EST: The Case of the Moana Lisa Chapter 14 Interpol Part 2 of 2 (MF FF Anal Rough/Forceful)

“Are you sure this is The Orgasm” cocking my head while I asked. “Because The Orgasm is on boobtube right now and it looks very real” staring at the carrot top with a definite unruly look about my face. “How can I be sure that this is the authentic Orgasm and not a fake? How can I put my life on the line for some schmuck like you when I am looking at the Orgasm on the boobtube? Uh, Uhh!” Taking a second to recompose myself and bat away all of my little bunnies that sit at my feet.
“I want to know how you, the world’s greatest art thief can cum in here and brag that you have the Orgasm when me and the rest of the world are looking at it right here on the boobtube. Brian, yeah, Brian. Cum over here and take a look at this fraudulent piece of art” smacking Moana Lisa’s face while I relive her of this sacred load that she is carrying. “So what I am getting is that this is the original and that which I see on the boobtube is a forgery. The same one that is posted in the Climax City Museum of Cultural Art. Mmm, the same one that my spy has authenticated the artist signature! And now you want me to believe that this, what What Brian. That this is the real deal!”

Waiting for the boss to finish his berating and grabbing The Orgasm before he could swat such a mastery of color and passion with a sudden swipe. My heart was held out so I could make room for the original Orgasm that was sitting before me. “Mr. Duro, Mr. Duro I think she is telling the truth. Cum and look” I said holding that age tester. The device that not only dates the pigment used on this piece of art butt the canvas itself. “And the signature looks authentic too” I am an art appraiser after all butt Mr. Buro has by far out paced me in experience and picking a fake.

“So what am I supposed to look through your fucking head or something” snatching the portable tester from his hand. Knowing this is the painting that has brought me to this culture. Knowing how the artist’s signature flipped up at the end. Knowing that this painting was made from the biggest O of them all! Not some quickies or even worse no orgasms while forging this masterpiece. My jaw dropped when upon closer inspection I found everything that I had always drooled over was sitting here on my corner booth table.

“The rest of my sextons. And a few more for listening to you rant for no reason.” I said to Mr. Duro. Crossing my legs and arms in a defiant nature. Hiding everything that he held dear behind the soft feel of cashmere.

Thumping down on my bench, the cushion deflating while I thought about her argument. It is never good to have an unhappy thief that does so much for you and your business. And like most things this will take some overhead to claim the thief down.
“Brian, pay her time and a half for her work” I said to my accountant. “Butt before this transaction is complete tell me what did you do to make the world believe that which I have seen on the boobtube (yes, I like saying boob…tube) totally believable over the original which we have right here and now?” I said, listening for any hint at a betrayal.

“I am just that good Mr. Buro. A thief never tells a secret so profound that others” staring at his “bunny” collection at his feet. “May use it on their own.” I did not move until I got the sext from my bank of one and a half million sextons have been deposited into my temporary account.
Uncrossing my arms and legs. Showing Mr. Buro all that he has desired has been delivered right to his cock. Standing up, moving not one step ahead so I can mount the table. “Now to seal the deal Mr. Buro” spreading my legs so that he was right in the wheelhouse. Spreading my pink pussy, rubbing my naughty little mounds over and over again.
The feel of his mouth. The heat from his head made my blood boil with passion. Opening up on my little wet cunt. Opening his mouth as Mr. Buro’s tongue flicked my clit! Feeling an increased warmth because I knew what was cuming! Me…
Throwing back my head. Letting all my shoulder length orange hair fall to the back. I could feel what he was all about. Putting his years of experience to work for him on pleasing a woman. Mr. Buro tongue flicked once more at my clit. Rotating around my little bean as my breaths became short. “Yes” had appeared like some magic word. Before I knew it my hips were swaying, grinding on his tongue. “Yes Yesss” followed, feeling him take me. Holding me down while his tongue continues to batter my swelling vulva, my sensitive clit till the very nature of his manliness became one huge orgasm!
Panting, trying to catch my breath before any other words fell from my mouth. Looking down there, down past my breasts. Down past my lips, right to his face that was held over my sensitive clit. I could see his spit as it cascaded down his tongue. Balling up at the end into a, a drip.
Falling back onto the table. Gasping for air. Feeling the lone drop of spit fall from his tongue as it splatted against my clit. The overwhelming sensation to cum. The over sensation to grab my breasts and pull as I cum! Still the air that I have gathered became choppy. As even the exhale was fraught with cuisiness. For every heartbeat that had pasted brought me one step closer to my ultimate demise. “Oh” stopping because despite all that I have done my legs were shaking. To feel his mouth, his tongue pounding against my cervix was unheard of yet here we are!
The moistness of my snatch. The dampness of my river was on its way up. With one orgasm on top of the next. Feeling the tightness over my breasts. Both of them, tightening up the closer I was to actually cuming. “Oh” breathing as hard and as fast as my body would allow. “Ooooh” continuing as my climax was nearing its pinnacle! The rapid pounding of my heart. Just the thought of me moving, wiggling my body left or right, up or down plowed through me like a run away train and this was only his opener!
Feeling my lungs crashing down in my chest! Letting my last gasp go in a howling orgasm. “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” Erupted from my mouth before I even knew why I was panting!

