Let’s Hangout and See What Happens [M/M]

All characters are over the age of 18. More stories on my [Patreon](https://patreon.com/kentkaron?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link).

I’d wanted to make the move from the valley for the longest time. I knew exactly where I wanted to be, the problem was getting a job that could be convenient for that. Somehow I actually struck gold. The gym I frequented had a different location there that was hiring. They needed someone to work the front desk, but when my interviewer saw my credentials, he said it was likely I could end up taking some training clients too. It was exactly what I wanted. I was so tired of the office and restaurant jobs I’d had the past few years. And even though I had managed to find a few personal training clients since I’d got all the degrees and certificates settled, it would be nice to have a steady source and not have to hunt them down myself. Now I could go to the gym I liked in the morning, do my workout, shower, and then stay there for work. It was a great arrangement as far as I was concerned.

It became better when I realized how many good looking guys went to this gym. On my third day there, one in particular caught my eye. I was at the front desk when he walked in, scanned his card, and asked for a towel. He was very cute and looked a little familiar, but I couldn’t quite place how, or where I might have seen him before.

He came in around the same time the next few days and we ended up having some quick conversations that turned into some light flirting in the moments at the desk. This went on for several weeks. He would come in almost every day, but there would be days in a row when he wouldn’t; usually on the weekends. When he was there it was usually the same time, around ten thirty in the morning.

He came in later than normal one day, near the end of my shift. I was helping someone at the other end of the counter so I didn’t get a chance to talk to him, but when I left I ran into him outside. “Hey, you’re here later than normal,” I said.

“Yeah, I had a gig in San Diego last night, so I drove back this afternoon.”

“A gig huh? What do you do?”

“I’m a comic.”

A light clicked on in my brain. “Oh, that’s how I know you. It was bugging me how familiar you looked. I saw you at the Comedy Store when a date took me there once.”

“Nice. A good date?”

“I mean, you were great, he was not so much.”

He gave me an odd look. “Well that’s too bad,” he looked up at the darkening sky and continued, “someone as cute as you shouldn’t have to go on a crappy date.”

I felt myself blush, as he turned back to me. “Thanks.”

“No problem. I suppose I’ll see you around.”

“Yeah, I’ll be here,” I said as he turned to walk toward the parking lot. I stood there for a second and then blurted, “Hey you have any plans tonight?”

He turned. “Not really.”

“You want to get some dinner or something?”

“Like a date?”

“If you want to call it that. Or just to hang out.” I took a breath and decided to leap. “I think we both know there’s an attraction here. Unless I have misinterpreted several weeks of simple conversation as flirting.”

He looked blankly at me for a second that felt like an eternity. “Well, I’m not really interested in a relationship,” my stomach fell, “but you’re right,” and it leapt back up. “So maybe we hang out and see what happens.”


“Where do you want to go?”

“There’s a nice little Thai place down the street.”

“Works for me.”

I followed him to his car, where he tossed his gym bag inside the trunk and then we walked down the block. Over plates of pad thai and khao pad we talked about the typical get to know you things – where we came from and where we planned to go. Through all of it I marveled at how beautiful he was and how much I was enjoying the conversation.

We finished up our plates and walked out into the night. “Where do you live?” he asked me, “you didn’t seem to be heading toward a car.”

“Oh yeah, I live a block and a half that way.” I pointed.

“That must be convenient for you.”

“Yeah, it’s great for work,” I paused. “So this was fun.”

“Yeah it was,” he hesitated, then leaned in and kissed my cheek. “We should do it again sometime.”


“I have a gig at nine tomorrow, but maybe we could hang out after?”

“Sure. I’m on the closing shift tomorrow.”

“Cool, so I’ll just come by and do my workout late.”

“Cool.” We turned and walked our separate ways.

He came in an hour or so before we closed. I was wrapping up some stuff at the end of the counter, so someone else checked him in, but he waved at me as they did so. I waved back, my stomach flipping in a way that only ever happened when I was really into someone, which told me I was in trouble.

I saw him a couple times as he went about his workout, and I went about my closing routine. He came up to the counter five minutes before we closed. “I lost track of time, meant to shower before we left, but I hate to do it when you guys are about to close.”

“Well, you could come to my place and use my shower,” I said, trying to be as casual as I could.

He considered for a moment. “Okay, why not. How long do you need?”

“I can actually leave after we lock the doors. Jen over there is the closing closer.”

“Cool. I’ll hang out outside.”

As we walked back to my place, he told me about the gig he’d just finished. When we arrived, I showed him to the bathroom, and got him a towel and wash cloth. “I didn’t think that white people used these,” he teased when I handed it to him.

“Very funny. Go shower. I’ll put on a movie or something. You hungry at all?”

