That Time I Died and Ended Up in an Afterlife Full of Horny Fantasy Women: Chapter 2


That was the first sensation I felt. Amazing softness all round my head. I tried to open my eyes, but something was on the top part of my face preventing me from doing so.

“Uh,” I vocalized hoarsely.

“Oh my, you’re awake Murasaki,” someone replied, her voice was feminine and almost motherly. It was very close and just above me. Wait a second. Extreme softness everywhere, both the sensation on my face and the one on the back of my head had a distinctive curve to it. Two curves, actually, with a dip between them. The curves on the back of my head were firmer, but still very soft, and the curves on my face were impossibly soft.

Could it be?

“Where am I?” I asked, even though I was almost certain that I was in the legendary and highly coveted lap pillow, that still wasn’t very specific.

I felt a hand on my cheek, an amazingly smooth and delicate hand, “You’re in the medical ward. Morgana put quite the nasty death curse on you.”

Death curse!? “Am I gonna die?” Wait, I already died. What would happen to me if I died in the afterlife? I really didn’t want to think about that.

The voice chuckled, “Not anymore, I removed it. I’ve had to remove that curse a lot. Moderation really isn’t Morgana’s strong suit.”

Even though I had an idea of what was covering my face, I was a cheeky boy, and decided to play dumb. “What’s this on my face?” I reached up and grabbed a handful of the delightfully soft boobflesh. It was covered in a very smooth silk-like material that must have been her clothes, but it only covered the bottom half of the rather huge breast. I took advantage of my feigned innocence to squeeze and grope the breast.

“Oh my, just barely awake and you’re already this bold?” she giggled but made no effort to stop my wandering hand. “I haven’t even introduced myself, yet.”

I whipped my hand away, my brain not fully comprehending that her tone wasn’t upset in the slightest. “Aha, uh, so who’re you then?” I asked, finally.

“Naomi Kaizen, the nurse of Spear Five. You’ve been a good boy until now, so you haven’t had to meet me yet.” The way she said “good boy” with her motherly tone made me melt a little. Lord, what I wouldn’t give to hear her give me gentle encouragement. “I’m so proud of you,” she cooed.

Bullseye! I had a big dumb grin on my face now, and it must have been visible because she giggled softly.

“Now, I have some very important things to tell you. Are you going to be a good boy and listen?”

I nodded fiercely, making the boobs bounce and shuffle across my face.

“Good, if you promise to behave, I might even give you a nice reward. How does that sound?”

“I promise!” I replied without hesitation. This lady was pushing every single mommy button I had in me, and I loved it.

She giggled, “Glad to hear it. First of all, I am a devotee of Anterose, a goddess that I believe you’ve met.”

“Whoa, how did you know that?”

“I was told in a vision from Anterose that when I met you, you’d have already seen her. I’m happy this prediction was true, otherwise that would have been rather awkward, huh? Anyway, my vision told me that a male student was going to come to the Faerie Arts Academy, and when fate brought him to me, I was supposed to guide him to his destiny.”

Oh wow, I was surprised that drunken mess managed to lay out such a coherent plan.

“Unfortunately, the vision also said that Anterose had… forgotten what that destiny ultimately was.”

I spoke too soon.

“But there are a few things I do know, and I am more than willing to tell them to you. Firstly, I need to ask, are you willing to be Anterose’s champion in Melfluere, and especially in this Academy?”

“Uh, while I’d like to be all heroic and cool and just say ‘yes’ right off the bat, I’m not that kind of guy. So, I have to ask, will I be in any danger if I say ‘yes’?”

“Such an honest boy!” Naomi replied proudly, gently pinching my cheek. “I honestly can’t say for certain because I have no idea what Anterose actually wants you to do. But I can assure you that by being her champion I, as well as other devotees of her faith, will be your fiercest allies. We will protect you with our lives.”

So, the only real risk factor was that I had no idea what I was actually supposed to do. I did know that apparently Anterose wanted me to be an absolute horndog, and I supposed if that was only to balance some extremely arduous or dangerous task, it was still a pretty good deal. At least I’d die (again?) having performed many a perverted and sexy exploit.

“All right, I’ll do it!”

“So brave!” Naomi said and it sounded like she clapped her hands together. “Very well, then allow me to ease you into the role of being Anterose’s champion. Firstly, I’m supposed to help you understand some of the basics of living on Melfluere now that you’ve been granted a job. Oh my, ‘Eromancer’?”

I chuckled embarrassedly. Damn it, Anterose, couldn’t you have at least given it a less conspicuous name? Wait, “How did you know what it was called?”

“Oh, have you not learned how to check other people’s statistics? Do you at least know how to check your own?”

That much I did know, it was still weird, but I could do it. “Yeah.”

