[M4F] finally, a night out [NC]

These days, you really weren’t able to go out and party much, at least not like you used to. Sure, you and your husband, and frequently your family, did fun things together, but it wasn’t like what it had been when you two were child free. Thankfully, tonight would end that dry streak.

You had spent the day practically vibrating in anticipation. The kids were away for the weekend, your work phone was off, and you had picked the perfect outfit. You had even teased your husband for a couple of days, making sure the sex would be mind blowing like it used to be. The last step was a taxi and a hotel. You both knew you’d be drunk, and the bar you wanted was across town.

It had always been kind of a sketchy one, hadn’t it? Even when you two met each other there. Darkly lit, cheap drinks. At least it was relatively safe and the music was good.

And that’s how you found yourself drunk. Not just the tipsy that you got with your friends. Not a bottle of wine after the kids are asleep. But college, staggering around, giggling at anything drunk. Still, you knew enough to keep your wits about you, even as it got later and later into the night.

Eventually, you needed some air though. While your husband enjoyed the next rounds of drinks, you went outside to enjoy the cool air and catch your breath.

Thats where the alcohol came into play, didn’t it? You knew the bar was safe, the alley outside? Not so much. In your youth you had people to remind you, even when you were drunker than you should be. But no such luck tonight, separated from your husband. Thankfully, you got lucky.

You were lucky it was only one guy, not the groups you had heard about. You were lucky he wouldn’t hurt you if you serviced him. And you were lucky that you had been toyed with all week to keep you ready for tonight that he could tell how wet you were.

After the initial struggle; you kicking, threatening to scream, his hand gripping your throat as you started to whimper, his free hand made its way under your dress. He moaned into your neck as he traced the beads of arousal up your leg, all the way back to your ruined underwear. It was trivial to rip it off you, to leave it shredded in his hands. And after a long couple of seconds exhaling your scent, he put it in your mouth to ensure you would be good.

But how wet you were drove him crazy, didn’t it? And it’s not like you can help it, no one had ever been that rough with you. So instead of entering you, he used his tongue…

Not even the gag in your mouth could completely stifle that moan, could it? He made his tongue writhe in you, bringing you close, making you ache. And every time you started to shake he’d pull it out. How long were you like that, do you think? I bet it felt like hours, hoping your husband would come help, but at the same time knowing he’d see you grinding your ass into his face.

In reality, it only took minutes for you to beg. For you to whine for him to force himself into you. But he only teased you with his cock head when he finally took it out. To the point you had to use your ring hand to guide him inside of you. He looked quite a bit of precum on it, didn’t he? You’d need to lick it off before going back.

But for now, he raped you, although you made it pretty easy. He violated you thoroughly, completely, using every bit of your perfect body in the brief time you had together. He made sure your nipples ached into the hard pavement, throbbing with each thrust. He made sure your asshole could take 3 fingers inside it, and he made sure your clit was swollen and practically twitching.

But most importantly, he made sure you were fucking stuffed. He made you cry out into the pavement, he made your legs twitch. And finally, he made you milk his cum into you. You collapsed after that, pressed into the floor, trying to crawl away. This was quickly met with his hands around your thighs dragging you across the concrete back into him, burying his still stiff dick back into you, whispering that he wasn’t fucking done with you yet.

It kept going, until you screamed out, until you sobbed. And eventually until you were just a puddle of cum and wet underneath your strange new lover. But eventually, he was spent. He kissed you, finding you too shocked and spent to resist. And then he left you with a gift. A soft, quiet vibrator, gently buzzing in your panties. You were so sore you could barely notice it. At least for now.

After he’s gone you do your best to make yourself presentable. You fix your hair, put your tits away, lick the precum off your ring. Sure your knees were scraped and you had what felt like gallons of cum leaking out of you. But you couldn’t do anything besides cross your legs and hope your husband didn’t notice. Thankfully. He had fallen asleep, and seemed practically incoherent up until you got back to the hotel. If he hadn’t have been, he’d have noticed how ruined you were, how you shook. How the buzzing sound got more intense as you got closer to the hotel, how you only sucked him off that night. Or even how you sat in the bathroom for over an hour that night, tasting the cum while your new friend controlled your present, making it edge you until you were practically crying.

Maybe you’ll have to go back and find him, won’t you pet? It would probably be worth it, taking your chances outside alone again…

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/114l57g/m4f_finally_a_night_out_nc