“Not really. Movie sounds good.” I shut the door and retreated as I heard the shower turn on. I sat down on the couch and opened up Netflix, trying not to think about the gorgeous man who was naked in my apartment right now. I found some options and then got on my phone to wait. Engrossed in some Instagram stories by some friends from college, I didn’t hear the shower stop. I jumped at the sound of Dion’s voice behind me.

“You have quite the showerhead.” He stood in the doorway to the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist, barely above his cock. My eyes drifted down his sculpted chest, following the happy trail of dark hair that disappeared into his pubes.

“I’m sorry, what?” I said, forcing my eyes back up to his face.

“Your showerhead, very nice settings on that thing.” He walked over and stood next to the couch as he looked around the apartment. “You do have a nice place here.” I looked at him, unsure whether or not he was intentionally teasing me or not. He moved to the bookshelf and started to look through it, making comments about some of the titles.

“I’m sorry, are you seriously looking through my bookshelf in just a towel? Don’t you have a change of clothes?”

He turned and looked at me with the same inscrutable look he gave me last night when I asked if he wanted to get dinner. “Yeah, I like seeing what books guys have. And if the towel bothers you, I can take it off.” He pulled and it fell to the ground, revealing his semi hard cock.

We stared at each other for a second, before I stupidly said, “I thought we were just hanging out.”

“We are. I said hang out and see what happens.” He walked over and knelt down in front of me. “And like you said, we both know there’s an attraction here.” His face got closer to mine, until I could feel his breath. “So what do you think?”

I looked in his eyes for a beat, then leaned forward and kissed him.

We stripped off my clothes as we stumbled our way to the bedroom, making out and touching each other all over the whole way there. He laughed as he took off my shorts to reveal my jock strap. “Do you always wear jocks to work?”

“Since I work at a gym – a lot of the time yeah.”

“That is very hot,” he said, pulling the bands and snapping them against my ass as he started to kiss me again.

We fell onto the bed, him on top of me as I wrapped my arms around his back and my legs around his as we pressed against each other. The feel of his toned body and hard cock against me was so good. After a couple minutes he raised up, kneeling between my legs and smiling down at me. “Fuck, this is hot,” he said.

I looked down at his cock, taking it in now that it was fully hard. “It’s about to get hotter,” I said, and maneuvered myself around until I was on my back, ninety degrees from him, where I turned and started sucking. I felt his hand on my chest and he moved it slowly down, slipping under the waistband of my jockstrap to play with the head of my cock. I used my right hand to hold and stroke the base of his cock as I alternated between sucking and stroking.

After a couple minutes of that, he shifted, first straddling my head, then leaning down to pull my cock out of the side of my jockstrap, and then he started to suck my cock. I was in heaven, his cock in my mouth, my hands rubbing his hard ass and thighs as he sucked me off too, with quite a bit of skill as it turned out.

Without warning he stopped sucking, and came off me, his cock popping out of my mouth with an audible sound. Before I could see what he was doing he had turned around and was face to face on top of me again. “I’m going to cum soon. How about you?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m pretty close too.”

“I want to see you stroke it out,” he said, and then kissed me again.

“Stroke out my load or yours?” I grinned.

“Whatever floats your boat,” and he started to roll off of me to the right, but I pushed him the other way.

“I’m left handed,” I said in answer to his questioning look. He smiled as he got my meaning. I grabbed a bottle of lube off the nightstand while he settled next to me, throwing his right leg over my left. We grabbed each other’s cocks and began to stroke each other. He reached over with his other hand and pulled me into another kiss. The ferocity of the kiss matched the increasing speed of our strokes and before long I was right on the edge. “I’m gonna cum,” I whispered to him.

“Yeah, do it,” he said, speeding up his stroke just a bit. I moaned as I came, focusing on keeping my hand going on his cock too, desperate to please him. I didn’t need to worry though. “Fuck, that’s hot. I’m gonna bust too,” and I felt the gush as he pressed his forehead to mine.

We slowly stopped stroking each other, giggling as we teased each other in the comedown. We settled into the pillows, each of us panting a little. “That was very good,” he said, looking down at our chests. “That is quite the load you shot.”

“You’re one to talk,” I said, reaching for some towels I kept nearby for occasions like this. We cleaned off, and I chucked them at the nearby hamper as we settled into the pillows again, Dion wrapping an arm around my shoulder. We laid there in a very comfortable silence for a few minutes before he sighed.

“I should get going. I have an audition in the morning.” He sat up and looked at me. “This was fun though.”


He smiled and leaned in to kiss me gently on the lips before he got up to get dressed. I threw on a robe and walked him to the door. “Good luck with your audition.”

“Thanks,” he looked at me as he grabbed the doorknob, that odd, contemplative look on his face. “We should do this again sometime.”

“Anytime you like. You know where to find me.”

“Cool,” he gave me one last kiss, and then left, leaving me to collapse on the couch, the butterflies fully dancing in my stomach.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10zcouw/lets_hangout_and_see_what_happens_mm