Lust Release [M33/F33]

I made my way to the couch as it neared 8pm. I had already been home from work for a few hours, still thinking about our texts through the day and the deep kisses you gave me in our evening passing. The kind of conversations and kisses that make a husband’s cock harden like a steel rod. I could easily tell you had been feeling extra turned on today. I knew I’d be thinking about those lips, and more, until the next time I got you alone.

Enough time had passed that I was able to straighten the house back up and started to unwind. I still wasn’t quite used to you biting the bullet and deciding to go onto the night shift. Sure, the schedule worked for our needs, but it made for some lonely evenings for the both of us. My phone lit up with “Shelly” across the screen. “Hello sweetheart! How is your night going?” I asked. We have our usual back and forth conversation, which is all I need on these nights. Just hearing your voice makes me smile and relax. You tell me about all the drama going on and we discuss that often. There is no real drama in our marriage, so we get maybe a little too excited with other people’s drama.

My interest was really peaked when you began telling me about a couple guys at work who were messing with you. “This one guy, I swear, seemed to keep ending up working in the same aisle I was in. He keeps trying to talk with me about him breaking up with his girlfriend” you started telling me. It’s no big mystery between us that I have many sexual fantasies and one of them happens to be someone else having their way with you. “He likes you and is flirting with you!” I half chuckled. “No, he isn’t, he knows I’m married and he definitely is not flirting with me” you replied. I could tell by the sound of your voice that you were not fully convinced of that yourself. Of course, with my perverse mind, I say “you should flirt a little back and see. I bet he has been checking out your ass too as you have walked away from him. I know that’s an amazing sight and is enough to get any mans blood pumping.” This got a reaction out of you. “Jeffery, stop it! You’re making me blush! My cheeks are beat red right now!” I could tell you were smiling while you said that. “That makes this whole conversation even hotter! You teasing these guys at work is all I’m going to be thinking about for some time.” I replied. I heard the sarcasm and flirtiness in your reply, “Get your mind out of the gutter you perv.”

After that conversation, your break was about over. We said our goodbyes and goodnights. Normally, I would start getting ready to turn in for the night after our nightly talks. But tonight, I was far to turned on to think about anything other then our conversation. I unzipped my pants and slowly started stroking myself while thinking about you being a bad girl at work. I had my eyes closed picturing you get all giddy and flirty now talking with this stalker at work. Your conversation, getting more relaxed with him, starts slowly moving on to more sexual topics. This would continue through the night with the two of you flirting, playing around and even an occasional touch of his hand on your ass or tits. The build up all night leads you to getting with him after work and releasing all the pent-up sexual tension with you following him to his car. I start playing it in my mind; you both getting into the car in the back seat, he starts playing with your tits under your shirt while you unzip his pants. You pull out his cock and immediately he pushes your head down for you to start sucking on it. That image in my mind made my cock almost instantly release a stream of cum and I felt one of the most explosive orgasms I’ve ever had.

You would think that after an experience like that I would be spent, but that wasn’t the case. Even though my cock was spent, I was still aroused as ever! I knew then that I needed you! I needed to use you like you were my toy and release all this lust. You only had a few hours left on your shift and it was going to feel like days. For all those hours, I thought about what I wanted to do with your body once you walked through the door. Would I jump right on you or wait to ease you into it? Would I be aggressive about it or sensually take my time? So many options to go over in my mind and my cock was already getting hard again thinking about it all. We had an adventurous sex life we have been very open with our likes and dislikes. What I knew of yours is what would set my boundaries tonight. I started gathering the items I would need for this to go how I wanted and placing them where I needed them. I was going to enjoy tonight, and I was going to make sure you did too!

I made sure to send you a text telling you I was turning in for the night. This would make you think I was already in bed when you got off work. And just as I thought, when it was time for you to leave work, you sent me a text telling me you were on your way home. Now, I sat and waited for you to make it home and it took far to long. The anticipation was building up my lust even more. Finally, I saw your car pull in the driveway. As you walked towards the door, I readied myself to take you.