“Then you’ve already done the hard part, just use the same method to check mine.”

I focused a bit, trying to direct my mind’s eye to Naomi, and it worked!

***Naomi Kaizen, Human Warpriest Lv. 76***

***Prime Weapon: Katana; Secondary Weapon: Precision Martial Arts***

***Magic Schools: Light***

“Whoa,” I said as this information just popped into my head like it was right in front of my eyes, despite them being closed still. Also, holy shit, level 76 was really high! “I can do that to anybody?”

“Yes, as you can see the information is limited, but it can be helpful. I believe we should select a weapon for you right away. Are you able to see your available options?”

I concentrated, “Uh yeah, wow, there’s a bunch of them.”

“How many can you choose?”

“I think only one. Aw, bummer.”

She giggled, “That probably means you get some magic and possibly an aura, though. I would recommend you go with your gut when choosing a weapon. Go with whatever you think you’d be most comfortable with. Do bear in mind, however, that unlike spells or inherent powers you’ll need to actually have someone teach weapon skills to you.”

Hm, in that case picking something rare or strange would be out of the question, unless of course I knew someone who used it. One of the choices caught my eye, primarily because it looked familiar.

“Your secondary weapon is ‘precision martial arts’, right?” I asked, “Does that mean you know a lot of its skills?”

“Oh my, I do indeed. Does that one strike your fancy?”

I remembered seeing an anime once where the main character had a fighting style like that and was able to use it to do pervy things to all the cute girls. It would also give me a good excuse to come and see this angelic woman on a more frequent basis.

“Yeah, I think I wanna pick that one.” Almost as soon as I intended it, the choice was locked in. I was now a precision martial artist. The knowledge of how to utilize it on a fundamental level suddenly flowed into my brain in a feeling that was as invasive as it was weird. Also, I noticed something enter my inventory, a pair of bracelets.

“Ordinarily the first weapon you choose becomes a prime weapon,” Naomi explained, “since you only get to choose one, by default that one is your prime weapon. Do you know what that means?”

I tried to recall Professor Belrose’s lesson, “Uh, it means that I don’t ever need to exchange it for a more powerful version, it will level up with me and become more powerful as I do. Is that right?”

“Exactly! Such a diligent student,” Naomi said as she leaned forward, consequently squashing my head between her thighs and her boobs in what I could only describe as the best hug I’d ever been given. “Now, are you able to choose what kind of magic you’ll use? If you only have one weapon it guarantees that you’ll have at least one spell school.”

“Uh, no I can’t choose anything. It seems locked into… ‘erotic’? That’s a magic type?” Guess Eromancer was a pretty fitting name after all.

“Oh my, it’s not one that I know about. It’s likely unique to your job. Well, if you only have one magic type that must mean you have an aura, right?”

I checked, “Yep. Says, ‘Ero-luck Aura’.” Man, these names were pretty on the nose. I briefly skimmed over its functions, “I’ll take a closer look later, but I think the basic gist is that I have an aura of luck that makes pervy stuff happen to me. Apparently, it gets better as my luck stat increases.”

Naomi chuckled, “How lewd. I think the final thing to review would be your Keystone Power. Do you remember what that is from your lessons?”

Anterose had actually mentioned something about that, I thought. “Um, it’s like, the most important power, right? The one that’s representative of the job’s abilities or something.”

“Close enough, yes. I actually do know about your Keystone Power, thanks to the vision, so I will review the most important aspects. It is Paradise Shift, a power that alters reality within a certain radius of you in all directions. The alterations will change any situation you are currently involved in to be more erotic, no matter what is actually happening. This change is temporary, and once one hour has passed, everything will return to normal and those involved will have their inhibitions permanently lowered a small amount.”

Holy shit, what a power. It was basically turn-any-dull-moment-into-a-chance-to-get-my-rocks-off, that was amazing! I suddenly imagined my current situation to be much more erotic. My mind began swirling with the possibilities of what I could do. I couldn’t wait! I had absolutely no self-control.

However, the moment I was about to activate the power, Naomi slipped two of her dainty fingers into my lips. God they were so smooth and sexy. Their long nails gently rubbed against my tongue.

“Now, I know what you’re thinking, you want to activate the power right away. But you should be careful, Murasaki. You can only use Paradise Shift once per day.”

Oh. So I had to be careful when I decided to use it. If I blew my proverbial—and perhaps literal—load early, I might unwittingly pass up an opportunity later. Still, I felt like this was exactly one of those opportunities I didn’t want to pass on.

“And if you’re thinking this is a possibility you’re passing up,” damn her intuition was sharp, “it’s not. As a loyal devotee of Anterose I am also a devotee of yours. In other words, you don’t need Paradise Shift to get me to participate in whatever you want.”

Self-control obliterated.


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