My First Time Seeing a Man Masturbate. [18F] [28M]

My name is Molly and this is the first time I’d ever seen a man masturbate.

I had just turned 18 and I was more than ready for sex. I’d really grown into my body. My breasts were large. My wavy blonde hair came down to my ass which curved nicely and I was absolutely addicted to anything of a sexual nature. Growing up in a very Christian home and being homeschooled, sex was not a part of the conversation. It seemed taboo to even bring it up and forget about masturbation…

Don’t you know that Jesus is watching you?”
My mother asked me once when my sister caught me masturbating in our bedroom and ran to tell her.

But, I was obsessed. I fantasized constantly about men I saw, men in movies, my friends, my cousins…
It was automatic like I had no control over these… Visions. I don’t know how else to put it. That’s what it seemed like. I would dream and daydream and eventually I got sucked into the online sex community. It started out with reading erotic stories then writing them. That led to cybersex and then webcam, sexting and phone sex… I never touched anyone or let anyone touch me. Though in my world we were barely allowed to talk to boys and never to be alone with them.

So, by the time I was 18 I was just dying. I had gotten to the point where I was masturbating 3 times a day and sexting with multiple boys in my church. They had no idea that it was me, of course. I had grown smarter with my promiscuity over the years. I was playing a dangerous game though and I truly loved it. I was constantly tempted to jump one of these guys but I never did. I just flirted but the me in my phone was different, more confident. I would tease and send vague photos. I loved to direct them with what to do with their cocks and I even got one of them to call me and masturbate to the sound of my moaning. But I would never say a word.

One night after church a group of us went to a coffee house down the street that we frequented often. When we got there my friend Alice introduced us to a newcomer. His name was Joseph. He was older probably late 20s. Really hot. Sexy crooked smile and he spoke with a bit of twang in his voice. He had dark hair. Long for a Christian, I thought… In my church the boys had to keep their hair short and the girls weren’t allowed to cut theirs. He was well dressed and clean. It was winter time in Texas and we were all pretty bundled up but I could still tell that he was in great shape through is thick blue sweater. I examined him for a long while as he was introduced to the gang. He ran his fingers through his hair nervously and I noticed his fingers were kind of rough. He must work with his hands a lot. He seemed confident yet awkward like he didn’t feel comfortable around us church kids or maybe just that we are all strangers to him.

He kept his hands in his pockets but I reached out mine for a friendly hand shake anyway. He quickly shook it and met my eyes for a moment. Looking up and down at me a bit longer than the other girls. He smiled and put his hand back in his pocket.

“So, Joe. Is this your first time?”
I gave him a flirtatious smile.
“It’s just Joseph. Uh, First time?” He asked taking a seat.
“Your first time around a bunch of cult members?” I laughed.
My friend Fenna humphed at my joke. “Tight Ass…” I coughed and giggled.
He sighed and I sensed he seemed to believe it to be more true rather than a joke. Fenna started talking to Joseph and I sat there listening to everyone’s conversations for the rest of the night sipping my Latte and watching his mannerisms.
Turned out he mentioned where he lived and we both lived in the same neighborhood. That was my way in.

When we were getting ready to leave I took this as my chance and cornered Joseph as he was stepping outside.
“So Joseph…Did you ride with Alice?” I asked leaning close.
“Um, no. I drove here.” He seemed curious about my closeness.
“I heard you live in my neighborhood and was wondering if you wouldn’t mind giving me a ride…?” I smiled and bumped shoulders with him.

Alice had just stepped out and waved to me. “You two get home safe!” She winked as she practically ran to her car. Alice was the only person in my life I ever talked to about sex. She was my age and had been having sex since she was pretty young. She was my best friend. I always thought she was gorgeous! Long curly brown hair and big natural breasts. She even showed them to me once when she had gotten a tattoo on the underside of one of them. They were glorious. I would have honestly made a move on her if it hadn’t been for the fact that she was very into dudes. She wanted me to hook up though. I think that’s why she brought him…

“Sure.” He said like it was a chore.
He was a pretty quiet guy and seemed a little nervous to be in the car alone with me. Maybe he thought I was hot… Maybe he wanted to fuck me… My mind had run away with me once again. I got lost in thought and was running my fingers back and forth along the hem of my checkered skirt which in the seat with my legs crossed had ridden up my thighs. His eyes kept darting back and forth between the road and my legs. Oh yeah… He wanted me alright. Let’s not make it easy on him… I thought. I uncrossed my legs and slid down in the seat a little more stretching like I didn’t mean to do it. He started picking at his collar and pulling his sleeves up like he was getting warm.

“You wanna… Take off your sweater, Joseph? You look a little… Hot!” I asked half smiling but in a serious tone.
“What? Nuh…No.” He stammered. His cheeks turned vermilion.
“I don’t know… This heater is really hot.” I poked as I pulled my sweater over my head revealing a black low cut tank top. My breasts spilling over the top of my bra. His eyes stayed glued to my chest for a bit longer than I expected and I felt powerful. I teased him all the way there. Running my fingers over my nipples and playing with my hair. Trying to make it seem as natural as possible. When we finally pulled on to my street I was so disappointed that he didn’t ask me over or if I’d wanted to go out on date or… If he could motorboat me…Something!!

