EST: The Case of the Moana Lisa Chapter 13 The Orgasm Part 1 of 2 (MF FF Anal Rough/Forceful)

“I thought the boss was all alone in” once again the sounds of a rough sex session interrupted the area surrounding the office. “There?” Whispered one thug to the next.

“I have no idea butt I am not sticking around for her to sexually abuse, Joe. Cum on let’s…” What sounded like the door opening made Marie freeze in her tracks. “Damn” this time not speaking to Joe or anyone in particular. “Let me guess? W is standing at the top beckoning for me” this was once again directed at Joe. “Right Joe. Joe? Joe Joe are you still” swallowing hard with no response. Slowly, if molasses could move slower than it would beat the speed in which Marie chose to move. Finally, snapping her head around with breakneck speed. Looking for Joe Joe!

“Oh my fuck! That is so funny” dodging the swat aimed at her head by Marie. “You should have seen your face” as another scene of laughter rolled out of my mouth. “Cum on let’s do our rounds” slapping Marie on the ass. “And let me do you too” with a wink and a grope to my female companions rump we wandered away.

Meanwhile in the office…

“Where in the fuck is everybody, Umm” flipping through each stations camera. “I told them not to let anybody in and now they are gone” saying this only made my blood pressure shoot through the roof. Eyeing the radio, my personal connection to my straight bodyguard team that I hand picked.
“Paige, Paige cum in” flipping to her spot in the line up of… “Wait?” My first question ever since starting this operation. Using the key pad in front of me to focus in on one area. Blowing it up, by that I mean physically enlarging the image butt what I saw made me wish it was with explosives!
“Laney, just what in the” looking hard at the image. At the off angle of her neck, the way her dead eyes seemed to… “Paige, Paige cum in. Cum in!” Flicking to Paige’s channel on the list. Seeing nothing, nothing at all! “Paige, Paige! Are you” throwing my walkie talkie across the room for a clearer signal. Watching it tumble through the air. Finally cuming to rest as the impact shattered that worthless piece of crap into a million pieces.
“At least I have the standard guards patrolling the area” tapping on my chin. “W, I think it is about time to check on the guards.” Flinging my chair back away from my legs. Not even paying attention when it crashed into the wall.
Standing up and reaching for the moon. I stretched out trying to reach the ceiling of this office. Touching the roof just barely, smiling inward to myself. “Good, now it is time to get moving” covering the distance to the door in record time. Giving a look back to the object of this crazy obsession of guards being in position at all hours of the day and night. “You would have figured that I held the Mona Lisa and not this abstract painting in my office.” Shrugging off the usual jitters. Opening the only way in or out of this secure facility. My eyes still locked on that painting.
The feeling of hot breath? The feel of someone breathing on my back? Do they realize who I am?! Do they realize what my wrath can bring! The sudden rush back into my office! The sudden stop of the filing cabinet as my body crashed into it! The shock as I, W, as I, Wendy am slammed into my own office by, by…

“Mmm, your taste has not changed a bit” I said to W. Grabbing ahold of her hair. “Oh a new hair style” purring up her back. Brushing my clearly superior breasts along that path as my mouth was just inches away from W’s ear.
“When is the Madame going cum over and reprimand me” bringing our past right to the forefront.

