Meeting Someone New [F/TF][18+][Fiction]

*This is a work of fiction and all characters are over 18. This story was requested by a Transfemale, genitalia are briefly referred to as Penis and mostly girldick by her request.*

I woke up in my in the bedroom of my apartment. It was still really cold like its been for the past few weeks. I didn’t want to get up but I checked my phone and saw that I had an hour before I had to start working. I crawled out of bed to the kitchen and opened a cupboard to look for some coffee to make. All I could find was a container of instant coffee. I remembered that I used the last of the coffee beans yesterday. I don’t hate instant coffee but its not my favorite. There’s a coffee shop fairly close to my apartment building but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to brave the cold. I checked the weather on my phone, it was 16 degrees Fahrenheit. The thought of going outside made me shiver.
“Fuck it,” I said as I grabbed my coat off the closet door hook and headed towards the front door.

As soon as I stepped outside I felt myself stiffen from the cold. I started walking towards the coffee shop hoping that the walk would warm me up. After about five minutes of walking, I spotted the coffee shop across the street. It looked small but there were plenty of people inside sipping their drinks and talking with each other. I hesitated for a second before crossing over the street. As I approached the entrance, I saw a woman sitting at one of the tables by herself. She was wearing a heavy jacket and jeans. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. I got closer and realized she was staring right at me. I didn’t say anything and got in line. I bought a large mocha latte.
While I waited and looked around. The cafe was packed and all the tables had people sitting at them.

The woman that had been looking at me waved me over.
“You can sit here if you like. ” She said while pointing at the empty chair.
I nodded and said thanks while sitting down.
“Im Joan.” She said.
“Haley. ” I responded.
Joan reached out her hand to shake mine so I took off my glove.
“It’s nice to meet you Haley.” She said while gripping my hand.
“Your hand is very soft.” She said after letting go. I tried not to blush.
“So what brings you here?” She asked.
“I just woke up and needed some coffee before I have to start working. ” I answered while taking a sip from my drink.
“Oh, you work? Where do you work?” Joan asked.
“I work from home doing customer support. Mostly taking inbound calls. ” I said while taking another sip.
“That must be really interesting. I bet your job has lots of variety.” She said.
“It does.” I answered.

There was silence for a bit until we both broke it.
“So, what are you doing tonight?” She asked.
“Nothing much. Just staying in and watching Netflix. ” I answered while taking another sip from my drink.
“Yeah, me too. Its been too cold to do anything. ” She said.
“What are you watching?” I asked.
“I’m rewatching Doctor Who. Have you seen any episodes of it?” She asked.
“Of course I have. ” I responded enthusiastically.
“Really? Which doctor is your favorite?” She asked
“The 10th doctor obviously, Ive heard that he’s coming back.” I joked.
“How funny! That’d be awesome!” She said with a laugh.
I looked at her and felt a lump growing in my throat. It had been a long time since I had interacted with someone that wasn’t online. I decided to push my nerves aside.
“You could come over to my apartment and binge a few episodes if you want. ” I offered.
Joan hesitated for a few minutes and I felt like something was wrong.
“What is it? You don’t have to. ” I said worried.
“I normally don’t tell people I’ve just met, but you seem like a nice enough girl so I’ll be upfront with you. ” She said.
I was a little confused.
“I’m trans, I hope that’s ok.” She said while wincing.

I wasn’t really sure how to respond. I had never met someone that was transgender before in real life.
“Its okay, I understand.” I said.
“I hope that doesn’t scare you away. ” She said.
“No way, I actually think you look really cute if you don’t mind me saying. ” I said jokingly.
She smiled at that and blushed slightly.
“If the offer is still open, I would love to come over.” She said.
I was surprised and pleased by this. I hadn’t expected to talk to anyone today let alone make plans with someone.
“Absolutely! I live right next to the coffee shop. Its just a few minutes away. How does tonight sound?” I asked.
“Sounds perfect! ” She replied.
We finished our drinks and exchanged phone numbers. I sent her a text with my address. We stood up and shook hands again before I left.


I sat at my desk thinking about Joan while I worked. I had been raised that being transgender was a sin against God, but I obviously didn’t believe that was true. I couldn’t wait for her to come visit. I imagined us cuddling under blankets together while we watched TV. I smiled to myself picturing the two of us naked and kissing. I felt a little guilty knowing that I was already developing feelings for a complete stranger. I had to push those thoughts out of my mind each time I got a work call.
My shift ended and I grabbed my phone.

“Hey Joan, I just got done with work. I was thinking about ordering a pizza. Let me know when you’re on your way here.” I typed out and hit send. A few minutes later my phone vibrated.
“Sounds good, I’ll be there in maybe an hour. ” I read her response and felt butterflies in my stomach. I hadn’t been on a real date since Covid started. I ordered the pizza and spent the rest of the time tidying up my apartment. I washed the dishes and made sure everything was in order. My heart was pounding from excitement. I heard a knock on the door and was a little disappointed to see the pizza delivery guy instead of Joan. Maybe fifteen minutes later I heard another knock on the door. I opened it and say Joan standing there wearing the same heavy jacket.

