19(f) office fling 27(m)- the teaser (nsfw)

I’m not like most people who claim they aren’t a people person. I’m really not. Once I’m off of work I don’t go for drinks with coworkers or hang out with friends, I don’t even meet up with family members for church events. Nope, I love being at home in the bathtub reading a great book smoking a joint. Surrounded by candle light. Playing some good music.

On occasion though, I jump on a chat line to masterbate. I know, naughty right?
I play with myself all night long. not just to one guy, multiple guys. I come over and over again. I mount my bathtub or edge/grind my pussy against the bathroom sink corn. I rub my breast while I stare at myself in the mirror and making my clit harder, and pussy wetter.

It amazes me how many people actually love the sound of a drenched pussy. That’s a request I get almost every night. To place the phone receiver close to my pussy so they can hear the wetness and my fingers going in and out of me.

Then one night the line no longer worked. Disappointed and completely devastated I wasn’t going to have an audience that night, I did the next best thing. I called someone over. I decided on a coworker- a safe choice.

I live in SFO with my older brother, who thankfully is never home. He travels for work. I begged him to let me stay with him. Honestly, I think he only agreed to let me stay because I’m the excuse he uses on his women to avoid them from spending the night. He’s in his late twenties and I’m 19. Did I mention I’m the receptionist at his law firm. And I invited a coworker of ours. Who is also in his twenties, 27 to be exact.

Peter alerted me he’s 15 mins away and couldn’t wait to see me tonight. He told me he was shocked I called him in the first place after our last interaction. But I knew he wasn’t going to say no. Not trying to be cocky but on more than 5 occasions I caught him staring at my breast during meetings. No matter what I was wearing he’d stare at my breast. It was worse when he happened to look up at my eyes, he fumbled. Once I made him spill his coffee all over the counter and our boss, my brother, had placed some important files down on the same counter to pour himself some more coffee, needless to say the papers got ruined; and Peter almost lost his job. I walked away from the area quickly all I heard was, “omg I’m so sorry.” Over and over again. I felt bad for the guy so I invited him for lunch. And later that evening he was my date at our Christmas party.

I groped him on the dance floor that night. Then on Valentine’s Day I surprised him in his cubicle.

His present- a hand job, under the desk during a so-called, training. I recorded us. You know as memorabilia.

Honestly I loved feeling him get hard on my hand. The way he pre came after I rubbed my index finger all over his head. Leading the rest of my hand Down his shaft, and gave his balls a little tug. I was me bite my lip, wishing his cock was in my mouth.

After getting the slowest sexiest hand job ever- I licked his cum off my hand. He stared at me. We didn’t say anything, just continued to work side by side until our final hour of work when he took the initiative to finger my pussy.

I thought no one was in the office and he gave me no warning sign either. I was bent over filing papers away when he came from behind pulled my skirt up and slapped my ass. Turning me around, walking me toward the shelf while slightly choking me. My panties fell to my knees and he shoved his finger in my pussy, So fast; I didn’t even get a chance to say no. It felt so good I just let him finger me. He was hard again rubbing his dick against my thigh begging me for a fucking kiss.

“Kiss me.” He demanded but I wouldn’t. He bite my lip He was so upset that I didn’t kiss him back making him finger me harder and grasped my neck a little tighter making me cum. “I want you,” he said as my pussy juice ran down his fingers. he released my neck. I stood on my own two feet again not the edge of the filing cabinet. I smiled didn’t say anything. Fixed myself up real quick then I turned to leave. Thanking him as I grabbed my purse.

And that was the last time we messed around. It’s been almost a whole year since then.

Knocking on the door.

[to be continued]

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/110utaq/19f_office_fling_27m_the_teaser_nsfw