Sex Squad Six [F/F][M/F][Murder][Campy]

The six young women sat in the bow of the cramped little boat, three on each side. They were so physically close to each other that the knee of one girl was in between the legs of the girl across from her. The gentle rocking of the boat causing them to grind on each other. They were so emotionally close to each other that they didn’t mind this at all, they actually enjoyed it. A little soft sensuality before the hard business of killing got started. But they were almost at the spot where they were to “release the driver,” and it was time to get serious. Jasmine silently gave the signal, and Trina and Sarah leaned in to each other and started making out. Deep, hard, passionate kissing, tongues down each other’s throats, hands all over. Sarah grabbed Trina’s breast, and pinched her nipple through her thin shirt, both girls feeling the tingle of excitement rising in between their legs. The driver had barely taken his eyes off of the ladies since they boarded the boat, but Sarah and Trina now had his full and erect attention. You could have put a gun to his head and he would not have looked away. But that wouldn’t be necessary. Carissa simply eased her way to the back of the boat, and with one firm shove, the driver was overboard. The unexpected shock of hitting the water was so great that he immediately gasped for air, filling his lungs with salty water. He drowned before Trina’s nipple had a chance to soften.
Carissa took over driving and brought the boat within a mile of land. The sun had finally set, and under the cover of darkness they swam to shore. Their destination was a private resort on the other side of the island, about a three mile hike. The dense jungle would slow them down, but they had plenty of time. This was a smash and grab job, and they would be out of here before first light.
After half an hour of walking, Jasmine gave the signal to stop. “Thank God,” whispered Lydia, “I’ve had to pee since we got on that damn boat.” The other four girls nodded in agreement. “Fine, but let’s make it quick, we are moving again in five minutes.” Without even a hint of modesty, all six women pulled down their pants, and squatted. This level of intimacy was perfectly natural for them, they had spent every minute together since their training began. There was one common bathroom in their barracks, and their showers were always communal.
“Jesus Fucking Christ!” She was too well trained to let out an actual scream, but the others could hear the pain in Lydia’s muffled voice. “Something bit me,” Lydia managed through gritted teeth. “What?” demanded Jasmine, more than a little annoyed. Lydia saw the large, flat head of the cobra she had accidentally pissed on slither away, “a cobra.” “Someone is going to have to suck the poison out,” Lydia said with a hint of reluctance in her voice. As the squad’s medic, this job normally would have fallen to her, but she wouldn’t be able to get her mouth to the bite. “Why can’t you do it,” Nicole voiced the question on everyone’s mind. Lydia was almost laughing when she said “It’s my vagina, a cobra bit me on my clit while I was pissing in the jungle. Now, who is going to suck the poison out?” Simultaneously, and a little too enthusiastically, Nicole, Carissa, Trina, and Sarah all said “I’ll do it!”
Speaking to all of them, but with her eyes locked on to Lydia, Jasmine said “that’s a good idea, it will go faster if you take turns, Nicole, you’re first.” Nicole is second in command, and Jasmine’s favorite, no one was surprised by this choice. Nicole dropped to her knees in front of Lydia, and carefully pulled her pants the rest of the way off. “Seriously, on the clit?” Nicole asked. “Seriously.” Nicole encircled Lydia’s clit with her mouth and sucked as hard as she could. Her mouth filled with the taste of blood, and something acidic. After a minute she hopped up, and Carissa went down. Nicole had removed all the venom that was going to come out, so all Carissa tasted was pussy. She was sucking and licking, and Lydia’s body began to respond to the pleasurable sensation. As intimate as they all were, and as much time as they had spent around each other naked, it was surprising that they had never sex with each other. But they hadn’t, Lydia and Sarah had come the closest, and they only stopped themselves because of professional respect, not a lack of desire. When Trina’s turn came she had given up even the slightest pretense “sucking the poison out,” she was just eating pussy. Long slow licks all the way up Lydia’s lips, swirling on her clit. The situation was getting to Lydia. Laying on her back, having an oral sex train run on her by her closest friends in the world, in a jungle on a remote island, on their way to steal some secret information and kill anyone that tried to stop them, it was a producing a lot of adrenaline. Lydia’s heart rate quickened, her breaths shortened, she was visually in the throws of pleasure. Sarah all but pushed Trina out of the way, eagerly diving into Lydia’s soaking wet pussy. Normally soft spoken, and laid back, Sarah was taking control now. She rammed two fingers into Lydia’s tight vagina. Then, using vaginal fluid as lube, slid one finger into Lydia’s asshole, and left the other in her pussy. Lydia’s muscles began to tense up, she was shaking involuntarily, her breaths coming in short, shallow gasps. Nicole, Carissa, and Trina watched, hands down their pants, trying to urge Lydia to orgasm by creating their own. Sarah was furiously pounding away at Lydia, and then Lydia froze, suddenly her shallow breathing stopped, her body completely stiffened, Sarah knew this was it, her friend was almost there, she just had to push her over the edge. Jasmine knew what was happening, what the girls were doing, and she it let it go on, there was no other way. Sarah forced a third, then fourth finger into Lydia, two in her pussy, two in her ass, she knew could do it, she knew she would cum, she had to cum.
