and felt a bit of power flow through her looking at his now caged cock. HER cock. She almost giggled.

“Thank you for your trust Josh. I will hold the key safe, you…you can put it away,” she added and it almost sounded like she was giving him permission.

Josh was almost panting with the emotions he was feeling. The embarrassment and near humiliation of exposing himself to her to start. Followed by her unexpectedly leaning forward to put the lock on herself. That had made it far more intimate and personal. He felt his freedom being locked away by her hand, and the way she had been smiling up at him as she clicked the lock closed! His cock had immediately tried to burst the cage and he actually felt it briefly brush her hand after. That had almost made him moan.

Josh felt submissive feelings wash over him with the loss of control and watching her put the key on her necklace. It was really quite astounding that she had thought of that all on her own. He had seen plenty of captioned pictures where the Domme did that as a constant visual reminder of their control for all to see. That made him throb too. He felt her control, even if it was just this, and it made him want to whimper. He didn’t even blink when she said he could put it away, he just reached down and stuffed his caged cock back into is pants and zipped up, before sitting back down.

Kelsey could feel how wet she was and the need to do something about it. It WAS late too. She was fascinated by the bulge in his jeans now and how they hid the cage.

“I think…I think perhaps with that, maybe we should call it a night Josh? It is getting pretty late and as much as I would really enjoy staying up all night and learning more about femdom, and just how wrong I was about it, from you, we have the rest of the weekend too. I…I would really love it if we got together first thing in the morning over coffee and resumed our talk. I also want to hear all about how you feel with the cage on the whole night and knowing it is up to me when it comes off,” she said, unable to stop smiling.

“Of….of course Kel. Thank you so much for this, it means a lot to me,” he said softly and on impulse leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.

Kelsey definitely needed to go now, he was rarely this sweet and showed such gratitude that she had to wonder how much the caging had to do with it. Was he feeling submissive to HER? She patted his knee and rushed off to bed, closing her door, and getting her vibrator…



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