Love Pill: Generations CH.04 [2/2]



I cleared my throat and pressed my phone closer against my ear. “Hey, Lucia.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“No. No, it’s nothing.” I cleared my throat again, then nodded when a couple of guys waved at me in the distance. “It’s just…”

My step-mother (Aunt?) waited for me to continue.

“It’s Ellie. She’s not answering my calls, and she didn’t come to school today. I was just wondering if she’s okay.”

Laughter on the line. I loved it when Lucia laughed like that. It was a sweet, feminine sound. I wished my mother laughed more. I’d bet it would sound even better.

“She’s fine,” my stepmother told me. “Just a little sick. Fever, she told me.” A pause. “Dylan, I didn’t know you cared about her so much.”

Why was everyone saying that? Had I been that bad of a brother this whole time?

I grunted. “Just trying to be a better brother.”

“Good. I love to hear that. Wait—” Lucia must still be in her cafe because I heard several people murmuring in the background, but she returned quickly. “You know, Dylan. She really loves you. She talks about you often.”

“She does?”

“Yeah. Especially these last couple of days. All she talks about is you.”

*All she talks about is you.*

The words thumped inside my head.

*All she talks about is you.*

Memories of us last night flashed into my mind. Ellie’s parted lips, her glazed blue eyes, the sudden intake of air when I touched her.

The evidence that the love pill had worked was stacking up.

Was my little sister actually in love with me?

Had I ruined her?

No, she wasn’t at the point of no return. Yet.

All I needed to do was leave her alone. Ellie was right. In a lot of ways, I was as bad as our eldest sister. The last thing I wanted was to corrupt Ellie.

Could I do that? Leave her alone? I owe her that much.

I closed my eyes.

“Dylan? Are you there?”

“Y-Yeah.” I touched my cheeks, feeling them warming up. No way. Was I… blushing? “She’s… she’s not, uh, she’s not with you, right?”

I was actually stuttering. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Oh, no, she went back home. Probably asleep by now.”

*I wish I was with her. Cuddled up against her soft, warm body.*

“Okay.” I nodded. “Thank you, Lucia.”

“See you back at home.”

“See you.”



A dinner date with my sister.

I didn’t know how to prepare. When it came to Heidi, anything and everything could happen.

Should I just default to the typical formula?

Drive the girl to the restaurant, make her laugh, introduce physical contact, agree with everything she says, make her talk and talk. And eventually when the bill came, and it was to head back to my place—

I never got to the last part. It always ended up with me dropping her home, leaving them confused and disappointed.

Knowing how much of an elitist my older sister was, she would expect me to follow the script. But that was a bore. Damn it. Why had I even agreed to take her out?

Oh, right. She had seduced me into agreeing.

Sighing, I finished buttoning up my dark dress shirt and glanced at my watch. Heidi had made reservations at seven and it was already half-past six. And driving there would take a full fifteen minutes—depending on traffic.

I didn’t understand women. Why were they always late for everything? Why couldn’t they do their make up an hour before?

I had half hoped to bump into my little sister when I returned home from school. But she had locked herself inside her room for pretty much the entire day.

Stepping outside my room, I headed towards Heidi’s. Soon, she was going to step out wearing something slutty, and I had to mentally prepare myself for the absolute treat my eyes were going to receive.

I fished out my phone from my pocket and tapped Heidi’s number from my contacts. If I knock on her door, I doubt she would answer, so calling her was the best solution.

To my surprise, she answered on the third ring.

“What?” she said.

“Are you almost done?”

“Come in. Door’s not locked.”


“Come in.” *Click.*

I swallowed, feeling the sudden whirl of butterflies in my stomach. Gripping her door handle, I swung it open a crack, waited a second, then opened it fully.

I didn’t spot Heidi at first, but then she stepped out of her bathroom, dressed surprisingly tame. Well, tame for my older sister’s standard.

I drank her in. A criss-cross black halter top hugged her upper body. It was a simple top, but it looked *otherworldly* on her, especially when her breasts were pushed up like that. And combined with a matching black miniskirt and tall high heels, the only description for my sister was *fuckable*

“You look good,” Heidi said, her dazzling smile making me breath heavy. She raised a finger and gestured me closer. “Come here.”

“We’re going to be late.”

“Dylan, baby.” She beckoned me close again. “Come. Here.”

For a split second, I almost walked out. But I couldn’t. As much as I hated to admit it, my sister held all the power tonight. Sex was a huge thing for me. I couldn’t sleep with women I wasn’t attracted to, and unfortunately with how insanely picky I was, the choices I had were a depressing *four.*

And one of them was offering herself if I just went along with her games for a single night.

