A Camping Trip to Remember [Voyeur][Riding][MF]

Ryan and I were like brothers and we quite literally shared everything. We, even for a time, shared the same girl, Sara. Though sharing is not really the word I would use. Sara had an incredibly large libido and we helped her satisfy her cravings.

You see Ryan was the cool guy in school, very outgoing, got along with everyone time person and I was more of an introvert, reserved and quite happy keeping to myself. Ever since we were young Ryan would force me to go out with him, meet new people, making sure I was always invited to events. Even when Ryan started to date Sara in high school, he made sure that when I was with them I never felt like a third wheel. Sara for her part was extremely nice to me, never minded that I was always tagging along with them. She tried to set me up with a couple of her friends at first, but nothing ever really clicked.

When her attempts with her friends failed, she had decided that she would take matters into her own hands, literally. She had it in her head that there was no way that I could graduate high school without popping my cherry. So, she had suggested that she would be the one to do it, and for the life of me I don’t know why Ryan went a long with it. From that moment on Ryan and I had been her alternating play things, though most of the time it had been Ryan, with me subbing in when he was indisposed with his life of being the star of high school.

When we had graduated high school we were lucky enough to be accepted into the same college. Ryan and I, of course ended up being dorm mates with Sara being our unofficial third dorm mate. In college nothing much had changed with our relationship, that is until I met Emily.

Emily was like she was plucked straight from my dreams, beautiful, smart, and into all the same things that I was into. Like me Emily was a bit of an introvert, but once we had been paired for a presentation, we were forced to talk to each other and we hit it off instantly. We’d spend a lot of time studying together, talking about our favorite hobbies and just hanging out.

After the first time I had spent a night of hanging out with Emily, I had to tell Sara that I couldn’t keep up the status quo with her anymore. I could see the disappointment on Sara’s face at the news, though I could tell that she was happy for me. However, she said she needed to meet with Emily before she would let me go. So, we went on a double date of sorts and after Ryan and Sara both gave me their approval.

Months had passed by and everything was great except that I had found myself growing increasingly horny. As much as I wanted Emily, I was never quite sure if she had felt the same urges. Don’t get me wrong we kissed a bit but our clothes always stayed on. I just never really got the courage to do much more than that. I mean the only girl I’d been with was Sara and she had initiated everything and always made it known when she wanted it.

What didn’t help matters was Sara’s and Ryan’s near daily midnight sessions. Or the fact that she would wake me in the morning when Ryan had an early class to ask me about my progress with Emily then when I would inevitably say there was no progress on the sex front she would say “poor baby” and prop herself against the wall facing me and showed me how easy her fingers slid between her wet lips. I knew she wasn’t happy about not having me anymore but to torment me endlessly was so frustrating.

Now our Veteran’s Day weekend camping trip was coming up and I was not looking forward to it. Our previous camping trips had been all about Sara. Ryan and I would take turns fishing, gathering wood, or any other excuse to be out of the tent while the other would be in service of Sara’s libido. Then at night one of us would pretend to sleep while Sara took the other to be one with nature. What was once a fun time had now been something I was dreading.

Then Sara went and added to my anxiety by inviting Emily to come join us. Emily graciously accepted saying that she had never been before but always wanted to. As much as I loved to have spent more time with Emily, this was not what I had had in mind. The days before I tried to get her to reconsider, by telling horror stories of all the mosquitoes, maybe finding a bear around, or having to bathe in cold stream water. It all backfired and made her more excited to experience something new.

As we packed up the truck for the trip, I had noticed that there was only one tent in all the supplies. Dammit, in all my efforts to have Emily reconsider I had totally forgotten we only had the one tent. I was going to need to keep Emily busy during the day and hope that Sara stuck to her usual nightly routine of being out of the tent.

The set up took a little longer than usual since Emily wanted to help but had no idea what she was doing, but it was fun guiding her along. After everything was set I could see that look in Sara’s eyes telling me her hunger needed to be sated. So I took Emily with me to grab some wood and rocks for the fire. I made sure to have use grab a lot more than we needed to give Ryan and Sara some extra time.

