[Fictional][F27/M27+][Gloryhole][FPOV][Blowjob][Part 2] – A Return to the Gloryhole!

(This story is completely fictional. I wrote it just for fun so the events and characters in this story are not real.)

[Part 1 – First Experience at a Gloryhole!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10njvnb/fictionalf27m40gloryholefpovblowjob_first/)

Throughout the course of the week after that fateful Saturday where I knelt and blew a complete stranger through a hole in a wall, my mind had been replaying the event over and over again. How nervous I was entering, how fast my heart rate was, how his cock and cum tasted. All of these things fuelled and satisfied my masturbatory needs every night as I delved deep into blowjob and gloryhole porn envisioning my own experience and the deep voice that had provided me with his load. I had only serviced him that day. Shortly after he had left his stall and me with his number, I finished myself off lying on the floor of the stall surrounded by all the slutty words of encouragement and cleaned myself up in the bathroom before walking home. Leaving the store and going home had its own challenge due to my legs feeling like jelly, but I did not want to remain in the gloryhole stall too long in case another man came in and expected the same. I had done it and that was enough for me at the time. So quickly leaving was my only option, I cannot lie though, walking through the general public with an aftertaste of cum and a weakness between your thighs was lewdly gratifying.

As I mentioned, every night after this day was filled with those thoughts and an eagerness to return. Sunday had pretty much been an edging, goonfest of porn in an attempt to relieve myself of my horniness, while Monday was the ever difficult slog of returning to the real world and needing to put my mind into that instead of the depravity I had enjoyed over the weekend was proving increasingly strenuous. Monday was useful for one thing though, I made the decision to return to the gloryhole at the weekend. I would try to stay longer this time and possibly service multiple cocks if they arrived. I had already been and knew what to expect and where to go, so that anxiousness had diminished, it was as simple as turning up again and finding my spot. This excitement would help me through the long week of work leading to the weekend.

Every week day felt slow and gruelling, every night felt too fast as I plunged into my bookmarked porn links. I had to pass the same sex store a few times throughout the week and the urge to take a half day or sneak in for an hour was overwhelming and I nearly succumbed at one point, but before actually committing, real life crashed onto me and I delayed it for the self-agreed upon weekend.

Saturday arrived. I awoke in a similar way I had a week prior and prepared myself for the day ahead as I did back then. A normal morning routine to ensure I was ready for the day; breakfast, shower, a few chores and getting ready to go out. My outfit was comparable to the one I wore last time, but instead of a T-shirt, I chose a navy blue tank top and decided to not wear a bra or underwear. They only got in the way and once I was in the booth, they would come off my person so it was better to not take them at all. I fashioned a zip up jacket to cover any obviousness when travelling to and from the store. The only thing that delayed my exit from my home was the small scrap of paper with the deep voiced man’s phone number on it. Should I text him? It was possible no one else would turn up to the gloryhole and if I give him a heads up, I would at least have 1 fulfilled stranger. He mentioned it was an old work phone and not his actual phone and this gave me an idea. I quickly scurried around my house to find something adjacent. One of my older phones I never used anymore. It carried an obsolete number as well meaning after a quick charge of its battery. I texted him.

“This is the mouth in the wall, I’ll be in between 1pm – 3pm”

I intentionally left it quick and vague, though he should understand the nuance of it. However, with that thought in my mind wrapped up, I took my leave from my house and headed to the store. The streets were as busy as they usually would be at noon on a Saturday and I successfully weaved between the public who were going about their own days. I definitely felt a slight vulnerability since I had gone commando under my clothes. I rarely did this and hurried myself through the crowds while feeling the lack of undergarments always had been second guessing or double checking simply due to the additional touch of skin my clothes caused. Although this small glimpse into exhibitionism was new and odd to me, I cannot say I completely hated it. It was like my own little secret, similar to how my visits to the gloryhole were becoming.

