The time I got fucked at the Olympic Village

“Good evening! Are you here to check-in?”

I blinked my eyes groggily at the chipper voice behind the reception desk. A young woman stood there, smiling at me patiently.

“Sorry, yeah,” I eventually replied, my brain moving in a fog.

“What’s the name the booking is under?”

“My name?”

“Yes, Madam,” she replied with infinite tolerance. Her voice was flecked with a slight French accent.

“Sorry, I’m a bit jet-lagged,” I shook my head, grinning sheepishly. “I flew in from Sydney.”

“Do not worry, Madam, all of our rooms are equipped with blackout curtains so you may rest for as long as you need,” she smiled. “What was the name of the booking, please?”

“Oh! Yeah, sorry,” I apologise. “It’s under Sarah Williams.”

The receptionist taps her computer, looking me up.

“Ah!” she says, turning the gigawatts up on her smile. “You are in room 216, here you are.”

She hands across a sleek, matte room key.

“Your bunkmate has already arrived,” she informs me and then rushes to say, “but she should be sleeping.”

My shoulders sag in relief; my brain was basically mush and the last thing I wanted was to socialise.

“Thank you,” I smile back gratefully.

“Welcome to Paris, Miss Williams, and good luck in the Olympics,” the receptionist inclines her head. I nod back and take the key, hauling my luggage across the foyer and over to the lift.

The hotel is moderately busy despite the late hour, with people coming in from all over the world, but I ignore them all and head to my room. The corridor is eerily quiet which unsettles me until I remember the rooms are all soundproof. I find my room, 216, and insert the key. It flashes green and unlocks. With the relief that comes with finding your bed at the end of a long day, I enter.

And immediately, I realize people are having sex in my room.

My bunkmate, who is very much not asleep, is the first thing I see. Her back is to me as she gyrates her hips on top of a man whose legs I can only see. And his cock, which my bunkmate is riding with enthusiasm.

I stand and gape until the door clicks shut behind me. At the sound, both of them freeze and turn around.

“Oh!” the girl says. “You must be my bunkmate!”

“I was going to go to bed,” I say stupidly, all of my composure evaporated.

“Sorry, we’ll try not to be so loud,” she grins. I am incredible aware she still has a cock inside her while she’s speaking to me so casually. “I’m Kate, by the way.”

“Sarah,” I reply, desperately trying to look at anything but them. “I’m gonna…”

I gesture vaguely to my bed.

“Oh, sure,” she says before turning to the guy. “Let’s quiet down.”

They resume but at a slower pace than before, softening the sounds of skin slapping against skin. I give an awkward thumbs-up before slinging my luggage to the side and climbing into bed.

I can still hear them but as soon as the lights go out, my tired brain takes over and I fall into a deep sleep.


The next day, I awake with a jolt. The room is completely dark and I’m temporarily confused until I blink over at the blackout curtains. I check the smartwatch on my wrist – its past 3pm. Sighing, I let my head fall back onto the pillow. I didn’t know how I was going to fall asleep tonight but that was a problem for later. Right now, my stomach was rumbling angrily at me.

“Alright,” I groan and throw the covers back.

When I get out of bed, I notice Sarah isn’t here. Her things are scattered across her bed but she must have gotten up a long time ago. I wonder if it’s too late for me to catch lunch downstairs.

I get dressed quickly and make my way back to the foyer. The restaurant is busier than I expected, almost full, so I walk up to the host cautiously.

“Bonne après-midi!” he greets me. “Do you have a booking?”

“Uh, no,” I say, my stomach rumbling again. “Sorry. Is there any space?”

The host looks down at his tablet and frowns, tapping at it quickly.

“I’m afraid not, Madam,” he says apologetically and my heart sinks. “The next available table is in approximately two hours. However, we can provide a list of recommended restaurants in the area?”

“Okay, yeah, thank you,” I try to hide my disappointment. I can see the meals other people are getting and my mouth waters.