“Well if it isn’t the new student, Moana Lisa” this is coming from the young mouth of a minor. A seventeen year old by the name of Windy. Giving this new fuck a once over then deciding if she is even worth my breath as I continue to pour over the latest computer program. Smiling to myself in a smug way. “Done. Now let the teachers try to” blinking back towards that speck of crap that litters the head Mistresses waiting room. “Miss Monroe is waiting for you” I gasp. Trying to mentally wash the taste of talking to that trouble maker from my mouth. “What? Do you want someone to hold your hand? Go through the door, now!” Pointing for this dunce to follow my instructions. “And shut the door once you are in there” finally speaking my piece and slumping down on the desk chair.
After what seemed like a short lecture one that like any other I missed. I followed this Moana Lisa into the hallway. Slamming my hand right in front of her face. Making the locker vibrate with a metallic ring. “Look at you” I said with disgust on my lips. “A crude reject” flicking her messy hair with a flix of my finger. “This is, is just” acting like my stomach had entered my mouth. “See, this is how female students are supposed to wear their hair” presenting my perfect folded hair without a single hair out of place. “Do you even know what a bobby pin is” grabbing a hold of Moana’s hair. Pressing her slim body into the locker row.
Now that I, the perfect student, am forced to look at this reject. Look at her, I use that lightly, from behind. I am actually seeing her butt cheeks peaking out from under her skirt! “White clad against a black skirt” I said in discussed, pressing harder against her head. Moving it inch by inch up the locker door.
The chuckle started to roll off my tongue. “And those panties! They look like grannies panties” feeling the satisfaction of degrading one of my classmates. Putting myself on top as I smugly comment on her dress.
Snapping her bra, clearly seeing how ugly a four prong bra looks under that nearly invisible blouse that clung to her like a sack of potatoes. “What is this” asking before letting go and watching her squirm from the impact. “Not only do you have your grandmother’s panties but her bra too!” The rumble that followed was truly hilarious! One more painful snap! As I pulled on that strap! Pulling and pulling till I could barely hold on!


The sound of elastic echoed throughout this ring of students that have gathered to see, to hear everything about this tramp of a student. This just bolstered my pride, made me feel the pride of Middleton. “How did you even enroll in this institute?”
The pain from that snap made Moana Lisa jerk around. The look of pain, the look of fear, the look of a disheveled student living in fear of me, priceless! “So now, what am I supposed to say that you look better at this angle” laughing again. So hard in fact that my hand shot out grabbing Moana Lisa by the chest and slamming her against the locker once more. “You are squishy” grabbing this little sluts tit through her shirt and padded bra. “There is no way that a student of your age should even have tits so big” sporting my graduate from a training bra into a B cup. “So how many boxes of tissues did you use?” My hand slipping down to her collar. Dragging loose that raging mop of hair from any attempt at pinning it up. Dragging this dirty blonde hair down, watching as my hand gripped Moana Lisa’s collar. Then as a final embracement, ripping the front of her shirt open so everyone could see…
Talk about feeling punny… As I looked at her, Moana Lisa’s tits. As they jiggled in place locked behind a double barred jail cell of a four pronged bra. I, I… The laughter that filled this hallway suddenly was not directed at Moana Lisa but me! Me, Wendy who for the first time in my life felt undervalued.
This will not do, no, not at all! Pulling on that breast cover. Watching as my rage was making the stitching rip apart. One stitch at a time. I could actually hear the fabric scream as the weight that it carried become more and more. Seeing the final hint at holding on, watching my fingers pull till nothing was there. Till I now held her tit in my hand! I could feel it, all of it! With no padding, no tissues to joke about! Nothing but… my undersized B cup mosquito bites that I stuff with tissue.
This was no way to lose. No way to take second seat to a tramp like this, this.. Moana Lisa. Letting her tit flop out. Letting the assembly of fellow students watch as this absurdly large breast see what Moana Lisa has hidden away behind her bra! “Look at that absurdly large beast of a breast! Even the nipple wants to leave!” Laughing at Moana Lisa’s hard nipple. Laughing at her chest size! Laughing at this troll of a student with no hope of ever becoming little more than a janitor in some forgotten institute.


That sound? That snapping of the elastic material! The pain that I felt! Me, Wendy as my bra was snapped! Trying to buckle up from the pain. Feeling it redden my back as my black lace bra with the open cup, now a C cup, snapped against my skin!