Without much hassle I promptly arrived at the store, dimly lit and dull as ever on the outside, but clean and organised on the inside. The last time I was here a week ago I lingered and stared down the store till I eventually committed to entering it. This time I barely thought twice opening the door and stepping onto the welcome mat and being welcomed by the lingerie sets and novelties that the store offered at the front end of the store. The same punk lady was working again and was behind the counter as she was last Saturday. Reading a different magazine this time, but she still offered a head nod for a welcome towards me and I offered one back. I don’t really remember saying goodbye to her a week ago and I can easily assume she knew why I had returned. It would be easy to wear a smirk or let out a small giggle knowing I had come back to enjoy the feasts of the gloryholes. However, she was stoic and professional and simply treated me as she had in my last entry.

I idly eyed up the lingerie sets as I slowly paced my way to the black curtain with the comfortable knowledge of what led behind it. Slinking away like a snake, I drifted behind it and found myself in the same even more dimly lit area with 4 doors, 2 on my left and 2 on my right and the bathrooms directly ahead of me. The walls still etched with writings and drawings of lewdness and I felt my heart begin to pump. I was back and I could not fight the growing grin on my face. I eyed up the 2nd door on the left, where I was before, and made my way to it. Something caught my eye though, the first door which I had to pass was locked and read “Occupied” on the lock. Someone was already in! Had the mysterious deep voiced man already read my text and ran down here ready for my arrival? Nevertheless, I nibbled my lip as I entered my booth and locked it.

I gave myself a few seconds to recognise my surroundings. The stools were still in place as well as the gross, used mats for knee padding which I certainly would not be using. The button in the bottom right hand corner for emergencies was still there and seemed operational which was a nice thought. The walls were still adorned with all the writings that had encouraged and powered me through my first experience, noticing a few in particular already sending a volt through my loins. I placed down my bag in the far corner and eyed up the hole I would soon be kneeling in front of. The person in the other booth had yet to say anything or even make any sort of noise. Surely they heard my entrance and would like to know who they were sharing a wall with, this thought however reminded me of how I remained silent my first time by just standing like a deer in headlights until the man on the other side spoke.

I let the silence sit for a few more seconds to see if they broke it at any point. They did not so I decided it was best for me to do the honours.

“Lad or lass?” I asked calmly, expecting to hear a familiar deep voice.

“Ohh umm.. Lad! Yes lad.” The voice responded as if I spooked him.

It was a different voice for sure, definitely younger than the man I texted. Probably around my age of late twenties. I felt a twinge of disappointment but there was no immediate dismay.

“Cool I am a lass. Are you ready? Just give me a few moments.” I replied.

He shakingly agreed and I swiftly took off my clothing and stuffed them in the corner with my bag to ensure they did not get messy. When I turned around, a hard, swollen penis was poking its way onto my side of the hole. Upon closer inspection, it was evident he had been jerking off. The skin was slightly red and his tip was shiny with pre-cum lathered around it. It was about 6 inches long and fairly thick. I planted a soft kiss on the frenulum causing a small twitch.

“Remember to knock on the wall when you’re cumming.” I told him. It didn’t seem like he was up for conversation and was just there to get the job done. That was fine by me, but I needed to make sure he knew the important rule of knocking as a warning.

He quickly agreed and I began my oral work. The taste and scent of his manliness overwhelmed my senses instantly and it was an incredibly steep slope that I fell down into my own depravity. Up until this point, I was confident and excited. Not so much relying on my horniness to get to this stage, but now I could let my wild side out. The same wild side I had been trying to control and satisfy every night that week and I gave the man no quarter or mercy with my mouth. I was able to pretty much take most of him in my mouth from the start and my head bobbed gracefully up and down his shaft, ensuring without failure that my tongue was putting equal work in. My wet tongue flicked and licked across his glans as he entered and I moaned to both let out my own enjoyment, but also to add the gentle vibrations onto him. Slurping and glucking filled my side of the booth as I practised my art.