“Wait, hang on a sec!” someone calls from in the restaurant. The host and I both look over to see a man I’ve never met waving from his table. “She can sit here if she likes?”

He points at the spare seat opposite him.

The host turns back to look at me.

“Is that okay?” I ask. “Can I just sit with some guy?”

“Of course, Madam, if you would be happy with this,” the host shrugs. I take a second to think, glancing back over at the man. He waves cheerfully at me.

“Okay,” I say. “Why not?”

“Very good, Madam,” the host picks up a menu and walks me over to the spare seat. He indicates to another server to bring cutlery before leaving. I smile awkwardly at the man.

“Uh, thank you,” I say.

“No worries,” he replies, with a roll on the r’s. Scottish? I think to myself. “My name’s Heath.”

He reaches across to shake my hand. I accept and he grips it firmly.

“Sarah,” I tell him and he smiles, the corners of his eyes crinkling. He’s actually quite handsome, I muse. His green eyes are in contrast to his dark hair and when he withdraws his hand, I can see the muscles in his arm moving. I clear my throat, to shake myself out of my thoughts.

“Let me guess – Australia?”

“Not bad,” I give a toothy smile. “And you’re Scotland, right?”

“Hey, good job! You won’t believe the amount of people who guess Irish.”

“I can imagine,” I pick up the menu to browse. “What are you competing in?”

“Swimming,” he responds, taking a sip of his coffee. It makes sense; his shoulders are broad and his waist narrow. I let my eyes trail down. “What about yourself?”

“Myself what?”

He laughs, showing off straight white teeth.

“What are you competing in?” he repeats.

“Oh, God, sorry,” I shake my head, feeling my cheeks warm. “I just got in last night and I’m super jet-lagged. My brain isn’t…”

I do a loopy gesture.

“That’s totally fair,” he chuckles. “Here I thought you were just lost in my eyes.”

He’s clearly joking but it rings so true that I can only laugh nervously in response. He cocks his head at me, amused.

“What can I get you?” the waiter arrives, shuttering our conversation, much to my relief. I give him my order, a lot of carbs, and thank the waiter.

“So,” Heath says when we’re alone again. “Your first time here?”

“Is it that easy to tell?”

“A little bit,” he teases. “Don’t worry, it’s only my second time.”

“Did you enjoy it? Or was it terrifying?”

“The competing? Terrifying,” he laughs. “But the Olympic village? Amazing.”

He gives me a pointed look but I’m not sure what about. Nevertheless, I start to feel flustered.

“What did you like about it?” I ask, taking a sip of water to seem casual. He looks at me like he’s not sure if I’m joking and then shrugs when he realises I’m not.

“The people,” he says simply.

“Like meeting new people?” I clarify, feeling like there’s a second meaning to his words that I’m not getting.

“Yeah,” he says slowly, as though thinking about it. “It’s a pretty intense time and everyone’s working hard, people get…”

He trails off, eyebrows raised.

“Get what?” I ask, still confused. He smiles and shakes his head.

“Close,” he replies. “Listen, I know it’s kinda scary doing this whole thing alone – why don’t I give you my number and if you need any company, just let me know.”

I watch him scrawl his phone number on a napkin before handing it to me. I stare at it, not sure how I managed to get a cute guy’s number so quickly.

“Thanks,” I say, tucking it away just as the food arrives.

We have a pleasant meal; Heath is easy to talk to and seems interested in getting to know me. His eyes linger on me often and I find myself blushing under his gaze. When he finish, he stands up and reaches for my hand. When I give it to him, he plants a kiss on the back of it, his eyes on me. Heat crawls up the back of my neck.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Sarah,” he says. “Remember, give me a message if you need company.”

He winks before strolling away. I watch him leave the hotel, heart racing. I definitely know what he meant by company… right? Or am I being presumptuous? Oh, God. I’m still not fully recovered from the jet-lag and now that I’m full, I’m ready for bed again. Maybe a quick nap?

I dither for a few moments before making my mind up. I stand abruptly from the table and find my way back to my hotel room. Just a half hour nap, I tell myself. No harm in that.

