F*cking stories

Why do we write these stories? On whose honor are we wasting time and energy to write some text? Because he/she rubs it on the written letters that form words? To promote yourself. To actually share experiences? I guess everyone has their own reason.

Mine is based on my personality. It started with writing memories because i have injury and have nothing better to do in hospital and it is evolving. I thought to myself, maybe someone will be interested or even like it. So I began by describing my most memorable experiences. I was satisfied with that. I tried to make the writing fairly grammatically correct and understandable, because this is not mine first language. That will be enough, I told to myself. I also enjoyed reading other stories by other writers, and even though I found that I didn’t like certain writing styles, I could still appreciate them. I am not a person who likes to talk in vain to describe one thing. I am a simple writer. My opinion is that you can describe or say anything.

I found other portals or forums that contained more things that interested me. They were not intended for some imaginary acquaintance, but for sharing experiences, counseling or just talking. I admit that after a month or so I was a bit tired. Did the stories come to life and become what they were supposed to be?. Stories about: has anyone fucked the wife’s sister, mother-in-law, stepmother…? I couldn’t even read them, let alone comment on them.

I threw myself back into the stories. This time with a different purpose. I have the experience saved on my cloud. Sharing only these was no longer interesting to me. It became more interesting for me to read the stories of others and notice the similarities in the writing and the differences between the users. I myself adopted the same writing style as I had on the sandbox. Of course I’m beautiful, rich, successful, intelligent and have a 20+ club in my pants. I had to separate you from myself and from any possible misconception that we are similar or somehow the same. I’m better than you. This tells about my financial situation, my real estate status. As a meme has been circulating lately, where someone concludes: we are not the same.

I like to provoke. I’m pretty good at it. Sometimes even too good. You don’t need to read between the lines. So that even those ignorant of reading will learn something new. Of course in the standard notation of Mr.1. We must not deviate somewhat from the established rails.

I soon realized that I was asking too much of the readers of the stories. I know it’s hard to understand and read when you’re holding a dick or pussy in your hands and eagerly needing this thing in anticipation of satisfaction. I’ve noticed that the most popular stories are nonsense and text that I barely read. It’s one thing to talk when you have a verbal conversation with a person. It’s another thing when you read something. This is more the exception than the rule on adventures. I don’t mean the correct use of the possessive adjective, just to make the sentences understandable. Punctuation. Because we are not the same. I was amazed when I read, for my understanding. I fucked her bitch, I cum on her face, I fucked her. Here, I summed up quite a few stories in this, say, sentence.

Where is any effort or sense to write?

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11c9b7q/fcking_stories

1 comment

  1. Some are better than others. Write if you enjoy it. Really bad or nonsense grammar takes me out of the story.

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