Christa FF MF

I’m 8 years younger than my husband Ewan. This has never been a problem for us as I’ve only ever dated slightly older guys. We married when I was 23, so I’d only had a couple of longish (for that age) relationships by then, but when we met we both knew it was right and tied the knot pretty quickly with no regrets. Well I say that, and it is true, but I do sometimes feel that it would have been nice to play the field a bit longer.

We have great sex together. Ewan is an enthusiastic and inventive lover and does love to please me. We talk about sex quite a bit. It’s a good way to explore what each other wants and if it seems right we make it happen. We’ve talked occasionally about what it might be like to involve someone else but it hasn’t come to anything. Until recently.

We have two kids, and there were a few years when we were both too focussed on them to do much but the basics in bed. Now that they’re 5 and 7, we have started to wake up again. We make an effort to get out together a couple of times a month and because neither of us have parents close by, it inevitably involves hiring a babysitter. Finding a good one was a problem at first but finally we were able to use Christa, who lives a few doors down from us. She was too young when we got to know her, but when she turned 16 we were more than happy to pay her. The kids like her and she’s sensible. She’s now 18 and still happy to sit for us, and she’s grown into a strikingly attractive young woman without yet seeming to realise it. She has long ginger hair and pale skin, is about 5’10” and slim. There is clearly a little self-consciousness about her height, which she hasn’t quite grown into yet, but she has poise and honestly I’d kill for legs like hers.

Christa is a little shy and quite formal, even though she’s known us for a while now. She still insists on calling us Mr and Mrs T. We’ve looked on as she’s started dating and while I wouldn’t say she was in any way promiscuous, it seemed clear to me that by 18 she wasn’t a virgin. I suppose that I should have guessed, looking back at myself at that age, what an incendiary cocktail of hormones and curiosity was swirling around under that cool, pale exterior, but I can honestly say that I didn’t give it much thought. That’s not to say that both Ewan and I had missed the fact that she had developed into an unsettlingly provocative presence in the house. We did joke about it to each other from time to time, me saying that she was so cute that even I could be tempted, so he should be careful.

Anyway, nothing came of it until we returned home after an evening out to find Christa on the sofa quietly crying in front of the TV. I thought she must be watching something that had moved her to tears so didn’t take it too seriously at first, but seeing what was on it was clearly something else that had upset her. I figured that she might be inhibited about talking in front of Ewan so gave him a look. He took the message and said he was tired anyway and was going to bed.

I sat down next to Christa and switched off the TV. “So what’s up hey? Do you want to talk about it?”

She dried her eyes and sniffled a bit then started. “It’s Greg” Her boyfriend “He dumped me”

“Oh babe, I’m so sorry. What happened?” I gently took her hand and held it in my lap

“He just found someone else. It’s Angie. You know her don’t you?”

I did vaguely know the girl, who was a bit older and blond with a generous bust.

“she’s so much more attractive than me”

Wow, she really didn’t have a clue how sexy she was. How was I going to tell her this. When in doubt, just go straight to it.

“Listen Christa, I think that you’re the most gorgeous looking young woman I know”

There was a moment of silence. The tears had stopped.

“You’re just trying to make me feel better. Anyway, you’re a woman, it’s not the same”

I was going to have to try harder. I told her about my conversations with Ewan. To say that she blushed doesn’t quite convey the depth of it; her beautiful pale skin almost glowed, contrasting with her green eyes. In spite of myself, I was beginning to feel a growing warmth, uncomfortably close to where I was still holding her hand in my lap.

I’m not sure how it was happening but I could actually feel the heat radiating from her long slender legs next to mine.

“you’re so kind to me” she said and rested her head on my shoulder. I stroked her hair and could feel her breath on my chest. This was all getting a bit weird for me. I’ve never been with another woman and although I’ve occasionally wondered what it might be like, I’d never felt this actual physical compulsion to touch and be touched with no man involved. I was simply unable to stop my hand that was stroking her hair to continue down to her bare arm. The touch of her skin took me to another level. I could feel that silky wetness beginning to reach my panties. I sensed her breathing getting shallower and subtly, she moved her head so her hot breath was against my neck. My nipples had become so hard they were almost painful, and she must have noticed because she moved her hand up to brush some hair off her cheek and grazed them as she did. I could barely breathe.

Some rational part of my brain clicked into action at that point it was screaming at me “what are you doing? Taking advantage of a vulnerable girl” but hang on, Christa was clearly aware of the effect she was having on me, and she was enjoying it. My hand continued its movement down onto her hip and then her thigh. It was then I heard the faintest sigh. “Oh Mrs T” and felt the touch of her lips on my neck.

It was at this point I thought I had better check on Ewan. I told Crista this was what I was doing, gently extracted myself from her and crept upstairs. True to his word, Ewan was now soundly asleep.

I shut the door and went quietly back downstairs to find that Christa had made herself more comfortable. It was a warm night and she was now in just her white tee shirt and panties and had her legs tucked up on the sofa. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She clearly sensed it and moved herself nervously. In doing so she revealed the dampness in the same place I felt. “sorry” she said, “is this OK? I was hot”.