When I get back to my room, I peek around the door, half-expecting Kate to be in the middle of sex again. When I find the room empty and dark, I breathe a sigh of relief and shut the door behind me. I crawl into bed, wrapping myself in a cocoon in the blankets. The peace and quiet of the soundproof rooms and the warmth of the bed has my eyelids feeling heavy within seconds. In my brain fog, I forget to set an alarm and end up drifting off.

When I open them again, there’s a distinct squeaking noise coming from somewhere in the room.

I quickly rub the sleep from my eyes, half-sitting up.

“Harder,” a woman gasps. “Yes! Harder!”

I squint through the darkness and barely make out two figures in the other bed. Kate is being bent over, rocking her bed. I quietly slide back under my covers.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block them out, but the noise is incessant. Worse, and to my horror, it actually seems to be turning me on.

I can hear the wet slapping of skin on skin as Kate gets railed only a few meters from me. I can hear the man grunting and growling and Kate’s desperate moans. Despite myself, I am getting wet.

I toy with the idea of sliding my hand down into my leggings but quickly shake it away. I need to get out of here, I think to myself, and Heath’s number pops into my head. I chew my lip, my thoughts churning, before thinking ‘fuck it’. I pull the napkin out of my pocket and use the light of my phone under the blanket to tap his number in. I quickly write a message. It’s only a minute later when he responds.

Meet me in the foyer? X

I swallow hard, staring at the message. Okay, let’s do this.

I slowly inch myself out of bed, trying not to make a noise, but it doesn’t work.

“Hey, Sarah,” Kate says cheerfully. The man, and I’m not sure if it’s the same guy as last time, doesn’t break stride. He continues to pound away at her as if I’m not there. Now that I’m not so tired, I realise Kate’s also from Australia. “Sorry, did we wake you?”

My mouth goes dry as I try not to think about how I nearly touched myself to them.

“Uh, yeah but it’s okay, I’m just… I’m about to go meet a friend anyway, so…” I start shuffling towards the exit.

“Cool, see you later!” she goes back to what she was doing. “Yeah, that’s it. More. More!”

I close the door, sealing the noise inside and take a deep breath. I spot another couple in the corridor looking at me.

“Sorry about that,” I point at the door. “Just my bunkmate.”

“Not a problem to us,” the man replies in a thick Dutch accent. The girl giggles and they head into their room together.

“Huh,” I say to myself before hurrying down to the foyer.

Heath is there waiting when I arrive. When he sees me, his face breaks out into a handsome grin.

“Good evening,” he says and I blink at him.

“Evening?” I look at my watch. It’s nearly midnight. “Fuck!”

My shoulders sag, exasperated as Heath cocks an eyebrow at me.

“So, this isn’t a booty call?”

“What?” I say, shocked. “No! No, I… my bunkmate was… she had a guy over so I needed to get out of there.”

“Ah,” he smiles. “And you didn’t want to join her?”

I stare at him and out of the corner of my eye, I see another couple giggling and hurrying upstairs.

“Is everyone just… having sex here? All the time?” I ask bluntly. Heath’s eyebrows raise before he breaks into laughter.

“Basically,” he says before taking a step closer. His aftershave washes over me, making me feel a bit flushed and giddy. “Is that something you’re interested in?”

I look over him, drinking in his features and strong body. I straighten.

“Yes,” I reply, jutting my chin out. “But not right now and not in front of my bunkmate.”

“Fair enough,” he nods. “What do you suggest instead?”

I think it over. After a full meal and a lot of sleep, I feel weirdly energised.

“Is there a gym here?” I ask, swivelling my head around for signs.

“You want to hit the gym?” he chuckles. “Right now?”

“Yeah, why not? I’m kinda feeling pumped,” I say. “Unless you’re too chicken to race me?”

He puts his hand over his chest in mock offence.

“You challenge my honour, Miss?”

“I do.”