W, Ah I laugh at this second rate hack job that should have checked on who else might be around. “It has been such a long time Windy” purring into her ear as my dirty blonde hair was forced upon that pixie cut. “You know I never thought you looked good as a blonde butt now that we are back talking to each other” raking my hand from her short hair down to her collar. One pull and I could hear the fabric rip. I could hear as button after button flew off the front of her shirt.
The sound of a machine gun riveted the filing cabinet until W’s blouse fluttered to the floor. “So is that what you are wearing for a bra? A belt” and with that I felt her pants hitting the floor. The sight of a bully chastising me on how to wear lingerie. The sight of this bully claiming to be all of that and a bag of chips. Who would one day be president! Now stripped down to nothing butt the bra that she wore.
Running my hand along the upper stitch of that black lace bra. Tantalizing the flesh below just from the heat of my skin. Hooking my finger once I could feel the softness of her skin. The plumpness of the swelling of W’s shoulders as my hand drifted down the bra strap. Hearing Wendy moan, giving that small brief glimpse into her cold dead heart. My middle finger continued to fall down. “I hope my finger is not bothering you” saying this at the same time as I grabbed a handful of her bra. Spinning Wendy around, pulling on her bra, the support that held her two sagging tits.
One look, one glance as my elevated tits hovered over hers. “Someone has not been doing their exercise. Tisk, Tisk.” Scolding her just felt right as I discarded that belt that confined her tiny tits. “What cannot move a muscle” as Wendy stared back at the same school girl who she had tormented for so long. The exact same hair, same breast size, P by the way if you are wondering, the exact same girl that was always the target of Wendy’s anger was now standing in front of her.
Running my hand over each one of her sagging tits. Riding my hand as it dove down. Passing her breast bone, feeling the way my touch, Moana Lisa’s touch bothered W’s breathing. Feeling her suck in the little stomach that she had. “Mmm, lost weight? No wonder your tits are droopy” butt this was between us. Wendy and myself with no one else around to hear about it. “Perhaps…” As my hand followed the same path down. “Perhaps, you were thinking that I was the janitor to this place?”
Being on top was never my goal. Butt seeing my old class bully, being able to pin her to the very thing that she loved back in school, the filing cabinet with a computer not five feet away. “What a waste” my unattractive trash talk was directed at Wendy. “I think you should be the janitor of a place, a place that has a great many bars so you will feel right at home” our lips were so close. Just a cunts hair separated them and yet I continued to talk back to this clearly inferior thief. “You should have done your homework and found out, Ohh.. Ooooh” pulling on a mess of pubic hair that clearly needs to be cut. “Have a furry” asking this with a smile on my face. My fingers collecting all the hair that they could hold together. “Have you ever asked what he likes more? A furry or a smooth silk pussy?” The shock on her face when I pulled on it. Jerked on her short and curls! “Mmm Mmmm, someone likes it rough then” purring as I find her wet and lusting for more.
“Where is it? Mmm” holding Wendy’s pubic hair away from her body. Putting the strain on that area and wondering how this princess could go from being so high over herself down to this lowly position of thievery. However our closeness was rudely interrupted by the struggles that W insisted on continuing on with.

How I have waited for this moment forever. The chance to put this slut back in her place! Knowing that her attention was elsewhere, Mmm Mmmm, down there. Leaving the perfect opportunity for my head to connect with hers. Not rearing back due to the simple fact that my head was pressed against the cold steel. Launching my head forward, the memory of listening to this tramp all the way through school. Saying if we ever meet again I would put my… head to hers just to shut her up!


Struggling to remain conscience. The sting of the impact! The way it rattled my brain… Butt, it worked! It worked so well that I now was free to, to stumble towards her. “I will” stopping myself. Not out of sorrow or regret butt to bring the image of three of Moana Lisa together into one.
Closing my eyes to will away the pain. Keeping my eyes closed till the ringing in my head stopped! Which took a few heartbeats, a few too many! Blinking back my vision just to have a bony fist invading my eyesight! “I have lived through a head-butt so this fist won’t be so bad.” Telling myself this while feeling the impact. Yes, this regal job does have its low spots, like Moana Lisa. Who, might I add, hits like a girl…

Looking down at Wendy. “So this is how you want to play” as my field of vision narrowed. Resting on her knelt form. “Oh, in case you were wondering how cum no one is cuming to save your little prissy ass! It is because all of your henchmen have been subdued by me!” Figuring from the beating this pussy match started as would only elevate as my voice did.

“I guess we know where Moana is” I said to David. “Now how to get up there?” This is usually my department for figuring out such things butt with me being distracted by this hottie who traveled with me. Watching his cock as best I could… Trying to hide my eyes when he looked at me.
“You know David you do not look so hot” lying my ass off because I could feel my cunt getting so wet. “Maybe, maybe” touching the back of his neck. Feeling my inner heat rising to meet with his. Looking into his eyes where my touch became more of a clutch… with both hands. Pulling him towards me or to be more accurate towards my tits. Trust me if you want a guy to do you, losing an argument, or are just plain horny just show him your tits. Even in this land where your tits are as open as the skin on your arms. It always works!

