EST: The Case of the Moana Lisa Chapter 14 Interpol Part 1 of 2 (MF FF Anal Rough/Forceful)

Giving the detective one last glare before addressing the gathered press. “Thank you for cuming” I, Lt. Commander La’roux began. So far the gathering of press agents was silent which made this next part so hard. “Corpus Christi police at the request from Climax City police have entered into a joint operation together. This operation is to bring down the active art thievery ring known as W.”
Bowing my head for the innate of the Climax City police department and their need to trust an outsider instead of giving this to one of their own. “Thanks in no part to our forensic lab and the lone efforts of Lt. Iona Yu for possessing each and every piece of evidence that helped bring down the thieves.” Have you ever got the feeling of throttling a playmate. I mean leaping over your desk, taking that smug bastard throat in your hands and squeezing till it is no more. “Detective Von Horn answered that call” I cannot believe that I am about to praise this fucking jerk. Closing my eyes, counting back from ten before continuing.
“Thank.. y…o..u Detective Von Horn for putting your life on the line for Climax City.” So disgusted with this filth that was cuming out of my mouth. I needed a break! “Any questions?” Knowing that I could stand back from the podium and silently retch.

The lady in the front, a dark haired possible Indian heritage working with the Moon. A neighboring newspaper asked, “What painting was stolen?”

Damn, I forgot this important topic. “The Orgasm” I said it so quick that the noise from the press corps to an all time high! “No need to worry, the painting, The Orgasm will be back on display with a host of security measures back at our Climax City Museum of Cultural Art.” Feeling the pressure mounting, thinking hard about what else the museum has to show off. “The museum currently has the history of Dildos and Vibrators on display. A wondrous site filling the floor of every floor and wing. Just do not bend over” laughing at this little joke I made.

“I am sure each one of those sex toys has been tested by you Lt. Commander La’roux” said this distinctly male voice cuming from the hoard of reporters. It was right there when the noise of all the questions suddenly turned into laughter. A laughter that made Lt. Commander La’roux’s face darkin.

Quickly turning on my heels to face our number one forensic lab tech and the other detective. “The floor is yours” I spit to them. To think that each and everyone of these reporters are thinking such naughty thoughts about me. Me! Lt. Commander Nancy La’roux and would have the nerve to laugh about this disgrace in the open! I will never, ever forgive them for this, this… Agh, disgrace!
As I look up to see the detective offering me, his superior, a hand up. My face reddened even more. I have never ever been so humiliated in my life then this little hiccup that was caused by, by… The red and gold carpet that was spread out under this podium.
Shrugging off his hand. Lifting myself back to my full height. This press conference was just to inform Climax City and Amera of my good fortune, and our forensic lab and team as well. Not to be ridiculed by those pesky reporters and their skewed facts! Walking past David von Horn, walking past Iona Yu, turning my back on those laughingstocks of reporters! Three, two, one! I swing in the door to the Central Police Station. That door is so smooth I did not even notice when I fell as my foot was tripped by it!

“Are there any other questions that myself or my lovely comrade can answer” casting an appreciative eye toward Lt. Yu. After a few minutes of answering all the questions that I could. There was a lot that I could not and surprisingly the press respected that part of the job. The final question is one that I am still moiling over.

“Detective Von Horn, this might be a little forward butt are you going to transfer to Amera? Or more precisely to Climax City” spoken by a hottie who has some African in her blood. Holding out my recording device. Not just mine butt each and every one of my fellow reporters.

“That is something that I cannot answer at this time.” I said unapologetically. “Butt if I do decide to move lock, cock and barrel to this fine city” I hope I have not given too much information on my plans for the future. “You can bet that I will hook up with you, sexy” my smile, with the rainbow array of flashes going off and the placement of her hand. I may have just invited my first co-op between the cops and reporters. “Now I shall turn over the mic to my comrade Lt. Iona Yu for any other questions…” as I stepped back, exposing myself to the world. Watching as the reporters circled overhead like a bunch of vultures I could see the smile of that hottie who was checking me out. Damn, what a time to be a cop! Feeling myself as my cock was already hard from that question. And noticing as she licked her lips.