“Well, then I’ll just have to show you how we do it in Scotland,” he flexes his arm jokingly, but the very real muscles bulge. I fight the urge to reach out and squeeze them.

“Bring it on,” I say, tearing my eyes away from his arms.

When we eventually find the gym, it’s completely deserted. Dance music plays over the speakers as we explore the rows and rows of machines.

“Huh, I kinda thought it’d be more busy with all the best athletes in the world being here,” I muse out loud, walking up to one of the treadmills and throwing my towel over the side.

“I think they’ve got their own workouts,” Heath smirks and I playfully punch him on the arm.

“C’mon,” I say, hopping on the treadmill. “Let’s see how fast a swimmer can run.”

We spend the new half hour racing each other like schoolkids, sending teasing jabs at each other and laughing. By the time we’d finished, I was coated in a film of sweat and so was Heath.

“Phew!” he whoops as we step off the machine. “That was fun. You gave me a good run for my money.”

“I’ll say I did more than that,” I laugh, nodding at the stats. “I beat you by miles.”

“Well, we’ll see how good you are in the pool, aye?” he grins at me, wiping down his face with his towel. “How about the weights?”

“Hmm,” I say. “It’s not exactly my forte.”

“I’ll show you,” he takes my hand and leads me over to the padded bench. “Look, it’s easy. I’ll start you off small.”

He instructs me to bend over the bench with one knee propped up on it. I give him an I’m-onto-you look, to which he innocently puts his hands up, but I do what he says. He passes me a dumbbell.

“Now you just stay like that but pull the weight up.”

I oblige, pulling my arm up and can feel the muscles in my back working.

“Fantastic form,” Heath compliments before I can feel him moving behind me. He’s close to me and I can feel him brush past my ass.

“What are you doing back there?” I ask without looking back.

“Just fixing up your form a bit,” he replies casually as he places his hands on my hips. “How does this feel?”

I let him grip me slightly harder as he pulls my hips back towards him, until my ass is pressing against his crotch.

“It feels good,” I reply, keeping my tone light and continuing with my reps. Heath glides his hands up my sides before drawing them back again.

“It does feel good,” he says and I can feel the smirk in his tone. “How about we do some stretching to finish off?”

I put the dumbbell down and stand up. His bulge is obvious through his shorts and I feel a small thrill. Something about the endorphins of our workout and seeing him there, lightly sweating and muscles defined, is making me hornier than I’ve been in a long time. Heath was right; this place is intense.

“Stretching sounds good,” I reply. “Where do you want me?”

“Down on the mat here, please,” his voice suddenly becomes very professional and firm. It’s doing something for me.

“Yes, boss,” I sit down where he points and cross my legs but he shakes his head.

“No, no, you need to lie back,” he orders, as though it should be obvious.

“Aren’t there cameras in here?” I comment, eyes darting around the corners of the room.

“Does it bother you?” he asks. “Or do you kind of like it?”

I swallow, feeling like my heart is in my throat. I think about someone watching us, some stranger on the other side of the camera. I decide that I like it.

I do as he says, lying until I’m flat on my back.

“Very good,” I hear him say. “We’re going to do a groin stretch so keep your legs apart.”

“Um…” I’m not sure how apart he wants my legs but it turns out it doesn’t matter because as soon as I spread them slightly, he kneels down between them.

He wraps his large hands around my thighs and pushes gently up until my legs are bent but flat against the floor.

“Impressive flexibility,” he comments and he presses my legs into the mat. I feel the muscles in my inner thigh stretching pleasantly. The feel of his strong fingers pressing into my thighs coupled with laying so exposed and open beneath him are starting to make me even wetter. “And I can see you’re enjoying yourself too.”

I look up to see him grinning down at me, glancing between my legs. I look to where he’s looking and see what he means – there’s a small wet spot on my leggings. I feel my cheeks warming and I open my mouth to explain but he cuts me off.

“Don’t say anything,” he tells me. “And definitely do not apologise. Just let me take care of you.”

