You want to fuck the new girl at work. Part 1. [m23/f19, tease]

Everyone at work was surprised when Chloe was hired. This was a consulting company after all, filled with PhDs and Ivy Leaguers and over achievers. Chloe hadn’t even finished university. All the mystery around this dissolved when it was discovered Chloe was the CEOs niece, as did all the associates ogling at her day in and out.

You were conflicted when you and Chloe were assigned to a new project – building an app for a startup. It was a small team – just you, her, and a senior member who rarely even came to meetings. You came in to the office as much as possible – you hated to admit it, but Chloe’s presence was intoxicating. She was wicked smart, putting to rest any suspicion of base nepotism. Often you found yourself asking her questions. She had big eyes and a big chest and dirty blonde hair. When she wore sweaters or blouses you could tell she was braless, and every step she took articulated the youthful buoyancy of her chest. When she wore dresses her lithe tummy and narrow hips were betrayed by a juicy ass built to be bred and make dicks hard. When alone with her you’d field subtle compliments and allow your genitals to grow just barely plump but not hard in your excitation and stretch out in your chair to offer her a glimpse at the bulge of your cock. You saw her look but never react in even the slightest way.

The office was usually a ghost town, especially after the men’s bathroom was shut down for repairs and everyone was forced to share the female one. One day you and Chloe were alone having lunch when she knocked over her coffee which spilled all over your stomach and lap. Thirty seconds later you were wearing nothing but your shoes in the bathroom trying to rescue your overpriced dress shirt and pants in the sink. Chloe ignored the “occupied” sign on the door and rushed in, almost in tears, only to be greeted by your nudity. Before you could pull your soapy hands away she got a good look at your tight, athletic body and abs and unprepared penis which hung low beyond your balls with admirable immensity. She darted out and when you left to find her she was gone, you didn’t hear from her until next week other than some excuse for needing to leave for an appointment. When you met next, you both acted like nothing had even happened.

One day Chloe asked if you had a Snapchat and she helped you make one since you didn’t. She said she would send photos of her paintings since you expressed your interest and admiration of her artistic ability. Over some weeks she would send photos of her works in progress – mostly landscapes of cities and some abstract shapes. They were quite good, and your compliments were almost entirely sincere. One night while jacking off you got a notification and opened it and Chloe had sent a photo of her holding a big painting in front of her torso, only her visible arms and legs and neck had no apparent clothing as if she was naked and covering herself with the canvas. You told her it looked great but that paintings shouldn’t be used as clothing and you had to let go of your mountain of an erection in disbelief to answer the video call from Chloe ringing on your phone. You fixed your hair and picked and and Chloe swung the front facing camera around to show she was wearing a tight black tube top which hugged her firm breasts like wrapping around two ripe melons and some shorts and she asked you what kind of lady you thought she was with such accusations. You played along and realized she was in such a nice bathroom this must be her parents house and the realization the CEO was probably within earshot was enough to cut short the lengthy conversation. You said goodbye and she giggled and bounced a bit and blew you an ironic kiss before hanging up and you were shooting ropes of semen on your chest within the minute.

Things got weird so you backed off for a while which coincided with the holidays. It wasn’t until next year you were regularly meeting with Chloe again. You were both working remotely when you saw she was in a new place and she explained she was renting now. You talked until late and she invited you to a museum open house downtown tomorrow. You agreed and had trouble falling asleep that night.

The next day you came in and Chloe was wearing a tight grey body-con dress with a jacket. You worked late together and on multiple occasions your dick got so hard you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom to calm down. Chloe had taken off the jacket and was rubbing her face with both hands such that her arms were pressing her boobs together and the form fitting dress created a cleavage of its own between the two braless breasts. Your cock was pulsing and left a visible stain of precum halfway down your thigh. Her tits wobbled as she bolted up – ‘We’re late for the museum!’ She grabbed your arm and pulled you up and looked at but had zero reaction to your bulge.

You failed to connect the dots and realized Chloe was an avid art consumer and the museum trip was less teasing and conversation and more following Chloe as she led you around dozens and dozens of exhibits, dropping paragraphs of knowledge on your numb brain. She lingered on the countless nude paintings of actresses and goddesses, explaining all the details. After cumulatively walking what felt like 5 miles you made it out and waddled over to the adjoining park before collapsing on some grass. The dark city night was above you.

“You’re gonna stain your shirt!”

Some part of your mind perks back up and you looked up at Chloe looking at your crotch, perhaps reminded of another stain.

“It’ll come out. So tired… had a lot of fun though.”

“When looking at those nude paintings, do you ever wonder if the subjects were embarrassed?”

“Everything was more conservative back then, so I imagine so.”

“Would you ever let me paint you?” she asks. Before you say anything, she kneels next to you and plants herself on top of your crotch as if simulating a clothed cowgirl position.

Stuttering, you manage a “Sure.”

She smiles and looks off in the distance, pleased with herself.

“Hmm…” she hummed, “where should we go now?”

You smile dumbly and shrug. “Not sure.”

“Useless!” she scorns. “Hmm… Where. To. Go.” She says, with every word gently bouncing up and down three times on your genitals. She crosses her arms, pressing her breasts into her chest. “Where…” she repeats, playfully gyrating her hips on your stiffening cock and balls to the beat of her sultry teasing, one rotation for every word “… could … we … go …” Her thighs are hot on your body, and so soft and lush even through the layers of fabric.

“You could show me your new apartment?” You offer, rabid in my arousal.

“Hmm…” she drawls, leaning backwards, putting all her weight on your balls, locking her eyes with a smirk. You try a smile but wince as your babymakers cry out in pain. “Oh, sorry!” She jolts up and off you.

“I’m good.” You say, transfixed by the vision of her tits jiggling on her way up.

“Well, I’m pretty tired.” She snaps, zipping up her jacket and severing your gaze. “I think I’ll head home now. See you tomorrow!” she spins around and struts away, and in stunned silence you watch each bounce of her cheeks under thin grey fabric with a pulsing cock and sore balls.


*Excuse some weird grammar I wrote part of this in first-person and part in second-person and some lazy editing produced awkward bits.*



  1. I really liked it, even with the third-person/first-person switching. Very nice!

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