[MMF] The Android Affair S01E04

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John closed the app. He had enough, and decided to walk back to the apartment. As the elevator quickly rushed up to his apartment, he could feel his mouth dry, short breathing. He was full of anxiety.

He opened the door to the apartment. He was welcome by smell of baked bread cooking in the over. Sarah was sipping a cup of tea. She smiled at him, she was barefoot, a bright red on freshly done pedicure, wearing tight grey leggins and a loose t-shirt. He could see shape of her tiny boobs, and perky nipples under the fabric.

John swallowed, and decided to confront Sarah:.
J.:“I think we need to talk. I know something is going on between you and the android. This makes me upset. I can’t believe you’re doing this behind my back”
S.:”What is wrong with you bae ? What happened to you?”
J.:” Cut the crap Sarah. I enable video archiving on the Android. And I have watched you riding it”

Sarah face change coloured. Bright red. She was furious.
S.: “Were you spying on me? Why are you acting so insecure ? Are you being jealous of an android ? It is like a sophisticated dildo!”

Sarah’s voice resonated in John’s mind “It is like a sophisticated dildo!”. That actually made sense or was she trying to gaslight him.
J:”Are you gaslighting me ?”

Sarah, walk slowly to John, she grabbed his hands, and tilting her head with a smile.
S: “You don’t have to act like he is a lover or something. That is a brief moment of pleasure. And I actually think that this could do a lot of good for our relationship”.
J:” A lot of good ? Tell me how”.


Aww gosh! Sarah has always been very good in fights. We all thought John would smash the door, break the android in small parts and return to the manufacturer. Sarah handled pretty well. Don’t you think so ? Write comments below 👇

Link to the previous episode:

[MMF] The Android Affair S01E03 from Erotica

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/114femz/mmf_the_android_affair_s01e04