The Swap Part 2 – [F32M41][Interracial][Creampie][Gentle Dom][Passionate]

The two couples went their separate ways. Jeremy and Gianna both went to the bathroom downstairs where they could shower, while Ty and Beth went upstairs to the master bedroom. For all the years that Beth had been friends with Gianna, she had never been to this part of the house. The room was decorated primarily in silver and purple, with dark brown furniture. The lights were already dimmed and the scent of oils filled the space.

“Wow! I love your bedroom, it’s beautiful.” Beth said with excitement in her voice.

“Thanks, these are my favorite colors, so I let Gianna decorate it however she wanted. She did well if I do say so,” Ty said with a smile.

Beth swooned as she listened to Ty’s words. His voice was deep with a touch of rasp and normally didn’t say much.

“Come here,” Ty demanded in a surprisingly gentle tone pointing to the ground before him. It had hints of sternness and playfulness that made Beth’s heart race.

Her legs crossed over each other with each step as she slowly approached Ty in a way to accentuate the sway of her hips. She didn’t have the same curves as her friend, but she knew how to work what she had. Her heels tapped the light brown hardwood floors with a steady pace as she walked closer.

“Jeremy tells you how fucking sexy you look, right?”

Beth smiled and gave a small nod, “All the time, I’m a lucky lucky girl,” she said brightly.

She was a little nervous. She had only ever been with Jeremy, so she didn’t quite know what to expect. She took a deep breath and continued telling herself that she was overthinking the whole thing and to just enjoy herself.

“And I’m about to be a lucky guy,” he said as he pulled her naked flesh against his body.

Beth’s pussy tingled knowing exactly what was being implied. Ty was significantly taller than Jeremy around 6 foot 8 and even though Beth wasn’t especially short, she felt tiny with her 5-foot 5-inch frame. She could feel the shape of his cock pressed into her stomach.

She brought her gaze up to meet his eyes and Beth’s heart fluttered with an almost electrical charge that passed through her body. She ran her hands down his chest, feeling the bulge of his pectorals and the separated bumps of his stomach muscles. He was solid and she began to paint a picture of him in his naked form in her mind. Then something caught her eye. She turned her head off to the left.

“What’s that?” Beth asked.

She had a feeling she knew what it was, but she wanted to hear him say it. She looked up to the ceiling where there were two thick nylon bands spread by a bar that was supported by a metal hoop at the ceiling that caused the foot straps to hang about three feet from the floor. At the end of the bands, there were two adjustable hoops. Two straps connected the two sides to form a seat, and two more straps similar to the longest straps. These hung quite a bit higher, and also had hoops that had formed at the ends.

Ty smiled brightly, as he pulled Beth in closer, “I guess I’m just going to have to show you.”

Beth nodded.

“But first, my clothes aren’t going to come off by themselves,” he said again with a smile.

Beth wasn’t used to being told what to do, and she actually kind of liked it. After being with Jeremy so long, she was able to get a pretty good read on him. Ty was demanding but was soft about it. She felt comfortable and she wanted to submit to him. She reached up and began unbuttoning his black silk shirt. Beth bit her lip as she watched his dark, muscular skin become exposed as the shirt fell to the ground. He had a Gemini tattoo on his right pectoral and the words Semper Fi printed in a stylized script across his stomach.

She traced her hands down his abs feeling each ripple, then ran her tongue up through the groove where the muscles parted at the center of his stomach. She blew back down over the dampened skin causing goosebumps to form over his body. Ty held back a shiver as Beth’s dexterous fingers unfastened his belt, pulling it through the loops and tossing it carelessly onto the floor. She traced her fingers over his bulge that had been tucked into the leg of his pants. While Ty’s cock wasn’t thick like Jeremy’s, there was little doubt that his length would dwarf that of her husband’s.

Beth ran her fingers around the waistband of his pants until they reached the center, then her nimble fingers went to work. She undid the clasp and quickly lowered the zipper downward. She brought her gaze upward to meet his stare.

“Go on,” he said, once again instructing her.

She pushed her hands into the waistband over his hips and with her wrists lowered his pants to the point where they fell to the ground without any further help. She held her legs together to keep from dripping down her legs as a surge of lust ran over her. His cock sprung upward no longer restricted by the fabric and she let out a gasp. She reached out and held the head of his cock as if she were shaking someone’s hand. She twisted her hand around his cock and slid her palm up and down the underside of his shaft a few times. Ty stepped out from his pants freeing his ankles. He slid his hands down Beth’s lower back, over her ass cheeks, and held his hands at her thighs. He easily lifted Beth and carried her to the bed, setting her down with a gentle plop. He pushed against her inner thighs, spreading her legs apart, and looked down at her pussy. Her thighs were wet, and the sight caused his cock to tense causing his length to rise and fall before her eyes.