His own whines of pleasure filled his side of the booth, which I could hear on my side. He loudly whispered exclaims of “Fuck” and “Oh my god.” My goal was to drain the man and I was succeeding. His cock was already teased from his own hands and now my mouth was tasting the fruits of it, he dribbled an incredible amount of precum. The salty taste only fed my egotistical belief that I gave amazing head and furthermore, this only strengthened the fact that I enjoyed being on my knees servicing random men. There was simply no denying it anymore that I loved doing this and was so thankful to myself for trying it out. He was oozing so much fluid that I was actually able to suckle on his tip. Placing my lips around the edges and gently sucking and receiving a fresh glob of warmth on my tongue.

The man loudly murmured and retracted his cock, clearly trying to hold onto his orgasm as long as he could. His penis left my mouth and I noticed it fleeting back into the hole, I lunged my head towards it with an erotic “No please” escaping my lips. I followed it until I felt my nose bop against the wall. I gathered my breath with a few short puffs and I was about to tell the man to return it back to me before my mouth expanded again and I felt the beginning of my throat widen. My nose still against the wall and my lips adjacent to the hole, the man started to slowly thrust back and forth. The glucking from earlier now louder as my mouth was permanently open and his own moans returned. With each steady thrust, he was testing how far he could go down my slippery gullet and to his indulgence, he could go all the way. He sped up and I was now focusing on my own breathing rather than my oral technique. He was taking my mouth and throat for his own as he glided back and forth with very little difficulty. Spit dripped down my chin onto my chest and knees, my fingers were strumming furiously at my own genitals as my swollen clitoris made itself known and easily played with, each touch an edge away from my own orgasm.

The man had worked up such a speed that you could now hear his body colliding with the wall. Fierce bumps with each thrust as he pounded away over and over again. My eyes slightly watered due to the different amounts of oxygen I was able to get into my lungs but just before I felt I might have to take a break to re-gather my breath, I heard frantic knocking above me.

“Ohh fuck I’m cumming! I’m fucking cumming!” The voice pleaded.

His thrusting mostly stopped and I was able to easily slide him down my throat, nesting his tip past my throat barrier. His cock pulsed multiple times, each time warming the inside of my throat as I felt his strange, thick goo flow down into my stomach. I couldn’t taste much besides his skin, though in the moment knowing he was breeding my throat was enough to flick on the switch of my orgasmic daze, my eyes dulling and my mind completely lost in sexual hormones and impulses. His moans whimpered with each passing second till I felt him softening in my mouth. I let him fully withdraw this time watching the slimy, swollen penis leave me and disappear beyond the hole.

“You’re… Amazing… Incredible.” He mumbled with sounds of him adjusting his clothes.

“Thank you sweetie.” I giggled. I kissed the palm of my hand to create a kissy sound directed towards him.

After the sounds of his adjusting and whatnot, he thanked me and I said farewell followed by the sound of his door unlocking and him leaving. Another happy stranger I thought to myself as I was left alone in the dual booth set up. I crawled over to my bag and took out a few tissues to briefly clean myself up a little, mainly just my mouth and hands before checking both my everyday phone and the older phone I texted with earlier. My everyday phone had a few usual notifications on it but the one I was more interested in was the other, unlocking it to see 1 new text message. My heart skipped and I quickly opened it.

“Dick from the wall here. Might be able to join you, sorry if I can’t. Glad you are still going.”

I let out a deflated sigh of defeat knowing it was likely that he might not show up. It was still a victory that I had already sucked 1 stranger so soon into my arrival. I had just hoped to meet him again, he seemed like a nice guy with the way he spoke to me with his cheery attitude and I would be lying if I said I didn’t like his penis. Nevertheless, I had only just started my afternoon at the gloryhole and simply had to wait to hear the bolt of the door next to mine and see what pops through the hole next.

(Hope you enjoyed my story! Any feedback or criticism is welcome in the comments)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10tfu8j/fictionalf27m27gloryholefpovblowjobpart_2_a