My mind, I wish I could say it was clean. Butt from the way she looked at me. Getting me all hot and bothered, it has been thirteen hours since the last time I got a piece. A piece, now listen to me. It’s like I am one of them with sex on my mind practically every second of every day.
“No, no I am good” biting her calf. Tasting the sweet sweat as the heat beaded down on us. Dragging my tongue as it crested the widest part of her calf. “No laughing” I hesitantly growled. The timbre of my voice traveled up her leg making Sue jump. I could hear the clatter from my cuffs that held her wrists. The clatter as she pulled against a post that she would never move.
“Give me the name of who you work for” I mumbled. Feeding off of her growing desire to be fucked. To feel my hard fucking cock as it banged against her vulva! Butt right now I was right behind the knee. Licking it, teasing it with my tongue. Tracing her ligaments that stretched from her lower leg to her thigh.
Already having underwritten both of her legs. The sudden switch brought a slight moan to her lips. “No moaning, no cuming. You must endure if you want my cock.” My teeth sunk into her soft skin. Teasing it with the threat of breaching the skin. Sucking hard, almost hard enough to leave a hickey.
Just before it got to me marking her light brown skin my lips slid further up her thigh. A kiss came from my lips. A soft barely there kiss. As my lips widened, as my tongue lapped at this new patch of skin I could feel the goosebumps emitting from the kiss that happened a heartbeat ago. Dragging my fingers down her calf. Listening to the hard breathing as everything was held at the last second.
“Good girl” now only halfway to go before my lips will greet her with a full deep dive into her moist grounds. Dividing the distance in half as a rapid fire of kisses descended further up her tasty thigh. Reminding her and myself “No cuming till I say so”. No cuming if you would have asked me this two weeks ago I would have looked at you like you were crazy! Butt now, now my cock wanted to sink in between those hot sweet lips. Somehow I knew that the long road I had started was quickly cuming to a close.
Feeling Sue’s body shake as my tongue now traversed the joint of her thigh and hip. Bridging the distance between tease and lust with only a little more to go. Now was the time to decide. Now was the time to see if she is as open to different sexual positions as Moana Lisa. As Mila and, and…

“May I cum now” I could feel the need to do so because if not then I was going to cum anyway! “May I cum David, please. Oh, please!”

With one lick. My tongue gliding over her tight little… “Yes, yes you may cum” this answer did not answer my curiosity fully butt this certainly will. A hard penetrating lick. One so hard that I felt her heart stop. I felt everything in her body seize up butt I kept on going further and further into that tight little asshole of hers!
Extending my tongue to its fullest. Expanding it once it has reached full extension! Expecting a slap to say the least. Expecting a kick to my exposed jewels. Expecting her, Sue McDuff to walk away without even giving me a second thought. Giving the word for me to stop and release her from my sexual bonds! Butt… Butt it did not happen…
Instead she creamed so fucking hard. Not only in her wonderful vajaja butt in her ass to, in her fucking ass too! Gapping a hole like I have never seen before! Having me, a Anal virgin, more or less, having this beautiful woman gape over my tongue because it was buried in her butt!
Dragging my tongue out of that dark playhouse. Plunging it so deep into her pink ocean as the next O came with such force that I could hear the post that she was tied to moan with her pleasure! Breathing a hard hot breath as my tongue rejoined my mouth. Casting a heated conversation with that gap between the hole and her clit. Attacking, utterly destroying that illusion of protection that she must have been thinking as my lips surrounded her clit. As my tongue darted over that lump that barely crested her lips! Sucking, sucking hard against this little mound of nerves that makes the clit tick!
What did all that oral copulation get me you ask? How did my mouth running up her legs do besides getting closer to the goal. Getting so damn close that I tasted victory not only in the air butt against her dark skin. To see the pink, to see the way it echoed against the brown of her skin. To know that thanks to me and my tongue if I was to quit right now would not only be a sin butt it would put me at risk for a future molesting of my body.
Lifting my head. Slowly as I could. Stretching that little clit with all my suction. Sealing it with my strong lips. Battering against it with my tongue! And this whole time she, Sue was cuming so fucking hard! Leaking all over her pussy. Leaking all over her asshole. Making her nipples harder and harder till… Loosing my grip on that wet little clit of hers. Till I pulled far enough and now I was left with nothing butt a desire to suck on something else.
Kissing her lips, toying with her tongue. My cock feeling the stretch of her wet little pussy as it slid further inside. My knees following up. To give myself the opportunity to suck on her titties. To batter them with my tongue. To pull against them with my mouth. As my rock forward impaled that wet mess that was all my fault.
The first pump, the first stroke complete. Totally and completely. From tip to base then back to tip all with my hips never stalling. Never giving into the moaning that was cuming from so high up!
Gripping her nipple in my teeth. Pulling on it with a vengeance. Locking my lips around the areola and pulling, sucking on that very tit! To feel her shutter, to feel the way her breath keeps shutting off only after a slight butt feverish expulsion of moanable air rushes out!
The sound of that tit as it smacks back down. Pulling so far that the tit is already giving its full appreciation for the effort and repaying you with the sounds and moisture of cum! Butt what is next, what is next is the next tit. The next tit that lies shaking with the anticipation of more brutal treatment. With its towering nipple and a bed of gooseflesh for it to rise above!
The heat of my mouth against the softness of Sue’s breast. The way she flexed her hips offering me a chance to fuck her asshole without a word. From the swelling of its sweet taste to the way it hugged my cock as my head breached the surface. Feeling the need to orgasm right there. Fighting to banish the thought. My cock plunged deeper into the darkness butt feeling me with the same unrecorded feeling. Tightening my grip. Closing my eyes and hearing the words “You may cum” echoing in my ears as the whisper left her lips.
The sensation, the feeling of my world flooding with the joy that we had shared. As my body recoiled collecting itself as one more thrust sent the third and fourth rope of cum from my cock! Locking lips with Sue. Tasting the same pure ambrosia cuming from her as my final slam into her tight ass…

