Twins at the Circus [M/F/F] [no sex] [humiliation]

I did not bang a set of conjoined twins performing at a circus. That would be a much better story. I went on a date to the circus with a girl who has a twin sister. This story does not end with me having a threesome with them, which, again, would be a much better story.

They were identical twins, Michelle and Danielle. They were not the type of twins that went out of their way to dress alike, they didn’t wear matching clothes, or style their hair the same way. Have you ever seen a movie where the female protagonist has to have a makeover, and she goes to opposite extremes? It was like that. One of them, Danielle, the one I was seeing, looked like a librarian meets 90’s grunge. The other one looked like the slutty section at Hot Topic.

We met up at the Circus, Danielle wanted to go because she liked the elephants. Michelle was with her, they were always together, I was never alone with either one of them, I thought this was a twin thing, and did not question it beyond that. Danielle was wearing an ankle length dress, some kind of floral pattern, black tights, Doc Martins, and a flannel. Michelle was wearing a black tank top with a big red star on it, too much cleavage, a plaid skirt, and pink panties with little black skulls on them. We got popcorn and nachos and drinks and made our way to our seats.

Danielle insisted that she not be forced to sit next to her sister, because she would “ruin the whole goddam circus,” so I sat with Danielle on my left and Michelle on my right. I’m holding a wax paper cup full of ice and soda, and somehow the bottom just falls out of it. A liter of Coke and ice falls into my lap, thankfully no else notices. My pants and boxers have soaked up most of the liquid, but I am still sitting in a puddle of ice cold pop, I’m wet, basically from my waist down to my thighs, front to back. I start tossing ice cubes on the floor one at time, trying not to draw any attention to myself. Danielle is asking me for some of the drink, and I have no idea how to tell her that it’s completely gone, that I’m currently chilling my genitals in it. And now I feel even more embarrassed that I didn’t just say something when it initially happen.

Speaking of embarrassed, let’s go ahead and talk about shrinkage. An erection is not only necessary for the physical act of sex, but it also serves as an outward symbol, a literal projection of a man’s desire, of his confidence. When I am embarrassed, or nervous, I get the opposite. My dick tries to hide, it makes itself as small as possible, it retreats. Pour a liter of bitter cold, sticky soda on it, and then top it with a mound of ice, and I’m basically a Ken doll.

There is absolutely no possible way this could get any worse. Michelle leans over, taps me on my leg to get my attention, and she notices. She reaches down, grabs a handful of my crotch ice, and holds it out, so that Danielle can see, and asks me, “why did you do this? What are you doing?”

This was not a rhetorical question. They were both staring at me, their identical faces both wearing the exact same look that bordered between puzzled disbelief and shame, both demanding that I account for my bizarre behavior.

“It was an accident, the cup broke.” I hold up the traitorous wax paper cup, and clear my name. I’m not some kind of a freak on a date with identical twins, at the circus, who receives sexual gratification from pouring Coke and ice on my man business. No, I’m the victim of an unfortunate and frigid accident, and I need help.

They each start grabbing ice cubes, two or three at a time from my lap, and place them back into defiled cup, and they fall back out of its gape, into my lap. “Just stand up.” I stand, perhaps faster than I meant to, but my legs were shaking from a lethal combination of embarrassment and cold, and I desperately wanted to be out of that seat, out of that circus, out of that whole place and time.

The seat was plastic, and spring loaded, so it popped up as I stood up and splashed a fair amount of soda on both of them. Most of the ice fell to the floor, but a few pieces had sort of frozen to my pants, and were clinging to me like my last bits of my dignity. Danielle swipes them away, and begins to realize just how wet I am.

One tissue. Between the three of us we have one tissue. Michelle is doing her best to dry my pubic area, but the tissue, like all others who enter that area, is soon a wadded up soggy mess. This fact doesn’t stop Michelle from continuing to blot my junk with it. Danielle is patting me down, front and back, trying to determine the full magnitude of the damage. I’m standing, they are both still sitting, eye level with my groin, touching me, and pulling my wet, sticky pants away from my skin, and my dick decides to take an interest in the events at the same time as the older couple sitting in front of us. “Yeah, he spilled his drink, oh my what mess, here I think we have some napkins, see if that helps.”

Standing in front of my seat, at the circus, getting some light petting from the four hands of a set of identical twins, looking down the front of Michelle’s tank top at her abundance of cleavage, being watched by an older couple, that is when I get hard. I mean fucking rock hard. The kind of hard that you can only get when you are 18. So hard that it hurts, I am in agony. It is impossible to be any more embarrassed than I was at that exact moment.

“Oh my god!” Michelle and Danielle say it at the exact same time, with the exact same enthusiasm and inflection, drawing all sorts of attention to us. Michelle is responding my raging hard on, Danielle has just noticed the elephants. Michelle turns to see what Danielle is so excited about, Danielle does the same. They both let out another perfectly synchronized “Oh my god!” The older woman, who has been staring at the throbbing spectacle that I have become, turns around and takes her seat, red faced from my engorged embarrassment, and maybe some of her own. I try not to poke anyone as squeeze past, making my way to the aisle, circus music playing in the background.