“Butt Moana Lisa needs our” my focus was not on Mila butt of where we heard Moana Lisa’s voice. By the time my eyes returned back to Mila, my attention refocused and, and… “Damn girl” leaked from my mouth. Moana Lisa was a big girl and despite my interpretations of always being there for her. “She can handle herself for a few more minutes” this is not like me. Since when do I, as a cop, leave a comrade in danger?
Even as I tried to move my own cock, that’s right my dick, stopped me from moving! “What…” Seeing the way this lady presented herself. White skin against an almost black background. My cock ached for the touch of her pink. A feeling that I could not ignore.

“Is this working ” floated through my mind. I can see how he wants to be up there fucking two instead of one down here. Butt… “Ooo” trembled from my lips as his hand lifted my right breast. Lifted it up right to his mouth and my first O of this moment! Pressing his head into my boob. Feeling as my skin enveloped his face…
Then, then as everything was held at the tip of my tit! I could only pray that I was dreaming when his tongue started to circle over my areola. Not in a narrow streak butt in broad strokes. Sucking in my breast butt taking extra precautions not to lick or touch my nipple. This, this… “Ooooh yesss Ooh Ooooh” my stomach fluttered. I need for him to touch my…
What happened next, what he had planned… As his tongue just grazed the outside of my nipple! With such precision that it made my cunt cream! Right here, right now! In this spot. My fucking cunt just fucking came!
Fuck this. You do not have to lick me twice before I get the hint. Spreading my legs, grabbing a hold of his manhood! Butt this was not going the way I had planned. He was using my own moves against me and… and!
To feel my pussy cum so fucking hard without being pumped or my clit being played with. My number one aspect of my sexuality. My clit, my pleasure button. My… “Oh Yesss!” Blurted from my mouth, guiding his cock right to my hole.
Now the begging, the wonton lust of wanting to be fucked so hard that I cannot move in five minutes. My skin stretched as his head plowed into my cunt. That point of no return had vanished from memory as his cock penetrated my pleasure zone!

Steeling a look at the suspended office. My eyes were getting confused with every crossing catwalks that stretched in every which direction butt up to that office. Even as I plied my trade to, tOoo… Noticing how far my eyes have wondered. The feel of her soft insides as they wrapped around my cock. As I could finally taste the pink that Mila held between her legs. “Mila, I..” was as far as I got! The slingshot of her tight cunt that now my cock filled! I can actually feel her pussy dripping its cum down on my balls!
Closing my mouth around her tempting breast. Pulling my teeth down along her areola. Retracting my tongue, increasing my suction the closer I got to the pinnacle of the boob. Stretching it out as my teeth latched on to the nipple. Inhaling every little bit of skin that was left in my mouth as my head pulled on her tit!
The feel of an epileptic seizure that had enveloped Mila. From feeding my face with her tit. To pulling back so far that I thought her cunt was broken with so much cum running from its inside. Moving my hands over her back. Running my fingers down her spine just gave Mila the perfect opportunity to cum one more time before I began to slide my dick, little by little against her super sensitive pussy.
When I was finished with her back. When my hands had run their gambit. Each one had settled on one cheek appease. Cupping Mila’s tender ass cheeks as my cock drove home my point.

Standing up to my full height. Spitting a red colored stream at W feet. My own subconscious struggles with holding this form. “Your head slipped” I smiled exposing the split in my lip. “Perhaps it is time for the adult forms of us get to know one another.” That was not an observation butt a fact as my fist flew. Hearing bones or possibly teeth crack. My second punch landed squarely against Wendy’s jaw. This stunned, not only her butt me as well for even my inner child was stunned in silence.
That’s when I saw what I was after. My prize, it waited for me. Calling my name like some long lost toy that I must have back! “Where is it Wendy” I growled. Ready to put up my lefts and rights once again in order to beat it out of her.