*One night, Dylan. Just one fucking night.*

Sighing loudly, I dug my hands into my pockets and took heavy steps forward.

The moment I entered her space, Heidi grabbed my arm, tip-toed up, and pulled me in, greeting me with strawberry lips.

“Mmm.” I groaned, inhaling her intoxicating scent, clutching her hair in my fist and angling her so our tongues could meet in a frantic dance. I just fucking love the way she kissed me, as if she was as desperate for me too.

But just as I deepened the kiss—my other hand wrapping around her hips and pulling her closer—my sister tapped my chest and pulled away, ending our brief moment of passion.

“See?” she said, wiping her bottom lip with her thumb. “Listen to me and I’ll make you happy. It’s simple.” Her eyes flitted down. “You’re already hard. At least make this a bit difficult for me, lil bro.”

Heidi didn’t expect me to pull her back in. She yelped and tried to pry away, but my hands were already on her ass, squeezing her hard through her mini-skirt. Her ass was pure fantasy material, and I groaned as I squeezed and kneaded her toned cheeks.

I growled. “Call me lil bro again and I’ll bend you over the bed and spank you until you are black and blue.”

“In your dreams.” She grabbed my wrist, and I allowed her to pry away from me. Heidi jabbed a manicured fingernail towards my chest. “Behave or you won’t get anything tonight.”

First, she challenged me to make it hard for her, and now she was demanding me to behave?

*What the fuck does she want?*

“Use your car,” Heidi told me, nodding her head towards her door. “I like yours. It smells nice.”

The drive to the fancy Japanese spot was silent. Heidi was on her phone the entire time, looking completely comfortable, while I was a jitter of nerves.

Kaizo was located inside one of the best hotels in the heart of the city. I rolled to a stop at the hotel’s front entrance, exited the car, and tossed my keys to the approaching valet. I almost rolled my eyes when I looked back and realized my sister hadn’t moved a muscle, waiting for me to open the door for her.


I circled around my car and opened the door. I could feel everyone’s eyes on us as Heidi stepped out and wrapped herself around my arm.

I didn’t understand my sister’s newfound obsession with being so physically close to me. She was never the touchy type, but it seemed like over the week, she couldn’t stop feeling me up, and it was driving me insane. Heidi was so warm, and her skin felt buttery smooth.

“Let’s go,” Heidi whispered the words into my ear. “Before someone recognizes us.”

Right. I haven’t thought about that. With her massive Instagram following and being widely known as Ava’s daughter, Heidi was basically a mini celebrity.

I led my sister into the impressive lobby—with its diamond chandeliers and porcelain flooring—and smiled as a hostess greeted us. Heidi mentioned our reservation and we were quickly led into the Japanese bar, past the chattering diners—and straight towards a private elevator.

Shit. Of course Heidi had booked us a private room. Does she know how much this was going to cost? Because I was the one paying.

I didn’t even know that Kaizo was a Michelin star place until I saw the Michelin sticker on the elevator wall, proudly displaying three stars, making me even more nervous.

As the golden elevators peeled closed, Heidi pressed herself closer to me, scorching lips on my neck.

“I’m starving,” my sister breathed.

“Me too.”

My sister giggled. A sweet, girly sound that had my cock throbbing painfully.

“Relax,” she told me, nibbling on my earlobe, doing the total opposite of making me relax. “You sound so nervous and you’re so rigid.” She patted my shoulder. “Loosen up. It’s just a date. You have been on lots of dates, haven’t you?”

I exhaled. “You know this isn’t ‘just a date’.”

Her voice was drunk with humor. “Why?”

“You know why.”

Another giggle. “I can’t believe little bro is a virgin. How can you be as innocent as Ellie?” She squeezed my arm and grazed her lips up my jawline, making me hiss out a breath. “Tell me, have you ever had a blowjob?”

Before I could reply, the elevator doors opened, and another hostess greeted us with a deep bow.

Heidi returned to my arm, following me as we were escorted into one of those Japanese rooms that had translucent private dividers. We were served green tea, freshly brewed in front of us.

As soon as the hostess left, Heidi raised a brow. “So?”

I eyed the sliding door, expecting someone to come in at any moment. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about this here.”

“This is our date.” Heidi shot me a pointed look and I had to stiffen a moan. It was unfair how hot she was. My sister was the younger version of our mother—but instead of pink, Heidi had gold. “Anything goes.”

When I didn’t say anything, her frown deepened. “So?”

I sighed. “Yes. Yes, I have.”

Heidi looked away. “You probably received shit heads. I give the best ones. Just wait and see.”