Pulling this world renowned art thief onto my lap. Feeling her hot snatch as my cool cock delved into her. Pulling Moana Lisa close to my mouth. Bring her breasts, the perfect size so I can suck them all I want. Pushing her upper body forward, smacking that little ass as she began to pump my cock. Signaling one of my bunnies to cum here. To lick Moana Lisa’s asshole while I pounded my meat in her soft folds!
“This feels so good” I complimented her on how good she was riding my stick, well log butt we will not get into that this time. Feeling her elevate up till her tender snatch was not on my cock! What in the Sam hell was this!
Thrusting that little booty back down on my cock. Impaling her little snatch on something that was clearly too big for it. Not caring about the way it made her feel butt this is how we as thieves seal a deal! Locking my hands around her waist. Thrusting up with everything I had!
The impact of that measure of commitment almost made me lose it! Which would not have been so bad, just saying. The hard smack, the ripple that formed on her ass! As it traveled up so did she. As it continued to travel up Moana Lisa came crashing down for a harder impact! “I want to hear you scream out my name in ecstasy!” Grunting this response never worked in the past or not for any women anyway. Pulling her up, then slamming her right back on my cock again and again!

Oh my fuck! This is the hardest part of any negotiations. Trying not to cum. Trying not to release my pent up furry in one huge fucking orgasm! Butt at this time, at this point my future looks kind of white as my climax is sooner at hand than what I would like. “Yes” Oh no it is starting again. “Yes Yesss” as my hips buck too and fro! I am losing my composure I pleaded with myself. I am about to cum! Cum so hard for all of these hard pounding in my… “OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooOoooOoooo!”
If you have ever blown your own mind over an orgasm. Weather brought on by yourself or somebody else. That impact with your soul as the space around you goes black. Yes, that is what I am talking about!

“Good, good girl. When you cum again I will join you.” Pressing her body forward once again. Sliding my cock, thought more swollen than before into her super tight snatch.
“Fuck me” I ordered while she felt every inch of my cock shoved all the way into her. “Fuck me good. Fuck me so fucking good that I!” Stopping my voisterous opinion because I was about to unload in her vault!
“Fuck Mmm!” I snarled, grinding that booty over my cock! For a second I thought that maybe I had blown my load too soon. Butt that can never happen because I am Mr. Vacario Buro and my cock never lies!

Being in an orgasm this whole time, yeah it seems a little long. Butt it is true my body reacts when my mind cannot or does not know how. And on this particular day after stuffing an over sized man meat in my tight little cunt yes, I was cuming. Yes, I was having a major O. One that despite my future reads has never happened and will never happen again. Butt at this moment…
“OooOoooOoooo fuck Mmmmmmmmm Ooo Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” I came so fucking hard that I could have painted the next masterpiece and had paint to spare for a few wallets.

“Deal closed” I said to Moana Lisa. Standing up and brushing that thief from my lap. “I must go clean myself for the bar opens in twenty minutes.” Being escorted by my Bunnies, my little hoes that want to work for me to get cleaned up. To suck my massive meat down their slutty mouths while they work on getting me clean.

