Lifelong Friends Become More (MF, femdom, slow burn, fiction) – Chapter 1

Kelsey and Josh had been best friends for most of their lives, all the way back to elementary school. They grew up across the street from each other and played together every day as children, and when they got older, they continued to hang out even as their teenage tastes changed and diverged. All through that there was never any hint of sexual tension between them and they never even considered it. They maintained that friendship through loves won and lost and heartbreak. Dances and pep rallies and everything.

Their circle of friends were very different. Josh in high school played saxophone in band. Starting with alto, moving to bari, and then settling on tenor. He loved playing jazz and was even able to solo in front of the band for some concerts. He was not very athletic, but he was good looking and had his share of fun experiences with the band girls at band camp. By the time college came around, Josh was 5’10” and about 170lbs. He had longish brown hair and green eyes.

Kelsey was very pretty, extremely smart, but also shy and quiet. She was always on the honor roll and in AP classes. Her looks did garner her some attention from the boys though, many times the jocks hoping she would do their home work for them, which she quickly disabused them of. Still, she had plenty of opportunities and several boyfriends, some serious. Kelsey was not athletic either, but managed to keep a nice figure that always seemed to be in fluctuation as she grew. She had blonde hair, blue eyes, stood 5’3″ and 120lbs.

When it came time for choosing a college, Josh and Kelsey worked together, despite their very different career paths. They applied to all the same schools holding onto a perhaps unrealistic hope that they could go to the same place and at least know one friendly person. Perhaps they could even get housing together.

Shockingly, it worked out. They were both offered scholarships at the big University that was highly rated. Josh for music theory, and Kelsey for premed. On top of that, there was housing just off campus designed for two to share, and subsidized by the scholarships. They were very excited as they both chose this option and made plans to not only attend the same University, but also live together, not being forced into crowded dorms with strangers.

And it went great. They shared their apartment and their belongings well. They still got along great and there was never any drama, even when one or the other of them would have a romantic interest over for the night. It was never a big deal.

They were seniors now, 22 years old, and Josh had learned something about himself sexually that had been hard for him to deal with at first. It started when this girl he was dating had taken his bathrobe tie and asked him if he had ever been tied up. Josh laughed it off saying of course not. But she proceeded to use his bathrobe tie to tie his hands behind his back. Josh still thought it was all a joke until she pushed him down on the bed and then gave him the most amazing and teasing blowjob of his life. That feeling of vulnerability while her mouth was on his cock was something that would stay with Josh forever. She teased him over and over, always stopping as he was about to blow and laughing. He finally resorted to begging and that was when she mounted him and rode him to the best orgasm of his life.

Unfortunately, it had kind of been a setup. She wanted Josh to tie her up next and he did and tried to tease her in the same way. It was a little fun, but not really what he wanted. He wanted more of that first experience and she had only done it to get him hooked in the hopes that he would turn the tables and dominate her. She never offered to tie him again. He tried for awhile, but they ultimately broke up.

Josh then started to research online and discovered what female domination really was. Not from porn, but from actual people living the lifestyle and through their writings. Josh grew to hate porn’s portrayal of femdom and didn’t watch it at all. But he soaked up all the info he could from people really living the lifestyle. He even bought restraints, a chastity cage, a flogger, and some other things. But he felt like he had no way to make these fantasies come true in real life. Armed with all of this knowledge, the one time he tried to broach it with a girl he was seeing, she laughed in his face and talked about ‘finding a real man’ to fuck her. It was devastating and Josh was pretty sure that these feelings would remain hidden for the rest of his life.

Kelsey also had her share of experiences, though nothing more kinky than anal sex once. It was painful and she didn’t like it. None of the guys she saw really lasted though, and she didn’t care for hookups either. With every guy she dated, she always felt like there was something missing, especially sexually, but she could never identify what it was. Guys increasingly annoyed her as she dated them as well. The sex was sometimes okay, but….she was often left wondering if that was all there was.

By senior year, they had both pretty much stopped dating very much, both for their reasons. They were getting ready to apply to the University’s grad school, and they had no plans to stop living together through the rest of their advanced schooling. They lived here year round now, only going home occasionally for holidays or short visits. They always traveled together on these occasions.