Enough venom had already entered Lydia’s blood stream to kill her. Raising her heart rate through sexual stimulation had just ensured that more of the neurotoxin would reach her brain faster. What the girls had thought were orgasmic spasms were actually death throws. When Lydia stopped moving, it was because she had died. Sarah had been unknowingly licking and fingering a corpse for the last two minutes. And the others had watched, getting off to it. Sarah jerked away from Lydia’s body, finally realizing what was happening. She turned to Jasmine, “You knew! You knew it would kill her,” Sarah voice was full of pain.
“It was the only way. It was either this, or she die an hour from now, in excruciating pain,” Jasmine replied. They all knew it was true. Cold, hard, and ugly, but true. They each in turn knelt beside Lydia’s body, for only the briefest of moments, and then continued their hike through the jungle. They left Lydia’s body laying unceremoniously on the jungle floor, half naked, her legs still spread like a common whore, her face twisted in an expression that could be either pleasure or pain.
They hiked on in silence, none of them able to remember the last time all six of them were not together. After another hour, Jasmine once again signaled for them to stop. “Ok, the resort is about a hundred yards east of here, there is a beach just through these trees. We need a good distraction, to lure the guards away from the gate. I’m thinking ‘damsel in distress’. You got this, Carissa. Nicole, back her up. Sarah, Trina, you are with me, we will watch from the treeline, see you in five.”
Carissa is short, and petit, her size makes her immediately seem nonthreatening. Her cute face and amazing tits are like a magnet to any man. She was practically made for Damsel in Distress. She and Nicole made their way towards the beach, carefully staying out of site. Carissa stripped off all of her clothes, and handed them to Nicole. The moonlight amplified the contrast between her pale skin and dark areolas. Nicole had seen her nude countless times, but tonight Carissa looked stronger, even more impenetrable because of her nakedness. They nodded to each other, and Carissa crept towards the water. She swam out about 50 yards, and let the waves wash her naked, helpless body to shore, right in front of the guards at the gate.
The two men assigned the midnight gate watch were about as competent as you would expect. Their sole function in life was to call someone if they saw something. “Hey, is that something in water?” “I don’t know, maybe, go check it out.” “Should we call it in?” “Why? So I can get bitched at for waking everyone up because some trash washed up on the beach. Fuck that.” “Yeah, I’ll just go see.” Halfway to the water the guard was able to recognize the shape of a body. His fight or flight response kicked in and turned to run back up the beach and tell the other guard. But he thought he had seen something else. He turned back, and slowly approached the body. A few steps closer and he was sure, he looking at the fully nude body of an extremely attractive woman. Young, long black hair, a full, thick bush, perky tits. His primal instincts now drove him toward her. He grabbed Carissa by the ankles and pulled her out of the water. Straddling her, he placed his head on her chest, his face in between her breast, listening for a heartbeat or the sound of her breathing. Carissa just lay there, pretending to be half dead and unconscious. “Fuck, she’s barely alive.” The guard slapped Carissa hard, right across the face, to try to revive her. She had been conditioned to endure far more pain than this, and just continued to lay there, motionless. The guard turned to signal for the other guard, who begrudgingly began to slowly make his way down the beach. The guard placed his left hand on Carissa’s breast, and started stroking his dick through pants with his other hand. More than hard enough, he nearly ripped his pants open trying to get his dick out. He spit in his hand and rubbed it on Carissa’s pussy. He had just forced his dick all the way inside her when the other guard arrived. “Holy fuck, is she dead?” “Nope, she’s alive, but just barely.” “Well hurry up, I want to do my first one before she goes.” The guard was pumping away at Carissa, and she let him. She had had her toys, and her fingers, but this was the first real dick she had had in months. She felt him change his pace, slowing a bit as he approached his orgasm, she slowly, groggily opened her eyes. He noticed her coming around and was about to say something when she broke his nose with a headbutt, spraying blood across her face and bare tits. She grabbed his chin in one hand, and the back of head with the other and snapped his neck. He died instantly, still hard and inside of her. Before the other guard could draw in the breathe he needed to cry out, Nicole open his throat from behind him with her knife. They drug the bodies off to the treeline, Carissa looked like a warrior princess, naked, and blood splattered, standing over her kill.
