The Wife’s Surprise [forced exhibition] (f/mmmmmmmm)

Wife’s surprise

The wife and I have been married a few years. We live close to where I grew up so I still hang with some of my friends. They come over to watch football or just bullshit around. I know one of the reasons they come over is my wife is smokin hott. She’s kinda short and a little thick in all the right places. She works to keep herself looking good. I know she gets horny sometimes when the guys shower her with compliments. I certainly don’t mind being the benefactor. Lately we’ve been talking about our fantasies and started some light bondage. I tie her the garage. I installed some eye bolts in the rafters and support beams so I can tie her standing spread eagle. I do this and work in the garage, sometimes I open the garage door. We’re not on a main road so little chance of her being seen. She gets horny just knowing there is a slight chance. She always tells me she doesn’t want to be seen by any of my friends but I think deep down that’s a fib.
I wanted to ramp up our play and see where it went. I ordered a part for the car and knew it would come Saturday. I didn’t tell her that part but I got her charged up telling her I was going to work in the garage all day with her tied and nude! I stripped her down, tied her up facing away from the garage doors and opened them up. I started screwing around with various odds and ends on the carb just to look busy but inside I was excited to watch the events unfold. About noon I heard the UPS truck coming down the driveway. Because of where she was tied she was not fully in view but when Don the driver got out of his truck ( and by now my wife was mumbling “oh no, oh no, oh no”) he saw something was up! He played it casual and brought me the package. I saw him looking at her ass and she was trying to not be seen to no avail. She was strapped with her arms over head and her legs were more than shoulder width apart. I nodded to Don it was ok to walk over and say hi. He had been our delivery guy a few years so he’s spoke to her before. He is older than us ( we’re in our early 30’s and he’s like 50). He says hi Betty, you’re looking good today! She is shivering and says hi timidly. Don stares her up and down. Asks if everything is good? She says ‘very good’ and even smiles. Don grins and tells me I am one damn lucky man! I thank him and he says No, THANK YOU!
While Don is walking to his truck I hear Betty say “oh no, oh no, ohhhhh” and I see her cumming a puddle on the floor! Don had already gotten near his truck so he could not hear or see this. I knew now there was much more of this to come! Literally!

A couple weeks later I told my wife she had made some serious transgressions and would need to be punished. I told her dhe was to be tied up Sunday all day. She asked if I was going to be working in the garage. I said no, you’ll have to wait and find out. I had invited the boys over to watch a Nascar race. She had no idea. I stripped her and tied her up after breakfast. I made sure she had a couple cups of coffee. She would need to pee in about an hour. I had 2 six packs of beer in the fridge but kept the rest in the garage fridge. The guys came over and we watched the race. Talked about stuff. When they asked where Betty was today I said she was tied up (little did they know in the garage she was ‘tied up and nude!’) Soon the beer in the fridge was gone. My best friend Bobby said is there more? I said sure out in the garage. I said to the others, Bobby might need help out there and besides I can show you the new turbo I put on the car… They all jumped up to see the ‘turbo’…

When they opened the door and stepped in the garage they all saw Betty tied nude and spread! The comments were like “Holy Shit!” “Wow!” “That is fuckin Awesome!”
Bobby said you told us she was tied up but we didn’t think you meant literally! You know we’ve all talked about how great Betty looks and wondered what she looked like nude…. now we know! They all dug out their cell phones and started taking pictures. I let them. Betty was shaking with excitement. She hadn’t said a word yet.
Finally Betty says quietly “I really have to pee”. I said what I couldn’t hear you, she said a bit louder “I gotta pee!” I said would you like to be let loose, she said yes. I said well for me to let you loose you’ll have to promise to stay nude all day and serve all of us. She said no, isn’t it bad enough they’ve all seen me like this? I said well you could just stay like this all day…. I walked over and whispered in her ear “if you tell me No again the next offer will include you laying in the floor masturbating for all the guys….” She said I’ll serve as your waitress “. I said all day nude? She said yes. I said tell the guys loud enough they can hear you. Betty spoke up and said “I want to be your nude waitress all day guys, is that okay?”
They all said hell yeah! I said don’t forget to tip your waitress…
