[M4F] It Started With A Text

I noticed you. All men do, and you don’t even realize it. You’re the wife of the HOA president, who just happens to be exactly what all HOA presidents are: a fucking asshole. At the last meeting, you sat behind him…where you always sit.

He put up a PowerPoint, because he’s the HOA president and they love PowerPoints. His number was on it. The architectural committee chair’s number, and yours as the social committee lead. As he mentioned your name he gave one of those officious directional nods in your direction without actually acknowledging you.

I was amused. I watched for your reaction and there was none. Your number was on the screen. My wife was babbling to the woman next to her. Your hair was in a bun, one of those messy buns. A strand fell across your left temple. You were wearing a sundress and I had my phone out.

“You need to pay attention to what your husband is saying. He’s. Very. Important.”


I waited. Watched you. You glanced at your lap and the corner of your mouth curled upward. Your hands moved. The little dots in the text box did their thing.

“Oh yes. He considers himself exactly that. Did you vote for him?”

200 people at this meeting. All eyes facing in your general direction. You had no idea who the text could have come from. Risky. I liked it.

“I didn’t. I didn’t vote, so I have no right to complain about what an asshole he seems to be.”

You laughed. Stifled it quickly. Smiled and hid that too.

“You’re very perceptive…”

An ellipsis. Women are experts at it. Guys don’t typically get it. I do and I did.

“I am…”

There. Fuck. Right there. Less than a second of a reaction set us on a course that we are still on today. If you hadn’t done it…but you did. You bit that gorgeous, full, delicious, talented bottom lip.

“Good. You’re looking at me right now, aren’t you?”

I was now aware of everything. The surroundings. My wife. Your idiot continuing to drone on. But the craving was real.

“I am. I have been. I don’t plan to stop.”

Your head moved backward so slightly, involuntarily. You shifted gently, gracefully, in your seat.

“Please don’t. Watch me right now. Watch my right hand.”

Our eyes locked. You knew then. Right then. Your hand went to your neck and grazed it, along your jawline, touched the strand of hair and a finger fell to your lips, between them, softly. Subtly. Slowly. No one but me saw it for what it was.


The power shift, which we both now consider to be a power exchange, occurred right then.

“Oh…you liked that, did you?”

My cock was raging. I actually had my phone pressed against it in my lap and hadn’t realized it. I was thinking of what to write. The dots were poised.

You: “Answer the question. I want to know. Did you like that?”

Me: “I loved it.”

You: “How much?”

Me: “I’m aching. Throbbing.”

Your eyes closed for one split second, then sleepily opened. On me.

That’s how it started and there is so much more.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10x4l0v/m4f_it_started_with_a_text