Blinking. Blinking again. As Iona gave her final statement. Holding my head high while that reporter stood. While that reporter turned, giving me a view of paradise.

“You know I never thought you would even think about going for the butt” placing my arm over David’s shoulder. “Mmm Mmmm, she would be an incredible chase. Those long legs, that thigh gap… Mmm, and that ass. Oh, I could picture you munching on her booty from sun up to sun down.” Patting him on the booty. “What? Do not give me that confused look. I have been here the entire time just standing right there.” Showing him where Lt. Iona Yu was standing just a second ago. “You, Detective Von Horny have a dirty imagination” smacking him on the ass once again. “We are having drinks tonight” spinning around as the distance between us grew. “You are welcum to join” flashing him that wink before transforming back into my disguise of Lt. Iona Yu. “Just bring your cock” spinning around as I made my way down to the parking garage.

Not knowing who to trust, especially now with the way Moana Lisa was standing five feet away this whole time in a disguise so perfect that it would take the original Lt. Iona Yu to make an arrest. And even then bringing both of them into interrogation. “That would make for some real police work” I silently mouthed gripping the door.
Taking a deep breath, then one more before pulling open the side entrance to the museum of modern art and all of its sexuality. Relying on my memory of this place from just over a week ago. “Finally I made it” not only in the museum butt to one of the many side stairwells. Taking the stairs two at a time. Feeling my legs moan from this sudden out burst of speed. “I have made it” to the first landing, the halfway point or in this case the quarter point in my ascent up to the second floor. By the time I skipped to the second landing my legs were about to collapse from under me. Taking a long shuttering breath. “Okay, ok let me just walk up this next set” I said quickly to check the bottom entrance that I snuck in. “Still sealed” breathing a sigh of relief as the third landing was just about under foot.
“Now I know why they have elevators to complement this building” smiling while eyeing my final ascent to the second floor. As I took my first step, I could almost hear the way everyone from this town just fucks, claiming that as some sort of exercise. The laugh that was still held in as I slowly, one step at a time, made my way up those stairs. Gasping for air. Gasping because a week ago I could have flown up these stairs. Putting on my biker face, which actually helped my breathing believe it or not. Slowly twisting the door knob. Pulling open the door. Exposing the last twelve feet to the Curators office.
Setting my sights on the next door. Making myself feel, I do not know, relieved, thankful that the end was just up ahead!