Across the pond, in Paris…

“You know, the sound of crystal sounds much better once you get a job done” smirking at Moana Lisa. Raising my champagne flute, the impact of crystal on crystal. The ringing, the music, the romance of it all. “Here, here let us toast to the biggest art replacement in the history of art thievery. Climax City Museum of Cultural Art got their painting back. You got paid plus a little extra. And I just sold the original Orgasm for one billion. I think I am going to pay for today with my share of the money.” Saying this and standing was not going to work for me right now.
As I stubbled backwards trying to make my whole world stop spinning. The impact of what I backed into, of what was jerking my short flapper dress down off of my tits! “What? What is going on” I asked as I raised my flute! Spilling the contents on my chest, making my DD’s soaked in champagne. This was not the best time for a selfie, being on a rooftop very near the Eiffel Tower with my breasts… Sucking on my nipple, licking off any hint of the sweet liquid that stained my tit. “What, wha…” that feeling caught my breath in my throat.

Sliding around my bestie. Grabbing that ass of hers and pulling Mila close. “Shhhh” I giggled feeling the same drunkenness befalling me in much the same way. Only being able to focus on one thing and one thing only. Now I pulled that thing to my lips.
Sucking in Mila’s nipple. Being very respectful and going for the other nip, the one that she was not sucking on. Inhaling that little bud of inspiration! Pulling back and listening to a new set of tunes.

Stopping what I was doing. Standing there with a tit in my mouth and quivering thighs. “Oh Ohh yes… Don’t.. don’t stop!” As my voice carried a hint of pleasure. Pressing Moana Lisa’s mouth against my tit! Forcing my areola into her mouth! “Yes Yesss Yesssssssss!” Moaning so close to my other tit just made me more horny than before, if that is even possible!
Reaching behind me. Trying to find the zipper! Trying to slip out of the dress before, before… “Ooooh yes” came out of my mouth like a bird’s song. Grappling with Moana’s head. Humping the air because I could not find the zipper.
Then it happened. A moan, a moan so complete that it would rival the goddess being triple fucked! “Ooo Oh yes” I started low with barely a sound emanating from my body. Feeling the sensation growing the more rapid heartbeats that passed. Knowing if I did not get naked right here that I would cream in my panties!
Search desperately for the zipper. Scourging my entire back for the big metal zip that would let me get out of this dress! My heart froze simply by the touch of her hand. I could feel my under garments constricting my sexuality. Constricting my desires! Constricting nothing as I felt my bra falling to the rooftop, followed Oh so quickly by the breeze that gave my lips life again.
Standing tall for a drunk woman. Pressing Moana Lisa up against my body with my eyes closed. Picturing a tall blonde goddess with legs that would not quit and yes me being drunk, and following my most perverted fantasy…

Reading her mind was not something that I did on a regular basis. Or rather reading her deepest, darkest fantasy that was more my style and let me tell you what the body that Mila pictured in her mind. That now was sucking on her breast. Fondling her crack and getting so turned on by Mila that it would take a pretty big surprise to make any space between us.
Pulling on Mila’s butt, pulling my head up so I can kiss those beautiful lips of hers. Losing her DD in the process, our lips crashed together smearing lipstick against both of our faces. I could feel Mila pulling back, running her tongue from my mouth. Before she could get away, before I let that tongue go my own lips traced down her chin to the soft underside of her graceful neck.
No, this was not the time for my lips although they had already started. Started by kissing down Mila’s throat. Kissing till I knew I was in the right place. Kissing until my tongue lashed out at that pounding spot on her neck.
Pulling her close to me, closer than before. So close that our boobs mingled, that our pussies rubbed. So close that I could tell when Mila was cuming. From the inner shiver, to the outer grown. I could feel the way she shook with passion!

Damn, damn, damn! This is not how I want to pound on my bff! Butt the place was here and now. My pussy was leaking, my breasts were burning and Oh do not get me started on the way she, Moana was hitting all the right spots on my neck! If this does not end soon I will cum. Cum so fucking hard that my bestie will have to sink that sweet tongue into my tight little cunt and draw out more and more orgasms!
Grabbing Moana by the hair. Pulling that tramp back away from my neck. Staring at her, all of her. Feeling my insides contract with sexuality. “She, you… Wow” was all I could say before my mouth takes one of her triple P’s, I could have gone larger butt the p has a special meaning, pussy! Hers and mine. Rubbing against one another. Feeling every pulse that feeds that bald box! As, as.. “Oh Ohh my fuck!” Shuttering so powerful that I just came right here. All over my lips, all over… Grinding, grinding so hard that it did not take the usual five minutes to get me off because I am cuming once again. Cuming like there is no stop in my lustful ways!