“Wow, you look freezing. ” I said, smiling.
“Thanks, I always forget how cold it gets during the winter. Do you mind if I put my coat somewhere? ” She asked.
I pointed to the closet by the front door.
“There should be some spare hangers in there.” I said.
“Thank you.” She said as she walked over to the closet and took of her jacket. She was wearing a long sleeved black shirt. When she turned around I could see the curves of her breasts. Her chest seemed to fill out the shirt nicely. She had on a pair of tight denim jeans with a little bit of stretch to them. I had been staring at her when I finally managed to say. “Wow, you look incredible. ”
She blushed and smiled.
“Would you like to come sit down?” I asked.
“Yes please.” She said.
I closed the door behind her and led her into the living room.
“Are you hungry?” I asked.
“Very much so.” She said while taking off her boots.
“I didn’t know what kind of pizza you would want so I just got my favorite, Italian sausage with extra cheese. ” I said while walking over to the oven.
“That sounds delicious. Thank you. ” She said.
I pulled out the pizza and set it down on the coffee table along with two plates. Joan was already digging in. I turned on the tv and found Doctor who. “Which episode should we watch?” I asked.
“How about the one with the Weeping Angels?” She said.
“You mean the first time Amy Pond encounters them? There’s like a million episodes with the weeping angels. ”
“I see you’re more of an expert than me. Yes, that one.” She said.
We ate and talked about random things while we watched the show. I learned that her favorite character was Amy Pond because she reminded her of herself, but she didn’t really like River Song.
“My favorite is Claire, I think she’s just so cute. I really enjoyed her story arc.” I said.
“Me too!” Joan agreed.

“So why did you decide to transition?” I asked.
“I don’t really know where to start. I guess I just always knew that I was supposed to be female.” She answered.
“It makes sense, you look like a beautiful woman. ” I said.
“Thank you. It’s been so hard to admit to myself that I’m transgender. I’ve been hiding it for so long. I haven’t told my parents and I don’t think I ever will.” She replied
“I’m really sorry about that but I understand. My parents basically cut off all contact with me after I stopped believing in the religion they believe in. ” I said.
“I guess it’s not so bad having a friend. ” She said with a smile.
“Not at all. ” I said.

We finished eating the pizza and Joan went into the bathroom to wash up. While she was gone I took the plates to the kitchen sink and cleaned them up. I noticed that she was taking a long time and I went into the bathroom to check on her. I could hear her crying.
“Are you alright?” I asked through the door.
“I’m not sure. I shouldn’t have come here. ” She said between sniffles.
“Why not?” I asked.
“Because I’m scared. This is my first real interaction with someone new.” She said.
“You’re safe here, just tell me what’s wrong. ” I said.
“I don’t know how to begin.” She said.
I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.
“Come in.” She said.
I opened the door to find Joan wiping tears from her eyes.
“I can get you an Uber, if you want, but you’re welcome to stay if you want to talk.” I said.
“I don’t want to leave.” She said.

I took her hand and led her back to the living room. She sat on the couch and I sat beside her. After a few minutes she started talking.
“I had known my best friend Brittany since we were kids. I never wanted to play with other boys and instead played with her. We were inseparable and grew up together. I didn’t really understand the difference between boys and girls until I hit puberty and hated the changes that were happening to me. I wanted to be like Brittany. I wanted my hair to grow longer and I wanted to wear dresses and makeup. My parents got really mad at me when I acted out and tried to change my behavior. I was only thirteen years old. ” She said while sobbing into her hands.
“I’m so sorry. ” I said.
“That’s not even the worst part. I eventually told Brittany during our senior year of high school. I thought she would be supportive but instead she called me a freak. ” She said.
“That’s horrible. I’m so sorry.” I said.
“I really loved her and I thought she would understand. ” She said while crying harder.

“Have you told anyone else?” I asked.
“Apart from my therapist and doctor, no.” She said.
“I’m surprised you told me this morning. ” I said.
“I don’t know why, I just felt like I needed to get it out. I figured it would have been better to do it a public setting so you wouldn’t cause a scene if you reacted negatively” She said.
“Well Im glad you did. It means a lot to me.” I said.
Joan looked at me with teary eyes.
“Can you hug me?” She asked.
I wrapped my arms around her and held her close to me. “Im so sorry.” I said.
“You seem like a genuinely nice person, Haley. ” She said as she started to calm down.
“I’m not perfect, but I try to treat everyone with respect. ” I said.
“Thank you for listening. ” She said.
“Of course. ” I said.
She hugged me tighter and sighed in relief.
“I feel so much better now.” She said.

We sat quietly for a moment and Joan rubbed my arm. I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head.
I saw her start to blush.
“Is something wrong?” I asked.
“I wasn’t really expecting that. ” She said and hesitated for a while. “Ive never been kissed before. ” She said shyly.
“Don’t worry about that. ” I said. “I’m here if you want me to kiss you again. ” I whispered softly into her ear.
“Ohhh! ” She moaned softly.
I moved my lips closer to hers and gently pressed my mouth against hers. My breath tickled her soft skin as our tongues touched for the first time.
“Ooooh! ” Joan cried out.
“You taste so good.” I said as I deepened the kiss.
I pushed my tongue into her mouth. Joan moaned louder this time.