My pulse quickens as he says this and I watch him as one of his hands slides further up my thigh until it’s resting on my crotch. My heart is thumping so hard I feel like it’s going to burst out of my chest but I can’t deny the jolt of pleasure he just caused me.

“Good girl,” he smirks as I let my head fall back onto the mat.

Heath starts to rub over the thin fabric of my leggings and I bite my lip, feeling the warmth of his hand as he grazes my clit. He continues on for a few minutes, gently circling and teasing and driving me crazy. Finally, his other hand moves.

He pushes up my top and peels up my sports bra until I am bare-chested beneath him. He gives an approving grunt before fondling them, his thumb and forefinger squeezing my nipple. I give a small gasp at the rough touch.

“Does that feel good?” he mumbles and when I look up at him, his eyes are glazed over with lust.

“It feels so good,” I whisper. Heath responds by dipping his head and taking my nipple into his mouth. His tongue is warm and soft as he sucks and it’s like there’s a direct line between my nipple and my clit. I start to gyrate against his hand, desperate for more stimulation, as his teeth graze my nipple gently.

“Tell me what you want,” he instructs me firmly.

“I want more,” I breathe. “Please, give me more.”

He gives me a lazy smile and withdraws his hands. I nearly whimper but then he pulls his shorts down, just enough so that his cock springs out.

It’s completely hard, nice and thick, and he takes it into his hand, stroking slowly.

“How expensive were these leggings?” he asks, nodding down at them.

“Um,” I say, my head clouded with lust. “Not very expensive, why?”

“Because of this,” he replies. He removes his hand from his cock and grabs the crotch of my leggings. With one swift movement, he rips them, tearing a gaping hole and exposing my naked pussy beneath. When he sees I’m not wearing panties, he smirks.

“What a very good girl you are,” he says, his eyes twinkling and his accent getting thicker. I can feel my pussy drooling for him.

Heath grasps his cock again, lining it up with my entrance. When the head pushes past my lips, he uses his free hand to tilt my face up. His eyes bore into mine.

Tell me how much you want it,” he growls as I feel his cock pressing against my hole.

“I want it so bad,” I beg him. “Please fuck me. Please.”

With a grin, Heath obliges. He pushes himself inside me slowly, only sinking the first couple of inches in but it’s enough for my eyes to roll back in my head. He’s so thick I can feel him stretching me, filling me, and rubbing against all of my nerves.

“God,” I groan and when I open my eyes, I see his are closed in bliss.

“Fuck, you feel good,” he grunts. He draws back slightly before pushing deeper, repeating it slowly and waiting for me to adjust to his size. Until finally, he’s buried completely and fully inside me. The walls of my pussy clamp down on him and he groans, leaning forward. As he does so, I see the muscles in his arms bulging as he holds up his weight over me.

“You can go hard,” I whisper to him. “I want you to.”

Heath opens his eyes to catch my gaze before doing as I say. He pulls back before slamming inside me. He finds a rhythm, fast and hard. I tilt my head back and think about the person on the other side of the cameras, watching us. Watching Heath as he pounds his cock inside me and watching me as I spread my legs and let him. The thought turns me on more than I ever thought and my pussy starts to contract around his cock.

“You want my cum?” he asks, breathless, his eyes open and watching my tits as he makes them bounce and sway. With one hand, he grabs my nipple and pinches. It’s enough to push me over the edge.

“Yes!” I gasp and feel my orgasm as it rocks through my body. My pussy squeezes Heath’s cock and he gives a loud, deep moan before unleashing his cum inside me. I feel his cock as it twitches and fills me up. We both collapse onto the mat.

He stays inside me while we catch our breath. After a few moments, when he’s almost recovered, he pushes himself up on one arm and looks at me.



**Thanks for reading :) I will not be posting the rest of the story here. It will be posted on my site linked in my profile.**


1 comment

  1. Great story! But i need to tell you there’s a typo in the story. After Sarah wakes up she says she couldn’t see Sarah, when it should be Kate.

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