Scissoring as the both of us ground against each other’s pussies. The feel of Mila O. The heart pounding conclusion of one orgasm and the beginning of the next. Watching her lay there fondling her own tits. Pinching her nipples while I rub pussy to pussy. Clit to clit as even my womanly wants blossomed into one big orgasm!
“Yesss! Ooooh yes, keep k…p spreading your legs for Mmm.. Oh!” Throwing my head around like a wild woman. Gripping Mila’s leg. Pulling myself upon it, getting a new angle as I tried to continue the double O of Paris. Rocking up further, pulling the skin away from her knee with my teeth! “Ooooh yesss OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” Rumble between us until finally the both of us collapsed from exhaustion.

“Talk about entertainment, ladies” said this very familiar voice. “I just want to know how? How did you fool the Climax City police and museum? How after all this Tom foolery you managed to fool the, no, no one of the best middle men of the underworld. Then cum to the city of Perry and sell the exact same painting. I am listening if you would like to fill me in on this dark plan of yours.”

“Good evening David, aren’t you a little out of your district” I said while staring at Moana Lisa who for some reason has not changed back to the strawberry blonde that he likes. “Maybe if you would scratch our backs then we would tell you our little plan and even the role you played in this” winking at Moana. “Ah, butt first” taking him by the slacks. A very different look from what I recall.
Grabbing him by the bulge in his pants. A very noticeable bulge as compared to the open cut jeans that he wore back in Amera. Unzipping his trousers and pulling his hardened cock free from his underwear. “You know this would be a lot easier if you were naked just like us” pulling on his hard cock with my hand.
Stroking it slowly, taking my time while teasing David with my mouth. Watching as my bestie helped to get his pants down to his knees. “Now wouldn’t you like…” this was it, my final word as I gagged on his member. Trying to take advantage of his girth. Sucking on it, driving it home if only for a few seconds! Spitting his cock back out while I caught my breath.

Cuming in from behind David von Horny, helping Mila pull his pants down while I tried to stay up on his neck. Trust me this is not easy. From the sound of her voice everything was on schedule. “Oh David, how I missed your cock” gentle laying one kiss after the other on his neck.
Rotating myself around to the front of him. Straddling Mila’s form and opening up my heated passage way . “Oh David” my hot breath tagged his ear. “I want you tOoo.. Ooooh” his touch brought me back. Brought me back to the first time he had ever thumped someone. I mean truly thumped, humped, choked and came so fucking hard that he thought he was the only one who knew.
Taking him from around the throat. Putting a little pressure on his neck. By this time Mila was having him slam his cock down her throat. “David” the whisper cum quietly. “Have you forgotten? Tisk Tisk, I had such high hopes for you” squeezing my hand as his pulse increased. “David, David, Mmm David.. ot, you did not forget” running my tongue down his left ear. Running it down till I hit his cheek then reversing the course. Taking a clean , non-obstructed swipe to the rest of that cheek.
“Mmm, David you did so good” that lick just slid off of his cheek. “Mmm Mmmm” I cooed. Taking his hand. Sucking on those fingers, making the two, his pointer and middle finger deep down my throat. Jacking them off as I soaked them with my deep throat saliva.
Holding eye contact with him. Pulling his fingers from my mouth. Making sure that he noticed the spit dripping from his finger tips down the long shaft of the finger itself. The shutter I gave as the twins entered my cunt. That immediate entry caused me to waver in my dominance. My next words where, where.. “Ooo Ooooh yesss. Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkking yesss.”
Dropping my grip on his neck as David’s fingers went so far up my crotch. “I need” starting butt this time my insides were already too shaken to say anything else! Nodding my head “yes” as I felt the end to his long shafted fingers. As they impacted with my clit. That moment, that gasp of breath!
I could feel David using his other hand. I could feel the way he hoisted my breast. Fondling with my nipple. I could feel this, all of this! Finally having enough of this abuse, this sexual abuse. My words to him are, “David, Oh David! Take me now, nOoow… Fucking right… Yesss OooOoooOoooo” this did it turned me from the aggressor to the sub who wanted to be pounded by a man. No offense Mila, trust me I would not trade you for the world butt this girl needs to be filled up with cum.

