[Mind Control] [Wetting] The first time it happened I was absolutely terrified.

The first time it happened I was absolutely terrified. My friend Sasha was driving us to Sephora, and we were having a grand time blasting music and singing at the top of our lungs. It was the summer before our senior year and we didn’t have a care in the world. That is, until Miley came on the radio and I snapped.

No, I didn’t lose my temper. I was jamming with my hands over my head ’cause she was playing my song, and snapped my fingers to the music. It wasn’t the first snap that did it, but we hit a bump and my arm brushed against her. The effect was instant.

Suddenly I was the one behind the wheel. I slammed on the breaks, accompanied by the blaring of a horn behind me but luckily no crunch of bumpers meeting for the first time. I swiftly resumed driving and commented to Sasha, “Woah, that was weird! I didn’t even realize..” I looked over to the passenger seat and saw myself. I slammed on the breaks a second time.

I was in a meditative state, which was odd because I was freaking the hell out. After a scream and some more honking I hesitantly finished the drive to the theater, then ran through everything to undo my misfortune. I tried slapping myself, which caused an odd sensation of stinging on my cheek, but not my cheek, even though it was my cheek. It felt like I slapped myself. Confusing was an understatement.

It took a few minutes before I thought to try snapping, which didn’t immediately work but eventually I thought to grab my real arm, and then it did. And just like that, everything was back to normal.

“Huh,” Sasha said. “Ever get that feeling where you know you were driving, but don’t actually remember doing it?” I forced a nervous chuckle, I wasn’t sure how believable it was.

“Yeah, weird right? Well we’re here, let’s go see what’s playing.” We ended up seeing some crass Kevin Hart comedy, which had a promising premise but I couldn’t get into it. I kept thinking about what happened. About how scared I was. How horrific, to be in someone else’s body. How terrible it could be if I got stuck. How I might be able to do it again.

It was one thing to be tossed into someone’s body. To do it intentionally would be wrong. Right? Like visiting a house uninvited. But if I could, shouldn’t I explore it? When man visited the moon they weren’t invited. It would be wrong not to experiment.

I reached over to Sasha’s lap for popcorn, making sure to brush her hand as I did so. And I snapped.

Whoosh. Suddenly I was in control of another person! Not just in control, I was Sasha. I took in the feeling. It was like being myself, I was comfortable in her skin. Yet I was different. I felt the power behind Sasha’s incredible leg muscles from playing volleyball. Felt my hands with their long fingernails. Felt how large my breasts were.

I had been wondering if Sasha was padding her bra.. now was the time to find out. I discretely slid my hand up my shirt, inside my bra. The soft flesh was magnificent, and all me. That answers that. Her nipples were large too.

My hand shot out from under my shirt. Her shirt, whatever. This was wrong. Sasha was my friend, and friends don’t feel each other up. But.. science. I had an obligation, right? With this power, I had to know everything about it. What if I hurt someone accidentally? It had almost happened in the car. I had power, and I had the right to use it.

Yeah, that. I relaxed. What else did Sasha have that needed to be explored? I looked down at my shorts. They were trainers, with an elastic band.. I slid my hand down the front. What if someone saw? So what if someone saw? This wasn’t me. So what if Sasha was made fun of for feeling herself up in public? I cared a little. But I had a need to explore. Some collateral damage was inevitable. Desirable, even. How else could I know all of the effects?

I felt the cotton front of her thong. Felt the back of it. Felt how easily I could pull it to the side and brush my fingertips through a fuzzy little mound of hair. How easily I could drive those fingers between her –

“Ouch!” I yelped, but Sasha’s voice came out. Startled, I pulled my hand out of ‘my’ pants. Sasha’s long nails had caused serious discomfort. Jeez, how did this girl get herself off?

I looked around to see if I had caught any onlookers. Fortunately not. Or unfortunately? All of the thrill of risk but none of the repercussions. I looked to my left. Two seats over there was a group of guys. I looked to my right, where my body sat peacefully watching the movie.

I moved over the empty seats. The motion caught the rightmost guy’s attention.

