How my wife’s fuckbuddy’s wife put my mind at ease [MF] [voyeurism] [hotwife] [sharing] [swinging] [open marriage] [mature]

— Interrupting —

After my [33M] wife, Erin [29F], and I decided to open up our relationship, it didn’t take as long as we thought to find potential fuck buddies nearby. Lou was a married man in his early 50s who also had an open marriage and kind of a hippie vibe. Kate was a single mom and young professional with an ass that wouldn’t quit. And after we vetted each others’ picks, we were excited to find out they were both free at the same time.

I dropped Erin off at Lou’s in an old neighborhood, and ten minutes later I was in Kate’s apartment downtown, making out as our clothes came off. But right when Kate took her bra off, I suddenly got cold feet. I panicked, worrying that this was a bad decision and Erin and I were ruining our marriage. Kate was upset, but ultimately very understanding, having gone through a bad breakup less than a year ago, and I rushed out the door and back to Lou’s.

I ran up the steps and pounded my fist on the door, shouting for Erin. My heart sat in my throat as I heard Erin moaning just inside and suddenly stop. A moment later the door opened and Erin was standing behind the screen door.

“What the fuck?”

She was wearing a robe that was clearly Lou’s and had been thrown on in a rush as it wasn’t tied but barely draped over her tits, revealing her bare chest down past her navel to her shaved pussy.

“This is a bad idea, I don’t want to do this anymore, can we just go home?” I blurted out.

Erin let out an exasperated sigh and cracked the screen door. “Jacob… We’ve talked through this—”

“Yeah, well, maybe we still need to talk more,” I interrupted.

“Like what?” she crossed her arms and dropped her head to one side.

“Like, what if you’re a great fuck and I’m not so you get all this sex and I don’t and then we get resentfull—”

“Jacob,” she interrupted, “You’re spiraling.”

“You don’t think this is a mistake? You’re not worried about… us?”


She was conclusive and firm.

“This is one of those decisions you can’t change your mind half-way through. We’ve crossed the rubicon.”

Lou walked up behind Erin, completely naked, still holding a full erection. He was uncut and fully shaved except for some facial stubble I already knew about, and more muscular than I expected him to be for his age, though still not exactly “cut”. “Hey, Jake,” then looking at Erin, “Everything okay?”

I instinctively reached out to shake his hand. It was wet.

Erin continued, “You’re scared. That’s okay, I get it, it’s new and that’s scary. I think you’ve built it up as this huge thing and it’s not. I love you. This is just sex. You don’t have to do it, but this is my decision and I’m going through with it.” And with that, she turned and walked away.

Jake followed, but first told me, “You’re welcome to hang out in the kitchen, Jules will be back soon.”

— Meeting Julie —

For some reason, I accepted the offer and let myself in. I sat down at the kitchen bar, set my coat down, and pulled out my phone to distract myself from my wife’s soft moans and giggles coming from the other room. Scrolling through reddit, reading but not reading, after a while I was about to get up and go check on them again when the kitchen door to the car port opened and Jules walked in. She wore a small white shirt and a gypsy skirt that added to a distinct boho vibe, also in her late 40s or early 50s, slender, with beautiful chin-length curly black hair with streaks of gray. She set a bag of groceries down on the counter and smiled at me.

“You must be Jacob.”

I nodded.

“Help me with these groceries?”

As I handed her a bottle of olive oil, she asked, “First time?”

“How could you tell?” I pulled out some eggs and put them in the fridge.

“You’ve got that panicked look of a man who hasn’t decided which wolf to feed while his wife’s getting fucked,” she placed a baguette in a basket on the counter.

“Pardon?” I put a couple peaches (organic, of course) in the same basket.

“Oh, you know. That saying about how you’ve got a good wolf and a bad wolf inside you and the one who wins is the one you feed?” She unwrapped a stick of butter and placed it on a tray on the counter.

I held up an eggplant, “Really?”

She brushed it off innocently before continuing. “Lou makes great baba ganoush. You’ve got one wolf telling you you’re being _cucked_ and you need to _murder your competitor_ and take back your property. The other is saying that your wife is a person, she’s having fun, and you like it when she has fun…” she pulled a couple of sparkling waters out of the fridge, “…and also it’s really hot! Does your wife like sparkling water?”

A little confused, I answered, “Yeah, she loves them.”

Jules took the two waters to the bedroom and returned a moment later.

“Oh my god!” she said in a hushed tone, “I think they’re in love!”

“What,” I said, not believing for an instant.

“Yeah, he’s down on one knee proposing! He already had divorce papers ready, and they’ve been sharing their deepest, most intimate thoughts with each other. Things that she hasn’t even told you!”

I gave her a dry look.

“She’s just giving him head. But you see how that sounds?”

