Wife hires pregnant housekeeper for me as a surprise pt 1

Age gap, dub-con, pregnant, free use, male dom perspective

May have CNC and/or be from the perspective of one of the women in future parts

This is my first erotica type post and feedback is welcome


I open the door to an unexpectedly adorable young woman. Plain Jane type, dressed in a form fitting T-shirt and jeans and smelling sweetly of candy scented perfume. I immediately notice a little belly bulge under her clothes and wonder if she’s pregnant. “Are you the new housekeeper?” I ask curtly. “Yes” she squeaks out. I grin from ear to ear. Fucking hell, I love my wife. I knew she was hiring a new housekeeper but I didn’t expect this delicious surprise. She knew how much I loved cute pregnant bodies. The hips that slowly grow wider, the round soft bellies full of life, and those beautiful breasts as they start to bulge with milk.

Millie, my wife, and I had a very loving and open relationship. She was a free use wife eager to drain my balls at a moment’s notice. However, we had markedly different sex drives so I tried to tame my urges as not to wear her out too much and she encouraged me to seek out more partners so I wouldn’t be left unsatisfied. We always took great care of each other and she clearly knew exactly what would please Daddy.

I waved the young girl inside and took her bag for her, brushing against her hands feeling her soft skin. Her cheeks lightly flushed with our contact making my cock twitch ever so slightly. I ushered her into the kitchen to begin the tour and set expectations. As she walked in front of me I took in her hips and perky ass. Those haven’t grown much yet as far as I could tell. I sure hope I get to witness the beauty as they do.

Standing there in front of the counter I slowly looked her up and down before asking if my wife had explained our expectations of her. She looked down at the ground and said ‘Yes, sir. She said I was to keep the house in tip top shape and do any extra chores or tasks with your direction”. I cracked a smile pleased at her obedience and the sound of the word sir rolling off her sweet little lips. “Correct.” I snapped. “I’m a stickler for a tidy home and have the highest expectations for your results” I paused to take in her shyness as she continued to look at our feet. “That being said, exceptional work is rewarded and sub-par work is…just unacceptable.” I didn’t want to scare her off right away. “I work from home so I’ll be here to check on your work throughout the day and answer any questions you may have. Before I give you the grand tour tell me a little about yourself. Do you live nearby? Married? Living with family? Going to school?” I tried not no get too personal. I’m sure Millie thoroughly vetted her, but god damnit I was curious.

She finally looked back up at me. “I’m staying at the extended stay about 15 minutes away from here, I’m not married, and I don’t go to school, but I’d like to someday.”

“Why did you decide to get a housekeeping job? Have you done that previously?”

“Sort of. I cleaned part time for a neighbor while I was in high school, they moved away right after I graduated a few months ago. I love being able to help and I’m very detail oriented”

God damn, Millie. You really found a little gem. Fuck, I love you.

“I see. Well, if you do a great job we’ll take great care of you, that’s how we work. But, do remember, I have very high standards for my home and your attention to detail with any other requests.” She nodded in agreement.

I put my hand on the small of her back to usher her out of the kitchen to give her a tour of our home. We went room by room where I gave exact instructions on how I wanted things maintained. I warned her that I would periodically go through the home and be checking that everything was up to snuff. When we reached the master bedroom she instantly flushed. The lust was heavy in here. We had a spanking and fucking bench in one corner, erotic art adorned the walls, a bottle of lube had its home on the nightstand, and I’d laid my wife’s lingerie out on the bed for this evening.

“Keep it simple in this room, just wipe down surfaces and vacuum. Don’t go moving things around in here. If Millie leaves a clean basket of clothes go ahead and put them away, or if she leaves out fresh sheets change the bedding”

With that, I brought her to the laundry room where we kept the cleaning supplies. I told her to use the notes she’s taken and get started, working her way from downstairs to upstairs. I let her know that I had some work to attend to in my office if she needed anything and I’d be out to check on her in a while.

My office was located on the first floor adjacent to the kitchen and the front room. I had a clear view of those rooms and the half bath from where I sat at my desk as long as I left the curtains open on the French doors.

I watched her awkwardly get started in the kitchen. Wiping and scrubbing. Bending and reaching. When she reached up, her growing little baby bump was very prominent against the rest of her slim frame. I could feel the blood rushing to my cock as she moved about. She really was a good girl, checking the notes I gave her and making sure her work was done well. Before she even finished the kitchen my cock was rock hard and starting to throb while I typed emails and watched her from the corner of my eye. All I could think about was setting her up on that counter and fucking her so hard that I could see my dick moving that soft round belly. I needed to get control of myself. I’d have her in due time, as long as I don’t scare her off.

As soon as she moved on to the family room in the back and out of my view I pulled out my cock that was already rock hard and dripping with precum. I turned on the security camera to watch her, leaned back in my chair, and started slowly stroking to her being a good little girl for me, even if she didn’t know it just yet. As she leaned over the couch and wiggled to grab something the thought of taking her just like that – wrapping my hands around her waist to feel her roundness as I slammed her all the way down on my cock was enough to make me explode. After a few deep breaths I got cleaned up. I knew I needed to get inside of her, fill her with my cum, mark her, and make her mine.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/113r2sc/wife_hires_pregnant_housekeeper_for_me_as_a


  1. Great story…. I’m excited to read more!

    We’d love to have you over in r/thenaughtylibrary 😁

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