Picking up an old friends daughter.

Ann would keep my drink filled which was just ginger ale . She would double shot Eve’s drinks giving me an evil grin ,so she was getting pretty drunk.By 10 o’clock Eve was getting more assertive with her hands rubbing my thigh.I would catch her staring at my crotch then look up and smile.I asked her if she was married in which she said no. She didn’t have her ring on but I knew she was.
I asked her if she would like to come home with me, sliding my hand up under her skirt.She downed her drink “lets go ” she said,dropping off of the stool. “I am so horny you can do any thing you want with me ” she whispered then laughed”any thing”.
I helped her into my truck but before I could start it she had her head in my lap fumbling with my zipper. “I love sucking cock ” she said pulling my cock out [Read more…](https://www.storitical.com/2023/02/picking-up-old-friends-daughter.html)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/115h26i/picking_up_an_old_friends_daughter