Sweet dreams, my favorite penpal [MF]

I turn off notifications on my phone and put it upside down on my dresser, finally extinguishing the glow that had lit my smirking face for hours in the dark. It’s quiet. I close my eyes and enjoy the night sounds. The sound of the heat kicking in. My husband’s steady breathing. The occasional car in the neighborhood. It’s become so warm under the covers, I notice. It makes me aware of every inch of my skin. How much I want it all to be touched.

I think about how narrowly we missed an opportunity to meet. Would I have wanted to? A jolt of fear, or excitement, rushes through me and my heartbeat speeds up. I think about that hotel bar of our shared fantasies. I’m not sure where this bar was conjured from, but there’s a specific one in my head where we’ve always met. Maybe it’s a collage of places I’ve seen on dates, at work conferences, girls nights out. It doesn’t change, it only gets more vivid. Horseshoe-shaped bar with booths and a cocktail table or two. Good lighting, but not too dark – you could take a colleague there without giving the wrong idea.

What would that first meeting be like? I think to myself. Sure, we could meet up at a cocktail table like old friends. An awkward hug hello and then have a couple beers and some laughs. Make knowing, suggestive comments about these alter egos we’ve gotten to intimately know. A flirtatious touch or two, some intense eye contact, a whiff of hair here and there. All while keeping some friendly distance. That could keep things under control, pretending to be buddies. We could feed and enjoy a delicious tension that we’d revisit once we’re safely in different time zones.

That’s not what this bar is for though, is it.

I’ve always imagined being across from you at the horseshoe bar. Looking past the bartender making drinks between us. Seeing each other in real life for the first time, too far away to make safe small talk. I’d feel very exposed. Probably would have a hard time not bursting into a silly grin – try to keep it seductive. I wonder how it would look to other people at the bar. Just two strangers making eyes at each other? Maybe you’d send me a drink, and we just sit there for a while. Your wedding ring clinking against your glass, calling me. Stealing glances as we chat with other bar patrons. Then, you’d get up to go to the restroom and graze a hand down my arm as you walk by.

I caress down my arm under the covers as I think about it, move my hand across my belly and up my chest to my neck. So warm.

Maybe I’d get up to follow you, thinking the arm touch was a signal. I don’t know if this is what you want. Am I breaking the rules here? Am I reading this wrong? Did you just want to flirt? I almost turn around. Maybe you just had to pee. But I keep walking. You’re just outside the bathroom in the dark hallway and I walk up to you and stop.

You turn around and meet my eyes but no words come out. I had no plan for what to say. I feel like I read this wrong for a second. But before I can turn around you grab me around my waist and pull us into the bathroom. You lock the door as you’re pushing me into it with your whole body. You grab fistfuls of my hair and I arch my body into you, scratching my nails down your back. You’re kissing and licking and biting feverishly.

You grab my chin hard and open my mouth. Our eyes locked in for the first time and reality intrudes – for a moment, you hesitate. But I see you, dirty boy. I know what you want. I’ve known for a long time. That’s why we ended up here, isn’t it. I open up wider and stick my tongue out – I’m daring you now. Come on out and play with me.

You spit into my open mouth and I swallow it gratefully, not breaking eye contact. With a groan, you fall back into biting and tasting my neck, marking me everywhere. My fingers dig into your hair and I urgently press my hips against you. I feel how hard you are. We could fuck right here against this door if we want to. Who needs a hotel room? I pull down my dress a bit to let my tits out. You make your way down with your lips and grab both of my wrists hard, pulling them down by my ass and keeping them pressed there against my body. You lick and nibble on my soft, warm breasts as you hold my arms in place.

My hands are all over my tits under the covers now and I’m pinching my nipples. Is it possible for skin to feel hungry?

I feel your breath getting heavier and heavier against my skin. You push me down gently but firmly onto my knees and unzip. This is it. This is something that can’t be undone, I think with a bit of panic. Surely, sucking your dick is outside of what’s allowed, right? Is this ok? I look up at you to try to read your face. You pull out your hard cock and take my face gently in your hand. You start stroking yourself with your other hand and as your fingers brush my cheek I start to understand. I grab your thighs and dig my nails in as you stroke harder and faster. Your quiet grunts and moans elicit the same out of me as I reach down and touch the slippery wetness in my panties.

I slip my hand down between my legs under my blankets – fuck, when did that happen? I keep running my hands over my body, stopping to play with my clit and breasts for a bit and then keeping the hands moving.

Your grip on my face tightens as I see you start to twitch and tense. I open my mouth and close my eyes. You lean your head against the door to keep your balance as you moan and paint my face and neck with your cum. Warm, white streaks across my makeup, just how you like it. You breathe deep and recover for a minute before you open your eyes and look at the mess you’ve made of me. You smile and rub your thumb across my cheek, smearing cum across my face, slipping it into my mouth. I close my lips around your thumb and suck as I look into your eyes. It is so nice to meet you.

I try not to move the bed too much as I writhe and touch myself. Try to rub my clit while keeping as quiet and still as I can. My back arches and my breath catches. My fingers work furiously and I can hear how wet I am even under the comforter. I can’t help but moan as my orgasm finally builds and rips through me, but my husband stays asleep. I pant for a moment, lick my fingers clean and enjoy the come down buzz. It’s quiet again. The blankets are warm. I stayed up too late. I roll over to get into my nightly spooning spot and fall asleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/117ukoi/sweet_dreams_my_favorite_penpal_mf