“Hello Detective” I said. Watching as his strong leg entered the museum proper. Standing just far enough back to give David enough room to make his prowess known. Yet, the first sight of him. From the smell to the actual visualization of him, Detective David von Horn, entering made my panties wet.
The click of my heels. The resounding effect of an empty wing with only one source of noise. The click after click of my heels, the way I was waiting with baited breath for this final encounter with the devil. The more I stepped closer to him, the way his body started to cum into view. The way my own body quivered with the thought of his cock sliding down my throat in appreciation of this wondrous deed.
The way heels made him jump. The color of red boring into his eyes. The way David’s eyes moved up my body. From staring at my stilettos to the black and gold accents that highlighted my leg. I could feel his eyes. I could feel the way they were stripping me down. Pulling every piece of clothing from my body.

Finally seeing what had haunted me this entire trip. Seeing her just.. “Hello.. Mila” feeling myself tripping over the mere mention of her name. From the click I could tell this was no Moana Lisa or any of the others who worked in this business. Following the first sight of her red foot. Of that heel that was getting me so fucking hard.
Stripping off layer by layer of her clothing, wishing my hands were the ones doing it. Almost shuttering from the mini miniskirt that did not even cover… “Hell.. hello Mila” stuttering this out like some shy schoolboy talking to a teacher. Then without my eyes knowing butt feeling my cock grow from my body almost like a cobra being drawn to a flute. My fuck, as my eyes were pulled over her body.
“I, I..” this is what annoys me to no end when you need to speak butt nothing cums out! After giving myself a mental health head slap I continued. “Wow, that color” knowing if I was to screw this up I would be as red as her, Mila’s shoes.
Is it possible for your eyes to stumble especially as they trace her amazing lines up her inner thigh? I have seen them without the black stockings. Without anything at all blocking my view butt still this, this… “Wow” drained from my mouth as my eyes locked on her, um, kitty, no that will not do… Her swollen lips, her slick wet swollen pussy that, that… “Oh hell no” I cried into my head.
“I am returning the” talk about something that I was about to do! “The Orgasm to, tOoo…” forgetting everything right here and now. My mind recoiling, my body lusting for her, why must you do this to me as pre cum gathered dick. “I…” feeling myself falling for this goddess of a woman who stood between me and my final destination.
Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. Opening my eyes and my mouth at the same time. “I just want to fuck you over and over again” spilled from my mouth. Blinking twice at who I was addressing. Seeing the Curator Kenneth Kincaid standing right next to Mila! My face, hell my body turned red as red as her shoes! Putting both of my feet in my mouth and barrowing hers to make it a tight fit. “I, Ah, I… have the painting” as I tore my eyes from those crotchless pantyhose.

“Oh! Good, Good” I said with a glee that can only be coupled with David’s desire to drill me. “If you will step into my office and let me see this beauty!” Flashing by Mila, leaving her to finish playing with herself so I can get the door. In all my haste, all my forgetfulness I tried five keys before finally finding the one to the office.
Busting into my stuffy office and literally tossing the books that littered my desk on the floor. Instantly setting out a tabletop easel for the prize piece. “Now, now! If you will set the painting right here” saying this with such glee it almost broke my fondness for the same sex as I.
Watching the way the colors penetrated the canvas, watching the way I could see a giant cock being this masterpiece artist. “Now, if you shall let me study this masterpiece” I said clearing my throat.
Taking out my special glasses and placing them on my head. Glaring at this masterpiece for any detection of it being a fraud. Paying special attention to the artist’s signature. A smile crept onto my face. A smile that grew and grew for the more I looked the more I saw that this was no forgery! This was the actual Orgasm!
Wondering if I should let this detective take me now or should I take him? Leaning with my back towards him. Displaying my gluteus maximus to him! Even giving it a little shake.
My waiting, my agonizing wait for him to… “Um” as I turned towards David. “Um” as I watched his eyes glaring up and down Mila and not me. Holding my head high I said, “This painting looks authentic butt the last test is a paint comparison and age of the canvas before it is official.” Saying this and the fact that Climax City has actually done what a true police force is supposed to do! Checking this way and that, making sure that only these two would hear me say, “The stairwell on the other side or the brake room would give you privacy or a place to bed down before plowing into such a thing” my wink to the both of them gave them the option that they were looking for.

