Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn) – Chapter 2

[Chapter 1](

Josh relaxed and knew it was okay to dive deep into this with Kelsey. He started to talk in more detail about it and how wonderful it could be.

What neither of them knew though, was some of the physical reactions the other was having. As Josh talked of being dominated, his cock responded. It was hidden in his jeans, but he couldn’t help but start to get hard as he opened up about his fantasies.

And Kelsey didn’t really know why, but the more Josh said, the more she wanted to know. They were going to start talking about specific kinks soon, but even before that, Kelsey felt herself getting wet, though she tried to ignore it…

“So, as I was saying, this kind of relationship can achieve a deepness that isn’t possible in a traditional vanilla relationship,” Josh said, but then added, “Oh sorry, I will need to be careful with terms that are common in the kink world, but not so much for most people. Vanilla refers to anything that most people consider normal, but kinky people consider plain and boring, and outside of kink and excitement.”

Kelsey giggled at that, but it made complete sense to use the term ‘vanilla’. Normal, bland, without a lot of variety. She asked, “but how? I mean, I admit my impression of what femdom is must be completely wrong, but I don’t understand how it can get so deep based on unconventional sex?”

Josh shook his head, “That is because it is not actually based on the sex itself, that is just a manifestation of what is really going on, and a way for the Domme, the dominant woman, to control and guide the man, the sub. Men are driven by sex at an instinctual level and women can use that…um…let me ask you some hypothetical questions that can illustrate my point and help you understand. It might sound weird at first.”

Kelsey smiled and gestured for him to continue. Sure, she was a bit inebriated, but this was fun! She was learning a side to Josh she had no clue about and he had become so animated now that he was free to speak to her about it. She hadn’t removed her hand from his knee and continued to rub it absentmindedly.

“So…I know your education and your passions are very science based. Think about early man, early Homo Sapiens. Or cave men as people might call them. Pretty simple existence, right? Not without its great dangers, but it wasn’t complex. So primitive man, he had three main priorities right? And usually in the same order. The first was shelter, a place to sleep safely, protection from the elements and from dangerous animals. And the second was food, right? What was the third?” Josh asked, clearly with the bit in his teeth now.

Kelsey smiled going along with it. She knew they were still talking about femdom somehow, but couldn’t connect the dots yet. So she got completely absorbed in the subject of primitive people, something she had a great deal of education on. And he was correct, shelter and food would always be the main priorities, but once those were satisfied, what did their instincts push them to next? That was part of why she smiled, for the answer was easy.

“Sex!” she exclaimed in a giggle, “the drive to procreate that all animals have after their basic survival needs are met.”

“Just so,” Josh said, shyly smiling back at her. “and traditionally men were more driven by it than women. Men were the aggressor seeking it, right? I mean, women feel the instinctual need as well, but its that testosterone that really drives things right?” he asked.

She nodded. He was correct at a basic level. There were a ton of other hormonal processes involved, but it didn’t change his basic premise. Women certainly had the drive as well, but she understood what he was getting at.

Josh was on a roll now, “so instinct drove Man to seek out sex, and to even seek out sex with multiple women. Spread their seed and continue the species. Now…” he paused while Kelsey nodded in agreement. There had been some studies she had read on whether cheating was actually caused by a biological process. No. Focus. This was important to Josh. “think about those basic instincts still being alive in modern man. Not really acknowledged, but still there driving us. Biologically we haven’t changed much in a long time right?”

“Correct,” Kelsey answered, “Like 100,000 years, man has changed little, though there is some evidence that Neanderthal…” She stopped mid sentence, realizing she was about to ramble.

Josh smiled at her, pleased that she was so engaged in the conversation. “So now think about the modern fuckboy. The kind of guy you see at the frat house parties that are happening right now with these instincts in mind, driving him. Shelter and food are rarely even a blip any longer as they are so easy for most to obtain. So modern fuckboy is often focused on sex. I think you dated a few of them last year, didn’t you?” he asked.

She laughed and turned a little red in embarrassment. She had tried dating outside of what she usually sought, trying to figure out what had been missing in her sex life, and learned fairly quickly that it wasn’t fuckboys. She nodded and gestured for him to continue. This was what was so great about their friendship, they never got offended by anything the other said. It was never said with malice.

“And so this fuckboy, who is basically a cave man dressed in an Izod, pursues a woman. He gets you out on a date, probably to dinner, and how does he typically behave?” Josh asked, clearly leading her down a certain path and she was fascinated to see where it went.

But she had dated enough times to know what Josh was looking for here. “They are almost always great. Polite, attentive, even chivalrous,” she answered simply.

“Right,” Josh said, “they are in the modern version of the courting ritual. It is a mating dance just as real as any other animal, we just crouch it in civilization. He is trying to woo you, to win you. So he treats you as you long to be treated and you decide that maybe, just maybe he is The One. You’ve had such a good time, and you are attracted to him, you feel the connection between you and know he must feel the same. You invite him to your bed.”

Kelsey nodded, it had happened more than once, and she had been fooled by their behavior.

