Breeding from the girl’s perspective (FM)

I lay on the bed, my body trembling with anticipation as I waited for him. He was tall and handsome, with stubble and a mischievous glint in his eye as he entered the room. His large cock was stiff and ready and I could feel my desire burning within me.

He pushed me onto the bed and kissed me deeply, exploring my mouth with his tongue while his hands roved over my curves. His touches were electric and I let out a soft moan as he cupped and kneaded my flesh. We moved together, lost in the moment as our passions built up and filled the room.

He moved between my legs and entered me with one long, rough thrust. The sensation was exquisite and I felt myself rising to a dizzying height, surrendering completely to his sensual assault. “Take me,” I muttered in a breathy voice, “Fuck me hard!” Our moans and cries joined in harmony as he thrust into me faster and faster, pounding my cervix with each powerful stroke. I gasped in pleasure, wrapping my legs around him as I felt my body quake, pushing past its limits and inviting him deeper.

I begged for him to cum inside me, screaming his name and declaring how much I wanted it. “Cum inside of me! Please!” I shouted, my voice hoarse from my pleas. He responded with more passionate thrusts, driving his hard cock deeper and deeper into me until I could feel him pulsing inside me. I held onto him tightly as he pounded me, punctuating each thrust with a loud slap against my skin.

Finally, I exploded into orgasm, screaming out his name in pleasure as he filled me with his cum. Warmth flooded my body, and I felt a powerful sense of satisfaction wash over me. “Yes, harder!” I shouted, my voice echoing off the walls. As we lay panting in the aftermath, we didn’t have to say a single word to come to an understanding. Soaked in sweat and blissful pleasure, I knew I would never forget this night.


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