On the unparalled intimacy that [F]isting [M]y sub offers

There are so many ways to fist a woman, and they all have their own particular joys!

Is she tied, face-down, her hands unable to reach her clit? Her bum thrust into the air, her hips arching upwards with longing. Her ankles tied to the corners of the bed, so she can’t draw her knees up?

Is she on all fours, her face pushed into the pillow like the little whore that she is in that beautiful moment?

Are her wrists bound to her ankles?

Are they free, but she’s forbidden to touch herself?

Are they free and she’s INSTRUCTED to touch herself?

Am I pushing her, clinically, feeling what her body can take and keeping her right at the edge of that limit, or am I passionately within her body, licking her arsehole as though it is the last meal I’ll eat before I die?

Is she lying on her back, holding her knees, lifting her hips to fully expose herself to me? Looking into my eyes as I push deeper until that sweet moment where my tucked thumb pops inside her beautiful little whore cunt… The way she bucks her hips and pushes down harder on me drives me wild every single time

And then there’s my personal favourite, propped up on a pile of pillows, where she grinds her cunt harder down my wrist, begging me to rub my cock on her arsehole. I look into her eyes, sometimes I instruct her to pinch her nipples as hard as she can tolerate, as she works my cock into her bum all on her own. I wait until she’s open and then I gently push, deeper and deeper into her until I feel my cock slip completely past my fist.

At this point I just enjoy the ride. She loses all control, she’s an animal at this stage, purely about feeling as full and violated as she can, forcing her body into me, taking all of me as deeply as she can. It hurts, but she wants to feel as full of me as possible

I enjoy rubbing her clit, it’s a small thing I can do that lets her know how much I care about her pleasure. It’s always so hard, and as careful as I am, she always wants me to rub it more and more roughly, I only wish I were more flexible so that I could lick it the way I know would feel so amazing for her!

The moment where she begs for me to fist fuck her fully always makes me feel so happy. We laugh afterwards at how she always uses the same phrase “fist-fuck me, Daddy”, but there’s really no other way for her to ask for what her body craves

I can feel my fist sliding in and out, rubbing my cock in the process, it feels amazing, but my pleasure is always secondary to making my beautiful little whore feel as full, as loved and as violated as I possibly can

When we’re extremely lucky, we can coordinate her orgasms with me being able to hold her throat and spit in her mouth. Most of the time she’s utterly uncontrollable, writhing, pushing herself to the limits by forcing herself down on my cock with my fist deep inside her

Sometimes I’m lucky enough to lock eyes with her, and the intensity of our connection is unparalled. In that moment she is mine. Utterly wrapped around me with her body, and completely under my control. In a moment, this unique pleasure could turn to pain, it’s already right on that border, and she absolutely loves that I have control over the experience

We have so much trust, but for her to offer her body and all her little holes for me to fill in such a fashion makes me feel so privileged, so cherished as a Daddy, and the power I have over the balance between pleasure and pain is of such intimacy that I can’t think of anything that comes close

Feeling her cum, squeezing around my hand, her bum gripping my cock, the way her whole body convulses is a pleasure for me that I hold dearly. I seldom cum when we experience this, but I never feel like I’m missing out.

In this moment, I may be her dom, her Daddy, but my pleasure is intimately tied to her orgasm and if she’s not left feeling sore, panting, violated and adored, then I haven’t done my job

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/117082c/on_the_unparalled_intimacy_that_fisting_my_sub