“You know you want to suck it,” he said as he took another step closer.

Normally, Beth didn’t care for people deciding what she wanted, or what she didn’t want. This time, she didn’t fucking care. She slid both hands down his cock, holding him upright as she lowered her mouth around him. Even with both hands holding him, she was unable to take his exposed length fully into her mouth. She twisted her hands back and forth as her mouth engulfed him, the tip of her tongue catching the taught flesh of his frenulum every time she flicked her tongue left to right, right to left.

“Yes, work the head of my cock,” he said, his voice wasn’t as gentle as it was at first.

She complied. Her left hand pushed down to his base, her right hand stroking his shaft as she sucked and licked at his swollen head. She’d occasionally push her tongue into his slit and he’d give Beth a guttural moan of approval.

“Fuck babe, just like that. Keep going.”

Beth began to suck hard, the vacuum of her mouth caused his head to swell more, then she’d pull him from her mouth causing a loud popping sound as the seal of her lips around him was broken.

“I want you to fuck me,” Beth whimpered as her pussy longed to be filled.

“No, you don’t get to tell me what to do,” Ty said harshly.

His denial made her want him even more.

“Please!” she begged as she laid back into the bed. Part of her had hoped that putting herself on display would change his mind.

He lifted Beth and threw her over his shoulder. She looked down at his back, shadows forming between the muscles of his back along his spine darkening further along his already dark skin. He could feel her juices on his shoulder and he so badly wanted to fuck her, but he had wanted to give her a different experience. It took all of his willpower to keep him from just holding her up by the thighs and sliding her down his cock and just fucking her up against the wall. No, as much as Ty wanted her, he needed to refrain himself.

Ty lowered Beth down onto the sling that now supported her, as her feet dangled over the floor. He then took the straps and slid them up her arm, tightening them around her biceps place putting her in a quasi-laying down position. He positioned another sling beneath her shoulders which gently supported the weight of her upper body, her arms were held to her sides. He ran his fingers down her legs and lifted the first by the calf and pulled off her first shoe, followed by the second. Ty then took one of the two remaining straps, sliding it around her toes and further down around her foot, finally tightening the band around her left ankle. He repeated the same movements with her right leg.

Beth wiggled a bit and quickly realized how restricted her movement was in this position. He took her by the feet, sliding his thumbs down the middle of each foot, and pushed them off to his left where she began to spin around. His strong hands caught her by the shoulders, instantly stopping her in place. She leaned her head back and opened her mouth.

“Good girl,” Ty said, rewarding her behavior. “Just relax your throat.”

“Wait, relax my throat?” Beth thought to herself, but before she could even react the tip of his cock pushed into her open mouth. She watched his length slowly get pushed deeper and deeper into her mouth. She began to press the flat part of her tongue up against the head of his cock as it pushed in. She could feel the underside of his cock tense against her tongue as he let out a sudden moan. Beth tensed as her reflex unwillingly tried to reject his cock from pushing deeper.

“I said, relax your throat,” Ty said through gritted teeth.

Beth relaxed her tongue, then her throat as he slid himself deeper. Her eyes clamped shut as she nearly gagged for the second time but instead of coughing, she convinced herself to relax more. She inhaled deeply through her nose just in time for his cock to lunge deeper and held in place. She swallowed around his cock which caused Ty to tense again. She opened her eyes which were now filled with tears and saw his balls hovering above her face. She blinked in disbelief and felt a sense of pride in seeing how deeply she was able to take him. She panicked for a split second realizing her breath was cut off. He pulled out, leaving the tip of his cock in her mouth as she breathed deeply…

“You did good, want to try it again?” he asked, the gentle tone returned to his voice.

Beth nodded slightly, and he began sliding deeper once again. She took a deep breath when she needed to as he slid straight down her throat. Realizing that it was much easier this time around as he pulled himself from her again.

“I’m going to fuck your throat, okay?”

Beth nodded again. He reached forward, taking her large tits in hand, and slowly rocked his pelvis forward a few times. She breathed deeply every time the head of his cock was pulled from her throat alternating between inhales and exhales. Drool began running down her face as he slid his cock from her mouth one last time. Tilting her head back she kissed his tip just before he walked toward the restroom. Upside Down, she watched his sizeable balls sway between his thighs as he walked away.

He came back holding a cloth as he dried her face. She only imagined how bad she must have looked, but instead of a look of disgust, he lowered himself to his knees, held her face in his strong hands, and kissed her deeply. She closed her eyes as their tongues explored each other’s mouths.