This, this is something that I have never done before. Staring at that little rump as she led me to the stairwell on the east side of the building. Where besides for the view there was nothing like the busy parking lot on the west side. Feeling my lungs collapse once again as she flung me against the wall. Not by force butt by surprise. The feel of her hand on my cock. The sudden impulse tOoo…
Slamming my head back against the wall while she slammed my head against the back of her throat! “Oh my goodness” catching myself as my lungs heaved. To be taken advantage of like this… “Oh my fuck” the moan cuming from my mouth. Feeling her and by her I mean Mila, slide down my shaft using only her mouth…
For the most part I would have to intervene in most cases. To speed up or slow down the woman. To direct her head so I could feel the entire effect of her sucking my cock. Butt not this time. “Ooo” not this time. That mouth, the way it pulls back along my shaft. Feeling the pulsating fire she is breathing on my cock. Feeling every little thing she is doing to my dick! With her lips, with her tongue…
If all of this is not bad enough I can just catch the glimpse of her hand rubbing against her crotch. Feeling the way I will be lapping that cunt just as soon as I… “Fuck, you give the best head” tumbled from my mouth. “I, I…” no I am not stumbling over words, not this time.
Pressing her head on my cock. Feeling her lips as they press into my pelvis area. Bucking not once butt twice as my first orgasm overcame me. “Yea, keep.. keep on sucking like.. like … Ooh Ooooh fuck!” Pulling this little fuck toy from my cock before I unload in her mouth.
The hard slap of my cock against her cheek. The repeat of it as my cock crashes into the other side of her face. “I want that fucking cunt! Right here, right now!” Still having a hold on her hair. Tugging on it as I change positions on the stairwell. Hooking my arm around her waist and jerking that little round mound onto my tongue. As my tongue sank in, as I felt, tasted all her dark desires the feeling of someone inhaling your cock from tip to base and holding it there…
The feel of my tongue finding that little bump on its first try. Knowing that my tongue was doing a public service was all that I needed as it pushed past Mila’s clit. Inhaling the sweet smell of a creaming pussy. As every orifice in my body went ridged. My dick to my tongue even my ass cheeks tighten up. I slipped my tongue into her tight cunt. Lapping at the moist surroundings.
I could now tell how close Mila was to an orgasm. From her hesitant breathing to the way rapidly ejected my cock from the pretty little mouth. Moving my hands to capture her waist. Squeezing more as my tongue expanded in width. As she had taken only a half of a breath. I could feel her insides quaking at the will of my tongue.
“Tisk Tisk Mila. I know you want it” I mused feeling her body rebel. Feeling her back rise up from my stomach as the back of her pussy shifted my grip on my face. As that little moan that I was hearing intensified with my tongue as it crashed into her asshole. Not licked or glided over butt fully penetrated just like Mila’s little cunt only a heartbeat or two ago.
I do not think I have ever seen a woman spin so fast. So fast and might I add landing with the biggest percentage rate out of both of our lives. I lay there on the stairs with this hottie who is straddling my lap. Fully preached on my cock asshole first, cuming so fucking hard that I was sure she was going to spark one right there.

Looking down on my little boy toy or rather Moana’s boy toy just one that I borrowed. Having his cock over inflated and shoved up my ass felt so fucking good. Butt there was only one thing to do. Bounce! Bounce hard on that cock. Make him watch as I take him to town.
“David” moaning his name just felt right. “David! Pound me back. Pound on my little asshole so I can gape for you! Pound on my little asshole so, so… Ooooh yesss OooohOooohOooohOoooh!” Me orgasming without his help, yep been there doing him again and again. Wink, wink.
“I want you to, tOoo” grabbing ahold of the rail, grabbing ahold of his arm! I could feel the might of this orgasm as it climbed its way out from my loins. I could feel it building and building as it crept its way up my stomach, crept its way up my throat!

Feeling her slender fingers digging into my skin. Raising and lowering my hips at lightning speed. The impact of my cock into that little asshole sent ripples rolling over her tight butt! “Oh my fuck!” I mutedly screamed. “I am going to unload in your backdoor!” Pushing those hips down as my cock buried itself in her tight little ass. I could feel the way those muscles constricted around my cock. I could feel her cuming just at the same time I was cuming!
From the silence came the frapping. From the frapping came the climax. From the climax returned to silence as Mila crashed into my chest, my cock still impaling her asshole. Still buried so deep and still so hard that besides the both of us gasping for air it was like I was not through with that tight little jewel.