The door opened and in you walked. I met you right inside the door and startled you slightly. “I thought you were sleeping?” you asked quickly. On impulse alone, I went right for what I wanted. I grabbed you and went right to kissing those lush lips and sucking on that talented tongue you have. With one hand on your hip and the other around your neck, I pushed you back against the wall. I broke our kiss while leaving my hand around your neck “I’ve been waiting all night for this. My mind has not stopped thinking about you since we talked earlier and all I’ve been able to do since then was imagine how sexy you would look being someone’s little slut. Now, I’m going to use you like you are my dirty little slut.” After hearing this, you started to melt into my hand and bite your lip while half smiling “please use me” is what you said back. That was the green light I was hoping for. I lunged right back on to kissing you while giving a little more pressure around your neck. With my other hand, I reach behind you to where we hung or coats and grabbed a dainty purple leather collar with a bell on the front. Attached was a thin leash which was a matching color. The motion didn’t go unnoticed by you. I saw your eyes open and get slightly larger once you saw what I had. Never even giving you a second to say anything about it, I swung the collar around your neck and fastened it on. My left hand gave the leash a little tug, which pulled you into my mouth for me to taste your tongue once again, and then my right hand flicked the bell to make sure it chimed just fine. “Now you really will be my good little slut tonight” I said with a smirk on my face. It was quite easy to tell this was exciting you and at this point I knew I had you melting in the palm of my hand. I gently pulled on you leash leading you to the other room.

Once we were there, I pulled your leash slightly back to let you know to stop. Each movement of your body set the little bell chime off and it made me excited to hear it knowing everything you were about to do. Once you stopped, I started stripping you out of your clothes. Leaving you in your purple bra and panties which almost matched the shade of your new leash. The sight of like that made me want to worship the ground you walked on. I could barely contain myself. A tug downward on your leash was all I needed to do and right down to your knees you went. Like the dirty slut you are, you knew exactly what I wanted. You unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock, which at this point is so hard that you had trouble getting it out quick enough. My cock immediately goes right in your mouth and you take it all the way to the back of your throat. Then you pull it right back out and start licking it from the tip to my balls. “That’s my good little slut! You know just how to please a man’s cock without having to be told what to do.” I say as I give your leash a playful little tug. The bell on your collar is chiming to the rhythm of you head bobbing around to please my cock. You take my cock back into your mouth and start sliding it in and out. A few times as you start sliding my cock to the back of your throat, I give a pull on your leash to see how far back I can force it. Each time, you start gagging, but slowly enjoying the sensation and you start fitting my cock even further down your throat.

I pull back on your leash “Alright my little toy, I want to shoot my cum in your mouth and watch you swallow it down, but I don’t want this to end just yet.” I position you to sit on the couch, spread your legs apart and slowly tease your pussy through your panties by sliding my fingers up and down from the bottom of your pussy to your clit. By this time, your panties are soaked and your start squirming with how bad you want something in your pussy. So that’s exactly what I’m going to give you. From under the couch, I pull out a larger than average dildo and a bottle of lube. “After picturing you taking someone else’s cock all night, I thought I’d like to see it in person.” I say through a huge grin. I put some of the lube on the top of the dildo and then place the dildo in your hand. “Now my little slut, fuck yourself with this cock while I watch. I want you to think about how you are being fucked by a cock that doesn’t belong to your husband.” As I say this, I slowly backed away and sat opposite from you in the room. You take the dildo and move the tip towards your pussy while you slide your panties to the side with you other hand. The dildo is wider and longer than my cock is, so you slowly start putting the tip in and inching the dildo inside your pussy. It goes about 4 inches in and then you pull it back out. Slowly, you repeat this easing your pussy to the size of the dildo. Once I see that you have gotten adjusted to its size, I reach over and shove it inside you another couple inches. I softly say to you “Come on you slut, I know you want more of it. Don’t hold back thinking lightly of this, let your real slut out and enjoy this treat I’m giving you.” Taking that cock over 6 inches in you caused you to moan your eyes started rolling back from how it made you feel. “Yes sir, I’ll be a better slut for you” was your reply. With that, you grabbed the dildo and started shoving over 6 inches in and out of your pussy furiously while your other hand moved to your clit and you started playing with it. I sat back down saying “That’s my good slut. Keep this up and my cocks going to explode in my hand.” You looked at me with a very innocent look in your eyes “No please, I want to taste your cum.” That sentence alone did make me about explode. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have your treat as long as you please me.” I say. I walk over to you and grab ahold of the leash again. I pull on the leash until your mouth is next to my cock and put it back in your mouth. “Nothing pleases my cock quite like your mouth does.” As vigorously as you are shoving the dildo into your pussy, I’m matching your speed with pulling your leash and shoving my cock down your throat. You are gagging and spit starts running down my cock…and you are smiling and moaning.

