Looking for a Story Writer [no money]

I´m looking for someone, who like to write a Strory with my Idea:
Here the Idea:
Beautiful 18 year old virgin shy girl fantasies since she saw it on tv to be one time a girl who show her body in Amsterdam in a window und the red light district. She want only Show of her body and don’t work as whore.
So after a week she was 18, she decided to make one week vacation in Amsterdam.
She found one owner from the windows, where she can show of her body for 2 hours, she had to pay him for this time to use a window.
Some people want fuck her she said really high prices that nobody says yes . Also girls asked her.
In the meantime the owner searched throw her phone and copied all her contacts.
After the 2 hours the owner says to Sarah. Now you have 2 options: 1 I will send the video and the pics from the hidden cameras in the window to all your contacts or you will work for me this week you are here in Amsterdam.
She decide to work. Before her first work she has to go in a beauty salon. There she get her hair (all under her head)removed with laser . After that she gets her nipples pieced and a small tattoo.
Can you work with that idea to fill it out and what she have to do this week.
Sarah looks like her:

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/115ee7v/looking_for_a_story_writer_no_money