It was the Friday night before spring break when they decided to celebrate the much needed respite from the grind of higher education together, rather than go to any parties. The bought an assorted array of hors d’oeuvres and different alcoholic drink mixes and planned to have fun with just the two of them in the privacy of their apartment. They would play games, stuff themselves with shrimp and cheese, and those little hot dog things, and just have a good time.

They did. They were both so glad they had not gone to any of the ubiquitous keg parties with the hookup culture that surrounded them. They played cards and monopoly. Kelsey tried to talk Josh into Trivial Pursuits, but he wisely declined knowing she would wipe the floor with him.

As they got quite drunk though their inhibitions had loosened more. They’d been drunk together before, but this time, their talk turned to dating in college. Josh asked her why she thought she hadn’t met the right guy and she sighed but was truthful. She wasn’t into any freaky shit and yet, sex always seemed to be rather lackluster. It was only then that Josh realized that perhaps that was not a great question to ask as she turned it back on him.

“What about you?” she asked, “you are objectively good looking and I have seen some of the pretty girls you’ve brought by, but what has been missing in them for you? You looking for something kinky that you can’t find? Tell me it is not a foot fetish. Oh please not that. My shoes would never feel safe again!” she laughed and was clearly joking, but Josh had started to turn red in embarrassment.

Kelsey noticed and suddenly her laughter stopped as she said, “Oh no! I was just joking! It is perfectly okay if you have a foot fetish! Really. I wouldn’t judge you for it. I am so sorry….Josh…”

“It’s….it’s not that,” Josh said with some hesitation, “I…I don’t have a foot fetish, but…I do have a…a desire that has been challenging to….to pursue. So I have kind of given up on it.”

Serious now, though still quite drunk, Kelsey leaned forward and put her hand on Josh’s knee. “Tell me? I won’t judge you, I swear Josh. Maybe being able to talk to a woman about it would help? I could give you my perspective? Come on Josh, you know me and you know your secrets are safe with me. I never did tell anyone about that candy bar you stole from Wal-Mart. Share it with me?” she asked and her voice was gentle and full of concern.

It was true, if there was anyone in the world he could trust it was Kelsey. It was just a really embarrassing thing to admit to your best friend. But he knew so much about femdom now through his reading that he had no doubts at all that it was what he wanted. Vanilla sex just would never be satisfying for him.

“I….um…..I….I want to be in a relationship where….where she is in charge. Um….it, it is called female domination, but….” he started lamely and then lost where he had been going.

Kelsey’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and almost shock. She had heard of femdom before and had even seen a few porn scenes, but didn’t think that was the kind of thing Josh would be into. Still, she tried to keep an open mind. She asked him, “so….you want a woman dressed in a leather teddy to like whip you and tell you that you are a worthless worm or something?”

Josh’s face was beat red now, but his head snapped up, “No! That is not what it is about at all! That is just what porn shows. That’s not…A female led relationship, from what I have read, can be one of the most loving and deeply trusting relationships there can be. Far deeper than any vanilla relationship. It is based on willing power exchange and requires deep levels of communication and….please….if you want me to talk about this, forget anything you’ve ever learned or heard about it. Real people really living this lifestyle are nothing like that.”

Kelsey could see his passion and desperate desire for her to understand. But beyond that, she was intrigued. A relationship that was far deeper and more meaningful than any ‘normal’ relationship? She definitely wanted to hear more, especially if her initial impression of it was completely wrong. She forced those porn images out of her head and said gently, “I promise Josh. I’ll forget anything I thought I knew. I really want to know more,” she said, rubbing his knee.

Josh relaxed and knew it was okay to dive deep into this with Kelsey. He started to talk in more detail about it and how wonderful it could be.

What neither of them knew though, was some of the physical reactions the other was having. As Josh talked of being dominated, his cock responded. It was hidden in his jeans, but he couldn’t help but start to get hard as he opened up about his fantasies.

And Kelsey didn’t really know why, but the more Josh said, the more she wanted to know. They were going to start talking about specific kinks soon, but even before that, Kelsey felt herself getting wet, though she tried to ignore it…



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