I reached down and squeezed her breast through her shirt. She gasped and pulled away.
“Sorry.” She said.
“You don’t need to apologize, its my fault for going too fast.” I said.
“No, I just… Ive never done anything like this before.” She said.
“I can stop if you want me to. ” I said.
“No, please don’t.” She whispered.
I resumed kissing her and she moaned again. I slid my hand up her shirt and ran my fingers across her bra. Joan let out a loud moan and I felt her body trembling. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my breast. She moaned and started rubbing my breast through my shirt.
“Your boobs feel amazing. ” she said.
“Yours feel good too. Are they natural? If you don’t mind me asking. ”
She nodded her head. “They were so sensitive when they grew in after I started hormones. ”
I smiled and kissed her again. Her body felt warm and soft against mine. I leaned forward and began kissing her neck. She let out another moan and arched her back. I lifted up her shirt and she pulled it over her head. She was wearing a light blue bra. I reached behind her and unclasped her bra and threw it to the floor.
“Wow, your boobs are beautiful.” I said.
“Thank you. ” She said while blushing.
“I want to touch you more. ” I said.
“Please do. ” She said.

I leaned in and kissed her again. Her breasts felt so good in my hands. I rolled her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. They hardened quickly and Joan’s body shuddered. I pulled my mouth from hers and moved down her chest. I kissed her stomach and then moved lower.
“Fuck, you’re so hot. I can’t believe this is actually happening. Before you go any further there’s something you should know. ”
I paused and looked up at her.
“What is it? ” I asked.
“I’m a virgin if that wasn’t obvious, but also I still have a penis.” She said.
“That’s ok, I want you to know that I’m not gonna judge you for that, I promise. ” I said.
“Thank you.” She said.

I put my hands on her jeans and inched closer and felt the outline of the bulge. I heard her breath catch.
“Do you want me to touch it?” I asked.
“So badly. ” she pleaded.
I slowly undid her belt buckle and unzipped her jeans. I slid my hand into her panties and was greeted with the softest warmth. I ran my fingers gently across her penis and she gasped.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
“More than I’ve ever been in my entire life. ” She said.
I continued running my fingers across her penis while I kissed her stomach. Joan moaned softly and tilted her hips towards me. I slipped my fingers out of her pants and moved the crotch of her underwear aside. Her erect penis was sticking out of the opening of her panties.

“Well hello there cutie. ” I said jokingly.
She giggled.
“What would you prefer me to call it?” I asked.
“I’ve never had someone ask me that. What do you think?”
“How about girldick, since it looks so sweet. ”
She nodded her head and grinned.
I grabbed her girldick gently and squeezed it. It throbbed against my palm and she moaned. I started kissing the underside of her girldick and licked the tip of it.
“Yes. Please. ” She begged.

I moved my mouth over her girldick and sucked gently on it. Her legs tensed and her toes curled. Joan let out a loud moan and her whole body trembled. I licked her girldick until I felt her body stiffen.
“Haley, I’m almost there. ” She breathed heavily.
“You don’t have to hold back for me.” I said.
I continued licking her girldick and she let out more moaning noises. Her breathing became ragged and I knew she was getting close. I stopped sucking her and continued to run my fingers along her girldick as she came. Her body shook violently and she screamed in pleasure. I stroked her girldick as she rode out her orgasm and I watched as her cum shot out onto her stomach.

“Holy shit, did you see that. That was insane. ” She said.
I looked down at the mess on her stomach and smiled.
“It’s kinda sexy when you cum like that. ” I said.
“Yeah, I guess so. ” She said while catching her breath.
“Would you like me to clean you off? ” I asked.
“Please do. ” She whimpered.
I crawled up her body and positioned myself between her legs. I leaned down and licked up every drop of her cum. When I was done I kissed her stomach and then her breast before laying next to her on the couch.

We both lay there for a minute and then she turned towards me. I felt her lean in and kiss me. She tasted like vanilla and I felt her tongue slide into my mouth. Our tongues danced together and I reached up and grabbed her ass. She moaned and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled her closer and kissed her deeper. She pulled away and rested her forehead against mine.
“Thank you so much for that, you have no idea how bad Ive wanted to feel like that. ” She said.
“You’re welcome. ” I replied.
“I’m glad we met. ” She said.

I leaned in and kissed her. We made out for a few minutes before she pulled away.
“Im exhausted. I would like to return the favor to you but it was a long day at work. ” She said.
“I bet you are. Don’t worry about me.” I said.
“I have to go. ” She said. “Maybe we can get coffee again soon. ”
“Yeah hopefully it warms up a little bit. ”
She got dressed and headed out the door. I got ready for bed. My pussy was wet but I wasn’t horny. I felt satisfied by making Joan orgasm. I definitely wanted to do it again.

Edit:Looks like there is enough interest so I will keep this story going. Thanks for reading.



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