I had to admit she was right. Erin was definitely enjoying herself. And I didn’t like the idea that a part of me thought of her as “property,” so—

— Watching —

Jules took a bite out of a peach and offered it to me, and as I took a bite she waved to me, “Come on,” and I followed her to the bedroom where Lou and Emily were having sex.

“Mind if we watch?” Jules asked casually as we filed in and sat down on a trunk bench.

Erin was lying down on the bed with her legs draped over the edge. Lou knelt on the floor between her legs with his head buried in her pussy. He gave a thumbs up. Erin’s head was tilted back, her eyes closed in pleasure, and could only let out a whispered, “go for it,” in between her labored breaths.

I stared in awe, and Jules grabbed the peach I forgot I was holding and took another bite.

It wasn’t long before Erin’s body started convulsing as she came in cascades of ecstasy. Lou got up, crawled on top of her, teasing her nipples with his tongue along the way, and hovered his head over hers. She opened her eyes dreamily to look at him, grabbed his face, and kissed him as he slid his cock inside of her and started thrusting.

I snapped out of it just enough to glance over at Jules, who took another bite of the peach with one hand while fingering her nipple with the other. Her gaze fixed on our partners, she handed the peach back to me and closed her eyes. For a moment she sat like that: her eyes closed, chewing a bit of peach, listening to her husband fuck my wife, clutching at her breasts. She swallowed, opened her eyes again, gave me a wry smile, and handed me the peach before standing up and walking out of the room.

If I hadn’t already been hard, that would have done it for me. I reached into my pants and gripped my cock, slowly massaging it for a moment. I unzipped my pants and was about to pull it out when Jules reappeared in the doorframe and motioned for me.

— The Hallway —

Joining her in the hallway outside the bedroom, Jules whispered, “You weren’t invited to that. Watching is one thing, but this is their moment, don’t make it about you.”


She leaned against the wall next to the open bedroom door. “It’s alright. You’re new. I did the same thing when I was new.”

The peach was nearly finished at this point. She took it from me, bit the last bite off the pit, tossed the pit into an open garbage can in the room across from us, and slid her hand down her skirt. The sound of skin, sheets, and moans in the other room got louder and more rapid as my wife approached another climax.

“You can do that now,” Jules motioned at my unzipped pants. I leaned up against the wall next to her and pulled out my cock and started rubbing. She took a sideways step towards me so our bodies were touching and took my free hand in hers. We stood there like that for a moment, holding hands, touching ourselves, listening to our partners fuck. My wife screamed as she orgasmed, and Jules and I rubbed ourselves, picking up the pace to match Lou and Erin. The room got quieter again, punctuated by heavy sighs and the sound of kisses and quiet giggles.

Jules whispered to me, “The peach was a hint, by the way.”

I turned my head to look at her, and she turned her head to look me in the eyes. She mouthed silently, “EAT ME.”

Lou walked out the bedroom door past us and out of view into the kitchen. He probably didn’t see us. I looked back at Jules and she gestured almost imperceptibly with her head. I dropped to my knees in front of her and she lifted up her skirt. She wasn’t wearing underwear, and her bush was well manicured. I felt her hand on the back of my head, pushing me firmly into her as I began kissing, licking, and eating. Lou walked back into the bedroom carrying some snacks, but didn’t seem to care. I heard soft mumbling in the room and footsteps and soon Erin’s voice in a hushed whisper at the bedroom door. I couldn’t hear exactly, but obviously Lou had tipped her off and she wanted to see. A moment later I could hear them back on the bed for another round.

It didn’t take long before Jules was climaxing, bucking her hips into my head, and let out a single loud shout of ecstasy as she finished. She slid down the wall and sat on the floor breathing, her eyes closed.

“Your turn,” she said, suddenly sitting upright, opening her eyes and motioning for me to lay on the floor.

“Actually, I think I’m gonna go.”

“Go?” Jules was surprised and sounded a little disappointed, too.

“Yeah… I… I can tell you later. Next time.”

“Next time,” she smiled.

I walked to the kitchen to get my coat, and walking back through the hallway to the front door I peeked one last time at Lou and Erin, 69ing on the bed, and past another room I caught a glimpse of Jules lying on a bed, already fully naked, gently inserting a large vibrator. She made eye contact with me, smiled, and waved as I passed.

— Back to the Beginning —

Kate’s door opened a crack and a stranger’s face peered sideways through it.

“What do you want?”

“Sorry, is Kate here?”

“No, come back later,” and she started shutting the door, but Kate shouted from behind her, “It’s okay, let him in.”

The door shut and she undid the chain lock before opening it again. The woman was dressed in a black leather corset, choker, garters, and thigh-high boot heels, and holding a flogger. As the door swung open I saw through the bedroom door: Kate was naked and tied to her bed frame.

She continued, “…he needs to be disciplined for leaving me.”