He parked on the side of the street and cut me off as I was saying goodbye. He turned his whole body in his seat to look at me.
“Look Molly… You are seriously smokin’. In fact, I’ve had a hard time focusing on the road. But, do you even know how old I am?” He looked almost irritated.
“Age is just a number.” I said playfully.
“I’m 28. And you’re what? 17? 18?” He put emphasis on his age.
“I’m 18. I’m an adult.” I stated.
“Have you ever been with a man before…sexually? He asked.
“No, I haven’t.” I looked down.
“Have you ever seen a man’s…” He seemed nervous asking that question. But I cut him off before he could finish.
“Dick? Not in person.” I held his gaze. “I’ve always wanted to.”
I placed my hand on his thigh.
“Can I see yours?” I asked, my voice shaking. It felt like the temperature had risen a few degrees.
His gaze went to my hand.
He pondered his response for a moment but had nothing to say.

Without taking his eyes off of me he slowly reached his hands down to his pants and unzipped his zipper.
I withdrew my hand and sat up straight.
My eyes were darting back and forth between his hands and the door to my house. He slowly pulled out his cock. It was already hard. I swallowed, my throat feeling dry.
It was pretty long with a slight upward curve. I looked back at him.
We just stared at each other for awhile.
It was like the car filled with a thick fog of tension and I was getting hot.
My body was tingling in anticipation for what was going to happen next.

It’s like everything was moving in slow motion… He put his hand to his mouth and brushed his fingers against his lips leaving a trail of saliva along his index finger as a drop fell and hit his arm he started rubbing the spit along his cock and jerking himself off as he stared at my face. I just sat there completely unable to speak. Joseph loved how nervous I was getting. I could tell by his smile. I felt my face getting hot and I knew he was watching my every reaction but I just couldn’t take my eyes off the way he slid his hand up and down so gently almost like he was teasing me.

I could feel my pussy just dripping wet. I couldn’t move but I wished he would just plunge that cock into me here and now. I had completely forgotten where we were. I couldn’t believe that this was happening but God… how turned on I was. A moan slipped through my lips and my hand flew to my mouth as to try to force it back in. He started to move his hand faster and I couldn’t stop myself from reaching between my legs to caress my pulsing clit. He started to moan watching me rub myself as he jerked harder throwing his head back.

I had never felt anything this exciting in my life. I masturbated all the time but it never felt quite this good. My heart was racing and I couldn’t think. He started to slow down his strokes and I focused in on his cock. He let out a low groan and he started to cum but it was nothing like I’d ever seen. Cum didn’t just shoot out like I expected. It trickled over and ran down his length with each gush he twitched until his hand was covered. Like a waterfall. It was perfect and so hot! When he was finished I pulled my hand away from my still pulsing pussy and brought my fingers to my mouth licking them. I thought he didn’t see me but he gasped and I met his eyes again filled with desire. He was smiling.

“Ah, That was so hot! Do you like the way you taste?” He asked excitedly.
“I’m sorry. That was weird wasn’t it?…” I looked away from him feeling embarrassed. He grabbed a shirt from his back seat and cleaned himself off. “Not at all. It was really sexy. I’ve never seen a girl do that before. Can I taste you too?” He reached over and caressed my thigh. I knew he could feel my leg shaking. I wanted to scream “YES! PLEASE! God! Touch me. Finger me. Lick my pussy! Do what you want with me.” I wanted to launch myself across the car and ride his still hard cock. But… I shyly just pushed my fingers inside myself and offered them to his lips. He took them into his mouth and swirled his tongue around them. Sucking my juices off of them. Closing his eyes as if to savor the moment. I did the same.

When my eyes opened again i couldn’t stop myself from saying the words.
“Take me?” It came out as a question but I meant it as a statement.
He smiled. “I’d love to but, you should get inside now. I’m sure your mom is worried…”
I began to protest and he raised his hand in the air to stop me.
“Next time. You just remember this.
I’ll be thinking about you again later tonight. And next time maybe you can cum and I’ll watch you.”
Or I’ll fuck you and we can cum together… I thought, matter of factly. Before I got out of the car I slid my panties off and left them in his passenger seat. They were white and lacy but soaked in my wetness. Before he took off I watched him press them to his face and I felt tingling between my legs at the sight.

That night I lay in bed replaying our mutual masturbation session over and over making myself sore from all the pressure on my clit. I had a mission. I needed to fuck that guy. I was going to make it happen. I got a text from an unknown number that said “Tell me you enjoyed that as much as I did.” I knew it was him. “I’m aching to see it again.. and more.” I responded I went to sleep excited for the next time I’d get to see Joseph and everything I’d do to him.

I haven’t written in years so, don’t be too hard on me. Thought I’d write a short story to get back into the groove. Anyone have any questions, advice, critiques…etc. You’re welcome to message me. Thanks for reading.



  1. Yeah wow sounds like we had the same upbringing and it turned us both so horny aha
    25 Aussie guy who was brought up Christian and always being told sex and masturbation was wrong but cannot help but cum multiple times a day 😅

  2. Wow what an intense story… I was raised similar to what u described… U found smoking hott

  3. That was very well written and so fucking hot!! I look forward to reading you future post. (And I REALLY hope there is a part II !!!!)

  4. Sorry to ruin it for any horny man but im 90% sure this was written by a horny man.

    (The women isn’t written the best as a women but idk maybe im wrong)

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