“Are you okay?” he asked with concern.


“Good, now it’s your turn.”

Ty pushed her shoulders off to the side as she slowly spun around once again. He caught her at the calves and brought his body forward between her thighs. Beth struggled to lift her head to a position where she could watch him, but it was no use. Aside from the placement of his hands, there was no easy way to know where he was at. She was expecting his mouth but jumped as his hands lifted her from the sling that was supporting her ass.

Ty looked her over as her back was now arched. He smiled to himself as he saw the trail of her wetness running downward. He dragged his tongue between her asscheeks, over her asshole, sipping up her juices as he pushed his mouth against her pussy lips. His beard tickled her ass as he kissed over her cunt. He placed a gentle kiss on her clit and lowered her back down onto the sling, making sure she was properly supported. He traced a middle finger up and down her pussy, collecting her moisture as she slipped his middle finger inside. He watched as his finger disappeared inside her. Her clit tensed at his touch, and he applied pressure upward as he dragged his middle finger along her front walls. Beth’s body tensed every time he applied pressure over her g-spot.

Ty felt his cock tense with the sound of Beth’s moans, but as he inserted a second, the moaning became panting, and with the third finger screams of pleasure.

Jeremy and Gianna both looked toward the ceiling above them as they both heard Beth’s screams, the two chuckled as Jeremy went back to washing the soap from Gianna’s body.

As Ty quickened his pace, Beth felt that same buildup of pressure that she had felt earlier in the night. This time, she had expected it.

“Stop, stop, stop,” she begged as she tried closing her legs, an impossible task as not only was he held up by her legs, Ty’s position between her legs made it difficult. Two more thrusts of his fingers later, she knew it was too late. She felt the pressure release as her pussy contracted around his three fingers. He didn’t slow, instead his pace increased as she began to squirt for the second time in her life. Her fluids ran down Ty’s chest which glistened under the dim lights. Her body shook violently, but Ty relentlessly continued fucking her. She panted for breath as she came down, but Ty still kept fucking her slowly with just his middle finger. While not as aggressive, her orgasm continued until it was just an occasional muscle spasm.

Ty felt the throb of her cunt around his finger as he held it in place, allowing her to come down, but still sliding it across her g-spot from time to time causing another uncontrolled spasm. He could feel her heartbeat as her walls were palpitating around his finger.

“You good?” he asked.

She let out a satisfied, “Mmm hmm.”

“Good,” he said as he slowly began sliding his finger in and out of her.

“Just a little more,” Ty thought to himself as his cock throbbed, knowing that he was going to push himself into her. He was just waiting for the right moment.

In and out, in and out, he began to feel the squeeze of her cunt as she clenched around him. That is what he was waiting for, and he knew she was close.

He withdrew his finger from her and lifted himself onto his feet.

“Say you want my cock,” Ty said, making another demand.

“I want your cock,” Beth said.

She was on the verge of another orgasm, and all she needed at this moment was to come around his dick.

“What?” he asked again.

“I need your cock! Please!” she begged.

He dragged his cock head up and down over the inner lips of her soaked pussy.

“Nope, not good enough.”

“Please!” Beth whimpered, “I need to cum with your cock in me.”

Ty felt his cock throb again at the thought, but he was probably torturing himself as much as he tortured her. He couldn’t hold back anymore, taking the base of his cock in his fist he pushed himself into her opening.

“Yesss!” she said as she began to shake.

He hadn’t even pushed himself the entire way in yet as he began to feel Beth contracting around his cock. Every squeeze tried to milk the cum from his swollen balls, but it wasn’t time for that quite yet. He pushed himself in until his head pushed against her cervix. The entrance to her womb throbbed, and kissing the tip of his cock in its special way. It was when her contractions slowed that she finally felt herself being fucked. Beth’s thick white cream coated his ebony cock as he rocked his pelvis back and forth in controlled thrusts. His cock tensed as he was randomly squeezed by her occasional contraction. He probably couldn’t push himself into his base without hurting her. Looking down he watched as he slid himself in and out of her keeping just his head inside.

She and Jeremy had a very active sex life, maybe it was because she had just experienced the second ejaculatory orgasm in her life, but she was completely void of thought. She didn’t want the pleasure to end. Even though the muscle spasms had slowed, she felt as though this were a single non-stop single orgasm. She allowed herself to feel every inch of him, the ribbed texture of his veins, or the feel the rigid part of his swollen head that caught and flicked over the textures of her cunt as he slid out from her, or the thick bulge at the underside of his cock that will ultimately push the seed from his nuts. She couldn’t think, but only felt and it was so very overwhelming. That is when the real fucking began.