When we arrived back at the site, I saw them both with huge grins on their flushed faces. With the first obstacle out of the way, I guided Emily in how to make our camp fire, setting up the rocks to contain the fire, stripping some twigs to use as kindling and making a little teepee. In no time we had a fire going and just in time as dusk was fast approaching. We prepared dinner and ate it around the campfire. Ryan brought out the cooler with the beer and we all passed them around. When it got to Emily she refused saying that she was allergic.

“Oh come on. I’m sure you just had too much, and it made you feel sick is all.” Ryan said.

“No, I’m pretty sure that’s not right. Unless one sip is too much. And trust me, it has happened multiple times.” Emily responded.

We all looked at each other, knowing that having one sober person around a bunch of drunk idiots was kind of uncool. But then Sara stood up quickly and went over to the truck and rummaged through her bag.

“Can’t believe I forgot about this. Duh Sara. If you can’t drink, I have something that might be a little more well suited for you.” Sara said as she held up a baggie with a few joints already wrapped.

“Oh I’ve never tried that before, but I’m not opposed either.”

Sara pulled one out and lit it up. We instructed Emily on the method when it was her turn. When it came to me I told them I would pass for now to make sure that Emily didn’t have any adverse effects first. The minutes passed and everything seemed to be ok, though she was really quiet and sort of just staring at the fire.

Emily only nodded every time we asked if she was ok. An hour or so later she got up and headed to the tent, telling us she was just going to lie down for a little bit. So, I walked her there, made sure she was comfortable in the tent and went back to the fire. My plan was to grab a couple of beers and call it a night but when I looked at Ry and Sara, they had that lustful look in their eyes. So I decided to just call it a night right then instead. As I entered the tent, I could barely make out Emily in the ambient light of the campfire, she was snuggled tightly in her sleeping bag in the fetal position.

“Thomas, is that you?” Emily said in a tiny voice.

“Yeah Emily. You ok?”

“No, I’m freezing cold here.”

“Come let’s go by the fire. It’ll warm you up.”

“That won’t work. I think I’m going through hypothermia or something.”

I couldn’t help myself from letting out a small laugh at that, thinking the weed must be hitting her hard. “Ha, no it’s not that cold.” I said kneeling next to her, rubbing her back outside of her sleeping bag.

“No really, I think I am. Please help me. I read somewhere that body heat is the best solution for these situations.”

Well I couldn’t let her have a bad trip her first time getting high, so I laid down and lifted the sleeping bag up. Before I could move any closer she had a hand on my chest stopping my movement. “No, you need to take off your clothes or I won’t be able to get the proper body heat from you.”

The wheels in my head started turning at that statement. But before I could think any longer on it, Emily called out, “Hurry Thomas. I don’t wanna freeze.”

So I stripped down to my briefs and socks and snuggled up to her under the sleeping bag. The heat of her body hit me instantly as our bodies met. The contrasting feeling of her soft breasts and hard nipples pressed against me as she pulled me into her. Then with a quick turn of her body she was laying on me. My arms wrapped around her, the heat she gave off told me she was far from being cold at all. Her body started rubbing vigorously against mine. I felt the smooth skin of what must have been her freshly shaven pussy rubbing against the hairs of happy trail just below my navel. What was once dry quickly became moist with her juices as she ground her pelvis more intensely.

The only part of my body that seemed to move was my cock twitching, begging to be free of these irritating briefs. She must have felt the feelings of hunger my cock was giving as she pushed herself down my body. Soon I could feel her wet pussy rubbing the tip of my cock. The moisture was permeating through the thin fabric. I heard myself moan in pleasure as she continued to tease my cock.

“There that’s the heat I need. Warm me from the inside.”

I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I had an incredibly beautiful naked on top of me but all I could think of was that I didn’t want to take advantage of her in her inebriated state. “Wait. Wait. This is just the weed messing with your head. You have to stop. I don’t want you to regret anything when it wears off.”

She stopped for a second and lowered her face next to mine. I could feel the heat of her breath on my ear as she whispered, “I can’t regret what I’ve craved for so long. But I can’t do this myself. I need you to want it to. Please..”

