Babysitter wants to fuck me [m32 f21]

This happened yesterday.
She is a perfect little thing. Lanky legs, gorgeous smile. I’ve known her as the daughter of a family friend for many years. She’s flirty sometimes, even when it’s inappropriate. But I didn’t know she was this serious about it, until I got her a bit drunk yesterday.
I was showing off my whiskey collection since she just turned twenty-one. I was with her and her dad last week, where we celebrated her first ‘official’ drink. Yesterday she came over to watch the kids as usual, but they were still asleep after staying up late. My wife was out for the day.
She began complimenting my whiskey and the glasses and the decor of the place. She was inching towards me after every sentence. Then she started touching my hands, holding my fingers, looking into my eyes too much, telling me “You’re so cold. Why are you so cold?” The next thing I know her face is on my shoulders.
I didn’t know how to respond, other than to continue playing the ‘older friend’ as best I could. I laid a hand on her back and reassured her as she told me about her friends deserting her because of some stupid mistake, her dad being too controlling of her finances, etc etc. She said “Please don’t tell my dad” so many times. “You’re so young” she said, “you’re like my age.” I am thirty-two, which makes the youngest of the dads in our circle, but nowhere near her age.
It still seemed fine until she was talking into my shoulder, her arm around my neck. Then at one point she turned her face and looked straight at me. Our noses touched. I patted her lightly on the head and—
She kissed me. She was so warm inside my mouth, her tongue felt so fucking good wriggling inside. She was running her fingers through my hair and trying to coerce my arms around her waist. I was horny but also afraid, so I held her loosely at first. But then I started running my own hands on her ass and her thighs cause she always dresses skimpy, especially around our house.
I was erect when she began kissing my face, my forehead, my beard, my neck. She tried to give me a hickey on my chest but I had to stop her and scold her that my wife would notice. She giggled it off and went back to kissing my neck. Her fingers were tap-dancing around the bulge in my pants when the doorbell rang. My wife was back earlier than expected, so she got off my lap, red-faced, and apologized. Then she looked for her purse and left the room. I could hear her talking about my kids to my wife in the downstairs living room.
I was also flustered, but I was turned on then as I am now. This morning, I jerked off to the thought of absolutely ruining her in my bedroom, where I sleep with my wife. I’m conflicted because on the one hand, I’m in the kind of marriage where I have had sex outside of it before. But this girl is a friend’s daughter, someone who I’ve watched grow up and mature. She is so pretty and comfortable to hold. She is warm and soft, and wet. For me. What should I do? Should I go for it?



  1. Why would your wife need to ring the doorbell to come in her own house? Just curious…

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