I shove my cock deep down your throat one last good time before pulling it back out. I’ve counted at least twice now that I felt you orgasm. “It really turns me on thinking about how you just got off with someone else’s cock being shoved in you pussy. What about you my slut? How does that make you feel?” I ask you while leaning down and shoving the dildo even further up your pussy. “It feels so good and so dirty. Please sir, please don’t stop!” you start shouting back to me. I immediately stop and the look on your face changes to one of pleading. “Get on your hands and knees. You can keep going, but you are going to do it with your ass up now. That is, after all, my favorite site of my little slut.” You quickly obey and now I’m in my glory. Watching my beautiful wife on her knees, legs spread, head down and ass up. Your panties were pulled to the side while your hands worked at continuing to shove the dildo in your pussy. Seeing your amazing ass covered in a mixture of lube and your sweet pussy nectar was far to inviting to pass up. I made my way over to where you were and watched for a minute. Your eyes were closed and you were moaning uncontrollably. I placed my hand on your ass, which I could tell startled you, and started moving my hand over your ass. Slowly, I massaged your ass and said to you “You really are such a dirty little slut aren’t you. With as bad as your acting, you deserve to be punished.” A loud crack echoed in the room quickly followed by a half scream and half moan from you. A red handprint was left on your right ass cheek and the sensation had you now panting with your tongue sticking out and the dildo being shoved as far into your pussy as it would reach. A grin spread across my face “I think its time your husband reclaimed what is his.” I reached down and took the dildo, which was almost entirely inside you at this point, and threw it to the side. As I looked down between your legs, I see the same mixture that was all over your ass now also dripping out of your pussy and down your legs. I stick two fingers in your pussy, move them all around inside of you, pull them out and then wipe up some of that lovely nectar off your pussy lips. I lean over your ass and grab your leash. A quick pull back on the leash brings you head up off the floor and I place my two fingers, covered in your sweet mixture, in front of your face. “Lick my fingers clean you slut, just imagine if this sweet mixture from your pussy also had the cum from the cock that had just fucked you.” I teasingly tell you. You playfully stick out your tongue and start lapping away and my fingers, making sure to get every drop you could find. “A good slut would never waste a drop of cum” you say to me before you finish licking the last drops off my fingers. I reach back and pull down my pants past my knees. With where I’m positioned, my cock is resting right against your pussy with my tip against your clit. “Since you’re such a good slut, put my cock in your pussy and bring that ass back to me so my cock can feel how stretched that dildo made your pussy.” You are about spent with all the excitement and orgasms you’ve had so far. You position yourself so that my cock lines right up with your pussy and you slowly bring your ass back pushing your pussy over my cock and taking it all in. I feel the lips of your pussy touching against my balls. This is the deepest my cock has ever been inside you. I make sure to have a good grip on the leash with my last hand and rest my right hand on your ass. My thrusts start slow, but the pace quickly picks up. As I’m thrusting forward, I pull back on the leash which slams your pussy back on my cock. You are between lusting for the rough fucking you are getting and passing out from being exhausted. You start shaking from all the times you have orgasmed from this whole experience, but I have one last thing for my slut to do before I let you rest. It didn’t take long for your pussy to about make me cum. Like you told me though, you wanted to taste my cum and a good slut never wastes a drop of cum. Before I shoot my cum in your pussy, I pull my cock out and pull on your leash until you turn around and stick my cock back in your mouth. “I pulled out just for you my little slut. I wanted to make sure to give you your treat.” Once again, I see a look of pure lust and enjoyment cross your face as you start sucking and licking my cock. Once I start shooting my cum out of my cock, you open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue to put on a good show for me while making sure you catch every drop. Your tongue is covered with cum and you play with it, swirling it around on your tongue, before swallowing it all and saying “Thank you sir. You have made me a very happy slut tonight.” This makes me smile and get excited “If this made you happy, my little slut, then the rest of your life will be the happiest you have ever been.” Little does she know, this is just the beginning of my fantasies for her…