“Where is what” I said with a satisfied grimace. “Oh, you mean my painting, my Orgasm. Tisk Tisk dearie, for you shall never hold it in your filthy thieving hands!” I cracked a grin despite the pain it caused. That is as close as you will ever be” saying this expecting that Moana Lisa would stay the distance from me was a big mistake on my part.
Closing my eyes, feeling the pain as one slap across my chest led to another. As my areolas puffed up by this sudden attention they were feeling! “You can beat me” butt my breath was shaky at best. “You can spank my tits” nudging them forward as best I could. “Yes!” What was that? Did.. did I just say yes? “Yesss!” Feeling my hair fall over my face in a tangled mess. “Yesssssssss! Oh fuck Mmm” my life has been ruined by, by her! By Moana Lisa slapping my chest!
Bounding up! Righting myself before Moana Lisa could spank my naked breasts again. Hissing over the confusion that colored my vision. “Look at what you have done” screaming as I pulled at my nipples. “You have turned me into a slut just like you!” I could not help myself fast enough as my hand strayed for moister grounds. “You! Turned me on so now you must fix me! You! You must eat my fucking cunt! Or I will turn on David and that little slut of a friend you have as we watch him flood her snatch with cum!”
This.. was not helping me any. The more I thought of David filling up Mila the wetter I got. Butt by the same token being beaten by my old punching bag has made me just as wet. “You.. you…” My fingers rotating my clit faster than I could think. “Will never know how…” falling to my knees! Right there in the middle of my office. Smelling cum, my cum, Moana Lisa’s cum, hell maybe from before I got this office, that does not matter. What matters is my hips where gyrating on their own. Bucking with only my finger prodding around my sacred button. I.. I…
Lunging for it! Not at Moana Lisa butt for a part of her body that she has taken care of ever since she was in boarding school. The lunge, striking fast enough, even too fast for Miss Triple E to dodge. Sinking my tongue, not my teeth or not yet at least, into her tasty flesh. Finding what I was looking for faster than my own fingers finding it on me.
Lick… To taste the sweat mixed with cum. To be so turned on by this revolting combo. To sink my tongue into the private area that would rather be off limits to someone of my high standards was totally taboo! My fucking cunt squirted over it! Right there without any help from an outside source well besides my fingers butt still… “Oh Ooh fuckkk” taking a pause from eating Moana Lisa out, as I breathed into her muff. “Ooh yesss.. Ooooh!”
Knowing how little time I had to stick my tongue back into Moana Lisa, to taste what I have been missing for so long! My breath glided over my tongue. Impaling that fucking pussy with everything I had left in my tank. Feeling her hand moving, taking my body, pressing my head into, against her clit! Oh my goodness, to taste that wonderful sweet cum that just seemed to drain from Moana Lisa. I lapped it up! Feeling it spread as it cascaded down my cheeks. Dripping on my breasts! On my fucking breast! Catching my left tit in my hand. Feeling the way my areola was so swollen, so sensitive that just by touching it I gowned from the orgasm that it was sending!
Getting that feeling of inadequacy. That feeling you get when you know that you have much more to provide than what you’re putting out. My tongue lifted into Moana Lisa’s snatch! My tongue, my hole because I licked it! Licked it, licked it, burrowing my tongue so deep into her pussy that if Moana Lisa came it would be devastating!

“Ooooh, what in the fuck are yOoou dOooing” this, this little thing that W had going on. Her tongue invading my cunt. Lapping at everything… “Oh my fuck!” Grabbing the back of her hair. Supporting it with my shoulder width legs that have held me up through all of Wendy’s tongue lashings. Feeling the cum as my hips started to shake. Forcing that little slut to suck more on my cunt then I cared to admit. Holding everything back! My rotation, my bucking, my cum! “Oh goddess my… Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh yesssssssss!” I screamed while wedging her head right to my most sensitive areas!
Pulling that hungry mouth of Wendy back. Letting what remained of my cum to drip out on my inner thighs. “If you think you, W will best me by this little oral spar? You still have a ways to go before you can ever say that” leaving the end of that sentence to fall off as her tongue plows so deep into my juicy cunt that all I could think about is creaming on Wendy’s face!
A duel amongst thieves, a challenge brought on with one prize for the victor. Spreading my pussy lips. “Is this what you want” the voice I heard could not have been mine. Butt with the next breath going from showing off my pink to sealing it off from W. “If I win then you will tell me where The Orgasm is.” Pulling on this bitches hair to keep that surprisingly good tongue away from my cunt was harder than I thought.