I leaned back in my chair. Well, it wasn’t really a chair—it didn’t have legs. We were seated cross-legged on the ground. “What are we doing, Heidi? How did we end up like this?”

Heidi was still playing dumb. Glancing back at me with those hypnotic blue eyes, she shrugged. “Like what?”

“I’m on a date with my sister.”

That was all I needed to say. Because saying that aloud just proved how ridiculous our situation was.

I expected Heidi to continue playing dumb or lean in and say something dirty, but when she looked away and fell silent, I knew she was deep in thought—a rare sight for my older sister.

The hostess returned and served our entrée. I couldn’t recognize any of the dishes. They were all small, raw fish decorated in an extravagantly fancy way.

Thanking the hostess and picking up my chopsticks, I grabbed one of the raw fish and placed it in my mouth. Immediately, flavor exploded in my taste buds and I closed my eyes, groaning out my pleasure.

“Fuck,” I said, pointing at the identical dish in front of my sister. “You should try that. It’s so good.”

Heidi was much better at me with the chopsticks. She picked up the fish in one fluid motion and ate it.

“Good?” I asked after she chewed for a few seconds.

“Dylan,” Heidi sighed, placing down her chopsticks. “Can you keep a secret?”

I sat straight up, eyeing my gorgeous sister. She was suddenly serious, so I knew whatever she wanted to tell me, it was big.

“What is it?” I asked her.

“Promise me.” She locked eyes with mine. “Promise me you won’t tell anyone.”

Her blue eyes burned into mine. I could get lost inside those beautiful blues void forever, but she was waiting for an answer. I nodded.

“I promise.”

“I don’t know how to put this simply, Dylan.” My sister shifted in her seat, then looked down. “Fuck it.” A pause. She locked eyes with me again. “Mommy and daddy are brother and sisters.”

Even though I already knew that, the fact that Heidi knew it too caught me off guard. I couldn’t do anything but stare at her in stunned silence.

“They are siblings,” my sister clarified. “Like us. They fell in love when they were in college and married in secret right before Mommy graduated.”

The silence was broken when the hostess came in again, bowing at us before lowering to her knees and serving us the second course. I think it was more raw fish. I couldn’t be sure. Except for my sister, everything else was a blur.

Heidi blew out a wisp of breath. “Say something.”

“I…” I shook my head. “Who… who told you?”

“Mommy did.” Heidi said, folding her lips in between her teeth. “Last year, during Daddy’s first anniversary.”

“Does… does Ellie know?”

“You believe me? Just like that?” Heidi stared hard at me, a cute frown etching her full lips. Lips I wanted to devour. “You’re not even going to question what I just told you?”

“I… uh…” My mind whirled for excuses, and I settled on the first one that made some sense. “I mean, Mom and Lucia look kind of similar, and you and Ellie…”

Heidi tilted her head, studying my eyes, clearly knowing something was up. But I was saved when the hostess asked if she could enter to refill our green tea.

My sister ate her sushi as our tea was being refilled, and when the hostess left, I pushed my question.

“Does Ellie know?”

“No. Mommy only told me and I doubt Lucia told Ellie.” Heidi leaned back, resting on her palms. “So, how do you feel? Knowing that we’re not just… you know…”

I broke eye contact, shrugging. “I don’t know.”

“You don’t look that surprised. I kind of expected you to be more emotional about it.”

“I guess I’m still processing what you just said.”

Heidi didn’t stop staring at me.

“So what is this, Heidi?” I changed the subject, gesturing to the space in between us. “This date, our kisses. What—you know what I’m trying to say.”

Heidi was silent for a while, just looking at me.

“I have a theory,” my sister whispered, picking at her food. “On why you can’t keep a relationship for long. On why *I can’t* keep a relationship for long.” She shrugged her lean shoulders. “Do you believe in soulmates?”

I chuckled. “Are you saying…”

“Think about it. Mommy and Daddy were so happy together. Mommy told me she had trouble with relationships before Daddy too, but when she finally realized how much she loved him…” Heidi shrugged again. “Men bore me. I don’t find you boring, little bro.”

I frowned at the mention of little bro, but I didn’t react too much because it would divert away from the topic. This was important.

Heidi glanced back at me, smiling softly.

I swallowed. “So…”

She nodded. “We are meant for each other, Dylan. You know me well and I know you. And the attraction is already there. I mean, we should at least try. Who knows? We might end up like Mommy and Daddy. Happy.”

I knew the date was going to be unexpected, but this…

I scratched my head. “I…”

“Besides,” my sister cut in. “You desperately need help. As your sister, I can’t really do much. But as your partner, I can mold you into somebody who wouldn’t be a failure. And at your rate, you’re heading to loser-ville fast.”


