Untitled vol. 1 by Avah Rayne: Intro to BDSM Erotica Based on True Events

Somewhere across the ocean, in a distant land, she felt an odd closeness to the man who had stumbled into her life. Neither knew why they had been drawn so close together, but it seemed neither could deny the attraction.

He had been an ideal client, respectful, quiet and paying—yet, as time passed, she had come to rely on their moments together.

The conversation may have been focused on sex and kinks, but he ended up learning more about her than any of her other clients. For her, his presence and the conversations that followed had become a form of therapy, of utter relaxation. But the conversations were becoming more than just conversations anymore.

The two of them were cautiously venturing into the world of kink together, exploring the depths of their individual desires, but it was all in the safety of their dynamic. She had grown to feel more than just a sexual connection to the him—they now had an emotional connection as well.

That’s why it felt so strange the day he suddenly ghosted her after the two of them had gotten in a fight. Whatever their dynamic had been, it felt as though her own heart had been shattered and snapped in two.

It would take her awhile to fully heal, but as she looked back, she told herself that this man would always remain as a powerful, passionate memory—two individuals exploring kink and sexuality, never crossing into intimacy, connected through the other-worldly bond of erotica.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10ur5mg/untitled_vol_1_by_avah_rayne_intro_to_bdsm