“Sorry,” I whispered. My voice was a little more forceful than mine. I tried to correct for it. “Can you help me?”

He eyed me.

“There’s an itch I can’t scratch.” I motioned with my head to look down, then parted my legs. Some guys you have to encourage, entice and still they are shy about it. Others take the gift and shove their hand right down your pants and up your slit. Fuuuuck me that felt good. It was different; Sasha’s tunnel was longer than mine and more open. Ohh, but she could squeeze. His digits filled me up, with the middle finger hitting a spot that I didn’t know existed.

I moved my hand and grabbed his crotch. “If your friend is cool, we could swap seats.. I’m sure you both could use some relief.” He couldn’t move fast enough. Before he resumed his cave expedition, I pulled off Sasha’s shorts. It felt weird and dirty feeling my bare thonged ass against the fabric. But it wasn’t my ass was it?

I put one hand on each boy’s crotch and like magic they were unbuttoned. I squeezed and then started stroking. Sasha’s grip was stronger than mine, and I used it to great effect. The boys didn’t finger me as much as grope, taking turns violating my upper and lower halves. I looked down at myself and enjoyed the show, my big tits out and pussy gaping open. They weren’t hitting the spots to get me off but I’d have plenty of time to do myself later.

I looked over at myself, and saw my hands miming subdued versions of the same stroking motions I was making. With some mental effort I was able to get myself to stop; it was like rubbing your belly and patting your head. So I did have some control over myself. Some connection. That was good.

Focusing back on the task at hand, Right-boy’s hand was working it’s way between my ass cheeks. I arched myself off the seat to provide access, again marveling at Sasha’s fitness. I could hold this forever! His finger probed up my backdoor while Left-boy penetrated me in the front.

Right-boy came first, shooting cum on the theater floor, his jeans and my hand. I then moved all my focus to Left-boy, moving my freed hand under his boxers to grab his balls. “Your turn,” I whispered, and took the head of his shaft in my mouth. Mm, Sasha’s mouth was bigger than mine. I jacked him off into my mouth, which sucked the daylights off the head. I got my reward, and let it dribble out and back down his shaft.

I took a big swig of their drink, then wiped my hands off on Right-boys hands. Then I pulled my shorts back up and resumed my seat next to myself. After my breath subsided, I adjusted my attire as best I could. Overall there was no evidence as far as I could tell, save the waterworks between my legs, soaked panties and even shorts. That would need some explaining.

I had a plan. I relaxed all my muscles, which took some doing, and relieved myself. I let my entire void empty, soaking everything of Sasha’s below the waist. I looked over at myself, and realized I had accidentally peed in my own pants too. Oops.

Well so much for looking forward to a dry butt. Regardless, it was time to switch back. The film would be ending soon.


I felt the overwhelming surge of feelings as I pushed back into my own body. After being in Sasha’s I felt frail. I pretended to be focused on the film, then turned to Sasha. She was looking down at the mess in her shorts. I whispered to her. “I think we fell asleep.”

Sasha whispered back, in the forceful hush that now felt intimately familiar. “I think I peed my pants.”

I made a show of looking at her pants, then my own. “Me too actually. Let’s get out of here.” She agreed, and we stood up and made our way to the exit. We had to scoot by Right-boy and Left-boy. Right-boy gave Sasha a thwacking slap on her wet ass. Left-boy was about to be handsy too, but caught the death stare she gave Right-boy and held back. I had to usher her along, glaring at him too in solidarity despite knowing and being the true cause of his actions.

We went straight to her car, where we used dirty clothes from her gym bag to protect the seats. “Girl, my hands are tired!” I wonder why. “And it was leg day too. What an odd day.”

“Yeah, sure is a strange day.” She dropped me off and I showered immediately. I wanted to pleasure myself, but it seemed beneath me. Why should I navigate my car through the mud when I could drive a rental with reckless abandon? The plotting began, and I had just the target in mind.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/10qcvkw/mind_control_wetting_the_first_time_it_happened_i


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