“And so you have sex,” Josh continued, “maybe it’s great, maybe it is just average or poor, it doesn’t really matter. He ejaculates at the end of it, and the sex is over. Have you ever noticed how some men’s attitude suddenly changes after orgasm?” Josh asked rhetorically, but Kelsey nodded having experienced a sudden change in attitude when she wanted to cuddle after sex. How some men seemed to suddenly turn cold, but Josh hadn’t really paused for an answer. “I am sure you could tell me more about the hormones involved here, but there are sudden hormonal changes after a male orgasm that kill the endorphins along with his erection.” She nodded, understanding the dopamine pathways and the various counteractive hormones.

“So….this fuckboy. What often happens next? Either that night or the next day?” he asked.

This she was all too familiar with. “He leaves and ghosts. Doesn’t call, doesn’t answer any texts. Oh, it is just awful to experience that.” Josh put his hand on top of hers and gave it a little squeeze. He had been there for her on those days when she felt rejected and hurt.

“He accomplished his instinctual need. He spread his seed and his body then killed his desire. What happens a day or two later?” he asked.

“He….he is going after his next target,” she said.

“Right…his hormones and instincts driving it all…Now, what if I told you that there was a way to not only interrupt this cycle, but use it to your advantage?” Josh said, feeling excited that he was getting close to the crux of the whole conversation.

Kelsey stared at him raptly, more than intrigued now, for this seemed like it might be some sort of major revelation. “How?”

Josh smiled and said, “by taking control of his orgasm. If you control a man’s orgasm, you control the man.”

She looked confused for a moment, “I…I don’t see how that would work. What, have sex with him but put an end to it before he cums? I don’t think that would work very well at all.”

Josh answered, “Forget about fuckboy now. He is gone. He is predictable and boring and not worth our time. But now…now you have a man that has submissive desires. Right from the start, he willingly GIVES that control to you. He wants you to have it. He wants you to use that control. And yes, he even wants you to deny him orgasm. How powerful do you think that would be?”

Kelsey’s hands shot up to cover her mouth as the whole conversation came back around to female domination and having the woman actually be in control of when, or even if the man could orgasm. She hadn’t known this was even a part of it, but based on what Josh said, it was one of the first things a Domme did was be given control and authority over the sub’s orgasms.

Josh continued softly, “I know it sounds a little hard to believe, but a sub wants you to not only have that control, but to use it. When you deny him orgasm, he doesn’t get mad, he gets even more aroused. But more importantly, his instincts are driving him to chase after it anyway. Even if he knows he won’t be cumming anytime soon, his base instincts and his hormones drive him to be that man that woos you on the first date, but it is even more magnified now. He feels desperate to orgasm and knows you have that power. He becomes desperate just to please you. He can’t help it. You have effectively locked him into that courtship phase, and you control just how long he stays there.”

“Oh my god, Josh….I…I am nearly speechless. It…it makes SO much sense when the man is willing to do that. And being denied….he wants to be. Fuck. That…..that would redefine what sex is, wouldn’t it? If he isn’t going to ejaculate, it….it would be up to me when I am satisfied. Oh my god. I have to know more Josh. This….this is not what I expected at all, and I feel like we have only scratched the surface. You were brilliant in the way you explained it, by the way, I would really be using nature’s own processes to my advantage. I have so many questions. The first is, doesn’t he ever get tempted in that state to just…go take care of it himself?” she asked.

“I am happy to answer anything and everything Kel. Thank you for having such an open mind,” he said sincerely. “He does and there are a couple of different thoughts on this, but for me, if I give up that control, I take it seriously. I am actually grateful to not have the control and would never betray that trust. But there is this other related kink that is sometimes employed. Do you know what a chastity cage is?” he asked and Kelsey shook her head. She understood what the words were but not what it meant in this context.

“I’ll be right back,” Josh said and rushed to his room, opening the chest of toys in his closet, and pulling out the small metal chastity cage he had bought a long time ago. He brought it back out and handed it to her and then explained, “this is a male chastity device. There are different types, but that doesn’t really matter, they all essentially do the same thing. They are fitted onto the genitals and then that little lock there is locked, and the dominant has the keys. So now, not only do you control his orgasms, but you control when and if he can even get hard. It is completely safe and doesn’t hurt. It is another tool the Domme can use to display and exercise her control. His cock effectively belongs to her now…”

Kelsey examined the little cage, the possibilities tumbling through her mind. It was really quite astounding to think about a man giving her this kind of control over him. Men were SO focused on their cocks like it was an integral part of their identity, and perhaps in this case it still was, only he wanted to give that to her. It would be like her hand was gripping his cock all the time. It would also be a physical barrier to infidelity. There were so many possibilities tumbling around in her head. Wait, Josh actually had a chastity cage, here in her hand. Had his cock been inside this thing? All restricted and unable to get hard?

“Have you ever worn it?” she asked a little breathless. She was highly aroused and trying to not show it.

“Yes, but only for a little while…its…its more of a psychological tool than a physical one. It…it didn’t really do much for me when I had the key and could just take it off at any time,” Josh admitted, only a little embarrassed at the admission.

Perhaps it was her sudden aroused state that she didn’t fully understand, perhaps it was the alcohol, perhaps it was because they were always able to talk so freely to each other, or maybe it was a combination of all of the above, but she immediately blurted out, “I could hold the keys…”



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