Before she could finish her sentence, my arms flung about her and I flipped our bodies so she was under me now. I reached down grabbing the top of my briefs and pulled down. As soon as my cock was exposed my hips pushed forward. It slipped inside of her as if it had always belonged there and then I felt my cock being pulled in deep into her. We both moaned loudly as if we were the only two people in the world. Her pussy engulfed me in its warm embrace as if welcoming home after a long journey. Her legs wrapped tightly around my waist as if telling me never to leave her and her nails dug deeply into my back and left a trail of delicious pain down my back.

My hips moved with an intensity I hadn’t known. Her screams of pleasure gradually rising with each thrust. I could feel the heat rise off my back and I began panting with the exertion. Her arms and legs loosened their hold on me and felt her back arch as she screamed.

“Oh fuck. I’m gonna cum. Wait. Not yet. Condom! We need a condom. I don’t want to get you pregnant.”

That last line stopped me in my tracks. “Get me pregnant? What?” Was all I could manage to say.

Before either of us could say anything else a soft thump sounded next to us. We both looked over and I could make out the wrapper of a line of condoms gleaning in the light of the campfire. Then I looked back to see both Ry and Sara at the foot of the entrance of the tent.

“See I told you it was a good idea to bring them.” Sara said to Ryan.

“What the fuck guys?” I screamed at them.

Emily caught me off balance and pushed me back. I lost my balance and landed on my ass. I was so close but now these two had ruined it for me, or so I thought. Emily grabbed the condoms, ripped one off and tore the wrapper open with her teeth. She was already rolling down the condom onto my cock before I could realize what had happened.

“I don’t care if you watch but don’t get in the way. I need this now.” She said with a snarl and pushed me onto my back.

One leg straddled me after the other and she had a firm hold of my cock as she lowered herself onto me. It had been a long time since I had had to use a condom. Sara had used them when we started but soon Ry was complaining about the lost of feeling and next thing you know we had all had alarm clocks to remind Sara to take her birth control pill. Honestly with or without felt incredibly good to me, but now after so long without them, I could now feel the difference.

However, the view of Emily in the flickering light of the campfire was more than I could’ve asked for. The light danced across her body as she bounced, taking tastes of her breasts as they swayed with her motions. I, too, wanted a taste but my body was pinned down by her hands. Her head was facing the heavens as a mixture of panting and moaning sounded out to the world. My hands found her hips and timed the rhythm of her body and soon my hips were moving in concert with her. The crashing of flesh on flesh mixed with our moans sounded as if there was a raucous crowd applauding our exploits.

As we reached the peak of our pace, Emily pushed back down into me and let out a high-pitched scream into the sky. I could feel her legs quiver against my waist and thighs. Then sucked in a breath and the tension in her body seemed to leave her as she hunched over me hands pressing against my chest. Her head hung low and I could feel the ends of her hair graze against my chin, chest and shoulders.

“I,” pant, “fuck…,” pant, “…ing,” pant, “needed,” pant, “that!” Emily said raising her head so that our eyes met.

I smiled back but it wasn’t as genuine as I had hoped to make it look. And she could see right through it. She gave me a questioning look as a hand rubbed my cheek. Then as if a Eureka moment had hit her, her face turned into a sly smile. She leaned in to kiss my neck and she proceeded to leave a trail of kisses from there to my chest and stomach. As she did that she lifted herself off me and moved her body down until her whole body was between my legs. She tilted her head back and wrapped her hair around her hand. With her other hand she pinched the end of the condom and pulled until there was pop as it slid all the way off my cock.

“I guess my job is not finished.” She said flinging the condom out through the tent door which was now missing the other two of our camping trip.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11fkrdl/a_camping_trip_to_remember_voyeurridingmf


  1. “My hands found her hips and timed the rhythm of her body and soon my hips were moving in concert with her. The crashing of flesh on flesh mixed with our moans sounded as if there was a raucous crowd applauding our exploits.” 🫠
    Holy fucking hell, that was beautiful!!

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