Heidi started counting my flaws off her fingers. “You quit the team. You don’t talk to people. You don’t even try to socialize. You don’t act like a gentleman for somebody of your stature. Your grades aren’t even that good. Your relationship with your family is worse.” Heidi shook her head, her golden hair whipping from side-to-side. “The only things you have, Dylan, is your looks and your talents for sports. That’s it.”

*The same can be said for you.* But I held my tongue.

“With my help, your life will improve sooooo much. People are already gossiping about you and that means Ellie and I are under fire too. I can’t let you bring shame to our family’s name.” Heidi jabbed her chopsticks at me. “You need me, little bro. More than you think.”

When I didn’t reply—just looked at her—she sighed.

“I can teach you everything. From the ground up. How to pretend to like somebody, how to make connections, how to…” My sister pursed her lips. “How to make love to a woman. All you need to do is listen to me and you’ll be a very happy man. Like Daddy. I promise.”

“Besides,” my sister continued. “Mommy wants this, she—“

“Mom wants us to be together?”

“I haven’t finished.” Heidi glared at me. “As I was saying, Mommy didn’t explicitly say that, obviously, but she hinted several times to spend more time with you, to take you out. To fix you. And she knew it was impossible for me to do that as your sister, so…”

*Fix me?*

Fix me?

What the fuck?

“Heidi.” I set my chopsticks down. “I want to go home.”

My sister folded her lips in between her teeth. “Of course. I know it’s a lot to process but—”

“Do you think I’m broken?” I cut in. I didn’t mean to sound so angry, but my sharp tone made my sister flinch. “Is that why Mom hates me?”

“Mommy doesn’t hate you. She just…” Heidi picked up her yunomi cup and sipped the steaming tea. “She just… expects more from you.”

“Like what?” I challenged my sister. I knew I was being immature, but all the years of pent up frustration of being ignored by our mother was slipping through. “You get all of Mom’s love, and what exactly did you do to deserve it?”

Heidi blew the steam rising from her cup. “I know you want to please Mommy too. And the best way to make her proud is to listen to me. Be with me. Learn from me.”

I forced a smile. “Of course.”

She returned a frown. “What?”

I shook my head, looking away. Fuck, I was so pissed. Having sex with my sister didn’t seem as appealing as it was a few minutes ago.

Fuck Heidi. Fuck Mom.

“I’m just trying to help, Dylan,” my sister told me. “If you can’t see that, then you are a lost cause.”

I stood up. “Let’s go.”

Heidi sniffed, rising to her feet. “Suit yourself.”

The hostess was confused when I told her we had to cut our meal short. But I still paid the full price, not even bothering to glance at the bill as I handed her my card. I couldn’t think. Couldn’t feel anything.

*Fix me.*

I couldn’t believe my mother told my own sister to ‘fix me.’

We stepped into the private elevator, and I allowed Heidi to wrap herself around my arm. I wanted to scream at her, shove her away, but I just couldn’t find the energy to do so.

The ride home felt like hours. When we finally rolled into our garage and exited the car, Heidi looked at me.

“Are you coming into mine?”


She shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Whatever.”

I watched her enter the house, hearing the ‘click’ ‘click’ of her heels fading away as she walked upstairs.

Fuck. Fuck!

I wanted to storm into my mother’s room and comfort her about everything. Fuck. I would force the pill down her throat and make her love me by force.

*Fix me.* She wanted me to be fixed.

*I don’t need to be fucking fixed.*

Storming up the stairs, I was about to head into my room when I glanced at the hallway and spotted light leaking out from under Ellie’s door.

She was still awake.


Compulsion drew me to her door.


I pressed my ear against the door and almost groaned when I heard faint moans, and if I wasn’t mistaken, she was—

“Dylan…” The muffled moans of my little sister had me grabbing my erection through my pants. Holy fuck. “Dylan… Dylan…”

Was I imagining my name? I pressed myself closer against her door, but it didn’t make any difference.

Her moans were so soft, so fucking erotic.

Right then, I needed comfort. Heidi was right about one thing. I didn’t have friends—not really—so I couldn’t find it in anybody.

Anybody except Ellie.

My sister was pretty much the closest person I had in my life.

I grabbed the door handle and turned, fully expecting it to be locked. I sucked in a breath when it turned fully.

Should I…

No, I shouldn’t.

I knew I shouldn’t.

The right thing was to leave her alone.


I flung the door open and stepped into my little sister’s room.

**Author’s note:**

Read [Chapter 5 here](

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