Playing strip pool at a party

We got invited to a party one night and we both wanted to get out and have some fun. When we got there it was a total “sausage fest”. There were a total of 10 people there with me being the only female. Everyone was cool and laid back, so we decided to stay and have a few drinks, and shoot some pool. After about an hour of drinks and shooting pool, Hubby decided to see if anyone else would like to play. I was wearing a blue jean mini skirt ( no panties), and a white burn out t-shirt (no bra). So hubby asked “who would like to play strip pool with me”. One guy just about broke his neck trying to get to the table. I ended up losing the 1st game, and had to remove my shirt. It was so hot watching those guys staring and wanting me. I managed to win the next 3 games, the guys just couldn’t keep focused. And then it happened I lost the 5th game, now I was completely naked in a room of 9 guys. When all of a sudden hubby asked the room, “who wants to play for her pussy?” So for the next few games, He watched as I shot pool naked for my pussy. I kept working my body, bending in front of them and backing up against them. I could see every guy in the room getting hard. Then it came back to the guy I had lost to the 1st time, you could tell how bad he was wanting me. [He just had the 8 ball to go, and I still had 5 balls on the table. He had a simple straight shot left, and while he was getting ready to take it, I walked up behind him, stepped across his pool stick, and rubbed my pussy against his hand. Then it happened, he lost focus and scratched on the 8 ball.] The next thing I know hubby walked over, picked me up and laid me down on the pool table and began to eat my pussy while everyone watched. Then hubby started kissing his way to my breast while pulling a condom from his pocket and tossed it to the guy that had just lost. Hubby then pulled my legs wide open so everyone could see my shaved pussy, and invited the guy that had just scratched, to fuck me. Everyone stood around and watched as hubby kissed on my breast and the other guy fucked me. After a few mins, hubby rolled me over, having me take the guy’s load while I sucked him off. Hubby’s only regret for that night is he didn’t allow everyone to have a turn in my pussy.