Sucking dick, I have had worse. And David well he is in my top three. Enjoying the taste of his dick. Enjoying the length of it. Enjoying the thrill of sucking someone in a city where public nakedness could get you scolded by the bobbies. Much less public sex which in my experience would put the number of acceptable countries down to one, Amera.
Right now with me sucking off David. With Moana Lisa teasing the same guy! I can feel her cum as it drips from swollen pussy lips. Down on my back, damn, that makes me want to choke on his cock! Stuffing it down my throat. Licking what won’t fit which is not much. The taste of his cock, the feel of his nuts!
Pounding my head against his cock. Pounding my own hand in my cunt. Matching each swallow with a stroke. A stroke to my own trembling cunt! The rub against my clit, the way I can move my hips! I would orgasm, I have orgasmed, I will orgasm just like right, “Mmm Mmmm”, now! Oh my fuck to have this face full of cock. To have me swallowing against the strain. To feel this big fucking hard cock going down my throat!
Deeper, deeper! I must plow in deeper! “Mmmmmmmmm!” Swallowing his cock, tasting every juicy inch of it as it crashes with my throat. How can I, I… “Mmm Mmmmmmmmm!”
Just like that, the hook of my fingers. The feel of my uterine wall, as my pussy lunges forward my fingers all four of them still tug forward even more! To the release, the release of my sweet cum. As I feel it splash against my palm I know that I am there!

Struggling not to fall for either one of these con artists. Trying not to fall for that bluff that I put on five years ago. With all of this and still the softness of Moana Lisa’s tits. No scaring, no unusual bulging just perfectly normal tits and yet the size has me baffled.
Taking her by the throat, the same way she had me. Pushing her over to the edge of the rooftop. Lining her up with the architecture, forcing her little bottom to sit on top of the narrow parapet. “Open your legs” I growled at Moana Lisa. “Don’t worry I will take care of your friend just as soon as I am done with you” keeping my tone low as my fingers jabbed deep into her creamy folds.
Keeping eye contact with her even when I went down on her. Moana Lisa the best disguise artist in the world. The number one art thief out there and yet I had her in my hands. Sliding my fingers in and out of her cunt. Bring her to the point of total cremation for what I ask. Slowing down my fingering her hole. Slowing down to a stop! Then dragging my two fingers from her wet hole and shoving them down her throat. “Fuck” I started. “If this doesn’t get me any harder” growling this out like some bad dream I had just awoken from. The parapet was at the right height and with her legs spread.
My lips landed first! Hard against hers. My hands moving around to catch this little doll if anything would throw her over the edge. My top hand, my left hand cradled her neck and upper back. My right dipped down grabbing her ass. Gripping it so tight that when my cock came into the picture it was almost too big for Moana Lisa’s little cunt.
Getting penetration. The feel of my head breaching the slick entrance. Of stuffing itself in such a tiny hole almost made it a shame. Pushing despite her moans, despite her impending orgasm!
“Oh, what do you want my fingers up your asshole” yes a rhetorical question because they were going. And not like one then we shall try for two, nope, two just to stretch your asshole out, then three and possibly four! Having her balance on two arms leaving her lower half to swing between me and the edge. Between my fingers and cock of her certain death. Looping both of her legs over each arm. Growling at Moana Lisa to “Keep your legs spread open, wide open” as my cock crashed into her tiny cunt. The look of confusion was quickly replaced with that of an orgasm. Eyes butterflying, pupils disappearing as my cock was fully inserted. With my fingers stuffed up her ass as well. “Now, now we shall begin the questioning ” I puffed out my chest thinking that this time I had Moana Lisa by the.. the… My mouth dropped, after seeing this new form of Moana Lisa and that already getting my super fucking horny to now seeing with my own eyes a perfectly smooth blad box with no hint of how this is even possible! I could feel it, the pound in my cock! The speed in which I had the upper hand to just being a cum stick! Curse you Moana Lisa, curse you tOoo…
Gasping for breath, insisting that I was going to spew before I even knew how badly I needed to explode inside that hot bare box! Feeling my own flag rising. Feeling it cuming from her bottom, from.. “Oh fuck” I managed to holler. This whole time I was butt banging Moana Lisa and driving myself wild with that too! I just had to… “Oh shit” I yelped! “I.. going to, tOoo… OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” As everything that I had built out here in the real world just crumbled as my cum dripped from her cunt.

“Mmm, always a good fuck. See you around Inspector David von Horn. Mila updated our file that David is now interpol.” Wrangling Mila as we left this roof top cafe leaving David to pay the bill for our sexy little celebration.
Chapter: 14 Interpol
