An unexpected encounter

John was a tall, 6’2 introverted 20 year old male who was at college, because he still felt awkward around women he was a virgin, people still liked him because he was a kind hearted gentle giant.

Robin was the same age but a different character all together, he was a 5’4 male, grade 4 gaircut with lines shaved into his head, his alpha personality and huge muscles more than made up for his height (not like he even cared about it, if anything he loved it) and because of his machismo attitude he loved nothing more than flirting with other men’s girlfriends and he was quite successful too, John had seen one of his own friend’s girlfriends going into Robin’s dorm room, towing over Robin in her high heels, her g-string deliberately being revealed over her jeans, giggling and whispering in Robin’s ear in the early hours but John didnt dare tell his friend as Robin was a violent man and never missed out on a good fight.

When Robin had his friends round, John dreaded it as they were a loud, thuggish bunch, causing fights, firing airsoft rifles (once Robin had fired at John, almost hitting his eye, no apology just Robin and his friends laughing) and intimidating any male that crossed their path.

John had, to his dread, taken a parcel for Robin and he soon heard Robin go back into his dorm room, he knew Robin didn’t lock his door during the day, so he just walked in, but what he saw embarrassed him, Robin had his tanga briefs down, his huge cock out and was jerking off to a video of Puma Swede, John quickly dropped the parcel and started to walk off.

“You, back here now” John didn’t dare disobey Robin, he came back, Robin was stood there hands on hips, John couldn’t help but look in shock, Robins fat cock was pointing right at him and it must have been 10 inches! John couldn’t also help but lust over Robin”s six pack figure, made even more luscious by his olive skin tone.

Robin pointed to the lube and John obediently picked it up, Robin resumed playing the video and John’s skinny arms started stroking Robins throbbing lubed cock, Robin slapped John’s face and told him to go faster, he then grabbed John’s mid-length hair and put his hands on his throat, making sure John knew he was the bitch.

Soon Robin announced he was going to cum, grabbed John by the hair once again and put his cock right on one of John’s ocean blue eyes, told John to hold his eye open and with the huskiest, loudest male orgasm John had ever heard, he shot his huge load straight into John’s eye.

All John could see from his eye was Robins throbbing cock right on it and his thick load enter on it, now he was unable to see at all out of it and the stinging sensation was unbearable.

After John flushed his eye out with water, he said goodbye to Robin and asked if Robin would mind not bullying him or his friends, to which his response was met with a scoff and middle finger.