“Let me know if this is too much,” he said, as his voice shook noticeably for the first time.

“Okay,” she said as she took a deep breath.

He placed his hands on her hips as he began moving the swing back and forward causing himself to slide in and out of her pussy. He held his position at first, almost using her as if she were merely a Fleshlight as she slid over him

Beth felt good, but she still wanted more. Almost as if Ty was reading her thoughts, he began thrusting into the swings. It was slow at first, but the speed and depth of his penetrations increased. Then he started to thrust deeper into her at a faster pace. The sound of their skin crashing against each other created a rudimentary song and as the rhythmic pattern went on their moans and screams of pleasure became the chorus. She would feel the occasional twinge of pain as he’d push to the base of his cock. The momentary searing pain would quickly subside and give way to new waves of pleasure. She felt her tits sway every time their skin would collide. It wasn’t unusual for her to feel a little pain when she and Jeremy made love, but this was different. Sex with Jeremy felt like she was being pulled apart, this felt more like her cervix was being punched. Neither was particularly bad, but she knew she was going to be pretty damn sore tomorrow.

His wife’s pussy couldn’t take anywhere near as much of his length as Beth could. However, Gianna was a goddess when it came to deepthroating. He could be as rough or as gentle with her as he felt like being. The cunt squeezing around his base was a new feeling and was almost too fucking much for him to take. With a contraction of his cock he felt his precum travel up his shaft and spill from his tip. His eyes went between Beth’s swinging tits and the now darkly colored and swollen pink lips around him. The visual stimulation caused another uncontrolled contraction spilling more precum to spill into her already-soaked pussy. His cock had become coated in Beth’s thick white cream, but most had been pushed down around his base where it had collected, occasionally leaving a bit on Beth’s swollen lips as he would thrust in too deep.

The swing was now moving back and forth quickly. The two would slam against each other with an audible sound of skin-on-skin slapping. The longer this went on, the more she could feel him swell, filling her more and more. She felt vulnerable, at his mercy and that thought made her pussy even wetter. Or could it be from the steady stream of precum that has been spilling from her lover? Either way, she felt herself quickly approaching another explosive orgasm. He too felt himself getting closer. He gritted his teeth as he felt himself start to cum, but he clenched hard and held himself there, sending just a single ejaculation deep inside Beth’s needy pussy, but not quite hitting the peak.

Beth let out a long moan as her pussy clenched around Ty’s cock, trying to hold him in place. The tight grip started to push Ty over the edge. He felt his balls raise and his shaft tightens but tried to hold his orgasm off as long as possible. The buildup of pressure continued until he could no longer hold back and with a sudden release he felt the cum rising through his shaft. He pulled Beth close and held her around the base of his cock as he let go. Beth could feel his cum pushing upward through his shaft, sending jet after jet of his cum crashing against the entrance to her womb. This, of course, was her favorite part. After Ty’s first two contractions, she too was pushed over the edge. The two came together, as more of Ty’s seed was pushed deep inside Beth, she’d contract around him, her cunt begging to be filled more and more. Ty’s thighs began to shake as his cum was being upped around him. Her contractions pushed her cervix against his tip over and over trying to drink in more of his seed.

“Oh Fuck!” he screamed.

“Yessss, fill meee,” she answered.

The eruption of cum became a steady stream, and every time Beth would flex her pussy muscles, Ty would pulse once more causing more to spill from him. That then would cause Beth to contract. The two stayed in place, unwilling to let this moment end. Beth’s face burned as her cheeks became flushed. After both of their contractions had fully subsided, Ty slowly pulled his softening cock from her. Their juices caught by the head of his cock slowly trickled from Beth and fell onto the floor. The smell of sex filled the room, and there would be no mistaking the evidence of what happened here tonight.

Ty began to help lift Beth from the swing, first setting her legs free and then her arms. She stood up and initially wobbled feeling the weakness in her legs. She pushed Ty’s muscular stomach leading him back to the bed. As the mattress connected to his thighs he fell backward, laying across the comforter. Beth ran her hands up and down Ty’s cum covered dick and brought her mouth down upon him. She flicked her tongue over his slit, collecting the last trickle of fresh cum that spilled from him. She licked up and down his shaft collecting up and swallowing down their mixed juices. She ran her finger along his base collecting the last of their fluids and sucked that into her mouth. She jumped up onto the bed next to Ty, tossed her leg across his strong body, and nuzzled her face into his neck.

“That was amazing,” Beth said with a sigh.

“Yea, it was,” Ty said as he traced his fingertips over her arm.

The two new lovers nestled close together and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