“I am so glad that you decided to return the painting back to the museum” I swooned over Detective Von Horn. Slowly dragging his cock from my tight little hole. “It is a shame that you shall be going back to Corpus Christi and leaving all of this behind” presenting my body as his only example. The final pop, as my asshole kissed his cock goodbye I un-straddled him. Getting off him as I went to the door. “It seems that a few women need my help finding something.” Wiggling my booty before opening the door and slipping through the crack.

“Mmm, What I would give to wrap my lips around your pole” I whispered to Bruno. To see a sex foot seven inch man of pure muscle blush as he guards the door to the Triple Aces. To feel his hands as they found my chest. Those meaty hands as they squeezed around my double D’s! My entire five foot five body shuttered from his touch.

“How is my little sexy doing” I called to her. This woman made me blush. A foot which has never been done before. The feel of cashmere against her warm flesh gave me some indication of the kind of night I was to be expecting.
“You know the drill” reminding her as I set her down in front of the wall. My eyes roamed over her back. When I say her back, I mean her bare back. That little peach wore a sweater dress that barely covered her front. Leaving a thin collar that wrapped around her neck and a thick belt that barely hid what I was after.
My hands never truly leaving her DD’s. This was my way of control, my way to prove that any sort of brash behavior would result in the expulsion from the Triple Aces bar before she ever got in.
Pulling on her tits. Letting them ooze between my fingers like jelly. Letting my cock get hard because unlike many other “clubs” this one was under my watch. And my anal feeler had to be extra hard. Luckily for her my cock agreed with that sort of a dress. “Hold still” I warned. Pressing my hand hard as it released her DD. Feeling the breasts it slid out of my hand. Imagining the way the nipple was screaming for more mouth to tit exercise butt my cock just needed some more persuasion.
Hearing her choke, struggle for breath as my hand wrapped around her throat. My cock at this minute was as hard as steel and needed some attention! Letting my other hand drop down. Feeling the difference between her flesh and the sweater dress. Falling down the front of her body. Pressing against her stomach as it fell lower. Lower until my fingers felt flesh. Running my middle finger on her tight fucking cunt. The rest of my hand was pulling up her body. Tugging on the edge of her dress which by now was resting on her hips.

Knowing what was expected of me. I felt Bruno stiffen. “Quit teasing me with that cock you bad..” feeling him plow into my ass. Stretching my asshole open wider than before. Catching my gasp in my throat. As his cock sunk deeper into my asshole.
This was an unspoken rule in this land. One of a usable body part not being used. Shaking my head no while dropping my hand from the wall where I was placed. Spread eagle while Bruno searches my booty for any unauthorized weapons. Weapons that would be for…

“Put your hands back…” She moved a little too fast for me to catch what she was up to. Dropping her hand on top of mine. Forcing my hand to drop down, down, Ah my fuck is she so wet! Talk about being a fish out of water. Yes, I know how to romance a girl. How to please her one hole at a time butt this this is!
Feeling something under my finger tip. Something that she is rubbing faster with my finger! I can feel her wetness, I can feel her desire for me tOoo! “Oh crap. I’m fucking cuming” left my lips like a sour sucker. I was never one to go all night and on this job it pays to be quick. Butt with a beauty like this I sort of wish I could go for a minute or two longer.
By the time I had finished my search of that killer bod my own hand smashed against hers. One hand up or out in this case and one hand down as it rubbed against her clit. “You are clear Moana” shuttering and shivering as my cock fell from dat ass.

Leaving Bruno at his station. Picking up my package that leaned behind where he stood. I scurried into the Triple Aces. Seeing as how this package I was holding is the infamous Orgasm it would not be a good idea for the cops to catch me.
“Good day Mr. Duro” as I slid into his booth. “I have what you paid for right here” saying this with a sas to my voice made it all the more delicious. Holding everybody back which was not my intent butt it had to be done. “One Orgasm for you and One jumbo for me” calling him right there despite the little cunts that were sucking him dry, literally.