I unbuttoned my trousers telling myself it was to make her feel more comfortable but who was kidding, I was desperate to feel the skin of her long lean legs against mine. Soon enough I was bare legged next to her.

“I’ve never done this before” I said. “but I want you”

“me neither” and at that point pushed herself up and I inhaled her sweet breath as we leaned in, then felt her tongue as I pushed mine into her mouth. I’m not sure which of us groaned with the pleasure of it, maybe both. As we kissed, I slipped my hand under her tee shirt until it reached her firm little tits. Each one fit into my hand I could feel her pushing them into me as I held them.

Meanwhile, I was aware of her hand stroking my thigh, each time moving a little further up until her index finger was against the seam of my panties at each stroke. I felt an urge I couldn’t fight, to push my hot, now soaking pussy onto her hand.

Then she stood up in front of me and looked down. “I’m still a bit hot Mrs T, could you help me?” I reached up and pushed up her tee shirt. She held her arms over her head and I pulled the shirt over her head, grazing her exposed armpits on the way. There was a faint furze of ginger hair growing there. I pushed my close and breathed in her scent. We threw the shirt onto the carpet and then I slid my hands around her back and into the elastic of her panties and pushed them down as I felt her smooth pale and deliciously rounded buttocks. Her panties slid to the floor revealing an almost shocking patch of neatly trimmed ginger hair over her mound. My hands went back to her behind and pulled her against me, but she pushed me back onto the sofa and then straddled me so that her hot wet pussy was spread open and pressed onto one leg. She then proceeded to slide it up and down. Leaving a glistening trail of her juice. I don’t know where it came from but I had an irresistible urge to taste it and so took some with my finger and brought it to my lips. “do you want some more?” she whispered and took my hand, guiding it between her legs. My pussy is what you’d call an innie I suppose, all pretty well tucked inside, but Christa’s certainly wasn’t. As my fingers explored her there, I could feel her generous labia rubbing against me as she moved. Pretty soon my fingers were coated with her juice, as I let them wander up and around her clit and down just inside her. I licked them then and could really taste the delicate saltiness of her, similar to my own but subtly different.

She pushed me back again then, so that I was lying on the sofa. I took my shirt and bra off and she straddled me. Looking down between her legs, I could see her labia protruding, glistening, just below her ginger bush. A fine strand of her juice was hanging from one side. Then she settled it onto my stomach, smearing her wetness over me again. In one smooth movement she then swung herself around so that her tight round creamy pale butt was facing me, her hands resting on the sofa on each side of my hips . A groan came from somewhere inside me and I reached up to stroke her behind which she wiggled slightly under my touch. It was more than I could resist. I reached around her thighs and pulled back so that those lips came towards mine. I felt the heat and breathed in her scent as her pussy moved towards me until her labia were grazing my lips and outstretched tongue. I could feel myself leaking wetness so that it was slowly running on to my butthole. Christa had taken one hand and pushed my legs apart so that one foot was now on the floor and my parts fully open and exposed to her. “mrs T, your pussy is so neat”, she said as she started to run her long fingers around the edge and then delicately dipping them in. “mine isn’t like that, is it gross for you?” I didn’t say anything, but pushed my tongue as far into her as I could, and I have a long tongue. She went quiet and arched her back slightly, pushing down onto me.

I carried on with my tongue and my face was now wet from her. While my tongue flicked and probed, I worked my fingers towards her butt. As soon as my finger touched it, I sensed the change in her. She started to say something, but then stopped as her whole body tensed for a moment before her pussy and butthole began to pulse against my face and my finger. That pushed me over the edge and in moments the orgasm washed over me, spreading from my sex and radiating through every part of me for what seemed like minutes.

We both breathed deeply for a while and then Christa giggled and said “I was going to say that part of me is very sensitive”.

We were quiet after that. I took her hand and led her to the downstairs shower so as not to disturb Ewan. We gently soaped each other, even though I still wanted to savour the scent of her on me. We talked quietly and I said that I felt a little guilty at being unfaithful to Ewan. Then Christa smiled, a little shyly, and said “well I’m sure we can think of something to make it up to him”.

As she got dressed, I saw that she hadn’t put her panties back on. “these are all gooey” she said, can you keep them for me? I held them to my nose and breathed her in. I could already feel the heat rising in me again.

“Go” I said, while I still could.

Crista gave me a light kiss on the lips and left. Leaving me holding her damp white panties. I stumbled up the stairs, feeling drained and confused. Had that really happened?

I climbed into bed beside Ewan who was still sleeping. I barely registered that I had dropped Crista’s panties on the floor as I lay down. I couldn’t begin to think how I was going to tell Ewan about what had happened, but in spite of the whirl of emotions, I quickly fell asleep.

I woke to Ewan sitting on the side of the bed, with a cup of tea and a curious look on his face. “Good morning” he said, “when you’ve drunk your tea and woken up properly, perhaps you can explain to me why there’s a pair of white panties by the bed” I know that you don’t wear white panties so what’s going on?”

I took a deep breath. “well, “ I said…



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