A walk in the woods….or so she thought. NSFW, Predator/Prey,

On a warm, breezy mid-May day you choose to go for a walk on one of the various walking paths through the local state park. You are a 34-year-old woman wearing a sports bra, sporty type shorts and an oversized zip up sweater that is just long enough it covers your shorts. As you arrive to the beginning of the trail there is not a soul in sight. You stand at the trail head, close your eyes and take in the sounds of the leaves rustling, birds chirping and forest critters playing around. You start down the walking path enjoying the breeze in your hair and across your exposed skin. You say to yourself “its going to be a good day.”

Deeper in the woods sits a 37 year old man sitting under the shade of a tree off the walking path, taking in the sights and sounds, when he spots this beautiful early to mid-30’s woman walking on the path. She has her beautiful brown hair pulled back in a pony tail and sports an over-sized zip up sweater that causes you to double take thinking she has no pants on. As she gets closer you see her sweater is unzipped just enough to reveal beautiful breasts (about a handful and a half each) in a Nike Sports bra and you can barely make out her shorts. She is oblivious to your presence, so you remain still and watch as she passes you by. After she passes you allow her to get a little ahead of your spot before you get back on the path and begin following her. You catch a whiff of her on the wind and you feel your loins begin to stir, a feeling sweeps over you and the need to hunt comes on fierce causing you to make careful movements and you begin to stalk her.

As you walk you get a phone call, your sister calls and is curious where you are. You tell her you are on a stress relief walk in the state park, not sure where in the park you are but you’ll be gone for a little bit. You and your sister make dinner plans for later that evening and get off the phone. As you are walking you get this strange feeling you are being watched, as the breeze stops for a second you pause; thinking you heard a sound you check the path behind you wondering if another walker was approaching. After turning around you see no one, little did you know you were being stalked by a man who is fully aroused by your scent.

As the beautiful woman turns back around and resumes walking you reappear from behind the tree you took cover behind. You had overheard her conversation and now know she has no real idea where she is, but you walk this pathway religiously and know exactly where you are. Up ahead, just around the next curve is the perfect place for you to strike. You cut through the woods, cutting the curve and just after she passes your spot you lunge out and grab her mouth and waist. You pull her to the ground and lay on top of her as you tie a mouth gag with your tank top. You pick her up and carry her deeper into the woods to a stump you have used before and lay her back on it before unzipping her sweater and tearing her shorts off, revealing no panties, and stare at you prey.

Your hair stands up slightly on the back of your neck when all of a sudden someone grabs you from behind and pulls you to the ground, tying a short around your mouth preventing you from screaming out. The man picks you up and carries you into the woods before laying you down over a tree stump unzipping your sweater and ripping your shorts off. You see him staring at you and feel the breeze over your exposed body. You watch him take off his shorts, revealing a throbbing hard cock, he begins rubbing his cock and rubbing your pussy. You try to fight him off, but he slaps your now over stimulated pussy before rubbing it again. The man stops stroking his cock and gets on his knees, he starts licking your moist lips and dancing his tongue around your clit.

Her pussy tastes so great, the thrill of successfully capturing your prey has overwhelmed every sensor in your body. You stand up and flip her over on to her stomach, pulling her zippered hoodie off and tossing it aside. You spread her cheeks and slide your cock in, resting your balls against her clit. With one hand you grab her ponytail, the other her hips and you begin thrusting deep and hard inside of her. Steadily increasing the strength and keeping a steady strong pace, watching her big ass ripple with every thrust. You hear her moaning against the gag, and it activates a deeper predatory feeling deep in your soul. She whimpers again and you feel her gushing around your cock, the sloppy sounds of your cock pounding into her sets you over the edge and your grunt deeply as you unload a full load of cum deep into her cervix. You release her hair and hips as you slowly remove yourself from her, watching your cum starting to appear at her glistening opening. You clean yourself off with her ripped shorts and tell her not to move until she can’t hear you anymore. You remove the gag and disappear into the woods.

You lay on the stump, panting heavily with tears rolling down your face. You no longer hear his footsteps, so you lift yourself off the stump, sitting down on the stump and feeling his cum rushing out of you. You look around for your shorts, that are nowhere in sight, so you grab your sweater and put in on. You zip it up and are glad you wore a long one to hide the fact you are now nude from the waist down. You relocate the path and immediately head back to your car, you feel his cum dripping down your legs. Your brain is a mess, do you call the cops? Is he still watching you? All the while you are also thinking to yourself how intensely satisfying the feeling of being taken against your will was. You get to your car and get in, as you are backing out of your car you double take the wood line, thinking you saw someone watching you. After pausing for a moment, you put your car in drive and drive home, still leaking his cum on your seat.

From eh wood line you watch her back out of her spot, holding her torn shorts in your hand. As you peek around the tree you immediately freeze, she has stopped, and you wonder if she has caught you watching but after moments pause you see her car lurch forward as she drives off. You watch her drive away before heading back into the woods to stalk your next prey.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11c4ll8/a_walk_in_the_woodsor_so_she_thought_nsfw